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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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people in Magi universe don't seem to be wearing underwears btw? :S
Some do , but not everyone.

Tsukihi being friend with Nadeko since kindergarten or something, she also the one that introducing her to Araragi.

And its common knowledge everyone in this series have ability to give #trruthfact, just varying by their level.

Well when everyone is hidding things, it's much easier for them to see past the lies others have made...being people accustomed to be like that.


I was trying to understand what you meant by that until I realized that it was a joke about my unhealthy hatred of Aida Mana, heh.

Haha, yeah, that was the joke I was trying to make. More generally even with some of the comments you've made about other high achieving type characters like Reika from Smile or Ami from Sailor Moon.

With it being mentioned so much in the thread I even looked at the first bit of the story and right at very beginning the brother main character is mentioned getting a 97% average across his five entrance exams. Two of those he gets a perfect 100% on where the average is usually 60%. He not only gets the best marks out of all the freshman students entering the school that year but he has the best marks in the history of the entire school setting records. Basically he's supposed to be a genius.

Without spoiling anything lets just say that's only the beginning and I'm not just talking about his academic skills either. Basically it sounds like you're going to love these main characters if you watch the show.

The fact that it has tones of incest that aren't hidden at all right off the bat and now the main character is revealed to be voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura, the seiyuu for the MC of OreImo, really might not help some peoples opinions of it either.


Kinda interested in checking out Log Horizon and White Album 2 after catching up on the last few pages of this thread. Also interested in Yuushibu and Outbreak Company but for various other reasons.

And none of these were even on my watch-list before this season started. :(


Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still 01

To say this was pretty awesome is a massive understatement.
Giant Robos were had, pretty explosions and awesome fights.
The cast also seems pretty colourful and should be fun to watch.
That music too. So goooood.


Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still 01

To say this was pretty awesome is a massive understatement.
Giant Robos were had, pretty explosions and awesome fights.
The cast also seems pretty colourful and should be fun to watch.
That music too. So goooood.

One of the best shows ever.


Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still 01

To say this was pretty awesome is a massive understatement.
Giant Robos were had, pretty explosions and awesome fights.
The cast also seems pretty colourful and should be fun to watch.
That music too. So goooood.

based imagawa

and yes masimichi amano's score is godlike. I think each episode had its own soundtrack cd


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Princess Tutu 21

All those revelations!
I keep feeling more and more sorry for Fakir.
That new power and ancestral responsibility.

Princess Tutu 22

The what now?
Oh. Oh...
Fuck off book-keepers and more importantly Drosselmeyer was a dick in life as he is in death. WHAT A SURPRISE.
Off to a standstill episode we go.

Princess Tutu 23

You could complain about the show being: Deus Ex Machina the anime but that would actually be missing the entire point.
God story writing powers duh, and the whole purpose of Ahiru's and Fakir's role especially with the former's new power is that they are trying to break away from the roles Drosselmeyer planned for them.
It is basically Satojun's Utena.

Princess Tutu 24

Oh god that Mytho aaaaaaaaa
Poor Rue's been had and she only now realises. But it's now too late. She also still is avoiding Ahiru but not because of hate anymore but because of shame. Can't actually blame her though.

Princess Tutu 25

I feel what they've done to Fakir the last few episodes has been the best move they've done in this anime for a while. I was also awestruck by the whole dance of Fakir and Ahiru at the bottom of the lake of despair. Fakir stabbing his hand in order to break from Drossemeyer's grasp was also amazing.

Princess Tutu 26 -ENDE-

Oh god the crows.
Ahiru's ahiru dance and Fakir's emotional writing trying to get past the restrictions of fate OMG
This fucking episode. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Fakir really got the short end of the stick here stuck with a duck when Mytho and Rue get together. Maybe he can use the godpowers he inherited from Drosselmeyer to fix things but until then haha
Wait, if they destroyed Drosselmeyer's story machine then how is he still going? That's cheating yo,

Final thoughts:
This was a good series, especially for the apparently very limited budget it was made under.
It manages to effectively portray a variety of complex themes and does so without losing its coherence or sacrificing its overarching aesthetic.
The ballet aspect might also sound like a gimmick when first describing the show but it's actually used effectively throughout the show without actually becoming terribly repetitive though to that note some episodes, namely at the start of the second arc did kinda become that but this is par for the course for a magical girl show and the pay-off for that repetitiveness is actually worthwhile and becomes apparent later in the story in the end-game as well as in terms of character development.

Yeees! :D

Princess Tutu is an amazing anime! :3


White Album 2

This not seem offensive for romance VN quite enjoyable in fact, but I think Hyouka ruin any other regular highschool drama for me, ugh..
Oh, and an anime adaptation was announced for LN series Black Bullet.


Ah nice, kinema citrus.

Moehair is best girl.


Best girl:


Now not only am I interested, I have to start reading this.

Okay, fine, here you all go. Anime announced for Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei.





Spice and Wolf II 5

Lawrence was really looking pretty pathetic and desperate there in that scene at the end, trying to ask that guy to do something that would ruin the reputation of his local market, all while telling him there was no risk involved with him.

What's making me angry is that the dude is going around doing all this shit, but heaven forbid he go talk to Holo and tell her "I'm sorry." He really upset her. If I was him, I wouldn't be so confident about her wanting to continue to travel with him. Obviously she can't stay with Amarty unless she wants to risk having him know she's Holo the wise wolf. But I feel like when I put it that way, Lawrence is basicall treating Holo like she has no choice but to stay with him.
Ace of Diamond - 01

So... this is a baseball anime. It has high school kids. And baseball.

And... I got nothing.

It's not bad, but it didn't catch me (pun intended :p). Maybe I have to wait until the characters are presented and are well defined, and see how they manage the tension in a match. For now, it started slow.


Did anyone ever gif the corrected version?

There's a corrected version?

Hajime no Ippo Rising - 01

Ugly at times, but hey, it's the return of Ippo and I couldn't be happier. The flashback was great, the actual match a bit underwhelming, although I expect it to get better.

Still, I'm worried with all the manga hate, can anyone tell me exactly what's wrong with the material this season is adapting?
Wanna be the World's Strongest 1

Combining Idol culture and Wrestling Culture into some kind of unholy union of perversion and BDSM. I'm actually kind of impressed at how disgusting and tasteless they made this. Someone had to decide to throw out any sense of decency and morals when they came up with this show. I can safely say its one of the worst things I've seen in a long time.
Gingitsune 1

This is relaxing, gentle, sweet - so pretty much exactly what I was looking for. The story was simple, but served as a good introduction to the nature of the relationship between Saeki and Gintaro. The duo have pretty good chemistry together, and Gintaro especially is fun to watch. The general placid atmosphere of the show and calm personality of Saeki's father kept the bits of drama between her and Gin from becoming too melodramatic.

The digital composition is somewhat muddy, unfortunately, but otherwise it's not a bad-looking show - certainly the animation is better than what I've seen from Diomedia in the past. The soundtrack is really nice, and perhaps the biggest factor in creating the atmosphere that makes this such a pleasant watch. This is on the very optimistic side of stories about the supernatural interacting with humans, so I'll be curious to see where it goes.

While the OP was uninteresting, I did like the ED's visual gimmick.


Wanna be the World's Strongest 1

Combining Idol culture and Wrestling Culture into some kind of unholy union of perversion and BDSM. I'm actually kind of impressed at how disgusting and tasteless they made this. Someone had to decide to throw out any sense of decency and morals when they came up with this show. I can safely say its one of the worst things I've seen in a long time.
So are you gonna watch it again next week?


The iDOLM@STER: 03

Well, I'm getting better at remembering names now. Makoto, Miki, and Yukiho are now ingrained into my mind. At this pace, I think I'll know them all by episode 7 or so.


Franken Von Fogler has to be the most amazing name I heard in a while.
I actually got a massive spoiler trying to search how to spell that. Fuck.

The iDOLM@STER: 03

Well, I'm getting better at remembering names now. Makoto, Miki, and Yukiho are now ingrained into my mind. At this pace, I think I'll know them all by episode 7 or so.
Best girl at the back.


Honestly this has to be one of the lighter episodes of the anime. It still has that never-ending despair for poor Kasuga, but I like him actually /talking/ than thinking at this point in the show. Oddly enough I'm now getting this Misery vibe from Nakamura.

Now for Episode 7.
There's a corrected version?

Hajime no Ippo Rising - 01

Ugly at times, but hey, it's the return of Ippo and I couldn't be happier. The flashback was great, the actual match a bit underwhelming, although I expect it to get better.

Still, I'm worried with all the manga hate, can anyone tell me exactly what's wrong with the material this season is adapting?
I think its the high coming off the Takamura fight. He was pretty much the perfect villain for him and the mangaka had a great build up and fight. Its all relative.
Detective Conan 246-247:
Poor Haibara, having to confront her status in the friendzone. At least she managed to deal with her animosity towards Ran. I still wish Conan would wise up to who the superior choice was.

Sonoko had plenty of moments of being awesome in this case. Even her theory about the murder method was on the right track and helped Conan figure out the truth. The case was just okay, but some of those character moments really elevated it.

Still, I'm worried with all the manga hate, can anyone tell me exactly what's wrong with the material this season is adapting?

Nothing. The material being adapted this season is generally pretty strong. The stuff that makes people angry with the manga comes later on (although the manga has had a return to form recently).


e: whew

Gingitsune 1

This is relaxing, gentle, sweet - so pretty much exactly what I was looking for. The story was simple, but served as a good introduction to the nature of the relationship between Saeki and Gintaro. The duo have pretty good chemistry together, and Gintaro especially is fun to watch. The general placid atmosphere of the show and calm personality of Saeki's father kept the bits of drama between her and Gin from becoming too melodramatic.

The digital composition is somewhat muddy, unfortunately, but otherwise it's not a bad-looking show - certainly the animation is better than what I've seen from Diomedia in the past. The soundtrack is really nice, and perhaps the biggest factor in creating the atmosphere that makes this such a pleasant watch. This is on the very optimistic side of stories about the supernatural interacting with humans, so I'll be curious to see where it goes.

Looking forward to this.
Meganebu! Episode 1

Hilarious start so far, we need more school club anime set in all boys school as it makes things really fun and interesting. Everyone is such a character and so hilarious when they work together. Easily Hayato is the best (sounds like Kise Ryouta or even Judar) but so unfair that Soma is always on him like that, at least he still admires him faithful even if Mitsuki is in the way.

Vision test scene was hilarious
when the cramp came even.

Looking forward to more and especially the We are meganebu! song All you need is M E G A N E.




Walkure Romanze Episode 1:

So yea, boob armor, boob armor everywhere. This is kind of a strange visual novel adaptation, apart from the gimmick being jousting knights. They got the usual set up of like 15 girls to one guy, but it is pretty blindingly obvious that Takahiro and Mio are going to hook up and become a couple. we do see some of the other potentials lining up and the rest of the line up being filled with Yuri. Not really sure what to think of this show right now, I would rather watch it then Golden Time and Nagi no Asukara but this is not saying much. This may be retained simply because it airs on Sundays, trashy, trashy Sundays.
e: after checking the manga, they'll probably get to it, and it kinda triggers the manga's downward slide into mediocrity for a long time, but the good news is that at least Rising will end a little after that.

Rising is adapting through volume 65. I haven't read the manga, so I have no idea what that means.

Looking forward to this.

Gintaro is so adorable.



I think its the high coming off the Takamura fight. He was pretty much the perfect villain for him and the mangaka had a great build up and fight. Its all relative.

Nothing. The material being adapted this season is generally pretty strong. The stuff that makes people angry with the manga comes later on (although the manga has had a return to form recently).

e: after checking the manga, they'll probably get to it, and it kinda triggers the manga's downward slide into mediocrity for a long time, but the good news is that at least Rising will end a little after that. Huge spoilers:
Miyata vs Ippo is set up, but then cancelled. Then some of the worst fights in the series follows.

Thanks for the quick replies guys.

Started watching Kuroko no Basket S2, holy shit is this one of the best opening ever? ;___;
It's so gorgeous.
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