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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It looks like CR picked up Shamanic Princess, wut is it?
About the Show

With her enormous eyes, Barbie-doll figure, skimpy costumes, and masses of auburn hair, Tiara is almost a caricature of the clichéd anime heroine. In this story, the theft of the mysterious and powerful Throne of Yord sends her from the magical Guardian World to Earth to recover it, accompanied by her weasel-like partner Japolo.
Almost a caricature of a cliche. Almost.

I like the DVD box art they're using. Still has the quote "A must-have for CLAMP fans."


It looks like CR picked up Shamanic Princess, wut is it?

It's a 6 episode magical girl OVA from the mid-90s, mostly notable for its slightly odd chronological order and some half decent art from what I remember Back In The Day. I think it's supposed to be pretty good, although I seem to remember someone disagreeing about this when it last came up in the thread (Hito, maybe?). I haven't seen it, so I can't comment.

As Arti mentions, It was released in the US by Central Park Media many years ago, but it seems that Media Blasters re-licensed it for a disc release - I'm surprised they're plonking it on Crunchyroll as a result, as I can't imagine anyone would want to buy it nowadays.


It's a 6 episode magical girl OVA from the mid-90s, mostly notable for its slightly odd chronological order and some half decent art from what I remember Back In The Day. I think it's supposed to be pretty good, although I seem to remember someone disagreeing about this when it last came up in the thread (Hito, maybe?). I haven't seen it, so I can't comment.

As Arti mentions, It was released in the US by Central Park Media many years ago, but it seems that Media Blasters re-licensed it for a disc release - I'm surprised they're plonking it on Crunchyroll as a result, as I can't imagine anyone would want to buy it nowadays.

They used to be so good.
Steins;Gate 24 END

It ended happily.


I honestly didn't think it'd end that happily through most of the second half of the series. Even in the end of the last episode it seemed like they were going towards Kurisu and Okabe not meeting again. But they did! And the badges!

I'm going to eat lunch and then watch the OVA a little later, and then I'll post overall thoughts, but suffice it to say that it's an amazing series.

The scene at the end where they run past each other in the crowd is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series.


Watched a bunch more of episodes 2-3 of the new season. An awful lot of secondary character death to drive narrative. Admittedly not much of it will stick. Rather cheap that.

With Outbreak Company I did wonder when we'd see any pushback from Japan attempting to totally upend their social order, or if we would given its tone. I continue to be surprised that its more than I expected.

Yuusha - I look forward to seeing MC's former hero friends confronting Fina and him about Fina once they know who she is.

Strike the Blood - so...MC is less of a loner than I expected.
Could there be a correlation between highly detailed eyes in anime and quality/how good an anime is?

I mean Ufotable and Steins;Gate both fit this correlation. And I'm sure I've seen plenty of great shows with highly detailed eyes as well.


Attack on Titan catch up episodes 22-25

well, that final climax wasn't so bad, but boy isn't Mikasa such a terrible character, or Eren or pretty much everyone... except.


I'm glad that I watched these episodes back to back, with one week in between I probably wouldn't have the same impression. I skipped some bits, because it was all Eren you must do it blah blah, and repeated drama over the dead.

There was actually decent amount of action in these last episodes and not as much still shots, it ended better than I imagined in that regard except now that I'm looking back, after 25 episodes, they barely answered anything, which makes all those ending scenes somewhat funny :\ It's really just like LOST.

Valvrave - 14

I've been feeling so bad for this guy, he's been just a full on loser from the beginning,

Motto! Ojamajo Doremi 35



Well I guess it was suppose to show how much of an asshole the Crimson Chin is???

To the point that he lost to Reika for the student council president election. It's clear that there's a big turn around for Reika from Season 1 onward, considering she lost twice to class president due to her behavior. She kept going downhill, but Motto was the upswing she needed to jump back from loserville to WinnersDale. While still having her Reika-traits as well.


What do CLAMP have to do with Shamanic Princess? They weren't involved in it at all. The only point of comparison is that it's relatively dark fantasy.

I honestly thought all this time it was CLAMP. Certainly looks the part.

Could there be a correlation between highly detailed eyes in anime and quality/how good an anime is?

I mean Ufotable and Steins;Gate both fit this correlation. And I'm sure I've seen plenty of great shows with highly detailed eyes as well.

Not really, no.
There are lots of great anime with rather dull eye designs.
There are lots of anime with bright large expressive eyes that are just terrible.
There was actually decent amount of action in these last episodes and not as much still shots, it ended better than I imagined in that regard except now that I'm looking back, after 25 episodes, they barely answered anything, which makes all those ending scenes somewhat funny :\ It's really just like LOST.

Perhaps they could bring in Damon Lindelof to write the rest of the manga/anime :p.


Setec Astronomer
It's a 6 episode magical girl OVA from the mid-90s, mostly notable for its slightly odd chronological order and some half decent art from what I remember Back In The Day. I think it's supposed to be pretty good, although I seem to remember someone disagreeing about this when it last came up in the thread (Hito, maybe?). I haven't seen it, so I can't comment.

As Arti mentions, It was released in the US by Central Park Media many years ago, but it seems that Media Blasters re-licensed it for a disc release - I'm surprised they're plonking it on Crunchyroll as a result, as I can't imagine anyone would want to buy it nowadays.
It's neither good nor bad, really. If the narrative wasn't so slapdash then it'd be a lot better, but it does have some cool bits like how magic works in that show.
I honestly thought all this time it was CLAMP. Certainly looks the part.

Not really, no.
There are lots of great anime with rather dull eye designs.
There are lots of anime with bright large expressive eyes that are just terrible.

True. I just remembered why I thought of this a couple of days ago. With Hyouka. But then again KnK also has a lot of detail.
Yeah. Or any time she said it. Just HNNNGH.
Kurisu is my waifu.

It's okay I already have Kyouko haha

Angel Beats! - 02

Well atleast this episode was better than the last. Reminds me of me watching the first episode of Kill la Kill actually, in that I have no fucking idea what the show is trying to do.

I admit I laughed during the scene where... uhhh "brown-haired dude" (because I can't be bothered to remember the names of 12+ fucking characters) activated the angel trap and got slammed by the giant hammer. And also the scene where the mega cannon failed and exploded. So this anime is a comedy right? But wait in the middle of the episode we get to see some of Yuri's tragic backstory complete with seeing the blood sprays of her dead siblings. So it's a tragedy like I thought then? But wait we finally meet the Guild and we have to remember this is some high school setting psuedo-Purgatory with a giant factory beneath it. But the Angel is coming so the factory has to be blown up, but don't worry the Guild people have "memories" which are like blueprints I guess... that somehow they are able to "will" things into existence if they remember how they are built. ... ... ..., then why the fuck do you have giant underground factory then?!

This fucking show. Well one more episode to go see if I'm going to stick with this or not.


Samurai Flamenco 2

Yeah, this is definitely one of the standout shows of the season for me. Masayoshi is just such an entertaining character to watch, and it's so satisfying when he actually manages to achieve something, no matter how little that something may be.

...Seriously though, is it even possible to keep up with a train on a bicycle?! A fold-up bicycle, no less?! >.< Maybe this guy really is superhuman...



"I challenge you to a race!"


"A hero never turns down a challenge!"


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Another character got an overtly sexualized figure and she's from this season.

I'd post it but I feel like I'd get scolded by Duckroll.


And just what is that supposed to mean!
Well, with your avatar of butt worship I shouldn't really be surprised but Drago is a deviant!

I wonder whether Andrew P investigates these films particularly thoroughly before licensing them. With the very limited exposure that Kenji Miyazawa has in the UK (I mean, Night on the Galactic Railroad has never been available here, has it?), the fact that most of the film's value is in its references to his other works, and the fact that the film is really very boring and misses the point of the Budori story entirely, it probably wasn't worth the effort in programming it...
Sounds like I lucked out in not buying a ticket. I wonder if it's down to one of those licensing deals of give and take where to show a film that they really want to, it's necessary to take on something that won't quite deliver. Either that or they're trying to aim across a broad spectrum of films which may or may not pull in people.

Either way, it leads me onto Day 2 of SLA with Fuse: Memoirs of a Hunter Girl.

Lets get this out of the way first. Duckroll was right.

There, now I can move on. Visually the film is an absolute treat of colours and animation. Edo is shown as a ridiculously vibrant places full of colours which makes really fun to watch. The only criticism I would label on the visuals would be it's sometimes janky use of CG, which while mostly good, is easily noticeable against the more tradition drawn animation. There's a particular scene with a drawn Hamaji running along a roof while below her the CG roof zooms past her as a completely separate entity.

Moving along, the most odd aspect of the film is it's plot. While it's a satisfactory series of events in a way, for some bizarre reason I really didn't feel all that much connection with Hamaji. She's a catalyst of events but it either felt she was out paced by them or not enough time was spent on initial characterisation to make her feel like someone we should care about.
The other problem was that (and this may just be my short attention span) a lot of detail about the plot makes no sense on deeper analysis.
The explanation of the Iyeasu's hunting of fuse is hazy at best and even taking into consideration some form of possession for the shogunate of old, how he got into that state in the first instance is unexplained. Similarly, why did the fuse come back in the first place. It was mentioned that they all appeared suddenly but no reasoning is given behind why. Even Shino's motives behind facing off against the Iyeasu are vague and brushed off simply as the inevitable confrontation between fuse and the old Tokugawa. Also, why does Hamaji have an electronic telescope? Why does she have some form of superior gun versus the castle guard's inferior weaponry?

Final point, couple of nice points made. Clements made an issue at the start how this was set at the time of Western contact. With this is in mind, you get some sense of this through
Iyeasu's mutterings about whether he should "let them in or not" culminating in the showdown with Shiro where the old Tokugawa speaks of rejecting the half bred mongels before being defeated to allow the new to exist.
Other point would be the climax of the movie:
Hamaji's acceptance of Shiro and the subsequent sudden outburst of rain remarked upon as "tears of joy" linking in neatly with the quote from the letter.

So, overall then. I'd say it's a good movie and definitely worth watching simply to see some lovely bright animation but I can't really wholeheartedly recommend it as a must watch. It feels too much like an overambitious project crammed into the timeframe allowed.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Yoyo to Nene, Patema Inverted and Evangelion 3.0 because I hate myself. Hopefully it'll end reasonably on time rather and save me having to practically sprint out the door to catch the last bus.


Samurai Flamenco 2

...Seriously though, is it even possible to keep up with a train on a bicycle?! A fold-up bicycle, no less?! >.< Maybe this guy really is superhuman...

Nah, definitely not. It generally takes about 2-3 minutes for a train to get from one station to another, and on a bike you would probably need about 5-10 minutes to cover the same distance. To add to that, even if you somehow catch up with the train on the first station, if you wait a few minutes for everyone who got off on that station to leave the station, the train would be long gone by then.

But that's fine though, because...

Hero will never give up,
never hide, never be defeated,
never accept evil.
Outbreak Company 02

Oh look. The school looks exactly like a Japanese one. What a surprise haha.

So this episode was basically a bit more character development on our main three, with a bit of politics/social discussion. The scene near the end was pretty cliched but I guess that's an effective way for character development from the princess.
Angel Beats! - 03

Well here I am finally finished 3 episodes, according to the Madoka rule this is where I either continue on or drop the show.

This episode was actually good.... in its premise.
In fact when I think about it more the premise is good in so far that psuedo-Purgatory serves as a haven for those to live in until eventually they finally accept their fate/death, just like what happened to "singer-girl." Atleast that's what I've derived from the show so far.

So yeah the premise is good, but the execution is poor as hell. I've seen animes that mix in the theme of tragedy, comedy, and action and did so decently. Angel Beats! does not fall in this category. Just like this episode I wasn't sure if I should laugh, get hyped, or get serious/think critically due to how out-of-place each theme is. For example the concert scene was introduced by the group invading the Angel's dorm i.e. a girl's room, pretty funny right? Then it goes into the hype of the concert, okay can deal with that. Then it went into tragedy with Yuri explaining what happened to "singer-girl" and why she dissappeared. The show is like bipolar in its execution and overall I'm feeling annoyance.

So will I continue with Angel Beats!? Yeah probably but over an extended period of time I predict. Every episode peaks my curiosity and yet I get really annoyed with as I watch through it. So from here I'm just going to stop posting my reactions for each episode and if I ever finish the series I'll give it a review at the end. In the meantime I'll look for something else.
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