Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Can I just stick with anime with train wrecks? In which case Daughter of Twenty Faces would count (that was a good trainwreck, even if the anime itself ended up being a bit...weird... by the end).

also Angel Beats has a train crash!

We do have one of those in Diabolik Lovers.


I think you can call a narrative a "trainwreck" in the sense that it's a trainwreck for one of the characters in it, where his life spirals downwards until it ends in complete ruin. This is, of course, quite different from a "trainwreck" in the sense of bad writing.

Ah, of course. I could agree with that context.


The Light of El Cantare
The sales verdict is in. From the Media Create thread:

By the way, according to Media Create's numbers at least, this means it barely outsold Wind Waker HD.

Clearly, Nintendo should have included a new Link x Aryll subplot to attract more sales from otaku.
Now I'm not one to ever buy media merchandise, but this...

Would smack the bear(?)



Kana Asumi joins Nisekoi cast as Marika Tachibana

From my quick Google search of the main cast, she may be the best girl. Time to read the manga I guess!

Heard she was midly-yandere.

Will keep my eye out on her.


I'd say Marika is more stalkerish/obsessive than particularly yandere. Still seems like a good match if Kana Asumi uses her "usual" hyper voice, though.


to the mountain with you

...and this amounts to an all-out declaration of war.
Then it is war we shall have.

My Blu-Ray box set came in a while ago, so I show it now!

I am fulfilled.

Nice box. Probably less nice that the volume version but it is, magnitudes cheaper.
Hyouka 6-10

Hah, that was clever. I also see where the Irisu love comes from, but I gotta ask, why does she never brush that hair off of her face?
Because hair in face is part of the international Moe dictionary.


Walkure Romanze isn't related to Utena

AnimeGAF lied to me (someone posted a picture of the lead and said it was Utena a while back)
We said the costume design is basically an ugly rip-off Utena. Not that it's Utena.

He said good shows.
Kyoukai no Kanata 1

Caught a bit of this. There was some insane action/effects animation going on, and the way the conversations were framed visually reminds me of Hyouka. Soundtrack is also the best in a KyoAni show since Hyouka, pretty good stuff. Content-wise, well, it's hard for me to judge without English subtitles but the writing seemed pretty light novel-ish. The female lead is kind of annoying; I think her clumsy and flustered "moe appeal" is being overdone.


Coppelion Episode 1: The fall season has officially begun, Diabolik Lovers not withstanding because seriously fuck that show. Anyway, wow, yea, this one impresses me out the gate and puts Coppelion on my watch list for further episodes. Also leave it to anime to prove that there is no task that can't be handled by cute high school girls. Though clearly more is going on with Mishima's angels considering
they are walking around a destroyed Tokyo, which seems to have gone the way of Chernobyl, and it is implied they are some sort of puppets even though they are clearly everyday, ordinary girls in personality.
It is quite refreshing to find an anime this grounded and quiet, a mark of its seinen heritage. The pacing is a bit slow but clearly deliberate in order to establish the personalty of the girls and to build the world they themselves are exploring. Also, this program is quite visually stunning, for the most part, sometimes they get a little too heavy with the black outlines which causes a glaring disconnect between characters and backgrounds. The plot hook at the end is serviceable if a bit corny and I do look forward to what is happening next; a good start to this massive season.


Freezing 4-8

This is really some HS bully show so far. Seems like all the senior girls are going after Satellizer and trying to humiliate her big time. From trying to expose her (get her naked) in front of the entire school to beating on Kazuya.

Also in these episodes we meet the rival (Rana) and turning into a love triangle.
Danganronpa 10-13

Oh, also, the OST was fantastic.

I agree but I do wonder how much of the anime OST is from the game.

Another way to describe Hyouka: "Haruhi without the stupid" ;)

Needs more Endless Eight.

Got a copyright notice from Aniplex on my Youtube account again. This time for some Magi ad I uploaded ages ago. FML. Had to do that "Copyright School" Q&A crap too. >_<

You should hurry and delete any trace of you talking about Magi.

If only Spring would hurry for Haikyuu!!.

Hype influenced by others.


I agree but I do wonder how much of the anime OST is from the game.

I think pretty much all of it outside of OPs/EDs.

And even the OP was a bad vocal remix of the game's excellent instrumental opening theme. The ED was the only piece of good original music the anime had going for it.
But that doesn't work - it makes it sound like the rapiness is working against the cuteness, whereas in fact the two are working together in perfect harmony.

The chibi Sakura lying on the floor is pretty cute on its own, but it's the contrast provided by the full-size Natsuki entering the shot and towering imposingly over her that elevates it to the next level of cuteness. It changes Sakura's chibi appearance from a pure artstyle choice into something that makes her appear tiny and powerless at Natsuki's feet. It's that sense of helplessness/dominance - ie. rapiness - that makes the whole thing extra adorable.



But that doesn't work - it makes it sound like the rapiness is working against the cuteness, whereas in fact the two are working together in perfect harmony.

The chibi Sakura lying on the floor is pretty cute on its own, but it's the contrast provided by the full-size Natsuki entering the shot and towering imposingly over her that elevates it to the next level of cuteness. It changes Sakura's chibi appearance from a pure artstyle choice into something that makes her appear tiny and powerless at Natsuki's feet. It's that sense of helplessness/dominance - ie. rapiness - that makes the whole thing extra adorable.

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging" -Will Rogers


Kyoukai no Kanata 1

Caught a bit of this. There was some insane action/effects animation going on, and the way the conversations were framed visually reminds me of Hyouka. Soundtrack is also the best in a KyoAni show since Hyouka, pretty good stuff. Content-wise, well, it's hard for me to judge without English subtitles but the writing seemed pretty light novel-ish. The female lead is kind of annoying; I think her clumsy and flustered "moe appeal" is being overdone.

Yeah, I just finished watching it and I feel it's a bit too much. The animation was excellent though and that stair jump at the midpoint of the episode was definitely the highlight for me in that department.


kyoukai no kanata - 1

Surprise, there's a Tragic Past for the lead. I wonder if this is the kyoani LN formula by this point - it'll no doubt pop up in episode six ruining whatever good will the viewers had for the show.

The writing was pretty bad. Everything from the initial introduction to the stilted, unnatural dialogue. The latter feels like the writers buckling under the pressure to deliver something witty, but it's self-referential and knowing without really having anything to talk about or reflect on. Mirai Kurayama (the glasses-wearing moeblob heroine) is the bigger problem, though; her life is supposed to be divided into two, the clumsy uguu~ girl and the persecuted spirit warrior buffy thing, but this split isn't handled well, and her sociopathic disregard for the pain of others makes her a hard subject to be sympathetic to or root for.

That said, I actually liked everything else. The soundtrack is pretty strong, and appropriately moody even if the writing itself struggles to support it. The designs are good, and the direction is pleasantly to the point. And there's some really good animation here.
Man I love Crunchy Roll but they don't have Steins Gate or Hyouka

what even is this

Steins;Gate was once on Crunchyroll, but then FUNimation licensed it. Same thing happened to Heaven's Lost Property (Sora no Otoshimono) and Cat Planet Cuties (Asobi ni Ikuyo).

The links to those pages are still available with a quick search.
Didn't know Coppelion was on Hulu! Is the OP going to be updated? Ive been out of the game for a while and this is the first season I will be following regularly in a long time. Would help alot.
Next Crunchyroll simulcast: Outbreak Company. Unfortunately it's also getting hit with the first simulcast delay of the season, two and a half days to Saturday nights at 10:00pm PDT, and still region restricted to North America only. Guess TBS still isn't entire comfortable with same-day streaming.

http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-ne...s two more announcements scheduled for today.


Kyoukai no Kanata 1

Soundtrack is also the best in a KyoAni show since Hyouka, pretty good stuff.

The OST is by Hikaru Nanase aka Masumi Ito. I haven't had a chance to watch the whole of the first episode yet but that first piece of music is very striking in how "Hollywood" it sounds, and the battle theme towards the end of the episode really reminds me of some of the more bombastic scoring in Noein.

Looking forward to getting the chance to watch this properly - while I may never "stay the course" with KyoAni shows, it's always nice to see their grasp of cinematography etc.


I'm kinda on the edge whatever I should watch Kyoukai no Kanata or not.

How much "Normal Guy Meets Magical Girl Light Novel" is it?
kyoukai no kanata - 1
Mirai Kurayama (the glasses-wearing moeblob heroine) is the bigger problem, though; her life is supposed to be divided into two, the clumsy uguu~ girl and the persecuted spirit warrior buffy thing, but this split isn't handled well, and her sociopathic disregard for the pain of others makes her a hard subject to be sympathetic to or root for.

So it's like Kara no Kyoukai but bad?


Beyond the Boundary episode 1

"You made me kill the bucket!" Mirai is so damned adorkable. I'll be watching this.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Ok, I got a question for pokemon orgins, I know that they said to watch it officially its on the pokemon tv which is a app, I have this app but its only on my phone(which my mom is using today) will there be a english dub or is the pokemon company subbing it? and is there a way to watch it on my laptop instead of the app on my phone(the app doesnt seem to be available anywhere else but on my phone unless im wrong.)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
beyond the boundary 01
i had no idea dialogue could even be this bad.
I'm kinda on the edge whatever I should watch Kyoukai no Kanata or not.

How much "Normal Guy Meets Magical Girl Light Novel" is it?
He is not normal.
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