Victory Gundam 39
I quit. I fucking quit. This show is shit. It's boring, it's dumb, and it is shit. Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00 and HEY GUESS WHAT STRAW BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK? Shakti singing. There's no fucking direction to this show. It meanders like a fucking glacier if glaciers were drunk and obsessed with wheels. And then they make me listen to Shakti screech a song out? OH FUCK NO.
I can't do this any more. Gundam was good, once. The first three shows were REALLY solid. Then the two movies were meh, and at long last Tomino shat out Fucktory.
What utter filth.
Victory Gundam 39
Victory Gundam 39
I quit. I fucking quit. This show is shit. It's boring, it's dumb, and it is shit. Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00 and HEY GUESS WHAT STRAW BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK? Shakti singing. There's no fucking direction to this show. It meanders like a fucking glacier if glaciers were drunk and obsessed with wheels. And then they make me listen to Shakti screech a song out? OH FUCK NO.
I can't do this any more. Gundam was good, once. The first three shows were REALLY solid. Then the two movies were meh, and at long last Tomino shat out Fucktory.
This show is AGE bad. This is 00 S2 bad. This is an awful Gundam show and I desperately urge all within the sound of this post to avoid Victory like the plague that it is. Oh, no doubt Flit was a Nazi, Shinn was a shit head, and Setsuna a walking yawn, but Uso is a goddamn shrieking dope. Why is everything in this show so fucking SHRILL? Shakti, Karlman, Uso, Katejina, Chumpicle Asser, all of them.
I'm FORTY FUCKING EPISODES INTO THIS SHOW AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Unless you count a bunch of shit heads dying as "something" which you shouldn't, since people dying has no consequence or meaning. They just die. Oh boy. They don't even die in significant ways, just "Shakti fucked up and now ten people have to die." Why or how did Shakti fuck up? Not even God could solve that for you.
This is a horrible Gundam show. It's droll, offensively stupid, and even the inane Zanscare mechanical designs are not enough to keep me going. The villains have NO clear motive, the heroes are aimlessly wandering doing NOTHING, there is no tension to the fights, just Uso crying at Katejina as she says things increasingly disconnected from reality. I'm going to be honest, "they're newtypes!" has always been a bad excuse for the wacky things people say during fights in Gundam, but it is stretched positively translucent here.
What a fucking waste. Of time, of money, of paint, of space, of memory, and of lives. No one involved in this project or who has watched this show has used their time in any beneficial way. Victory Gundam is the equivalent of staring into the sun while listening to leaves dry. It's painful and the longer it sits there, the more it begins to stink.
I wish I had not ever known of the existence of this show, but now that I have, let it bear the distinction of the only Gundam show I feel no desire to finish. Not even as a hate watch. Not even for a bargain. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I sat through THIRTY FUCKING NINE of these episodes and I cannot do this anymore.
There is no excuse, no reason, no defense for a product as hideous, repulsive, repugnant and positively awful as Victory Gundam. What a rancid, rancorous, wretched note to end the Universal Century on, and my viewing of Gundam in general. Thank GOD there is still Gundam Build Fighters to buoy my interest in the franchise, because Victory is a shit so positively odious and odorous that its stench burns my eyes even as my lids close.
Thank you, Tomino, for proving that Garzey's Wing is not ever going to be the stupidest thing you made.
What utter filth.
Some of the worst bits of storytelling I've seen in anime. Really felt like a chore to watch.It was good for the first 7 episodes until this happened:
Victory Gundam is the Golden Sun Dark Dawn of Gundam? Sounds bad.
It's like School Days only there's no point.
But that implies that some people will actually like it.
And we can't have that!
Fate/Zero 1
No one said there would be feels this early damn it. Kariya is going to be the tragic character throughout this, isn't he?
In other news: expositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexposition
Despite the enormous amounts of exposition, I liked this episode. Looked nice and the characters and concepts it set up were interesting. I like that so far at least pretty much everyone's equally interesting, there's no obvious hero or villain. Couldn't help but laugh when Tokiomi and the other dude were walking in circles around Kirei. All I could think is that they must be getting dizzy. Also Kiritsugi and Kirei's passionate monologues about each other.
Victory Gundam 39
*Corvo loses his mind*
Yay for people watching Fate/Zero! It is an excellent show and the action/fight scenes are intense.
So what is new this season? I'm watching Kill la Kill and I just heard about Samurai Flamenco so I'll look into that. What is the Gundam Build Fighters about? It sounds like G Gundam with giant gunpla.
What is the Gundam Build Fighters about? It sounds like G Gundam with giant gunpla.
So what is new this season? I'm watching Kill la Kill and I just heard about Samurai Flamenco so I'll look into that. What is the Gundam Build Fighters about? It sounds like G Gundam with giant gunpla.
Outbreak Company 1
This is how otaku are seen. Surrounded by fantasy waifus.
Victory Gundam 39
Corvo * rage metter at maximum level
That means they'll probably only get like 3 volumes of material covered because of shounen pacing. lol
Fate/Zero 1
No one said there would be feels this early damn it. Kariya is going to be the tragic character throughout this, isn't he?
In other news: expositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexpositionexposition
Despite the enormous amounts of exposition, I liked this episode. Looked nice and the characters and concepts it set up were interesting. I like that so far at least pretty much everyone's equally interesting, there's no obvious hero or villain. Couldn't help but laugh when Tokiomi and the other dude were walking in circles around Kirei. All I could think is that they must be getting dizzy. Also Kiritsugi and Kirei's passionate monologues about each other.
I suggest picking up Gundam Build Fighters, it is the title that is saving Gundam.
lol Victory claims another victim.
Tomino has gone on record stating this his least favorite Gundam series I do believe. In fact I believe at one point he was telling people not to watch it. I don't remember where I read it though.
Now that I think about it that might have been NewType Magizine back when they were publishing in the US. I think there was either some drama between him and Sunrise, or a bout of depression or something.
Victory Gundam is the Golden Sun Dark Dawn of Gundam? Sounds bad.
Sad Victory is making people drop Gundam. Should have read about it and just skipped.
I think the two series that came after it, Gundam X and especially Turn A Gundam, are really solid shows.
Turn A is probably my favorite Gundam TV series
Also watched Samurai Flamenco, I liked it alot, I'll keep watching.
Beautiful. Positively beautiful.
Worse than AGE ? really ? i need to see this ..
At least Dark Dawn had the good sense to end. Victory is the longest series in the franchise.
It didn't even end properly! It didn't do much of anything right.
Victory Gundam 39
I quit. I fucking quit. This show is shit. It's boring, it's dumb, and it is shit. Holy fuck, I hated Princess Ismail's shitty, shitty, shitty song in 00 and HEY GUESS WHAT STRAW BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK? Shakti singing. There's no fucking direction to this show. It meanders like a fucking glacier if glaciers were drunk and obsessed with wheels. And then they make me listen to Shakti screech a song out? OH FUCK NO.
I can't do this any more. Gundam was good, once. The first three shows were REALLY solid. Then the two movies were meh, and at long last Tomino shat out Fucktory.
This show is AGE bad. This is 00 S2 bad. This is an awful Gundam show and I desperately urge all within the sound of this post to avoid Victory like the plague that it is. Oh, no doubt Flit was a Nazi, Shinn was a shit head, and Setsuna a walking yawn, but Uso is a goddamn shrieking dope. Why is everything in this show so fucking SHRILL? Shakti, Karlman, Uso, Katejina, Chumpicle Asser, all of them.
I'm FORTY FUCKING EPISODES INTO THIS SHOW AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Unless you count a bunch of shit heads dying as "something" which you shouldn't, since people dying has no consequence or meaning. They just die. Oh boy. They don't even die in significant ways, just "Shakti fucked up and now ten people have to die." Why or how did Shakti fuck up? Not even God could solve that for you.
This is a horrible Gundam show. It's droll, offensively stupid, and even the inane Zanscare mechanical designs are not enough to keep me going. The villains have NO clear motive, the heroes are aimlessly wandering doing NOTHING, there is no tension to the fights, just Uso crying at Katejina as she says things increasingly disconnected from reality. I'm going to be honest, "they're newtypes!" has always been a bad excuse for the wacky things people say during fights in Gundam, but it is stretched positively translucent here.
What a fucking waste. Of time, of money, of paint, of space, of memory, and of lives. No one involved in this project or who has watched this show has used their time in any beneficial way. Victory Gundam is the equivalent of staring into the sun while listening to leaves dry. It's painful and the longer it sits there, the more it begins to stink.
I wish I had not ever known of the existence of this show, but now that I have, let it bear the distinction of the only Gundam show I feel no desire to finish. Not even as a hate watch. Not even for a bargain. I watched AGE. I watched 00. I sat through THIRTY FUCKING NINE of these episodes and I cannot do this anymore.
There is no excuse, no reason, no defense for a product as hideous, repulsive, repugnant and positively awful as Victory Gundam. What a rancid, rancorous, wretched note to end the Universal Century on, and my viewing of Gundam in general. Thank GOD there is still Gundam Build Fighters to buoy my interest in the franchise, because Victory is a shit so positively odious and odorous that its stench burns my eyes even as my lids close.
Thank you, Tomino, for proving that Garzey's Wing is not ever going to be the stupidest thing you made.
What utter filth.
What's weird is I have a friend who's watching Victory right now, and he's really enjoying it. But then he really enjoys the aspects of Gundam series that a lot of people absolutely hate (like melodrama, for instance). It's just interesting to see how your reactions are the exact opposite of his.
I still haven't watched it, and I'm not sure I really want to anymore.
It gave Isaac a beard. That's more good than Victory's contributed to the universe.
There are so many better Gundam shows, that handle the melodrama so much better than this.
I finished watching Turn A not too long ago, and it is good. This is my last Gundam show 'cuz it is the last one I have left, aside from X.
What about SD Gundam?!?
Everyone also inherited the abiltiy to never shut the fuck up and get to the point, and then made it worse, everything else in the game is a representation of what happens when you baby things down for the next generation in society. Without completely handicapping you in the what am i suppose to do next category.
Yeah, but he's also seen everything other than SEED Destiny and Turn A (pretty sure he's saving it for after he finishes Victory). And he needs his Gundam fix. Not entirely sure why he isn't watching Build Fighters, actually, because he really loves Gunpla.
What about SD Gundam?!?
Yeah, but he's also seen everything other than SEED Destiny and Turn A (pretty sure he's saving it for after he finishes Victory). And he needs his Gundam fix. Not entirely sure why he isn't watching Build Fighters, actually, because he really loves Gunpla.
Friends don't let friends watch SEED, or anything that includes Jesus Yamato.
I never said Dark Dawn was a good game. Only that it is better than Victory Gundam.
Poor Bombless.
Panty and Stocking w/Garterbelt 8
This was a pretty dull episode till the Monkey shouted "Objection!"
The CG can be a bit...distracting, but the tactical naval battles are good stuff. Hopefully this show stays CG naval Star Trek and doesn't go into other sorts of material.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel 2
The CG can be a bit...distracting, but the tactical naval battles are good stuff. Hopefully this show stays CG naval Star Trek and doesn't go into other sorts of material.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel 2The CG can be a bit...distracting, but the tactical naval battles are good stuff. Hopefully this show stays CG naval Star Trek and doesn't go into other sorts of material.
@Gazoinks: If you're enjoying Steins;Gate now keep watching. Around episode 10 the show turns from a time-travel slice of life into full on time travel drama and it's fucking fantastic.
Not to say the first 10 episodes aren't good, but compared to the latter? Yeah they can't compare. And Houoouououououououououin is a fantastic lead.
Continued adventures in finally watching shows I kept meaning to because they're supposed to be great:
Steins;Gate 1
Okabe is a big dork and also possibly insane. Good first episode, core characters seemed likable, set up some interesting mysteries, and had some good funny moments. Kirisu has a weird jacket.
Steins;Gate 2
"Ruka... is a dude." Kurisu owning Okabe at the lecture was pretty great, and we've got some sort of interesting time banana thing going on here. Kind of reminds me of Primer (a movie that I haven't actually seen). Stuff be interesting. Gotta pick up the VN at some point, too. I like they're doing multiple timelines, it's a bit less confusing than just a single mutable timeline. Kind of.
Fate/Zero 2
Agh Caster. Aaaagh. Urobutcher sure don't like to pull punches. Anyway, this was a good second episode. Introduced the uber antagonistic final Master/Servant pair, and got some development on the Servants. I like Rider particularly, he seems like an entertaining guy, I like his interactions with Waver Velvet (a name almost as great as Jacuzzi Splot). I'm going to go ahead and assume Assassin isn't actually dead, because that'd be weird
I feel like I'm setting myself up for big feels at some point, from what I know about these two shows. >.>
The whole monkey ace attorney was amazing. Zombie one lacked a good resolution, though.