People really think the Yowamushi Pedal dudes are hot?
Only the one DTL posted is passable. Would be better if someone else drew it instead though.
People really think the Yowamushi Pedal dudes are hot?
BlazBlue: Alter Memory 2
lolthey went for the final loop right off the bat, and without even introducing half the characters. People who haven't played the games are going to have no idea what the fuck is going on. Calamity Trigger will be over by the end of next episode, so I'm interested to see where the series is going to go next with this kind of pacing.
The only thing that I'm not hyped to see in this week KLK is Satsuki's horrible outfit![]()
I don't understand Japanese. What does this mean?
Credits to Catsuka
Kill La Kill ED is a tribute to the drama Sukeban Deka.
I don't want to go to class. I want to watch Kill LA Kill dammit.
Uh.... well... he's the president of the United States so all of the states that are part of the US. So... yeah... all the states in the US. Which also agreed to be part of the US.
Team Imaizumi please.
Oh no you di'intRailgun S 1
Kuroko Shirai has one of the most aggravating and annoying voices used by a human va Ive encountered.
Does that mean there'll be Makoto?
Robot Girls Z PV
Full Opening
Robot Girls Z PV
Full Opening
Does that mean there'll be Makoto?
Oh, she'll be sure to show up in some form at some point wherever they take this.
Actually, she was in one shot in this episode, albeit just a brief glimpse of the Academy days flashbacks that they seem to be completely omitting (sadface).
The pseudo-mech show that's made for me, will watch for the cute girls.
Well, I think the other possibility is this:[Monogatari Series Second Season... but mostly time travel stuff, really]
Whoa, that's an odd thing to say. ^_^;
I mean, a grandfather paradox wouldn't simply "cause some problems": it would absolutely break the timeline. The universe would be broken. Not just "bad shit would happen": it simply wouldn't be a working universe. Get another one!
That's why people came up with the idea of ending up in another world altogether: as grandiose a solution as it may seem, since we're avoiding grandfather paradoxes, that would work and therefore be infinitely better than the above.
The way I see it, there really aren't many options anyway:
1) Time travel isn't possible.
2) Time travel is possible, but changing the past isn't...
2a) ... as the time traveler becomes some kind of ghost absolutely unable to interact with his surroundings.
2b) ... as anything the time traveler does in the past actually is what had happened in the past anyway.
2c) ... as any jump to the past actually sends the time traveler to a parallel world (identical to the original up to the point where the time traveler appears, seemingly out of nowhere).
Etc. (any ideas?)
Basically, anything as long as you keep your time traveler from actually altering the past of his own timeline because, logically speaking, "we just can't have that".
(of course, a lot of writers ignore that anyway, but hey! pet peeve!)
I'd link to Wikipedia, but the last time I checked, the articles were in pretty bad shape... Tohoho...
Such a horrible thing to say, I know.Oh no you di'int
KILL la KILL - 03
That GODDAMN CG Ryuko and Satsuki for one action scene cut are worst thing ever, ugh...
The rest of fight are hype though, need to watch it in HD.. Satsuki's outfit not as horrible as I though but its still frigging spandex..
Maybe its Stockholm Syndrome kicking but the OST sounds decent this time, the new insert song pretty shit though.
Kill la Kill 3
EDIT - Also forgot, daily reminder that Mako is the best and if you hate her you hate fun and are probably a miserable pile of secrets or something like that.
The DTL future is now.
Doing their best to pretend Hyouka never existed.
Doing their best to pretend Hyouka never existed.
I don't know how likely it is, but I'd like that redone for the Blu-Ray. Everything else is so damn good, but for one excruciating second, they were walking towards each other and ohmigod it was bad.
The show is well over a year old. Why promote old shows when you can promote new shows?
Also dem Satsuki's asset, Yoko am cry.
Also dem Satsuki's asset, Yoko am cry.
That sounds like a whywouldyoudothat.jpg moment for sure...NouCome 2
Amakusa Kanade, you are a failure as a main character. The purpose of a main character is for the viewer to identify with, and how am I supposed to identify with a guy whose?!first reaction to being transformed into a girl is to demand to be changed back immediately
Is the show actually worth watching? I haven't watched it yet...That said, this show continues to entertain me. That God guy was amusing, even if none of Kanade's jokes were.
I want to Dempsey Roll you. At least give the original a chance.Hajime No Ippo RIsing 1
Checked this out to see if the fights will be good to convince me to pick up the older seasons, and well the fight shown was disappointing. Just like all boxing shit before, quite boring. Well the visuals are sorta neat, but I don't see myself going through 100 episodes of this.
Her speech on fanservice is a worthy rallying cry against our Google overlords!
Her speech on fanservice is a worthy rallying cry against our Google overlords!
One could assume Araragi a and Araragi b are more or less similar, right? So, Araragi a may not be able to alter his own timeline but what of Araragi B? He can do whatever the fuck he wants to because he's outside the timeline anyways, whatever he does doesn't affect him, right?
Kill La Kill 3
All of those buuuuuuuuuuuuuuutts I'm dyin' over here. Everything but that clearly awful CG was wonderful and I'm glad we got to see a Ryuko/Satsuki fight so early in the show, and now I don't know whose team I want to be on anymore.
It's nine o'clock. We head to your local Internet message board for an
Those cartels man.