More to help establish social structure, I think.
Just part of Imaishi's subtle style!
More to help establish social structure, I think.
No Yomiuri Shimbun? Aniplex Inc., I demand a satisfaction! This illustration is worth of it and much more...Looks like Aniplex is doing full-page newspaper ads for more than just the Monogatari Series now. One for Kill la Kill in this morning's Asahi Shimbun, drawn by Yoh Yoshinari himself.
I think it's interesting, and telling, that the only time a traditional looking and acting mech turns up in Patlabor, whether it be the movies or the TV series, it's basically a villainous character.
Ive heard people say "I killed x object" before. Its kind of a cute/fun way to say you broke something or messed it up.
Yu-sibu 1
this had the most blatant crotch shots since that episode of Agent Aika i watched a couple of years ago.
Infinite Stratos 2 - 1
stopped watching the second time main doofus pulled his clueless "why is she so mad with me?" act. see ya in S3 IS!
I recently discovered that there's a tan, tomboy creature with short hair and a fluffy tail in this and am now obligated to watch it.
Strike the blood 1
seems potential.
Just part of Imaishi's subtle style!
Christ man, that's an entire season before it gets good. You're asking for a lot of investment here! I guess proportionately it's not that much though... blargh.
The Flowers of Evil 13
Outbreak Company 1
This is just as ridiculous as that series synopsis that was posted last page made it out to be, and despite the lack of fuwafuwa tomboy I think I enjoyed this more than I really should have. This MC knows what he wants and I find it absolutely hilarious, can't wait til we get into the meat of this show.
Hero Work Reluctant whatever
I seriously can't get over how well animated this is. Not only it features by far the best action sequence of Fall so far, the whole thing's consistent with peaks in quality throughout. I don't think it'd be a stretch to say it had overall the best animation out of everything I've watched so far.
Even the jiggling tits were well-done.... Fuck everything.
Takeuchi is a fucking master though.
Rewatched KLK and enjoyed it more the second time around. I still feel like events needed a little more room to breathe and the dialogue in some scenes is too transparently and straightforwardly tailored around explaining power mechanics to the viewer, but it was clear to me this time around that it was a confident and streamlined introduction. The music is still boring, but listening again I almost feel like something is up with the sound mixing and the loud voices drown the music out at lot which kind of takes away from the heightened state of emotion they're trying to achieve. Still, it's a really, really gorgeous, really fun show that exudes pride, craftsmanship, and experience, and I think it's going to be great once it finds its rhythm.
I kind of want to jump on the Ryuko avatar bandwagon but a.) this could be the start of avatar-itis hell for me again and b.) I don't know if my idea would fly, haha.
I kind of have the same question. Do people really wear these types of things as pajamas or is this some kind of "furry" thing?
Do people really do that kind of thing that's pictured or is it one of those "anime" things? Personally I find that whole thing kind of more off putting really.
For anyone who suffered Yu-shibu 1 needlessly, here, now you don't have to watch Outbreak Company either.
So hey guys
Toradora 24 (rewatch)
God, I remember how it felt when I first saw this episode. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly for Ryuji and Taiga. But of course, things can't stay perfect forever. And so the final episode approaches, and along with it, both heartbreak and happiness...
(And also it nearly killed me when Ryuji and Taiga split up to go into their respective houses, even though I knew they'd meet up again in the morning. It was just so similar to the scene in the next episode where the same thing happens again...except they don't meet back up...
I can't handle it.
My Little Sister Can't Possibly Urusai.
YamiBoushi 3
So the second episode was apparently apart of this weirdo alternate world nonsense, maybe? All I know is that Hazuki should have given herself to Lilith for obvious reasons. Also apparently Hatsumi? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH this show. Also that kid was trying to suck off that statue, what is even some magical being who likes to go to other worlds and be other people, for some reason
A fish grows out of one of the girls' knees.
The Tatami Galaxy 1
Once I got used to the RAPID PACE, I definitely enjoyed the episode. Looking forward to seeing where it goes. Despite the weirdness and speed, the central characters are already pretty likable.
So she will block the legendary flame sword made from existance energy with her bare hands ? ? OK
Well, well... with Dave1988 in here praising it I'm having flashbacks of the legendary TTGL thread from this forum. Off to a good start!Trigger delivered hard. The setting is interesting, the characters are wacky, and the action is amazingly OTT. I effin' loved every second of it. Animu is saved.
And the blushing, don't forget all that adorable blushing!They did this in 20 minutes. There's no room to breathe, because breathing is for suckers. It's all about hot-blooded shouting and underboobs.
If I get to beat the shit out of Kirino I very well might consider this game.
Oh my God, new season of Kuroko's Basketball starts today!?
I know that Shana is really short but Kirino's legs are crazy long there.
Oh and Kirino isn't the only new character announced. We also have Railgun. Toma is the support character in this pic :lol
Hi again, AnimeGAF, did you miss me? I missed you.
I had to leave NeoGAF for half a year on account of using ALL CAPS.
Much WataMote happened in my life while I was gone.
Also, I think I have the most referenced tag on all of NeoGAF.
And sometimes I don't even know what people are talking about when they reference my tag.
Okay. I'm going to hope this is true.
It was Saint's Row the Third.
I had never heard of Saint's Row before seeing that game on a Steam sale. Apparently it's a well known game, but I've never kept up and known much about Western video games. So I had no idea what it was.
What I did see was a woman in purple with a gun advertising it.
And my immediate thought was "great, I love purple. And I love video games with strong female, badass characters. There's so few video games with badass, heroic women. There's too much testosterone on the steam library and stories about macho military dudes and things out there. Being a badass woman is exactly what the doctor ordered, I'll buy this game immediately".
Then, when it appeared in my library, is a gross gangster game. Worse yet, the first thing staring me in the face was an achievement called "hoe boat" and "nut shot". The achievement having a pair of boobs with dollar signs on them. And an achievement for shooting a man's genitals.
I had an immediate reaction of "Oh no. No. Huh-uh. I'm not having this."
And proceeded to try to make it disappear as much as possible.
I'm surprised that nobody guess what it was. Because I did tell people that I didn't like it because it was "immoral" and "gross".
I still feel icky for ever having it had shown up in my library in the first place. But lucky I was able to contact a Steam mod and have it deleted from my subscription. I know now what Saint's Row is. And won't make that mistake again. Yuck.
Karin 1
So, I know Karin isn't the best manga series. I know it. But I like it quite a bit, so don't shoot me. But I knew there was an anime adaptation and I also new they changed the story/setting quite a bit and from what I know they changed in the adaptation, it was for the worst. At least on paper. Anyways, I know I can't knock it really until I actually watch it.
God this is a fucking mess. Ugly lackluster art and mediocre, cliched animation are only the start. There's one shot literally 20 minutes in where Karin gets her firstof the series andnosebleed. They haven't really got into their changes to the story, so it's pretty much unaltered at this point (aside from the opening dream sequence), thank god. And honestly if it was just that, I'd just toss it in the mediocre bin...her stream of blood from it becomes a triple trail of flowers. I'm not even fucking joking. I facepalmed through my skull
...but for some bizarre reason Funimation got some no-name english dubbers from some odd Singapore-based ADR company to dub it and, boy, next to none of them there way out of a paper bag. Especially Kenta's voice actor; FUCK he's bad, like worst of them all bad...and he's basically the show's deuteragonist for fuck's sake. I can't fucking take it.
It's a fucking trainwreck. The music and sound design are passible, I guess, but it really doesn't save it at all. I might try the subs, but I don't know if I can handle the story changes I know are awaiting me. What were they thinking? Someone end my pain please.
Hopefully you won't tell us about it everytime it happens.I really am going to be the user with the most referred to tag on NeoGAF.
I said "what the f" in all caps after being frustrated at people requesting me tell them the name of the game I wanted to remove from my library on Steam. And I got banned with the reason of "meltdown".Banned for what?
I can't imagine why.I got more irate after people got meaner and started calling me an "attention whore."
And that's a bad thing?I hope so too my friend. ^_^
Her legs are WAAAAY too long.
Only ~66% done. Still waiting for the complete one....
time to go download the new monster girl quest patch.
Yeah SR is pretty ass.Anti-Art
Sadly it's about homoerotic water cups voiced by Trigger's Community manager instead.I have no idea what Turning Girls is, but every time I see the title I think it's a show about turning girls lesbian or something.
SDBurton would probably love that.
I wonder what C3 would be like if C3 had headed it.Imaishi's looking at C3-bu's numbers and laughing.
Banned for flat. Chet conspiracy.Banned for what?
Ooh. I don't think I like you much.I can't imagine why.
I just might.>Hopefully you won't tell us about it everytime it happens.
yes in five or so hours.
Remember Love Lab was amazingly animated at first. Prepare for animation downgrades in future episodes. Hopefully it doesnt really affect it much.
....I.... I hope that's a joke.HolyBaikal, stop being an attention whore in here. Thx.
Yeah, I know.
But I get called out on it over the weirdest things.
Thats extremely tame compared to the stuff in this thread.
Magical girl is the best genre of anime ever.
Everything in this world should be magical girl.
Sora no Woto 5
I really like seeing characters who have actual jobs training at what they do. The show at this point could've easily gone into just everyday antics, but this episode keeps it nice and grounded.
All the background art is so stupidly pretty I'm surprised I'm surprised anymore. Still surprised though at how they handle reflecting on the destruction of war without dragging the tone down.
The last hot spring scene with the berries might be the most comfortable thing I've seen all year.
Sora no Woto 6
Whoa whoa, plot arcs out of nowhere. Took me a while to catch on that they were going nonlinear this episode. Casual Kanata is K-On levels of adorable and1121st Platoon has to be the best scene so far.gangster squad
They did a good job balancing out exactly who knows what at any time including the audience and having it align more with Kanata's perspective which makes sense.
Nichibros 1
Oh god this is the funniest shit.
Shabon Spray
Yeah, but that episode 12 though:
God if the whole show looked like that episode.
It sounds cheesy but I doubt I'd be as embarrassed by something like that.EH, if you think Saint's Row the Third is embarrassing, try having something like Bad Rats in your library.
Too bad nichibros bombed and the mangaka decided to quit the series to draw doujins.
Are there really people on your steam friend list that would judge you poorly for having friggin Saints Row of all things? I imagine something like Recettear would go over worse with a bunch of people.
Not really.
People like different things.
I just don't care about the opinions of someone who would judge me negatively for enjoying things like Recettear.
I like cute, sugary, innocent types of things in life the most. So there's certainly no point in being anything other than proud of that fact.
It's an integral part of who I am.
I also just responded to a completely silly post in a completely serious fashion. I'm silly, like that.
Please don't ban me but I think Half Life 2 is utter tripe.
Good God firehawk was right. Gravity is the real deal. So good. Blown away.
Goddamn, friday really have nothing to watch..
Goddamn, friday really have nothing to watch..
I'm addicted to Steam, and yet I've never played a Valve game in my life.
Well, except one of my irl friends who forced me to play Portal at her house because she's obsessed with GlaDos.
In fact, I've never played a first person shooter before in my life except at a friend's house.
Touhou Fortress 2 sounds someone enticing, though.
So does the Mega Man Doom mod.
I've never been a first person shooter person. I've pretty well ignored them since I was a small child.
Ahhhhhhh, no, that's so terrible.;_;
My Fushigiboshi no Futagohime will always be safe... safe...
I still love my Ojamajo Doremi...
Who became cursed? Please say not Aiko.
The day C3-bu v2 comes out is the day we learn that anime can sell negative copies.
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is actually my most favourite anime ever.Fushigi Boshi no Futago Hime is one of the most adorable animes in the world. I have witnessed it. Princess Lione is probably one of the cutest characters ever made.
And then you have the two main girls
I have this weird thing with Sora No Woto. I want to watch it. But, I stopped at episode 7. And it has an obscenely cheap collectors edition for like $20. I might just go to Walmart and add it to the collection instead of Crunchyroll.
Nichibros 2
The RPG skit at the beginning killed me. :lol Especially the end.
banira saruto
Even if you have to play as a Kugiloli?
Still good.
You would think that since moe, and anime like PreCure have such a following, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime would have gained one, as well. It certainly has as much going on as the moe Slice of Life Comedy anime so many people enjoy, me included. There's lots of good-hearted comedy, heartwarming moments, and general cuteness and fun that just makes me feel good inside after I watch an episode.