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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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I would think that is unlikely - it's based on a novel which I presume was entirely adapted for the series, so there is unlikely to be any further material to adapt.

Apparently there's a second novel being penned, but any adaptation would be years down the line.

I'd settle for a translation of the first novel, but I doubt I'll ever get it.
I assumed it was based on a novel of some sort considering the quality of the writing, but did not know the source material was so small. Freaking anime.

In a similar fashion this is what the Shingeki No Kyojin anime fans will have to go through (kind of) considering the manga still needs to get about 17 more chapters before they have the same amount of chapters they had for the first season. And with one chapter per month plus vacation, an anime adaptation for a second season probably wont come for another year, year and a half.


Setec Astronomer
Sasami: Magical Girls Club 21-26



Black Rock Shooter was better.


Apparently there's a second novel being penned, but any adaptation would be years down the line.

Yeah, and from the sounds of it, the fate of that second novel is uncertain. According to the NicoNicoPedia entry, the "Tanuki Series" was envisioned as a trilogy, and the second part was being irregularly serialised in Papyrus magazine until 2010, but is currently on hiatus; a novel release was planned for 2011 but never materialised.


I think I'm the only person enjoying KnK .-.

Also, out of curiosity, fansub talk here is "a-ok", "shhhhh, we talk trough PM" or "w-what is this <.< >.> *runs*"?


Setec Astronomer
I think I'm the only person enjoying KnK .-.

Also, out of curiosity, fansub talk here is "a-ok", "shhhhh, we talk trough PM" or "w-what is this <.< >.> *runs*"?
Nobody cares about consistency anymore, so anything short of download links, really.


Setec Astronomer
I dropped this show when it was airing..so glad that i did.
Like, it tried to do the whole "ok, let's take the Sammy cast but have a bit of old-fashioned magic with our magical girl while making it all dramatic", and for a large part it did OK, but it really wasn't able to be particularly impressive at any point. Instead, it actually managed to be bad for stretches of time. The stretch where it milked tension brought about by characters being dumb and refusing to mention the most basic things until absolutely forced to after everything went to shit was especially awful. That's when it stopped being a harmless waste of time for me. It also took a lot of shortcuts when it came to tying events together, so despite the show being slow and plodding overall the most important parts were rushed as hell.

Worst of all, we didn't see this strut walk.


Yeah, and from the sounds of it, the fate of that second novel is uncertain. According to the NicoNicoPedia entry, the "Tanuki Series" was envisioned as a trilogy, and the second part was being irregularly serialised in Papyrus magazine until 2010, but is currently on hiatus; a novel release was planned for 2011 but never materialised.

I had only heard that it was being penned; If it's really just on hiatus or something, that really sucks.

I doubt I'd even be able to find a synopsis of the chapters that are currently out.

Maybe I should just take it upon myself to write human on tanunki slashfic the continued adventures of
Like, it tried to do the whole "ok, let's take the Sammy cast but have a bit of old-fashioned magic with our magical girl while making it all dramatic", and for a large part it did OK, but it really wasn't able to be particularly impressive at any point. Instead, it actually managed to be bad for stretches of time. The stretch where it milked tension brought about by characters being dumb and refusing to mention the most basic things until absolutely forced to after everything went to shit was especially awful. That's when it stopped being a harmless waste of time for me. It also took a lot of shortcuts when it came to tying events together, so despite the show being slow and plodding overall the most important parts were rushed as hell.

Worst of all, we didn't see this strut walk.

My problem with sasami club is that first it did nothing intresting with the cast , second the designs ( or redesigns ) weren't good and Third there was no plot or real sillyness going on.

The original magical girl sasami , was a show that didn't take itself seriously it wasn't serious and a had a "fun" factor because of it .. sasami club had nothing of that.

I think i gave it 14 eps before i gave up ... that just how i wanted this to be good.


Setec Astronomer
My problem with sasami club is that first it did nothing intresting with the cast , second the designs ( or redesigns ) weren't good and Third there was no plot or real sillyness going on.
Oh, there's plot. It just took forever to wring out of the characters. You're right on the other two counts, though, but I did like Washuu and the tengu girl. Of course, I can't get too hung up on the best crab-haired character in anime, because Sammy TV did a somewhat lackluster rendition but was better in all other areas.

By the way, I did pull that second screencap from its original use earlier in the show, but pretty much because it was amusing to do so.


My problem with sasami club is that first it did nothing intresting with the cast , second the designs ( or redesigns ) weren't good and Third there was no plot or real sillyness going on.

The original magical girl sasami , was a show that didn't take itself seriously it wasn't serious and a had a "fun" factor because of it .. sasami club had nothing of that.

I think i gave it 14 eps before i gave up ... that just how i wanted this to be good.

Magical Girl Sasami was a pretty neat show. so theres a new one? Not sure if want.


I think I'm the only person enjoying KnK .-.

I'm enjoying it...

Kyoukai no Kanata: 03

So, I must be watching a different show than everyone else, right? Because I liked what I saw. I had this as a 3 episode rule show, and I'll be continuing on. I like the characters too much, and the action is too enticing to drop.

Miss Unpopular Opinion, away!
I'm enjoying it...

Kyoukai no Kanata: 03

So, I must be watching a different show than everyone else, right? Because I liked what I saw. I had this as a 3 episode rule show, and I'll be continuing on. I like the characters too much, and the action is too enticing to drop.

Miss Unpopular Opinion, away!

I get the feeling it was over hyped by people based upon the pedigree.


Kyoukai no Kanata 3

Any scene with Mitsuki is a good scene and easily the best part of the show outside of the action setpieces, though I had a good laugh at the
penis biscuit
because that's such a blatant level of transparent suggestion you almost have to applaud it.

Incidentally, I complained about clumsy moemoe MIrai but as it turns out
depressed mopey revenge-fueled Mirai
is just as worthy of complaint, if not more so. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard and Mirai is just a terrible character? Possibly!

We're at episode 3 and somehow still in the awkward exposition phase which is bad because, shockingly enough, the writing is still very very bad. And don't get me started on Shocking Tragic Backstory which probably anyone in this thread could have guessed in advance and nailed with about 80% accuracy. Despite all this I'll continue to watch as, to be perfectly honest, I'm enjoying myself as I watch. It's dumb and stupid but there's enough good here that I can deal with it. For now anyway...


Yeah, I'm not sure what you think was
flawed about the time travel explanation. It seemed fairly straightforward to me. The explanation was that Araragi wasn't actually capable of changing his own "present"/"future", because travelling into the past just creates a new timeline branching off from the original. So his own non-destroyed world still existed, all they had to do to get there was to perform a leap with the specific intention of going "sideways" back to that particular timeline, rather than just travelling backwards and forwards along their current timeline as they had been doing so far.
[Monogatari Series Second Season]

Well, the (somewhat common, indeed) idea that you'd end up in an alternate world rather than in your own is something that's been thought up to avoid grandfather paradoxes, so that would only be necessary for travels to the past. There was no risk of such a paradox for the second jump, so they just stayed in the same world. And the third jump was them "going home", now that they knew how things worked (and no risk of paradox there either).
Seems entirely okay to me. Incidentally, Dragon Ball used the same model (and was referenced in the novel, in fact).
I think this is probably not worth arguing about, what with time travel being so theoretical a concept that no one even can agree on the concept itself but, again, the idea of this "grandfather paradox" reeks to me of human arrogance, as if the universe or time gives two shits over who your grandfather is. And "if," if time actually cared, somehow, about which bundles of matter were and were not supposed to be at an event at a given time then every little thing they do in that alternate dimension is causing further time splits, alternate routes, whatever. Surely, to a universe that'd care what sperm impregnates a woman it would have a problem with a dead Araragi and Shinobu from another dimension meeting and killing its Shinobu.

But, I guess I do have to cede the fact that it makes sense on a human level, in the second route no-one's memories or past is messed up therefor no paradox and they're free to move forward all they want I just find that concept a little cheesy I guess.

As for why somebody hadn't
destroyed the world already, well, I doubt many people beside Shinobu would even be capable of such a thing - she's generally presented as the Most Powerful Being That Ever Lived and all, so yeah. And even if there were a few other beings in all of time and space with similar power levels to Shinobu, destroying the entire world isn't exactly a goal that most sane people would actively try to achieve. I don't find it difficult to believe that nobody else would have ever had both the power and motivation to do that.
Well, I could partly believe this if Shinobu had said she used her ultra magical heart killing canon from space to obliterate the surface or some crap but really it was just her being a vampire and biting some people which I assume even in that universe is what vampires are wont to do so so if that's all it took really how would Shinobu be the first?

Shinobu being far more childish than she should be after all these years is practically a running joke by this point. It's half-implied that she became that way because of the link she shares with Araragi - Oshino explained that kai'i are largely defined by how humans perceive them, and because Shinobu is so strongly tied to Araragi now, she's more influenced by him than anyone else. But it's also implied that she was kind of like that all along. Either way.

Araragi being the most important thing in the world to her at this point is pretty much inarguable fact, though, so it kind of makes sense that losing him would be the last straw that led her to take out her frustration on everyone and everything. I don't want to spoil the entire plot of Kizu, but the long and short of it is that she's been pretty emotionally unstable for a long time now, and Araragi was the last thing keeping her from giving up completely. Her issues have just been kind of simmering unresolved for the past few hundred years, so it makes sense that she didn't do anything so crazy earlier. But finally finding some semblance of hope in Araragi and then having it immediately snatched away must have just pushed her over the edge.
As for character stuff, I really shouldn't argue about things I don't know anything about and not knowing anything about what happened in Kizu means I don't know shit about it. My pride tells me to keep bitching in spite of my ignorance but if this is the way he wrote her this is the way she is I'll just need to find another battle to fight.

Ooh, here's something!
Railgun S 1

Worst the one Kiroko Shirai has one of the most aggravating and annoying voices used by a human va Ive encountered.
This opinion is terrible!


[Monogatari Series Second Season]
I think this is probably not worth arguing about, what with time travel being so theoretical a concept that no one even can agree on the concept itself but, again, the idea of this "grandfather paradox" reeks to me of human arrogance, as if the universe or time gives two shits over who your grandfather is.
It's not so much about who he is, really.
The idea is that if you prevent your own birth, you can't go back in time to prevent your own birth, therefore you are born and do go back to prevent your own birth, etc. It simply can't work, not within one timeline (one timeline = one version of history, you can't both be born and not be born). Doesn't have to be about grandfathers or even living things.

Well, I could partly believe this if Shinobu had said she used her ultra magical heart killing canon from space to obliterate the surface or some crap but really it was just her being a vampire and biting some people which I assume even in that universe is what vampires are wont to do so so if that's all it took really how would Shinobu be the first?
I seem to remember it's pretty damn rare for those vampires to actually create more vampires. Generally, they just eat.


Hulu is now streaming Uchouten Kazoku (The Eccentric Family), with the publisher listed as NISA.

I want to point out that this is not a confirmation of a home video license yet until they announce it, so don't jump to conclusions. Is it highly likely? Probably, but NOT CONFIRMED YET, so WAIT.
Is Pokemon X and Y streaming anywhere or do we have to wait for it to air on Cartoon NetwroK. Sorry can,t check the OP, it always crashes my browser....


We are telling you that it's a waste of time.....but feel free to watch and confirm afterwards.

Cajun will probably find a tiny amount of "cute" here and there.

Well I guess it would be pretty horrible.
Maybe I can just find pics of it instead.
Like how MadP posted pics of Isanami to spare me from Brave 10.


All of you better come back to post the exact same stuff about The Eccentric Family when it actually gets a proper confirmation for a North American home video release.


Hulu is now streaming Uchouten Kazoku (The Eccentric Family).

I want to point out that this is not a confirmation of a home video license yet until they announce it, so don't jump to conclusions. Is it highly likely? Probably, but NOT CONFIRMED YET, so WAIT.

Its highly likely. Good enough for me.
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