almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
Aww, sorry Nafe! I got the date from this fiendish poster here and considering you never offered any corrections, I just assumed it was the right one. Of course, after Hito posted that image I know realise the date was a Sailor Moon reference more than anything...
Branduil, I'd recommend you keeping close with you a tab on your preferred browser with GEARS Online encyclopedic compilation of translated additional information about The Five Star Stories' lore:
Five Star Stories - GEARS Online
Instantly useful, warranted!
Do you like it to the point of doing a pilgrimage?
And that digital disc release of the HanaIro film has been out in Japan for a week!
But tell us, oh my empress, which day was this exactly?
I don't see fair that the one who congratulates us the most and in such a nice way is the one to not share her birthday for us to do the same, as it should be. ESSENTIAL RECIPROCITY!
What I really liked about the umbrella plot is Goto casually dismissing umbrella theft during the dinner as an unimportant trifle no one should get worked up about, but when his umbrella was stolen he was all "We can't stand for this!" Isn't that so typical of human behavior? We casually dismiss other people's problems as unimportant, but when it happens to us suddenly it becomes the most important issue in the world which everyone should be focusing on. Ah, the self-centeredness of man.
If you watch the OP through the end, it clearly establishes that the action sequence is Masayoshi's dream.
That "blonde" hair.
Jexhius, stop watching anime and plan your life around how many times you will watch Gravity.
Oh, so that's where the date comes from. I guess that's where Narag got that date from as well. A joke about my using Minako as an avatar it seems.
almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
You should watch all the Seikai series (Crest and Banner) because they are good shows.
I see my evil knows no bounds.
I will! I'm definitely a fan of them. I think you should watch Yamato 2199 as it's a good show as well.
That reminds me. Did you ever buy the most recent Seikai book? Hitokage mentioned he did but I'm not sure how much he's read.
Rin 2kawaii4me
Congrats on the start of a wonderful anime.Usagi Drop 1
Welp my heart is warmed.
Good first episode. Sort of sad, but really sweet. I like the kinda simplistic watercolory art style. Daikichi seems like a likable dude and Rin is yeah see above. Kinda want to slap the rest of his family around a bit, but that's okay.
Usagi Drop 1
Welp my heart is warmed.
Good first episode. Sort of sad, but really sweet. I like the kinda simplistic watercolory art style. Daikichi seems like a likable dude and Rin is yeah see above. Kinda want to slap the rest of his family around a bit, but that's okay.
Steins;Gate EP 12
Shit just got real and a major betrayal just occurred. Here I thought Suzu was supposed to be a warrior too. The first eleven episodes were slow, but I enjoyed watching budding friendships and the exchanges between Okabe and Kurisu. Mayuri's eyes freaked me out (girl looks soulless), but she was too good to be treated like that. Damn... fuck that traitor. I can't wait to see how this continues to develop now that the gears are really turning.
Rin <3
This remind me I still have to read the manga.
I need to know.
almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
Debate is a skill just like anything else and being exceptional at it it isn't even all that necessary unless you're an academic.
Sometimes the winning move is not to play.
And my debate skills are as terrible as they come. For me it's not about winning or losing; it's about being able to earn respect. But I find every time I stupidly open my mouth to defend an opinion of mine (at least where anime is concerned), I lose respect rather than earn any.
And that's why I asked about KnK. I've lost enough respect/friends as is. I don't want to lose more.
Any time you get all self conscious about what you like, you should take a step back and think about why that matters at all, and realize it doesn't.
I am finally here again, so thank you for your recommendations, folks! I'll probably watch Usagi Drop since that one got the most recommendations, and I'll also check out Golden Boy.
Kyoukai no Kanata continues to have great animation for a series that has mediocre characters and story.
Does it still use the best ED in history?
Sorry to have neglected you. So glad to be back. I was worried that having neglected this for a few weeks I wouldn't be privy to the finer nuances of the characters and the world they inhabit, but from the moment I heard Yasaburou and Benten's voice I was quickly back into the world of Tanukis and Tengu again. To say that not a lot happened in this episode might lead someone to conclude that it wasn't good, but I think what makes this such a captivating series is, from set piece to set piece, a perfectly tempered mood and feeling is established. Like the one shown above; it wasn't a defining moment for either of the characters, but it was beautifully somber, and managed to say a lot about Benten through her almost lack of enthusiasm and lackadaisical demeanor, coupled together with their rooftop walk. It was, as most of the scenes are, well composed and articulated through mood.
Yeah, but the whole point of his character is that he's blonde. Now he looks like an albino.This reminds me again of someone complaining about the fact that Mion didn't have green hair in the live action movie adaptation of Higurashi.
Actually, it does. lolOut of curiosity, does Gravity have any mono no aware in it?
Manga end is best end. They're going to make a movie sequel when the actress grows up!We agreed never to talk about that which must not be mentioned. It makes for a happier place around here.
Don't remember the ED at all, unfortunately.Fixed , because i had to
almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
i know dat feel
haven't wqatched anime in a long time because of Arcanum, aka one of the greatest games ever made, rest in peace Troika
But AA is anime, you can't escape it. Just like when I stopped watching anime to play Fire Emblem: Awakening.
AA5 is BONES. So it is literally anime!
almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
Usagi Drop 1
Welp my heart is warmed.
Good first episode. Sort of sad, but really sweet. I like the kinda simplistic watercolory art style. Daikichi seems like a likable dude and Rin is yeah see above. Kinda want to slap the rest of his family around a bit, but that's okay.
Usagi Drop 02
Oh god this is too sweet I can't even
lolUsagi Drop is an anime original.
Welp, shit.Kyoto Animation Presents The New Sword Art Online - Episode 4
Next week, Yamada directs! The preview sure looks like K-On! Lol.
Kyoto Animation Presents The New Sword Art Online - Episode 4
I think this is the point where I accept the show for what it is. I actually "enjoyed" this episode in it's entirety, just like I "enjoyed" much of Sword Art Online. Once I move on from expecting anything respectable or artistic about the work, and just shifting to accepting that it is a trashy action packed product aimed at teenagers filled with silly pandering and obvious relationships and plot directions, it's a lot easier to just sit back, shut my brain off, and enjoy the technical mastery at work. It's a very pretty show, the direction of scenes and the staging are very impressive. The narrative is a huge steaming pile of young adult garbage, but whatever, my body is ready for the remaining 9 episodes!
Next week, Yamada directs! The preview sure looks like K-On! Lol.
Kyoto Animation Presents The New Sword Art Online - Episode 4
Next week, Yamada directs! The preview sure looks like K-On! Lol.
Welp, shit.
Stockholm syndrome has set in. How sad.
Usagi Drop is an anime original.
This is the real K-on season 3!I'm serious too!
The second you say that, you just invite people to talk about it.
i know dat feel
haven't wqatched anime in a long time because of Arcanum, aka one of the greatest games ever made, rest in peace Troika
That's been staring at me from my gog shelf for the longest time. feels bad
Rectify this problem immediately.
The second you say that, you just invite people to talk about it.
Kyoto Animation Presents The New Sword Art Online - Episode 4
Once I move on from expecting anything respectable or artistic about the work, and just shifting to accepting that it is a trashy action packed product aimed at teenagers filled with silly pandering and obvious relationships and plot directions.
stahp plsJust don't read the manga. Stay as far away from the manga as you possibly can.
Kyoto Animation Presents The New Sword Art Online - Episode 4
I think this is the point where I accept the show for what it is. I actually "enjoyed" this episode in it's entirety, just like I "enjoyed" much of Sword Art Online. Once I move on from expecting anything respectable or artistic about the work, and just shifting to accepting that it is a trashy action packed product aimed at teenagers filled with silly pandering and obvious relationships and plot directions, it's a lot easier to just sit back, shut my brain off, and enjoy the technical mastery at work. It's a very pretty show, the direction of scenes and the staging are very impressive. The narrative is a huge steaming pile of young adult garbage, but whatever, my body is ready for the remaining 9 episodes!
Next week, Yamada directs! The preview sure looks like K-On! Lol.
Welp, shit.
LOL!Stockholm syndrome has set in. How sad.
Whatever you say.No! Stockholm syndrome would be if I keep watching while thinking it's awful and I want to stop watching! This is just the part of my brain which enjoys Bayformers talking!