Sword Art Online 14
I don't think I've ever seen a show just blatantly break its own rules without a care in the world. I mean "how is he still alive!" is a common occurrence in fiction but most works at least try (though they don't always succeed) to explain their plot twists in a way that makes sense in the context of the story's universe. Here, things
just happen and there is never any justification as to why. Not even an attempt. Like not even "Heart of the Cards", or "SHONEN HEARTO" or "Secret Super Mode that had been teased for like 50 episodes/chapter" or whatever. Just 'cause.
REASONS. The clincher for me was:
"Evil dude, why are you so evil?"
"I dunno.......
REASONS? I forgot"
This level of writing wouldn't even pass grade for a high school writing assignment. How did it get published? How did it get turned into a TV show? I.......I......can't. I........don't understand