But does she drive a robot
sadly not, but who knows what the future holds!
But does she drive a robot
2 of Diamond no AceHow many episodes did you even watch?
2 of Diamond no Ace
1 of Yowamushi Pedal
Too busy watching superior dramas
Heh, Toonami edited out both the episode count AND the exact premier date from the Space Dandy post on Tumblr. Guess they really jumped the gun in announcing details.
I dunno if this is new packaging or not for the Mushishi JP BD-box rerelease, but damn does it look nice:
I generally get stressed out when people use this question set up because, at least in other forums, it tends to be used by attention hoarders who know others probably have the same opinion but simply want to be responded to.
I only used it in this case because it seems that no matter where I look in the thread people seem to have it in their 'god tier' list.
Oh man I hadn't even considered thinking about PBC as BL but now that you say it oh man. Mr. Polar Bear. Panda. Oh man.Wait what?Polar Bear x Sasako
Is that more than last season?
If that's the case, I'm sure in 10 seasons or so from now, you would finish watching one whole series!
Oh man I hadn't even considered thinking about PBC as BL but now that you say it oh man. Mr. Polar Bear. Panda. Oh man.Wait what?Polar Bear x Sasako
I don't like TTGL either.
I saw some Polar Bear/Grizzly fanart once on Tumblr. It wasn't porn. Also,I'm pretty sure Polar Bear/Sasako is a thing, yes.
I saw some Polar Bear/Grizzly fanart once on Tumblr. It wasn't porn. Also,I'm pretty sure Polar Bear/Sasako is a thing, yes.
Well it does fit with your earlier post about pianos, so you might if you watched more of it.
Let me remember... Attack on Titan was last season right? I watched 4 episodes.
I've watched more than 60 episodes of Space Brothers but I dropped it since the manga in now released in my country.
Watched around 40 episodes of Gintama IIRC. Actually I'll try to get back to it.
Is there accurate animation of someone playing the piano in TTGL? If so, tell me the episode and I'll watch it.
what is randomc and why do people always hotlink from it?
you can plug image urls into imgur jfyi.I don't know about other people but I simply google search images, found one I wanted to use and it seemed to be working at first. Then I reloaded the page and saw that.
I don't know about other people but I simply google search images, found one I wanted to use and it seemed to be working at first. Then I reloaded the page and saw that.
you can plug image urls into imgur jfyi.
I honestly have very rarely ran into this problem.If you're going to use someone else's pictures, at least rehost in imgur or another image-sharing site. Linking directly to an external site always runs the risk of running into hotlinking pictures.
More like Grizzly x anything. The moment he appears, the DTL shoots up dramatically.
I saw some Polar Bear/Grizzly fanart once on Tumblr. It wasn't porn. Also,I'm pretty sure Polar Bear/Sasako is a thing, yes.
I'm very aware. But that's already one extra step away from google, so more effort. Considering that 90% of the images I use work fine via hotlinking.
almost time for phoenix wright my brothers.
anime of the year.
The Hosodapocalypse was an event beyond my control or planning.Wolf Children was my gateway. Hito has planned this all along.
I'm very aware. But that's already one extra step away from google, so more effort. Considering that 90% of the images I use work fine via hotlinking.
I honestly have very rarely ran into this problem.
Late the party, but...
Do the Frash Dance now Dawg!
Must.. resist... urge... to buy... right... now....
(The game will still be there months down the road when I can actually afford it. I tell myself.)
The Hosodapocalypse was an event beyond my control or planning.
FRIDAY MORNINGS (so a two-day delay from the TV) broadcast)
Apocalypse starts with "a" before "poca", and it's the same "a" that's at the end of "ho-so-dah".I don't even know how to SAY Hosodapocalypse. Now I have to go and google it.
It's the 0.01% that you need to watch out for, when there's an especially NSFW hotlinking image. Like, I dunno, a screenshot from a shemale porn vid?I'm very aware. But that's already one extra step away from google, so more effort. Considering that 90% of the images I use work fine via hotlinking.
Apocalypse starts with "a" before "poca", and it's the same "a" that's at the end of "ho-so-dah".
You gotta do it, though, cuz one time this really cool guy named Ace Bandage hotlinked, and then three months later someone opened that thread again, and there was a very explicit .gif in the place of what he'd posted, so he got banned and I never saw him again.
Don't go the way of Ace, man. I still miss him.
1. Install imgur extension
2. Right-click -> Rehost image
3. Done!
Get the imgur extension and rehosting is just a single right click away. If you're too lazy to do that, well . . .
Haha, basically Wolf Children was going to be good, and as anime fans we couldn't help but willingly associate ourselves with it.Okay, but all google has given me is a tweet by duckroll which says "When the hosodapocalypse comes, we will all be furries."
It's ominous and requires a little more information.
You gotta do it, though, cuz one time this really cool guy named Ace Bandage hotlinked, and then three months later someone opened that thread again, and there was a very explicit .gif in the place of what he'd posted, so he got banned and I never saw him again.
Yeah, but... I hope we'll be surprised.
Good stuff:
Kill La Kill
Non Non Biyori
Log Horizon
Valvrave 2
Its got Miyukichi and panties:
Yozakura Quartet
Would be a shit ton better without filters but is somewhat decent:
Some sort of middle ground because I heard the next episode is super bad:
Galilei Donna
IS 2
Machine Doll
Kyoukai no Kanata
Golden Time
The free DLC will not.
I don't even know how to SAY Hosodapocalypse. Now I have to go and google it.
I had low blood sugar and was feeling shaky, so I just ate 12 Oreos and drank a Coke Cherry. And I'm going out to dinner tonight with my dad who's in town. I might be sick later.
Haha, basically Wolf Children was going to be good, and as anime fans we couldn't help but willingly associate ourselves with it.
Yeah, hotlinking is just bad internet manners in general. It's stealing other folks' bandwidth, and the images can fail to work properly for everyone, or they can disappear or be replaced at some point later on, ruining your post for the archives (sometimes spectacularly, as people have already mentioned...)
It's always politer and safer to take the extra few seconds to just stick the address into the likes of imgur or min.us. The only times I hotlink images that I've stumbled across is when they're already hosted on one of those dedicated image hosting sites.
Its not an official term. Its a neogaf term.
FRIDAY MORNINGS (so a two-day delay from the TV broadcast)
Wow, what a late pickup for their Fall schedule. Glad to see it show up.
Wolf Children isn't his first work with anthro characters either. He also did Digimon and Summer Wars(online avatars).Oh, and Hosoda is the guy who made the movie. Now I get it.