Yowamushi Pedal 09
Man that race to reach the peak. So amazing.
Man that race to reach the peak. So amazing.
[Full Metal Panic!]
The aforementioned military aspect, essentially acts as the action segment of the show, what with it parlaying all the mecha stuff into these stretches. It’s kind of an odd atmosphere that it lends to the rest of the show, given that it has an almost fastidious approach to how it presents this material. This is to say that it’s all played surprisingly straight, with the middle section of the narrative conveying a tone that is much darker than anything else in the entire series - something which it doesn’t at all justify. It’s unfortunate that this section is awash with needless filler, as it bogs it down immeasurably. To their credit, they do try to directly feed some of these events into Sosuke’s character, but for as much as it’s leveraged; it isn’t really worth the three episode sojourn that it takes. It’s the architect of its downfall in this respect, with the execution of the material neither possessing the brevity, nor the nuance to pull off this precarious balancing act.
Perhaps it’s those broad strokes that endear this show to some, but for me, I wish that it would just decide what kind of story it wants to tell and stick with it. Instead, what we end with is entertaining, though I couldn't quite shake he feeling that it could have been so much more than the sum of these parts. The characters are entertaining, and as mentioned, the premise does allow for some good stuff, but it’s blighted by inconsistency. There isn’t really any sort of forward momentum to anything that happens, with there being a real lack of clarity on where (or how) the story intends to conclude. No better is this embodied in the series main antagonist, Guaron. It speaks volumes that it’s a role that doesn’t really become defined until well after the halfway point
One of the core conceits of the actual plot is left unaddressed until a couple of episodes away from the conclusion, which strikes me as somewhat egregious.
Though It’s a detail that is sown early, but even then, I don’t think it’s acceptable to reference it the way they do. They attempt to thread together the dangling plot threads in the most haphazard way possible, that it’s just insulting. The equivalent of the script just throwing its hands up and saying "Oh, by the way." It’s one thing to foreshadow, but it’s something else entirely to contrive plot developments. It’s a simply a case of cognitive dissonance. To make this yet more irritating, said exposition is rife with abstract expressions, never really committing ,and only ever existing as a deus ex machina to resolve a specific story beat. The audience is hardly going to accept it as feeling natural and cohesive to the overall plot, when not even the story can manage that. I probably would have preferred it had they only alluded to these elements. There is something to be said for economy in storytelling.(having Chidori being protected, due her mysterious talents)
You know all those people with named intros? You'll never see them again after ep 2!
Watch Fumoffu, disregard everything else.
As for the forward movement, what the shows adapted have covered are essentially the prologue to the main part of the narrative. That's partly why some people, like me, want Takemoto to go through the rest of the novels as a lot of the story progression happens later.
Oh man, that FMP knife. Keep twisting~~~
I agree with everyone. Watch Fumoffu. Second Raid is good too but that one is very action-y.
The 2nd Raid is definitely about progressing Sousuke as a character and really the climax of his character development to that point. Almost everything else is secondary in the that cour.
FMP is also KyoAni at their best before they hit it big with Haruhi.
Haruhi . . . I feel bad for saying this but I watched Haruhi once and the further away from it I get, the less I ever want to go back to it.
Someday I want to see a Shaft show with Ufotable-level production quality. .
Imagine how many backgrounds could be adjusted with that kind of cash.
And Yet The Town Moves 02
Someday I want to see a Shaft show with Ufotable-level production quality. Not a complain about this episode's visual quality, btw, just random musing.
[Full Metal Panic!]
Ostensibly starting off with a not too dissimilar slice of life premise, I assumed the military conceit was just that something that would never really figure into the narrative proper. As it turns out, this is true, to a degree. Therein lies my main problem with FMP.
what no way
candy store > tokyo sister > hair clips
hikage was a little boring this episode but she was funny in the first one she was in
Non Non Biyori 9
I totally knew Renchon was a giraffe from the beginning. Great...minds...?
I was thinkin snail
One day my KyoAni x ONE colab dream will come true
Randomly dancing? Best character.
No no no, the ONE version down to the unique "artstyle".Kyoani's sameface stuff would be awful with ONE stuff, especially if we're talking about the Murata version of OPM.
Full Metal Panic! 1
I'm struggling to get a grip of the world they're in. Like, why did the teacher let the guy into the school after she found a gun in his bag, and he straight up told her it was a lethal weapon?
Melissa seems like a cool girl, at least.
Don't think. Feel.
No no no, the ONE version down to the unique "artstyle".
And Yet The Town Moves 02
Improvement! I liked the first episode, but it feels like it gelled better with this show. Charming, amusing slice of life that's wacky enough to not be boring. We even had a more straight sweet scene when we learned about Hotori's relationship with the old woman whose name I forget. Still haven't been introduced to the blond girl in the OP and ED though!
Someday I want to see a Shaft show with Ufotable-level production quality. Not a complain about this episode's visual quality, btw, just random musing.
Also dat KyoAni animation boost really helped FMP. TSR is so damn good.
Haruhi . . . I feel bad for saying this but I watched Haruhi once and the further away from it I get, the less I ever want to go back to it.
have you seen Disappearance?
They'd keep the same scribbly style but animate it on ones.Kyoani would probably ruin it by making it too detailed.
Tokyo Ravens
Kon is awesome.
Excuse the shitty gif.
And still with the Minami-ke flashbacks. Thought they would have gone away by now.
I wonder what anime series has the longest name. Cause some of them are just hilariously long to the point it's ridiculous somebody thought it'd be a good idea to call it that.
I wonder what anime series has the longest name. Cause some of them are just hilariously long to the point it's ridiculous somebody thought it'd be a good idea to call it that.
K-ON!! 1-3
This is already much better than the first season. K-ON! was a well-produced but fairly typical 4-koma adaptation, with stereotypical characters, awkward comic timing, and intrusive punchlines. It was pleasant and mostly inoffensive, but not something I care to revisit. In this second season, the pacing has been smoothed out and flows more naturally, the jokes fit into their surroundings instead of sticking out poorly, and the characters actually feel like real people. The writing is more continuous and focused, instead of just stitching together 4-komas. It's not afraid to be contemplative, lingering on scenery and letting the characters be reflective.
I really liked the opening of the first episode, and later on the scene where the students were singing the school song - I appreciate that it was willing to be quiet and let the visuals express the friendship that's at the core of the series. In moments like those, it approaches the kind of "magical" realism that KyoAni perfected in Hyouka. I also liked how the third episode develops Ritsu's character, showing her as something of a spaz on the one hand, yet on the other hand as one who really does have an abiding passion in the drums. It's that kind of characterization that makes me feel like I know these people, and it's characterization that a lot of slice-of-life/4-koma shows lack.
I wonder what anime series has the longest name. Cause some of them are just hilariously long to the point it's ridiculous somebody thought it'd be a good idea to call it that.
Just wait for the eventual adaption of Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no
I dunno if anything has beaten that yet.
Ano hi no hana no namae wa bokutachi wa mada shiranai
is really long.
Just wait for the eventual adaption of Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no
I dunno if anything has beaten that yet.
since MAL has a hardon for super-long Japanese titles it was easy to check there. The two outstanding candidates:
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Sailor 9 Senshi Shuuketsu! Black Dream Hole no Kiseki
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music...
which one is longer depends on where you think the title ends and the subtitle begins.
By Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no you're talking about I'm a Brocon Little Sister That Loves Big Brother Too Much and Wants To Do "NyanNyan" But I Can't Be Honest, correct?Just wait for the eventual adaption of Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no
I dunno if anything has beaten that yet.
Tokyo Ravens 09
That full on combination attack was pretty sweet.
I guess there's all this mysterious plot upcoming as well.
By Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no you're talking about I'm a Brocon Little Sister That Loves Big Brother Too Much and Wants To Do "NyanNyan" But I Can't Be Honest, correct?
because yeah i still think that's the reigning champion