The manga's designs - like, a few volumes in when Oshimi had improved as an artist - are pretty darn good.
Glad I'm not a crazy person for really enjoying the way that series looks, especially lately.
The manga's designs - like, a few volumes in when Oshimi had improved as an artist - are pretty darn good.
I never said the manga art was great either, it gets the job done though. The fact the character face issue is a huge problem for me, if it was deliberate ala watamote I could forgive it but it happens to everyone in aku no Hana regardless of if they're a shiteater or not
Regardless of how you feel about Aku no Hana's art style, "bland" is not an accurate descriptor. There's nothing else like it in anime.
If I really wanted to watch rotoscope animation I'd just watch the Ralph Baskhy Lord of the Rings movie which despite being from the 70's looks better then a 2013 anime
The thing is, the Aku no Hana anime doesn't even need facial expressions. Anything it loses in that department, it more than makes up for with the great body language that ordinary anime could never hope to come close to.
I have to imagine the formula will deviate over the course of the show because I can't see how it could sustain itself for 24 episodes otherwise. If they don't they risk Star Driver-ing themselves.
they kind of packed enough people in the high school alone to fill a bunch of episodes. we've been presented with a long list of enemies out of the gate, and with the way the setting is being played up it would be weird for them to leave it.
Huge budget? There's not a lot of info about tv budgets in general, but from what we do know, what LWA got wasn't that much bigger. It's time that matters, and talent.
Glad I'm not a crazy person for really enjoying the way that series looks, especially in particular is a real favorite of mine.Tokiwa's
If I really wanted to watch rotoscope animation I'd just watch the Ralph Baskhy Lord of the Rings movie which despite being from the 70's looks better then a 2013 anime
Did you even watch the anime?I cannot disagree more. Part of what makes manga Nakamura such a memorable character to me is the sheer expressiveness of her face.
What star ranked was the boxing guy? I thought he looked like a level 2 which would just have the Chairs above him.
Well he said he was a level 2
Did you even watch the anime?
She's just as expressive as she ever was, if not more so.
Right so if a level 2 can't even scratch her now, all that's left are the 3's.
I cannot disagree more. Part of what makes manga Nakamura such a memorable character to me is the sheer expressiveness of her face.
He was a level 2, yeah. There are 3 other level 2s besides him, then there are the 4 level 3s, then Satsuki herself.What star ranked was the boxing guy? I thought he looked like a level 2 which would just have the Chairs above him.
Inferno Cop brought us together; Kill La Kill will tear us apart.
At least the Balrog has a face when it's more then 3 feet away from the screen
He was a level 2, yeah. There are 3 other level 2s besides him, then there are the 4 level 3s, then Satsuki herself.
Also there's old official art from Newtype showing what the serafuku looks like when not in battle form, for anyone interested. Linked just in case some people don't want it spoiled.
Right so if a level 2 can't even scratch her now, all that's left are the 3's.
It's really nice to see people being collectively enthusiastic about a product, but those masturbatory posts kind of defeat the purpose. They are just vacuous and turn people away.
The one-star characters just look like nameless mooks. There only seems to be about 9 or 10 two-stars and up.
Adulation isn't a big deal, it's when people start getting shouted down for raising complaints.It's really nice to see people being collectively enthusiastic about a product, but those masturbatory posts kind of defeat the purpose. They are just vacuous and turn people away.
What movie is that Banderas gif from anyway?
What movie is that Banderas gif from anyway?
He was a level 2, yeah. There are 3 other level 2s besides him, then there are the 4 level 3s, then Satsuki herself.
Also there's old official art from Newtype showing what the serafuku looks like when not in battle form, for anyone interested. Linked just in case some people don't want it spoiled.
2) They are doing art direction for Shin-Ei's Anime Mirai 2014 short (the one with Kameda's character designs).
Otherwise, they still have their game releasing next June, a J.C. Staff show for the spring 2014 season, and a show with an unspecified studio for fall 2014.
I don't disagree that those are the most important things(see Gonzo's short still looking like hot trash), but LWA had a budget of about $400,000. From what I understand that's several times the budget of the average anime episode and substantially more than even most high-end anime. I don't remember if even Dennou Coil had such a large per-episode budget.
So there are only 5 enemies that pose a threat to her now? She's going to get nerfed like a motherfucker.
1995. Damn. lol
1995. Damn. lol
I like the grunginess and ugliness of the show, though. I find it more cohesive to the story and more beautiful to look at than perfect, pretty character designs. The manga bothers the shit out of me because it looks way too pretty. I think it clashes horribly. Especially pretty boy Kasuga. I like the line art in the manga, but it's not extremely memorable to look at to me. Whether you like it or not, I'd have a really hard time believing you wouldn't remember the anime's look. Even if you say you don't, I couldn't believe it. It's too different.
I honestly would have rather seen the series just be a straight up j-drama I probably would have enjoyed it more.
The skimpy outfit and the whole premise around it reminded of Sumomomo character Nakajima Sanae. The skimpier the outfit the stronger she gets.
Something somewhat interesting in PaniPoni Dash 17:
Part of the Soredemo Machi cast, years prior to their adaptation of it. I guess Shinbo or whoever was a fan of the manga.
Not to mention he an Hyouka avatar.
You don't know how to have fun.
Kill La Kill 01
Them postcard moments.
Voicecast was pretty great too. I don't think there is a single voice that I disliked.
I will not speak about it its hotbloodedness right now as this has been done to death.
The Re: Cutie Honey expectation seems to have been spot on so far, though naturally this is a lot less risqué as I don't think Penis and Balls man would have worked on TV.
A fair amount of [REDACTED] this episode though the :chet was a lot more prominent.
Everything's a meme.It kills me how random old shit ends up memetic like that.
Not going to lie, guys, my favorite part of Trigger is the Trigger logo. It's awesome. Other than that, they've done some promising stuff but nothing to deserve the utter devotion they're getting.
I'm not going to say the anime's look is unmemorable it is if nothing else very unique. I don't think it looks very good but it certainly makes it stand out in a crowd. I honestly would have rather seen the series just be a straight up j-drama I probably would have enjoyed it more.
I'll admit I've never been a big fan of experimental type art, you can ask Toonami gaf about my perma rage over the special Kick Heart when that aired awhile back. Maybe it has something to do with me being color blind, I dunno.
Mara mara~
This is the nicest thing anybody has ever said about me.
Awful art? Yeah, sure, man.
Kill la Kill discussion is tearing AnimeGAF apart. Especially when it somehow gets spun off into Flowers of Evil discussion.
-The Rotoscoping improves over the course of the show, so that the later episodes do look better than the first.
-The Rotoscoping grows on you over the course of the show, so that the initial shock of how different it looks from conventional anime is forgotten over time.
What I learned today is nobody wants to talk Flowers of Evil with you unless you insult it.