Subete no aware
It's an anime thing I presume. lolDo people really do that kind of thing that's pictured or is it one of those "anime" things? Personally I find that whole thing kind of more off putting really.
It's an anime thing I presume. lolDo people really do that kind of thing that's pictured or is it one of those "anime" things? Personally I find that whole thing kind of more off putting really.
i guess. even some of those sections seemed lacking when it came to detail.There are other scenes in the episode that are insanely fluid too.
Rewatched KLK and enjoyed it more the second time around. I still feel like events needed a little more room to breathe and the dialogue in some scenes is too transparently and straightforwardly tailored around explaining power mechanics to the viewer, but it was clear to me this time around that it was a confident and streamlined introduction. The music is still boring, but listening again I almost feel like something is up with the sound mixing and the loud voices drown the music out at lot which kind of takes away from the heightened state of emotion they're trying to achieve. Still, it's a really, really gorgeous, really fun show that exudes pride, craftsmanship, and experience, and I think it's going to be great once it finds its rhythm.
I kind of want to jump on the Ryuko avatar bandwagon but a.) this could be the start of avatar-itis hell for me again and b.) I don't know if my idea would fly, haha.
The style of shading and light to no outlines looks similar to Takeuchi's Yuri Seijin Naoko-san OVA; it's pretty distinctive. Unfortunately I couldn't make it very far into the video; had to turn it off once the girl's breastplate got ripped off. I swear, with every passing year I loathe these sorts of ecchi tropes more and more.
I've never used that gif outside of quoting it and Branduil is the one who keeps bringing it up!For someone who loathes SAO so much, firehawk sure likes bringing it up! He even has a cap of the face licking handy.
No, Kirito has a back story and qualities placed on him. That's who whole point of that shitty "Beater" Batman bullshit he had in the second episode.
The premises are ~literally~ identical (but replace signet ring with scissor) right down to the Wakaba insert and the first episodes follow the same beats. Yes, they're not alike stylistically/symbolically/thematically (though exactly what themes KLK is trying to express I honestly can't even say at this point as it has yet to reveal its cards) but there are more than a few ways for things to mirror each other.
The best harem protagonist is a female one.
Rinne no Lagrange was a yuri harem. I'm pretty sure there are others I can't think of right now as well.
The best bits are actually the ones at the beginning anyway.
God dammit Takeuchi, why don't you go back to ufotable!?![]()
I like how there's a sakugabooru.For anyone who suffered Yu-shibu 1 needlessly, here, now you don't have to watch Outbreak Company either.
For anyone who suffered Yu-shibu 1 needlessly, here, now you don't have to watch Outbreak Company either.
lol that works tooHaha. I was thinking of this gif that got posted personally.
It's an anime thing I presume. lol
So hey guys
So hey guys
My Little Sister Can't Possibly When's Mahvel.
I would do a thing or two to Lilith's fine everything.
Now that we know that they're not just putting in characters from action shows, I have hope for Taiga! In fact I'd say she's probably pretty likely to be in.
Which means I'm importing the HELL outta this game.
I'm just waiting for Taiga to be announced.
Also Emilia from Maou-sama.
Strike the Blood 1
One thing that often puzzles and bothers me in anime is how people discuss such sensitive and major stuff right in the middle of public. You can't be talkin' bout vampires and secret organizations and shit right in the middle of a burger joint. Same thing happened in KnK.
Anyway, my attention kinda went in and out throughout the episode, but I guess it's interesting enough to keep watching for now.
Can someone explain the "fish knees" thing?
Can someone explain the "fish knees" thing?
For someone who loathes SAO so much, firehawk sure likes bringing it up! He even has a cap of the face licking handy.
Strike the Blood 1
One thing that often puzzles and bothers me in anime is how people discuss such sensitive and major stuff right in the middle of public. You can't be talkin' bout vampires and secret organizations and shit right in the middle of a burger joint. Same thing happened in KnK.
Anyway, my attention kinda went in and out throughout the episode, but I guess it's interesting enough to keep watching for now.
A fish grows out of one of the girls' knees.
What's there to explain? The main girl in the show is some sea creature whose knee is a fish or something. Literally.
This sounds amazing.
What's there to explain? The main girl in the show is some sea creature whose knee is a fish or something. Literally.
I thought about this and decided it must have been an intentional decision to drown out Sawano's inanity with constant screaming.
Plus, like I mentioned before (either here or in the official thread), the constant yelling totally reminded me of Black Lion which is so Go Nagai it hurts. But you know, in a good way.
Come on, isn't he lovably hopeless? I mean, Ichika redefines "useless harem MC"; it's like a bad parody of the worst of the genre, and that's one reason why the series is "good".
Well, that is true... I hope we get a lot more Char x Laura as the series continues.![]()
So hey guys
What's there to explain? The main girl in the show is some sea creature whose knee is a fish or something. Literally.
Can someone explain the "fish knees" thing?
Maybe we should ask HisshouBuraiKen how much can be revealed about the CR translation process. I would have hoped they had some safeguard against translators mishearing words.
The line between kemomimi fandom and kemono fandom is very thin indeed.I kind of have the same question. Do people really wear these types of things as pajamas or is this some kind of "furry" thing?
I thought I was free of that show ages ago. Why? WHY?Not everyone! Haha.
Nah, AKB I watched week to week, but the other two I watched right as they finished.What do you think you're doing?! Watching an anime as it airs! Haha.
(The only ones I can really recall off the top of my heard are AKB0048, Blood-C and Madoka)
I can only speak from my own experience but I have never done a show where I didn't have a script to follow along with, or if it came in late, check my by-ear translation against. We get them straight from Japan though so it probably varies from one company to the next.
If you notice a translation problem use the "report a problem with this video" form and list your complaints, they will be read. It's not just for reporting a video won't load or whatever. You have me curious now though, it's KLK 1 and some lemon scene? I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch anything from this season yet (got a couple long flights/trips later this month, planning to get some watching in then)