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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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[Samurai Flamenco] - 1


This was a pretty entertaining first episode. As others, even those who enjoyed the episode, have noted the production values aren't particular strong and I can see why that might put some people off. However, what I really enjoyed was the characters and their humorous interactions with each other. Which is good, because that made up the vast majority of the episode.

I didn't really have any specific expectations for this show because I hadn't really paid any attention to the preview material so I can imagine people who thought this might be a 'real' superhero show might feel disappointed or misled. All I knew is that it was a noitaminA show and that used to mean a certain kind of series, a series that was different to the kind of material you'd find elsewhere in anime and that often. Therefore I was perfectly open to the idea that this might be a series where people just talk to each other and the quality of their interactions will dictate whether or not you like the series. I happened to find the leads to be charming and funny so of course I enjoyed the episode.

I don't really know where the show is going, as such, but that's fine by me too. I'm perfectly happy to sit back and let the series take me where it wants to go.
One more people get it, viva oldtaminA.


Finish Utena beforehand. Replace it with Adolescence Apocalypse.


[Monogatari S2] - 15

Snake girl getting the best arc in a -monogatari series? What the heck is this world coming to!

Anyway, this was certainly the most interesting and well executed arc in some time. Good job SHAFT!

No, seriously, this isn't a joke or anything. This was actually pretty great.
It's nice to see people come around to this finally. Been waiting for these reactions for a while now.


The Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene

Or, Magical Girl Yoyo, and very occasionally her sister Nene, if you were to really be more accurate. Seriously, younger-sister-despite-looking-15-20-year-older Nene doesn't actually appear all that often in the movie. I suppose the movies title comes from the fact that the pair of them run a business in the magical kingdom in which they reside, exterminating curses for profit, but if you go into the movie expecting a lot of Nene, you'll be disappointed with what you get.

Anyway, the movie follows Yoyo as she accidentally gets stuck in modern-day Japan after investigating a tree full of peculiar (read:modern Japanese) buildings that suddenly sprung up in front of her house. Of course, she immediately stumbles across a group of kids who's parents have seemingly been cursed by mysterious runes contained within a mobile 'phone game they were playing, and she set's out to investigate.

The movies fine. It's pretty charming, though how much you go along with it probably depends mostly on how you end up feeling about Yoyo. She's not a particularly engaging character from an emotional or narrative point of view, but she is a very infectiously charismatic lead. She's confident to the point that the movie even has her performing a song and dance number about how great she is, though it never really comes across as overconfidence, as she actually displays the magical chops to back-up her claims.

The rest of the cast is pretty rote, really - you've got the prototypical boy character you have in this kind of movie, who learns all sorts of things about guts and determination by the end of it. You do have a comic-relief frog guy, but because he chills with Nene, you don't get to see him all that often.

It does beg the question that, if the movie had actually stuck to the magical world for it's duration, would it have been more interesting? Probably - the characters over there are a lot more entertaining, anyway, but what we got anyway wasn't all that bad.

It's probably a display of them underestimating the movies intended audience, but it does have a habit of getting bogged down in places - it's not so much that the movie is overlong (though maybe it is a little :)), more that there's a couple of moments where it really labours it's points to the point of being excessively heavy-handed. It's tough not to think that a little more subtlety would have went a long way. It also doesn't really help that some of the points it labours on are really, really lightweight takes of things we've seen handled far more adeptly in GatchaCrowds and Summer Wars (and presumably that Digimon movie), else it's probably going to be compared unfavourably to LWA.

The animation is OK. It's definitely movie, rather than TV, level, but there's little that is super stand-out spectacular about it. There is a short, but well done, 2D car segment towards the movies back-end, for those who like that kind of thing, but nothing stood out as being particular stunning or deficient in terms of animation. The character designs are in a similar ball-park to Welcome to the Space Show, where it's a little hard to determine if they were trying to aim a general or an otaku audience, and probably doesn't appeal too heavily to either. Yoyo does magically and inexplicably age by about 10 years when she switches worlds, so whenever she over-extends on magic, she ends up reverting back to her now mid-riff exposing, short-panted original clothing as she can no-longer sustain a costume change. The rest of the visual design is neat - the various magical seals used to perform magic are cute.

But, yeah, Charming is probably the best way to describe it. Not the greatest thing ever, and it's narrative isn't particularly it's strong suit, but it's got just enough strength of character to remain entertaining throughout.


There was a time when noitaminA was fine
When the dialogue was tight
And their words inviting
There was a time when the slot was sublime
And the shows were a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And anime worth watching
I dreamed that it would never die
I dreamed that Hito would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no sakuga unappreciated

But the AnimeGaffers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream noitaminA would be
So different from this hell that's airing
So different now from what it seemed
Now AnimeGAF has killed the dream I dreamed.



Yeah, because something like that is so much more straightforward about it, people who wouldn't want to watch that (like me) would never watch it in the first place. I thought that Oreimo was that straightforward from the beginning as well, but a lot of people didn't for a long time, which is why it became so controversial. But Kiss x Sis? In some ways it's worse, but it's also so much simpler and more obvious in its point that only people who want to watch that kind of thing would ever start it in the first place. That doesn't apply to SAO, and only partially to Oreimo.

Also, Kiss x Sis the stupidest you can think of, anime incest-wise? Try Angel Sanctuary. It's one of the worst animated things I've ever seen, and it's several levels above Kiss x Sis on the incest-meter. Or there's also that twincest anime (I forget the name offhand), of course. Etc etc etc.
Assuming you mean OniAi,
there's no incest in that show. Akito was adopted, and both he and Arashi (the red haired girl, actually Akito's cousin) know this and try to keep it a secret.
It's a lewd, but overall harmless comedy. Quite funny and well directed, too. I think a lot more people would have watched the show if they knew up front.


The Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene
But, yeah, Charming is probably the best way to describe it. Not the greatest thing ever, and it's narrative isn't particularly it's strong suit, but it's got just enough strength of character to remain entertaining throughout.

You say this, but the rest of the post reads like you didn't like it much, if at all. The animation being just okay for a film is pretty disappointing, although I guess I shouldn't have expected something great either.

Man, between this and Patema I feel bummed now. Thankfully Kaguyahime is coming soon to save animu films :(


Log Horizon 2

Another episode to just set things up. As expected, no permadeath, and that's fine with me because I didn't want another SAO. Less drama, more relaxed. Maybe we'll finally meet some new characters next ep.

Whilst true, reactions given the lack of stakes is a bit weird to me.

Hmm, well, in regards to the player's reactions, looking around at some info novel readers have posted, players still feel some pain.
Also, apparently, in the novels players bleed and leave corpses behind until they end up respawning. So even if you can't die, its not the best of experiences for either side.


You say this, but the rest of the post reads like you didn't like it much, if at all. The animation being just okay for a film is pretty disappointing, although I guess I shouldn't have expected something great either.

Man, between this and Patema I feel bummed now. Thankfully Kaguyahime is coming soon to save animu films :(

For what it's worth, I probably enjoyed it more than Fuse or Patema, though Patema is actually likely a better constructed movie. I really liked Yoyo though, she's so much fun. Musical numbers do an awful lot to win me over.

I should probably mention that I'd heard elsewhere that the version of Yoyo which is playing at SLA is non-final, so there's a chance that there's a bunch of stuff in there that was incomplete, though I'm kind of struggling to figure out exactly what might be changed before the final release.

(It's also way easier to complain about things than it is to praise them...)

In the case of Patema, others were a bit more positive about it, so it might just be me.


I haven't gotten the chance to get some cute other clothes but here's what I posted on twitter earlier today. I hope they sell short shorts and pantyhose.
I should have checked twitter before asking. Still very cute. And yeah they better sell shorts!

Already planning on it.
Seriously though it's not even worth it since the OVA adapts the same exact content as the first OVAs.

And at last a justification for watching Panty and Stocking has presented itself to me.
You say that like PSG is a bad experience!

Strike Witches OVA and third season announcement...

The world is complete now.


Strike Witches OVA and third season announcement...

The world is complete now.




There was a time when noitaminA was fine
When the dialogue was tight
And their words inviting
There was a time when the slot was sublime
And the shows were a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And anime worth watching
I dreamed that it would never die
I dreamed that Hito would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no sakuga unappreciated

But the AnimeGaffers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream noitaminA would be
So different from this hell that's airing
So different now from what it seemed
Now AnimeGAF has killed the dream I dreamed.


This is genius Ducky.
Les foreveralones

Strike Witches OVA and third season announcement...

The world is complete now.

Oh man. Zach is so gonna freak out!
Ace of Diamond 2

All of the crying and melodramatic indecisiveness was bad. I hope this was a one episode thing and the story doesn't keep this tone.


Noiseman Sound Insect
It was a thrilling ride, that's for sure. Not a moment to breath, but it's not like you need that in these types of shorts, especially if they pull it off well with tons of ideas and a really solid flow of action. The monster erased music in an oppressive affront, but his design and overall clumsiness made for a light-hearted and irreverent feel that made the short much more palatable as an animation-carried tour de force.

Nanchatte Vampiyan (Pilot)
This one was reminiscent of those good western cartoons you don't really see anymore. Really cohesive aesthetic focused around a simple concept, carried by quirky characters and visual gags. Great sound design and music, great use of colours, great climax with typical Yuasa-ish plays on perspective. All-around charming, enjoyable short; it does its job well as a pilot too, but I'm not really interested in seeing the TV show.

Slime Adventures
This one was harder to get into because it had enough dialogue that the lack of a translation was a significant hindrance. The video quality was terrible too, but I'll take what I can get. That damn blob though. The climax was impressive, as is everything Shinya Ohira animates. Otherwise I don't think I would care for it even if I understood the dialogue.

I guess that about covers it. Yuasa is at his best when he does short stuff. Predictably, Cat Soup was the one that impressed me the most as being the most original, uncompromising and fresh out of all of these shorts. It's really a haunting piece, probably the best thing Yuasa has done.

The sound design and usage of music shined through all; for Cat Soup and Vampiyan especially, it can't be understated how much it enhanced the experience.


( ≖‿≖)
That girl wrestling show is on TV right now. What is this lewd garbage. Just make porn stop masking it this poorly.


( ≖‿≖)
You're like, asking for the whole industry to shutdown!

So be it ( ≖‿≖)

Finding it much easier to watch anime now that it's just being broadcast, though I'm at the mercy of Tokyo MX gods. Now...Love Live! is on, so it's not all bad.
There was a time when noitaminA was fine
When the dialogue was tight
And their words inviting
There was a time when the slot was sublime
And the shows were a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And anime worth watching
I dreamed that it would never die
I dreamed that Hito would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no sakuga unappreciated

But the AnimeGaffers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream noitaminA would be
So different from this hell that's airing
So different now from what it seemed
Now AnimeGAF has killed the dream I dreamed.


So basically this is the story all about how anime's life got flip-turned upside down?

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.


Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!/I Wanna be the Strongest in the World Episode 2:

So yea, this week it is your typical training from hell episode. I guess my question is what would have happened to the Berserk Gym during that 100 Slam Challenge that instead of prevailing in typical sports cliche fashion, she ended up breaking her back? Anyway, looks like they are giving our Sakura a losing streak gimmick that may be great for their little athleticism mantra, but is very bad for business. Are we sure that WWE Creative isn't writing this show?
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Episode 2

Alright episode, the action was pretty nice
Sinbads form in his magic vessal for attacking was probably his best moment yet, if only we could get more
. Plot stuff made me dislike Sinbad more and more and I still dont like where its headed with going separate ways as they discussed last episode sadly.
unless Alibaba is truly going to stick around and board the ship with Aladdin. Alibaba looked so crushed when Aladdin suggested breaking up and going separate ways, he needed and still needs a hug now that he has no one else

Music seemed to get worst this season, song during action felt tacky and distracting.
There was a time when noitaminA was fine
When the dialogue was tight
And their words inviting
There was a time when the slot was sublime
And the shows were a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And anime worth watching
I dreamed that it would never die
I dreamed that Hito would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no sakuga unappreciated

But the AnimeGaffers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream noitaminA would be
So different from this hell that's airing
So different now from what it seemed
Now AnimeGAF has killed the dream I dreamed.


Post of the forever.


Ojamajo Doremi ♯ 01

And we back. I'm glad they put all the emotional drama/setup stuff on the first episode tbh.
But yeah. Doremi continues to be the unluckiest bishoujo and all is well in the world.
Also I really love their new transformation sequences/Magical Stage.
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