Somehow that didn't please me.
Should have done Godot, Trite.
Reminds me, we don't have a pumpkinThen again... I've established that knives are best left out of my hands
Please go in a corner and think about what you two said.
moral of the story, never buy black pads
Holy shit Neo Mexico is a giant fucking sombrero
Mexico emigrated the majority of its population on to a giant floating sombrero in space
G Gundam
That I drew a wolfman violating a small girl on a pumpkin to screw with you?
Has anyone here seen coyote ragtime show? The MAL description makes it sound like something I could enjoy but the reviews are polarizing among fans. Not sure if it's a diamond in the rough.
Its like those Doraemon movies, Its standalone movie with the character thrown into the original scenario.I see the Blue Exorcist film recommended fairly often, but how is the TV series? Or does the film work as a standalone?
Has anyone here seen coyote ragtime show? The MAL description makes it sound like something I could enjoy but the reviews are polarizing among fans. Not sure if it's a diamond in the rough.
I watched the first few episodes a long time ago and really liked it, but I don't really remember anything about it. Just like with Pumpkin Scissors and a few other shows, I just never got around to watching more. I probably should.
I own it but only watched about a disc worth. It has its moments. I honestly cant remember much about it or why I stopped.
Worst post ever.I read all the ojamajo posts including spoilers so I pretty much know what the show is like. Hooray for watching vicariously through others impressions!
I read all the ojamajo posts including spoilers so I pretty much know what the show is like. Hooray for watching vicariously through others impressions!
Yes. Agreed.
Worst post ever.
Care to explain why? I've seen a tiny bit of Kamen Rider and I'd like to know how Urobuchi is handling it.
The shot is brief, and these are the only two drawings used for the sheep being frightened, with the latter shaking a teensy little bit. There's no anticipation, no movement arc, just this juxtaposition of exaggerated, tense poses. I find it appealing, in its own way, and it's 100% anime, using the least possible drawings to convey the most possible emotion. I guess there's really no escaping one's roots, hahaha.
Um, what kind of shows or films does he normally like?My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
Yes. Agreed.
My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
Riki and Momoko are twins, the brother, Riki, a strong, healthy third grade Primary School Student, while Momoko has various mental and physical handicaps and goes to a special handicapped children's school.
Always complaining that she too wanted to go to proper school, she would often throw tantrums, but settle down when she hears Riki sing the "Chorus of the Frogs", her favourite song.
Soon, Momoko is is given permission to attend Riki's school once a week, as a part of a exchange learning program. There, she cheers Riki on during a Physical Education class, and this lead to Riki's team winning. However, a member of the losing team, Ryuji, insults Momoko about her intelligence. Riki, angered beyond restraint, hits Ryuji, and is subsequently punished by the principal and parents.
April. Riki's class is now in fourth Grade, but the hostility of Ryuji towards Momoko continues. However, the other members of the class become friends with Momoko, drawn to her happy personality. One day, Momoko's condition suddenly becomes worse, and is carried to hospital. Meanwhile, Riki, Ryuji and some others are chosen to run in the relay of the athletics carnival. Though Riki plans to encourage Momoko by winning the relay, the fastest runner, Ryuji, claimed that If Riki is running, then he would not...
Um, what kind of shows or films does he normally like?
Baccano. Fantastic dub, 'merican setting, not a lot of standard anime tropes.
Should've been clearer haha. He's usually very level-headed with western media and can watch anything as long as it's good. Having said that I don't know if he'll ever go into watching slice of life and other subgenres of that (drama, etc...). I'd assume action and more military shows will probably be a great door for him. One of the reasons we chose say FMA Brotherhood for him is because that's also a nice introduction into anime humor.
Are you only looking for TV series? There are a bunch of movies that might fit that bill, and they require less time investment than these longer TV shows.
GTO and/or Trigun is a good start. Most people like badass unconventional guy characters.My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
Oh no movies are welcome to. Miyazaki films will also be watched, as will things such as Vampire Hunter D and Sword of the Stranger. Also... crap... the one that's an allegory of red riding hood with the guys in Hellghast outfits. Name is slipping me. But any other suggestion is worth pursuing. Cowboy Bebop and SC should've mentioned are already in the list premade for him.
My friend and I are attempting in bringing another friend into anime. What are some suggestions you guys have for intro to anime? We were thinking Attack on Titan, Fate Zero, FMA Brotherhood and maybe Yamato 2199. He needs to be eased into the weirder aspects of anime such as little girls with high pitched voices (not necessarily moe) and the more perverted character designs/giant attributes to women. We hope to eventually lead him into Gurren Lagann but that'll be once he can tolerate Yoko.
Cool. Thanks for all the advice guy. Will be updating the list for him.
My plan is to eventually corrupt his innocent western-drama mind to the point he can recognize the dere types. One of us. One of us.
I'm already as far as Code Geass with another friend. It's only imminent.
edit: as to throwing a list at him and waiting for the results, that's not my style haha. I watch an episode here and there with the other friend, will do the same for this one.
How about Highschool of the Dead? It's an classy art piece that details the struggles of a group of strangers who learn they have to depend on each other to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Set in a impressively animated Tokyo just minutes after the outbreak, our hero find out quickly that the living are just as deadly as the walking dead.
I hear its the Walking Dead of anime. The writing is impressive and the females are well-empowered with very large moments.
Good, accessible, and on the actiony side:Should've been clearer haha. He's usually very level-headed with western media and can watch anything as long as it's good. Having said that I don't know if he'll ever go into watching slice of life and other subgenres of that (drama, etc...). I'd assume action and more military shows will probably be a great door for him. One of the reasons we chose say FMA Brotherhood for him is because that's also a nice introduction into anime humor.
The biggest sales number that matters for this week: Nekomonogatari White v1 sells 39,741 BD+DVD.
Compare to 57,512 for Nise v1w1 and 48,534 for Neko Black v1w1. Still damn good though and easily beats Free! to take top spot for the Summer season.
What does it mean when I say that I would rather watch Highschool of the Dead over Walking Dead?
Then it means you have good taste.and you're also a pervert
In my defense, the women on HotD are better written.
In my defense, the women on HotD are better written.
I've never seen an episode of the Walking Dead. Is it really THAT bad? That's hard to imagine.
Cecilia's Handmade Sandwich.
While waiting for the full sales list, have a look at one of the items from the Infinite Stratos 2 menu that just started at the Good Smile Cafe:
Cecilia's Handmade Sandwich.
Movies are great, because a lot of anime movies are great, but the general recommendations won't really paint a picture of the medium. Things like Jin-Roh and GitS are the exception, not the norm, and they are far away from your everyday TV show.
I think FMA:B is a pretty solid choice, for all that is good about it as well as for all its faults and trappings.
I watched the first 1.5 seasons of it and it was more painfully mediocre than outright terrible.I've never seen an episode of the Walking Dead. Is it really THAT bad? That's hard to imagine.
That's probably what Cecilia's vagina looks like.
Why the fuck is it blue?
Besides, once you establish that a safe zone exists in the medium, you can then branch out and try out stuff that still good but may not appeal to everyone. For example, movies like Patlabor and Honneamise might be too contemplative for some.I don't see what's wrong with starting someone off with the best the medium has to offer. You aren't going to get a picture of what anime is from just watching a few movies/series anyway, that takes time.
It's what made everyone in the cast stupid!