It's going to be my first platinum trophy!Are you going to catch them all in Photo Kano?
It's going to be my first platinum trophy!Are you going to catch them all in Photo Kano?
The Dub's not worth it....close enough. Added to The List.
Benten gets all the scenic shots.
...How is the tail moving?
...How is the tail moving?
...How is the tail moving?
Boring.IS tech.
It's just silly comedic effect like the ears moving.
You should've mentioned this earlier, now I really have to check it out x)
It's too bad thatthe result of the fight is more rigged than the WWE or NBA combined.
So is Corvo Char or Laura?
Utena dub is just awful. Not funny awful, not amusing awful, just awful.
...How is the tail moving?
Yeah if the Japan sister stuff works so can this!IS tech.
Yeah if the Japan sister stuff works so can this!
What episode is that in? That gives me something to look forward to.
I've actually tried the cat ears they made somewhere around may last year. Didn't work all that well. Perhaps IS tech will solve all!
Kinda mind boggling the first series bombed but this franchise managed to push out a few ovas and now this.If it helps, the manga doesn't have any yuri besides a couple of hints. They've been really pushing it in this anime adaptation for some reason. And that reason is to gain popularity.
This is a funny perspective.
I'm not falling for this. You can't hide the boredom brought by the rest of the cast and story.
(Why was the series not about the adventures of Catgirl and Sawashiro?)
I guess too much of that many good things is bad! Someday there'll be another show where a lesbian meganekko Miyukichi molests a catgirl, I know there will.
Any idea if Haganai will be getting a third season?
It's a crime that Haibane Renmei is forever stuck in 480p. Those bluray upscales were horrific.
The current era wouldn't be so bad if most works were actually rendered at 1080p, but most of them are rendered at Xbone resolutions or lower. What was that site that analyzed the resolution of TV anime? Someone linked it before.
Aku no Hana 1
Figured I'd give this a shot again. Love the backgrounds, fine with the rotoscope, but what really amazes me is how effectively that tone being played makes any scene extremely unsettling. Even watched a bit of one muted just to see the difference and it was massive.
Speaking of unsettling, Nakamura so easily angering her teacher managed the same effect.
According to ultimatemegax, at least, everything that KyoAni has done since and including Nichijou has been 1080p.Ugh. Is there any studio that produces at legit 1080p? Fucking BONES doesn't even produce at 720p.
According to ultimatemegax, at least, everything that KyoAni has done since and including Nichijou has been 1080p.
I demand to know the Japanese for cutie-patooties.
...It's going to be my first platinum trophy!
Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiben Movie
And so I decided to finally watch this while playing Ace Attorney 5, and AA5 also makes me want to take on the series again. Not that I need to with the backlog and whatnot but...
Man, a lot of gel must've been used for the hair. It's so wacky seeing it in action.
The movie focuses on the DL-6 case, and as such, re-arranged certain things, primarily the Steel Samurai case in where Wright didn't take part at all, but it happened around the time of Phoenix's debut as a Defense Attorney (however, the guilty verdict on that case was still the same).
IT's weird seeing the technology being shown in this very movie to kinda replicate how evidence and such is presented to the courtroom. I mean holy shit, there's even an analyser for ballistic markings for a bullet just by tossing it in the air! And they're like what? 3 years ahead or something? Not really!
Though, I do like Phoenix Wright's display here, in where he seems to be rather incompetent because he's a fresh attorney, although the weirder part is seeing the "anime fall-down" gag when someone says something stupid.... come to think of it, I think this was in PGSM as well......
The freakouts don't put much of a candle on the game in my opinion, but I did enjoyseeing von Karma's hair becoming unkempt as Wright keeps dishing out the evidence to prove that he was behind DL-6. Seeing this was a moment of remember that he grew throughout the movie/game, as he is more able to be a defense attorney
von Karma has more presence in this movie versus the game, but he seems... softer in this adaptation, I think because of his more pronounced existence. Also a bit surprised that Apollo Justice music was playing at one point of the movie. Anywho, I enjoyed the movie for the most part. It did the characters well, even if there's some weird imagry at some pointsGHOOOOOST
Gintama - 25
I damn near lost it with the Death Note parodies. It's such a shame this show takes about 18 episodes to really pick up in its comedy department. I loved how they were poking fun at how clip show episodes usually go down.
Not a fan of the new OP though. Pray was so much better.
will try again later.
BoobJoust is infinitely scrubbable. lol
I feel like when a manga visits an anime studio by way of making a nerd reference, it starts to get weirdly incestuous. I wonder if this is an attempt to get them to pick up the manga to adapt! lol
I'm just here Ultimadrago has phrased better "firehawk sniped one from the top window. (lol)"
Utena dubbed isn't good for anyone.
Utena dub is just awful. Not funny awful, not amusing awful, just awful.
What about people who can't read!? They're people too
So is Corvo Char or Laura?
I'm Laura.
I thought you were Minako!
I am (in)famous for watching 20 minute anime episodes in 5-10 minutes. You can be your own editor too!I'm not even sure if I know what this means, haha.
Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome.What manga is this supposed to be from?
Oh yeah, I remember that now, haha.
I thought you were Minako!
I honestly felt like Von Karma's break down was even better in the movie than the game. Like if there was one part of the movie that was better than the game (aside from the evidence presentation explaining why people react as they do), it was von Karma's break down. His hair goes everywhere, and he screams and the camera freaks out with him.
The other thing I felt it did was sell me on Phoenix x Maya. I've been a fan of Phoenix x Mia all along, but I'll be damned if I didn't want them to kiss at the movie's end. The investigation of Gourd Lake really made them work as a couple.
Seeing those cuts were kind of weird. But oh my, now you're on the Maya train. Probably helps that Maya doesn't completely look like a kid, but... they did prolong that train scene. Even I was expecting something to happen right there.
Although in that regards, the post credits part where they were taking on Case 2-4.... Man... I would've loved to see the second movie being filmed. Especially since we wouldn't be dealing with Case 2-3.
Nick ships are as follows for me:
Mia > Maya > Iris > Ema/Athena.
Franziska > Gumshoe > Kay
Ema > Athena >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juniper
Phoenix > Apollo > Edgeworth > SCIENCE! > Other Named Male Characters > The Payne Brothers > Klavier
Part of me feels like there's plot things with Apollo, which might fit in with a hunch I'm having, but I'm at the beginning of case 3, so no spoilers of any kind, especially if you have something quotable.
Although I'm not feeling Athena too much in general. Doesn't give me the "she's a DA" like Apollo did as a rookie.
I totally am feeling Athena. As much as the barrier between virtual and physical reality permits. She doesn't feel like a lawyer at all (I mean Mia got laughed at for her age when she was in her twenties, and Athena is younger than Prosecutor Genius Edgeworth when he debuted), but she's spunky and perky and pretty, which is all I really demand. Plus it is nice to have another female lawyer.
I really wish this game had brought back Gumshoe or Ema. Like, Fulbright is okay I guess, but he isn't half the detective they are so far.
Fulbright is just there to push the DTL quota.
I guess. His one redeeming quality so far has been his theme song. Dude just kinda pales compared to Gumshoe.
I guess. His one redeeming quality so far has been his theme song. Dude just kinda pales compared to Gumshoe.
To be fair, you had three games to get to know Gumshoe. I personally wasn't too hot on Gumshoe until the second or third game.
I am (in)famous for watching 20 minute anime episodes in 5-10 minutes. You can be your own editor too!
Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome.
It's cute, for what it is. Sort of like Again!!, but in the reverse direction in terms of time travel.
I just want senpai to notice me and.take responsability
I thought Nafe was Irisu!