Team RyukoxSatsuki
But what of Mako? MakoxMakoMom?
Team RyukoxSatsuki
Mako's smile never disappears.
It's not that hard:WHOA. How do people notice these things? HOWWWW?
Or fell in a vat of chemicals Ala Joker*She's been using Smilex.
CG savedCG butts welp. Gainax pls
Katanagatari 1-6
i imagine the art style for this show is divisive, personally i'm a big fan but can see why others would disagree.
double length episodes means double the chances of Nisiowaffle and some episodes get bogged down in the middle because of this, and even though this isn't made by Shaft there's plenty of eyeball closeups. the episode with the Insect Squad was one of the funniest episodes of anime i've seen in a long time, the troll ending was great stuff.
This week in Galilei Donna:
This week in Samurai Flamenco:
Good finds.It's nine o'clock. We head to your local Internet message board for an
Good evening. I'm your host BGBW and in the headlines today:
[thread=698476]Monkey finds Cowboy Bebop to be not that great. Is accused of having gone insane.[/thread]
[post=86368738]Trigger fails to save anime. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result. One distraught onlooker tells us "we called for the emergency services not the fan services".[/post]
The Eccentric Family appears on Hulu. Mass confusion over whether NISA has licenced it or not breaks out. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result.
That is all from us in the studio. Good night and see you again for the next Anime News Update.
Katanagatari 1-6
i imagine the art style for this show is divisive, personally i'm a big fan but can see why others would disagree.
double length episodes means double the chances of Nisiowaffle and some episodes get bogged down in the middle because of this, and even though this isn't made by Shaft there's plenty of eyeball closeups. the episode with the Insect Squad was one of the funniest episodes of anime i've seen in a long time, the troll ending was great stuff.
It's nine o'clock. We head to your local Internet message board for an
So Kill la Kill needs less horrible Sanzigen CG ruining fight scenes, and more of this
So fun and expressive, best part of the episode. Ep 4 looks like it'll be great, madcap family antics > "epic" fighting.
Thank you. I burst out laughing. I remember watching that incredibly racist commercial with an actual mexican and looking at him after it ended. He was with a blank stare.
Dude, BROFI-Yessssssssss Katanagatari is wonderful. y u no post impressions per episode.
BlazBlue: Alter Memory 2
lolthey went for the final loop right off the bat, and without even introducing half the characters. People who haven't played the games are going to have no idea what the fuck is going on. Calamity Trigger will be over by the end of next episode, so I'm interested to see where the series is going to go next with this kind of pacing. Are we going to dive head first straight into the Continuum Shift storyline? If they cover that one in three episodes as well, they're going to run out of content before the end of the season XD
Seems like it could be fun.Robot Girls Z PV
Full Opening
obama in the hillary clinton years *kinda nsfw*
Oh goodness, 16.5 in the background...
Simple , as i said there is ALWAYS the doctor who solution , your time travel device prevent you from going in places where it could be "bad".. here problem solved !I didn't forget it, I ignored it because it makes no sense to me! Aggrh!
Basically, it's the good old "you can go back to the past, but you can't prevent Hitler's birth, man, 'cause that's history!", but why would the universe / the laws of physics / whatever care so much about Hitler's birth and still let me do other "trivial" stuff on the side? What are the criteria for what needs to happen and what "doesn't really matter so knock yourself out!"? Does human history mysteriously trump the fate of the ant I stepped on right after my jump to the past? That ant had a family!
And even if "correcting" things so the exact same outcome would result sometime down the line were possible, as long as it takes time for these things to get sorted out, you still end up with a paradoxical/nonsensical period in your timeline, so that's no good!
It's nine o'clock. We head to your local Internet message board for an
Good evening. I'm your host BGBW and in the headlines today:
[thread=698476]Monkey finds Cowboy Bebop to be not that great. Is accused of having gone insane.[/thread]
[post=86368738]Trigger fails to save anime. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result. One distraught onlooker tells us "we called for the emergency services not the fan services".[/post]
The Eccentric Family appears on Hulu. Mass confusion over whether NISA has licenced it or not breaks out. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result.
That is all from us in the studio. Good night and see you again for the next Anime News Update.
Kill la Kill - 3
Well Satsuki just became my favourite character. Seriously I cannot wait to learn more about this woman's back story. Also, DAT FIGHT. sogood.gif. Now the real part of this show begins. Just like Gurren Lagann where Simon and Kamina set off towards the enemy's headquarters in the third episode, Ryuko now sets off to defeat the entire school. That's nice and all, but I'm waiting for the inevitable moment when Satsuki teams up with Ryuko to take down a greater evil. I can easily see it happening, and if it does, it's gonna be freaking awesome.
Katanagatari IS fantastic.
But holy fuck the last episode tore my heart out. That came out of fucking nowhere.
I would love to read your impression of episode 4.
I'm still waiting for a Ova of the Sabi Hakuhei fight![]()
insect bros
Honestly, I felt this episode of Samurai Flamenco was much improved over last week's. If the series really does follow the route I'm hoping, then I may yet wind up really enjoying it.
So Utena finds herself facing Touga, and the duel is going rough. And of course it is, since Touga is manipulating her reliance upon society's morals to win, whilst Touga is not. WakabAnthy intervenes, and Utena casts aside her old views to fight the duel. Meanwhile, from a neighboring windo, Akio observes the duels with moderate interest, and somewhere in the crowd a young Lordgenome notes the power of the Kamui. Kamui are the technological predecessors of Laganns, Life Fibre being humanity's first understanding of Spiral Power.
I'm glad someone noticed.This is amazing.Oh goodness, 16.5 in the background...
Reputable sources.Lool , where are you pulling those 650K numbers from ?
i'm loving how she plays with a starfish
Fair question BUT
It's nine o'clock. We head to your local Internet message board for an
Good evening. I'm your host BGBW and in the headlines today:
[thread=698476]Monkey finds Cowboy Bebop to be not that great. Is accused of having gone insane.[/thread]
[post=86368738]Trigger fails to save anime. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result. One distraught onlooker tells us "we called for the emergency services not the fan services".[/post]
The Eccentric Family appears on Hulu. Mass confusion over whether NISA has licenced it or not breaks out. 650,000 otakus believed to have been injured as a result.
That is all from us in the studio. Good night and see you again for the next Anime News Update.