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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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PreCure has the advantage of fight sequences which makes the show more appealing to male otaku then, see, DoReMi or Futagohime, where conflicts are more personal or character driven (although Futagohime is almost saccharinely cute with a very pre-teen target audience).

Futagohime is the apotheosis of "little girl cartoons".
Not to be argumentative.

But that would make sense to me, if it weren't for the fact that multiple slice of life anime don't fight scenes, or plot, or much else other than the humor and entertainment sheerly derived from 'cute characters doing cute things'.

But hey, your explanation at least makes a good one for why it is my favourite anime ever.
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is like the My Little Pony of the anime world.

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is the only anime with truly adequate levels of cute. I proclaim.


Log Horizon 1

I wish I was watching SAO.

While SAO was shit, there was some entertainment to be had with its ridiculous drama and terrible characters. Here we have a similar core concept, players stuck/transported to MMO land, without SAO's unique "charm". The characters are simply mediocre so far, although I do like the mc. He isn't a total wank like Kirito and girls aren't fellating his gaming prowess, not yet anyway.
He does seem a little pedo though...
Oh and there's also a loli if that's what you're into. It just seems like churned out goop right now, not good and not shit enough to be fun.



Apparently, Japan is a flat chest empire.

Is Japan a flat chest empire, NeoGAF?

I really am going to be the user with the most referred to tag on NeoGAF.

Not really. Seems a mixture of the boobed and boobless.

Yeah, but that episode 12 though:




God if the whole show looked like that episode.

Yeah no kidding. but it wasnt like that the entire time, which is what Im saying. but I dont think KLK will take that much of a step down. It may be noticeable though.

EH, if you think Saint's Row the Third is embarrassing, try having something like Bad Rats in your library.


Toradora 25 (rewatch)


That's all I've got. I can't

This gif is still amazing to me.

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is actually my most favourite anime ever.

It's such a shame that hardly anybody seems to watch it.
It seems to embody pretty much everything I seem to enjoy in anime. Cute, simple, innocent fun.

You would think that since moe, and anime like PreCure have such a following, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime would have gained one, as well. It certainly has as much going on as the moe Slice of Life Comedy anime so many people enjoy, me included. There's lots of good-hearted comedy, heartwarming moments, and general cuteness and fun that just makes me feel good inside after I watch an episode.

There's something utopian-ly cute about Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, without being boring, either.

It is a quite adorable show. I took one look at the character designs and had to watch some of it. Theres one scene early on where Princess Lione was freaking out cause she had to dance or something and she starts shaking and its one of the most incredibly precious things Ive ever seen. I thought my heart was going to explode.

Kill La Kill 01 (rewatch)

Still good.
Why must we wait a week for the second episode/OP/ED

Is google overlords ok with this?
Log Horizon 1

I wish I was watching SAO.

While SAO was shit, there was some entertainment to be had with its ridiculous drama and terrible characters. Here we have a similar core concept, players stuck/transported to MMO land, without SAO's unique "charm". The characters are simply mediocre so far, although I do like the mc. He isn't a total wank like Kirito and girls aren't fellating his gaming prowess, not yet anyway.
He does seem a little pedo though...
Oh and there's also a loli if that's what you're into. It just seems like churned out goop right now, not good and not shit enough to be fun.

Unless NHK fucked up,Log Horizon will be way different than SAO in a good way,according to novel


Log Horizon Episode 1:

Well, this was more entertaining then Sword Art Online, but then again cleaning the toilet is more fun the Sword Art Online. A better way of putting things is the creators of this anime have actually played some MMORPGs and it shows. I like how they take into account the fact that avatars are not based on the person and if there are changes, like in height, problems might arise. I liked the fact that using the virtual commands are a hindrance and fighting in this place is not fighting in the game. Indeed, there is a great air of mystery in the notion that they are in a game at all. We see adventurers are freaking out, or despairing, or seeking out information or even playing their role to mask the fear. I could do without the 12 year old ninja, and the hitting on of said ninja, that is too much like SAO for my liking, even if it is comedy. I watch this one with caution in the future.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Okay, deep breath...

Some thoughts on Toradora 25 now that I've regained my composure:

I think, for as amazing as the episode is, my real problem with the ending (aside from not being the far superior and less heartwrenching LN ending) is that there's little to no sense of true "closure". I mean, you can't deny that Ryuji and Taiga are still together at the end, obviously. But I wish they had just given us a scene, or even just a static end card, with them holding hands and running out to greet the rest of their friends. In fact I've seen a picture like that before, so well done that you'd swear it was from the anime. I'd post it but I can't find it again.

Also, what happened in that year plus (oh god it hurts just saying it) that Ryuji and Taiga were separated? Specifically, did they even keep in touch with each other? I find it hard to believe that they didn't talk on the phone or text or visit one another in that time period. But yet...Ryuji's reaction to seeing Taiga at graduation would suggest that it was the first time they'd seen one another since she left. Especially since Ryuji still hadn't told her that he loved her. So they went over a year with no interaction whatsoever? That's...god that's harsh. ;_;

This is why I prefer the LN ending so much. Taiga is only gone for three months, then comes back along with her mother and the rest of the family to live next to Ryuji again, and they finish their last year of school together. One could argue that this ending is a bit anticlimactic and lacks the emotional punch that the anime ending has, and you'd probably be right, to a degree. But I still wish they'd gone with it. I mean...don't get me wrong, the anime ending is fantastic too, but...I don't know. Maybe the anime ending IS better. Maybe I haven't been able to think objectively about it until now since I'd almost been putting myself in Ryuji's shoes and imagining how it'd feel to be separated from the one you love for such a long time instead of thinking objectively about which ending works better in terms of quality. Who knows...

This is why I love Toradora though. No other anime has ever gotten me more invested in its characters and world than Toradora. I couldn't write this much about any other anime I've ever seen, even the one show I like more than Toradora (Nichijou). It's just wonderful, and even after watching it a second time, I'll still miss Ryuji, Taiga, Minori, Ami, Kitamura, and hell, even the minor characters like Haruta and Noto.

But hey, the PSP game is at 91% translated last time I checked, so I'll be able to go back to (a slightly different version of) that world soon enough. :D


If you were to ask me whether you should watch Log Horizon or SAO at this point in time, I'd say SAO.

We'll see, but so far it didn't impress.

I will right now I would rather watch the premiere episode of Log Horzion a hundred times before I would ever commit to watching Sword Art Online outside of with Toonami GAF. Sword Art Online could not even get the basics of MMORPGs down properly.


PreCure has the advantage of fight sequences which makes the show more appealing to male otaku then, see, DoReMi or Futagohime, where conflicts are more personal or character driven (although Futagohime is almost saccharinely cute with a very pre-teen target audience).

Futagohime is the apotheosis of "little girl cartoons".

Futago Hime is pretty much the most adorable anime series there is. Its wholly, entirely innocent and is 100% a show for kids with nothing that would really offend or cause controversy at all. Its just purely adorable from beginnig to end and a series that could be shown to anyone without a problem (who could tolerate that level of cuteness)

I still haven't watched Sword Art Online.

NeoGAF told me not to, after all.

Honestly didnt enjoy the show much at all for various reasons. Pretty much hated it.


I will right now I would rather watch the premiere episode of Log Horzion a hundred times before I would ever commit to watching Sword Art Online outside of with Toonami GAF. Sword Art Online could not even get the basics of MMORPGs down properly.

MMOs are boring though. The whole MMO aspect has no appeal for me. It can be as accurate or inaccurate as it wants, it just has to be interesting.
Log Horizon Episode 1

Alright start though was a bit boring at times. I guess its just the introduction type parts but once the action came along it picked up. I hope this group expands a bit faster as currently they are alright but need some more exciting characters with better personalities. I take it those two characters that got lots of screentime at random times just strolling around will be joining at some point.

Best part was the enemies bursting into Loot and Monies upon defeat. Could be flashier...


MMOs are boring though. The whole MMO aspect has no appeal for me. It can be as accurate or inaccurate as it wants, it just has to be interesting.

I agree fully. This is the main hangup I had with SAO to begin with. I was never drawn into it because I cant relate to MMOs or that culture at all.


history lesson about the facism in Germany
1984 and Animal Farm quotes and references.
Looks like totalitarianism will be one of the main themes of the show.
And only people like the insane & irreverently playful TRIGGER Inc., gang could make you look at a work like 1984 with a satisfied smile in your face.

First pro-tip: Classy Otonari draws classy Ultrasone, excellent combination.

Second pro-tip: GAiNAX was founded on 1984... :'-(

KLK was fun, but it has a lot to do to avoid turning to shit, especially with 26 eps on the table.
24 episodes, actually.

The actual exchange was:

Ryuuko: Stealing a girl's half-eaten lemon? Pretty lewd for a kid. Were you that desperate to find out what first love tastes like?
Kid: Why, you... You think you're so clever! I'll have you know I've had my first kiss already!
Ryuuko: Oh? Then I trust you have no regrets left in this world!

As in, you know, "because you're about to die". Hence why the kid responds "That's my line!" and then calls out all his friends to kick her ass.
Yeah, there's a reason why Daiz told everyone to wait for him even after the very first PV for this series that was translated by Aniplex Inc., people was released.

I think the biggest issue for me, one that relates to a wide number of my other complaints, is tone. I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling during the vast majority of the episode. The presentation of setting, established in the first scene, borders on parody, with the schoolteacher lecturing on Hitler before being interrupted by the Gestapo-like Disciplinary Squad. In fact, I was unsure during the entire episode if this was supposed to be a parody of all similar stories or not. It feels like it wants to have its cake and eat it too, in terms of the setting being an absurd caricature of high school battle anime, as well as generic revenge stories; yet at the same time the weirdly dark, violent murders and the presentation of Ryuuko's motivation seem to point to this being a "serious" story.
I think you've made similar complaints about tone before (and if not you, then someone else in this thread), and could not disagree more strongly. My favorite works all blend comedy and seriousness: TTGL, Discworld, Dresden Files, the MCU, Platinum games.

This is an idea I came up with when thinking about Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, but when you have a joke suddenly appear in the middle of a relatively serious moment the dissonance and surprise gives it a little bit of extra kick that (if balanced right) makes it land that much more effectively.
I definitely agree with Andrew J. here. I think clashing tones handled like this, at least on the beginning, do the work better than worse, because it could end up being too exhausting for the viewer otherwise. Not dramatizing it too much from the get-go, and giving room for future defining moments that could shift that tone even more clearly. This stance of theirs on how to affront the setting just wants to show at first how people still live with a not so clear-cut heavy burden on their minds even under the most extreme circumstances, something that keeps them going. In my opinion, the wackiness reflects that ambivalence.


Cowboy bebop 1

At first glance it's an entirely self contained story, but I guess it has some real parallels with spike (and Julia's) tale, huh?

Looks glorious in bluray quality and with 5.1. Bebop as I've never experienced it before.


Cowboy bebop 1

At first glance it's an entirely self contained story, but I guess it has some real parallels with spike (and Julia's) tale, huh?

Looks glorious in bluray quality and with 5.1. Bebop as I've never experienced it before.




Stuff like the Beta Tester subplot, which is ten shades of stupid, to the way they handle item drops, to the way players act, to the way the MMMORPG is structured all reek (and indeed confirmed) to come from the mind of somebody who has never touched an MMORPG before.


Cowboy bebop 1

At first glance it's an entirely self contained story, but I guess it has some real parallels with spike (and Julia's) tale, huh?

Looks glorious in bluray quality and with 5.1. Bebop as I've never experienced it before.

Im so jelly. But I think this is coming to the US next year finally so I wont be so jelly anymore XD

Its kind of interesting to see how irrelevant this series is today given how refreshingly creative and revered it was when it aired. Not liking Cowboy Bebop back then was absolute heresy.


Stuff like the Beta Tester subplot, which is ten shades of stupid, to the way they handle item drops, to the way players act, to the way the MMMORPG is structured all reek (and indeed confirmed) to come from the mind of somebody who has never touched an MMORPG before.

It was written in 2002 and the author posted in one of the later volumes that the project came about because he sucked at MMOs and was always jealous of the swag of the good players hence this was his attempt at experiencing that. (lol) I mean it's a bit disingenuous to say he's never touched one but I'm fully on-board with the idea that archaic game design was carried over in the anime due to the time he was likely exposed to them.

I'm still curious as to what games influenced him because one might be able to draw some parallels then.


Not liking it now is still heresy. But the market moved away from this kind of stuff long ago

Well a lot of the elements have been adapted to new shows through the years and diluted its impact. Its more understandable today not to be impressed with it. IT was always an episodic show which made it perfect for TV and easy to get into, but the overarching storyline was a mark of brilliance imo. But what really made the show, as most can agree was the soundtrack. So many memorable tracks. absolutely unforgettable.


It was written in 2002 and the author posted in one of the later volumes that the project came about because he sucked at MMOs and was always jealous of the swag of the good players hence this was his attempt at experiencing that. (lol) I mean it's a bit disingenuous to say he's never touched one but I'm fully on-board with the idea that archaic game design was carried over in the anime due to the time he was likely exposed to them.

I'm still curious as to what games influenced him because one might be able to draw some parallels then.

That isn't really helping the case of SAO.


Well a lot of the elements have been adapted to new shows through the years and diluted its impact. Its more understandable today not to be impressed with it. IT was always an episodic show which made it perfect for TV and easy to get into, but the overarching storyline was a mark of brilliance imo. But what really made the show, as most can agree was the soundtrack. So many memorable tracks. absolutely unforgettable.

Bennett The Sage has an excellent review on just why Cowboy Bebop is a classic among classics.
It is a quite adorable show. I took one look at the character designs and had to watch some of it.
I did, too. As soon as I saw a glimpse of the show, I knew I had to see it.
And I was not disappointed, either.

I'm surprised more people haven't taken notice of it.
Because I swear, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is a pure embodiment of moe.

Theres one scene early on where Princess Lione was freaking out cause she had to dance or something and she starts shaking and its one of the most incredibly precious things Ive ever seen. I thought my heart was going to explode.
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is full of heartwarming moments.

If you look up "Pearl's Prayer Song", you'll find just one of many. Not exactly something that hasn't been done in fiction loads of times before. But still, I just love all of the heartwarming moments in the show.

When Fushigiboshi no Futagohime isn't heartwarming, it's cute, or comedic. Or has something wonderful to entertain you. I, for one, never get bored watching it.

Perhaps I'll watch it again and post things from various episodes of the show. Like many users here do. There's loads of screencaps I'd like to make.


ffs holybaikal. don't do that. that's why people make the accusations they do.

That isn't really helping the case of SAO.

There's nothing to be helped. It's male power fantasy through and through. Just seems context is important in regards to this criticism.


Are people....doubting Cowboy Bebop?!

(it's early sorry)

Anyway, Log Horizon's out! Now to wait patiently for Samurai Flamenco and my anime schedule thing will be great!


There's going to be a Kyoto Animation fan appreciation day in Kyoto on 11/30.

The sponsors are apparently Pony Canyon, Lantis, TBS, Asahi and Quaras. The yaraon dude thinks its interesting that Kadokawa isn't involved in any of this :(

Andrew J.

Toradora 24 (rewatch)

God, I remember how it felt when I first saw this episode. Everything seemed to be going so perfectly for Ryuji and Taiga. But of course, things can't stay perfect forever. And so the final episode approaches, and along with it, both heartbreak and happiness...

(And also it nearly killed me when Ryuji and Taiga split up to go into their respective houses, even though I knew they'd meet up again in the morning. It was just so similar to the scene in the next episode where the same thing happens again...except they don't meet back up...


I can't handle it.


I want your opinion on something about this episode. Any other Toradora superfans can weigh in, too.

Do you think Taiga and Ryuji had sex that night after they eloped?


There's going to be a Kyoto Animation fan appreciation day in Kyoto on 11/30.

The sponsors are apparently Pony Canyon, Lantis, TBS, Asahi and Quaras. The yaraon dude thinks its interesting that Kadokawa isn't involved in any of this :(

An appreciation of the fans or of KyoAni itself? lol.


Its probably a good place as any to announce their next project, whatever that is. Maybe its the Tamako thing or whatever Takemoto has been working on. Free! probably gets announced next Spring and shown Summer since, you know, swimming anime and everything.


Bebop 2 is weaker than I remember. But it introduces Ein and it has a pretty amusing set of chase scenes, so it's okay by me.

One of my non-anime friends was forced to watch it by his girlfriend, and he said that while he enjoyed it he kind of felt like maybe the episodes didn't have enough time to them. In lieu of an (immediately apparent) overarching storyline, I think I kinda get what he was saying now. Bebop does trade a lot more on execution and style than on true, weighty substance to the story, at least in an episodic sense - there's not a lot to Abdul Hakim other than "dude wants this dog and is a jerk", after all - but man. Execution really goes a long way in anime.

Do you think Taiga and Ryuji had sex that night after they eloped?

I honestly don't know, really.
I would hazard a guess at yes, but I think to be perfectly honest it doesn't really matter for story purposes

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Fuck me I don't know how to spoilers. How did that fuck up?! D: EDIT: Oh, you can't quote within spoilers? Lesson learned.

I want your opinion on something about this episode. Any other Toradora superfans can weigh in, too.

Do you think Taiga and Ryuji had sex that night after they eloped?

LN spoilers below:

That's actually a pretty heavily debated point. Honestly, it's hard to tell. But there IS this part from the LN, during the bedroom scene where they kiss in the anime:

"You know, Ryuuji... I really, really, really, really, really, really..."
Two bodies that exist separately.
Two souls that can never be merged no matter what.
"... Love you."
And even so, they still wished to be as close as possible.

The futon that covered his face was pulled down, Ryuuji felt soft hair touching his face before his forehead touched another forehead, and his eyebrows came into contact with another pair, as though confirming the curvature of his face. His nose touched another nose, sensing his breathing overlapping with another. And finally, within the smell of shampoo, his fiery lips came into contact with another pair of lips. Taiga sat on Ryuuji with all her weight as she came down on Ryuuji's lips. This felt even hotter than the first time, more passionate, as though they could get immersed in it even more. In the nick of time, Ryuuji managed to steady his body, which was fast dissolving by the warmth of love, and frantically opened his eyes.
Taiga, I love you as well He repeated within his head.

The same thoughts have allowed two people to twist their bodies and leap towards the vast expanse, wanting to merge into a quadrupedal creature, sharing the same life. Yet these two bodies could merely be close to each other, touching each other, and they were anxious because of that. Their anxiety turned into frustration, and they could only cry and go crazy and would feel like destroying everything. This was the easiest method they could choose. Yet by standing so close to each other like this, they felt they could see something.

By bringing their respective worlds together, the two independent life forms are able to live once again in this new world, and this time they would be reborn in the same place.

So make of that what you will.


Bebop 2 is weaker than I remember. But it introduces Ein and it has a pretty amusing set of chase scenes, so it's okay by me.

One of my non-anime friends was forced to watch it by his girlfriend, and he said that while he enjoyed it he kind of felt like maybe the episodes didn't have enough time to them. In lieu of an (immediately apparent) overarching storyline, I think I kinda get what he was saying now. Bebop does trade a lot more on execution and style than on true, weighty substance to the story, at least in an episodic sense - there's not a lot to Abdul Hakim other than "dude wants this dog and is a jerk", after all - but man. Execution really goes a long way in anime.

I honestly don't know, really.
I would hazard a guess at yes, but I think to be perfectly honest it doesn't really matter for story purposes

The show is inconsistent. Sometimes its pretty mediocre, but some episodes are just legendary and the best anime has to offer. Some of them, like the music, are absolutely unforgettable parts of the show and really further the story or at the least make you feel for the characters involved. Overall the series is probably one of the best there is. It just has moments where it really isnt all that.

Fuck me I don't know how to spoilers. How did that fuck up?! D:

I think you quoted that part mistakenly.


Christ LNs have weird english translations.

Part of me really wants to learn Japanese just to figure out whose fault that is... but I'd probably learn the language as if I was double-translating into English anyway...


Nah, if you're at the level of being able to read novels, you're probably at the level of being able to think in Japanese already so that won't be a problem.
Fushigiboshi no Futagohime is actually my most favourite anime ever.

It's such a shame that hardly anybody seems to watch it.
It seems to embody pretty much everything I seem to enjoy in anime. Cute, simple, innocent fun.

You would think that since moe, and anime like PreCure have such a following, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime would have gained one, as well. It certainly has as much going on as the moe Slice of Life Comedy anime so many people enjoy, me included. There's lots of good-hearted comedy, heartwarming moments, and general cuteness and fun that just makes me feel good inside after I watch an episode.

There's something utopian-ly cute about Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, without being boring, either.
There is one big difference and i say that as someone who loved this anime prettty cure managed to stay up for a long time and even for us english speakers we had a decent flow of subs available ... but futago hime took way too much time to be translated.

it's a great anime that doesn't take itsellf too seriously but there real difference between this and precure is the fact that precure stayed up long enough for many people to become aware of it .


There is one big difference and i say that as someone who loved this anime prettty cure managed to stay up for a long time and even for us english speakers we had a decent flow of subs available ... but futago hime took way too much time to be translated.

it's a great anime that doesn't take itsellf too seriously but there real difference between this and precure is the fact that precure stayed up long enough for many people to become aware of it .

Very true.
It was never licensed by anyone and prior to the streaming services.
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