Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
All I see here is a lack of monogatari impressions.
All I see here is a lack of monogatari impressions.
Damn I've only seen the beginning of the Fairy Tail anime. It gets like that?
Knowing Mashima, I'd be surprised if he didn't approve of it. I mean, have you seen the OVAs?
Damn I've only seen the beginning of the Fairy Tail anime. It gets like that?
On the sexualization avenue, I was surprised to see this was an official poster for Valkyrie Chronicles 3.
I caught up on the manga after the anime-exclusive arc. No point for me in waiting when the manga is leagues ahead.
Didn't they announce that the anime was coming back? I wonder why nothing's been said about that. Surely the manga has reached a point where it's far enough to at least announce a new airdate or something.
Selvaria's character design was so random. Everyone in VC1 looked pretty reasonable, but then suddenly the largest tits you've ever seen. Ah, yes, these seem like very reasonable proportions.
For fairytail, theres only like half the fighting fest unanimated and then the little bit of this current arc. Theyd catch up pretty fast since Fairy Tail anime adapts at a fast pace too.
Damn I've only seen the beginning of the Fairy Tail anime. It gets like that?
The anime doesn't get THAT fanservicey, but it's definitely not all innocent.
As for the OVAs and manga, well.... (relatively NSFW)
Who was it who tried to watch Fairy Tale with his sister? I seem to remember it not going well.
Actual team rocket bad guys acting as bad guys ?? Sogood.gif
Just how bad is the Danganronpa anime adaptation? Playing the game now and it's got me pumped
It's not an anime per-se. Anime generally has animation.Just how bad is the Danganronpa anime adaptation? Playing the game now and it's got me pumped
Suddenly it is really windy here.
Just how bad is the Danganronpa anime adaptation? Playing the game now and it's got me pumped
Just how bad is the Danganronpa anime adaptation? Playing the game now and it's got me pumped
Toss out any form of the optional characterization and just about the bare bones of the cases that'll still make sense.
It wasn't bad though and still enjoyable to watch.
The best ED too.
Greg Schiano approves this message.
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi 12
Butthead Kotake learns the value of teamwork. Or something. Honestly I wouldn't have blamed Itou if he told Kotake to eat a dick. He was being a pill. He's kind of a pill in general. I wouldn't mind if no more episodes focused on him.
I loved X. Jamil makes that show worthwhile.
I loved X. My favorite Gundam AU. I only wish there wasn't such an animation drop in the final two episodes... It's pretty noticeable how stock footage heavy they were after most of the show avoided doing that - some of it was decently disguised - like everyone mimicking opening scenes in the last episode, but others not so much (grab and claw attack again and again...).
I remember reading Fairy Tail at one point. Then the "meet the newest baddie he's more powerful than you" formula got boring so I stopped. Not to blame it exclusively on Fairy Tail since it's a general shonen issue, but shonens just don't appeal to me as much as they used to. Besides Jojo and Shingeki No Kyojin.
As an item of discussion what has been your favorite bastardization of a real brand in an anime? By favorite it could be either you laughed at the name or you didn't think this could ever appear in an anime.
For me?
Good Ol' Heireken. Amen Harrerrrujah Peanut-uh Butt-aaaaa.Though everything in Brack Ragoon was fantastic. Runner-up would be whatever recent anime I watched where McDonald's was called like McRonards or something.
Sadly, that ideal world isn't here. Or at least that's my hunch.
Being a pill, lol.
As somebody who didn't play the game, it was quite enjoyable and experimental looking for anime.
From what I read of those playing the game:
- First case and last case are done justice while basically the rest of them are cut down to the bone to be able to fit them in a 12 episode anime. I personally didn't see many issues but like I said, never played the game.
Anohana 01-02
So far it's not bad, I had feels but they're were mostly bittersweet/pseudo-nostalgic ones as the 'incident' is quickly explained from the get go. So far a story about friends that drifted apart and during the same time a tragedy happened. Is the tragedy the cause of said drifting? I predict that's what this show is going to center on while bringing in the group of childhood friends back together as the episodes progress.
Yeah I'm expecting feels but what I've seen so far I don't think it's going to give me the same 'intense' feels I've had from Stein's Gate, Penguindrum, and Madoka Magika. But hey, we'll see.
Edit: Oh yeah one more thing, I really enjoy the OP
He has to be my least favorite of the side characters, at least off the top of my head.
Them's some Rob Liefeld angles.
it was easy dude.
If he was just a little more on the left , i could have made a fate stay night joke with a "Are you my master" but i can't.
OMG it's actually animated.
On the sexualization avenue, I was surprised to see this was an official poster for Valkyrie Chronicles 3.
Yep, that sounds like a comedy 4koma alright.The story revolves around Tomoya Mizuhara, a 13-year-old boy who suddenly gains a big sister when his father remarries. 17-year-old Ichika is a little strange, and her affection for Tomoya is rather overwhelming, if not scary. On top of things, Ichika's friend Ruri is the ultimate sadist. Then there is Ichika's big-breasted quarter-Japanese friend Marina.
So after fanboying over Madoka Magika to my friends they made fun me most notably calling me an emotional masochist... more importantly I was suggested a list of animes and one that came up was Anohana: The Flower We Say That Day. Quick wikipedia says it's not that long with just 11 episodes so I decided to give it a shot.
Anohana 01-02
So far it's not bad, I had feels but they're were mostly bittersweet/pseudo-nostalgic ones as the 'incident' is quickly explained from the get go. So far a story about friends that drifted apart and during the same time a tragedy happened. Is the tragedy the cause of said drifting? I predict that's what this show is going to center on while bringing in the group of childhood friends back together as the episodes progress.
Yeah I'm expecting feels but what I've seen so far I don't think it's going to give me the same 'intense' feels I've had from Stein's Gate, Penguindrum, and Madoka Magika. But hey, we'll see.
Lololololololol. I'm pretty sure it'll turn into a harem but I don't think it was episode 2 that gave that away, more like, outside of turning it into a harem there's absolutely no reason for the enemy to be all girls, or objects that traditionally had human crews in the first place. So really the setting from the start was just telegraphing that it'd be a harem.Arpeggio of Blue Steel 2
Waaaaait... The bit at the end of this episode gives me the impression that they're turning this into a harem anime where all the battleships want the main character as their captain. XD
Still, it's a fun show. I like it.
Actually, I like it when an episode centers on a single battle, I rather like that pacing myself.Arpeggio of Blue Steel ep.2
Still okay. Hopefully the next episode won't center practically entirely on one scene like this one did.
Hmm, i dunno. I both like the idea of the lone submarine going up against the world(hey it's a nostalgic theme) and large naval battles but I don't like harem antics so having this "fleet" bicker and do harem shenanigans while shooting missiles and shit would be kind of a turn off. I'd actually rather each one get their own captain and human crew.As long as he fights with them, I won't care. If he gets a harem/fleet of ships, that could actually be a good thing!
Well I hadn't at the time, reading it now gives me some insight into the mind of a deranged fan though! Like, I can't tell if you mean Laura and Charlotte hanging out was the highlight means it was actually good and a real treat or if it was just the best part of a terrible episode but still a crappy part. it's always hard to tell with you because you seem to like the things you say you hate. Hell, in the review you said you may have to lower, or, raise the score, what the hell does that mean? Are you creating multiple ABFs in your head that went each way or somethin'?Did you read my reviews of the first episode? Yeah, the show feels very different, and not as good. The characters are kind of recognizable, but they have all changed a bit for the worse, and the fake yuri is mostly new of course as well. I don't know if it's quite an alternate dimension, but it's definitely not the same as the first season, unfortunately.
Thinking about the problems in that fantasy world aren't too out of place for the viewer I think because the show itself addresses them. It's got illiteracy, slavery, classes, the poverty and lack of time that comes with being an agricultural society for the peasants, racism, the viewer isn't just asking themselves where that stuff is, the main character is observing it and pointing out how those things are hindrances to his mission of exporting anime and manga to that society.I haven't watched this series yet, and I'm not sure if I will, but a while earlier I said how anime with Western settings almost never gets the setting even remotely right. That fantasy anime trend of suspiciously modern "fantasy" worlds is a definite part of that problem; somehow anime/manga writers don't seem to understand that you can't have feudal Middle Ages stuff and modern technology ("it's magic" or "it's technology", either way the tech is the same) happily co-existing... but somehow they write things that way, again and again and again. It's really, really stupid.
So, if you're thinking that seriously about issues related to that problem -- and yes, those are good questions that you ask there -- about such a stupid premise as one like the one that anime seems to have, yes, I think you're overthinking it, unfortunately... I highly doubt that it'll address any of those issues. Of course it SHOULD, but will it? Yeah, no.
Also, translate? Hah! As if, isn't it easier to just teach everyone Japanese? I mean, it's so easy to learn... oh wait, yeah, that idea is pretty ridiculous. No medieval peasant would have the time to learn Japanese -- character-based languages take a lot of time and focus to learn, and most medieval peasants in the West couldn't even write our alphabetic languages, much less learn characters!
On that note, fantasy worlds generally conveniently forget that most people should be illiterate... sure, some upper classes (mages, some nobles, merchants, clerics, and such) would learn how to read and write, but not most people below that.
Don't know how far back you wanna go but everyone should watch Twelve Kingdoms.Looking for a new anime to get into, typically like the Sci-fi/Fantasy stuff. Like Steins Gate, Code Geass, Full Metal, Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter, Fate Zero, Zetsuen No Tempest, Magi, I also liked Btoom and Death Note. Any recommendations from this season or even past ones?
Even Liefeld would impressed by that breast to waist ratio.
Dang it, Corvo.