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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Kill la Kill Episode 11:

Yea, wow, the grand shifting we were waiting for came early and came fast, shit is not supposed to be getting this real, this fast. Next week can not come soon enough.

Non Non Biyori 4

Teacher remains the superior troll.

Renge focus was good in letting us see her natural photo taking skills and actually showing emotions, instead of the usual deadpan face she's had all this time.
Kill la Kill 11

For being a battle shonen, the battles are kind of boring (big exploding energy attacks won't improve anything) and are wasted (the battle with the "hacker") or are solved with asspulls (the one in this ep). But hey, at least in the second half of the episode we have a new interesting character and plot advancement!


Pocket Monsters XY 10
Huh. Maybe it's because I went in with low expectations, knowing it was a Team Rocket episode, but I liked this episode a lot more than I thought I would.

Several things about this episode surprised me(I'll spoiler this, even though only like 2 other people are watching this season).

It was a very... focused episode with good pacing. Jumped almost straight into the action. Very little extraneous back-story, unlike ep 8 with the pokemon grooming. The main focus was building the relationship of the new pokemon, and it succeeded without all the typical fluff.

Speaking of the new pokemon, I'm really glad they went with this idea of each of the main characters having a starter pokemon. Ash doesn't get to hog the starters, like he has in several seasons.

Team Rocket went on the assault. They didn't wear any costumes that made Ash magically forget what they looked like or use any of their silly schemes of trying to swindle people out of pokemon. Since I'm so used to their formula, it truly blew my mind when they purposely and solely kidnapped the professor. I was seriously like... WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? There's all this free pokemon for the grabbing and they flat out ignore it for the sake of their grand plan.

The scene with Serena, Eureka and Team Rocket was great. The girls doing the Team Rocket intro made me LOL. Also thought it was perfect timing when they started playing the battle theme during the scuffle in the truck.

I liked the way the battle ended, even if it was expected. Not much focus on the power of friendship or will. No tricks or last minute realizations aside from the obvious plug. In the end it was mostly a super strong pokemon coming in to save the day at a critical moment.

And lastly, I thought it was a nice touch with Citron(just gonna use japanese names now),and the prof, being really impressed by Team Rocket's machine. I mean, that's a typical animeish thing to do (happens a lot in one piece), but I don't recall it happening much or at all in pokemon. And it makes sense given Citron's inventor background.


Kyousougiga 9

That was a gloriously
moment from Daddy Myoue there. Really cannot comprehend what that guy is thinking. Which makes sense I guess, seeing as
he's a god and all

That super-long walking cut with all the exposition was interesting, too. Cheap as all hell, of course, but it was somehow really effective at building the mood.


Samurai Flamenco - Episode 10


I think these two scenes really hammered home what the series is doing, more than anything else.

Yeah this has to be one of the most unexpected ongoing story developments in a TV series ever. I think it's really commendable that they're willing to approach what they're trying to do head on, without giving a crap about the consequences though. Maybe it helps that they're on a slot which probably isn't expected to sell anything anyway, so the freedom to do something really experimental is there.

This isn't how I expected the series to go at all, but after this episode, I think I understand why they want to do this. What I find equally impressive is not that they're doing what they're doing, but also how consistent the character dialogue and tone has been in the series, even with everything else going on. It's one of the things I enjoyed a lot from the very first episode, and even now that remains true. What each character says, how they say it, and how other characters react to comments to conversations in either subtle or overt ways, is written with a lot of care. I love the flow of the banter and what it says about the characters.

It's going to be really hard to say more about the episode itself without spoilers, so it's time to go into spoilerzone.

I think that this episode, and how it chose to conclude the insane arc, is a statement about what different people enjoy about a superhero story. There are those attracted by the heroes, there are those attracted by the villains, there are those who like the grandstanding, there are those who just want to be entertained, but at the heart of it all - superheroes are something meant to be enjoyed simply by children who are happy to see strange and unrealistic things happening. They are the most important audience, and that joy and wonder is lost as children grow up into adults who have responsibilities and reality to deal with.

One of the themes for the show when it was announced was something like "this is a show about adults who don't want to grow up". It's pretty clear that the show is about dysfunctional people who cling too much to their childhood fantasies, but even so, it is impossible to escape the fact that as adults there are real consequences for their actions and they have actual responsibilities. What Hazama says he is fighting for - to put a smile on people's faces, is ironically something that he himself will probably never have as Samurai Flamenco. The happiness and innocence of a child experiencing all these insane events and just enjoying them like he would any other TV show, it's something adults will never have no matter how hard they try to pretend.

Now that the lid of "reality" has been completely blown off though, I'm looking forward to what other sorts of stories they can tell in this new world. It's definitely going to get stranger, and the end of the road for the characters might not be a happy one for all of them, but I expect it to get much stranger. The "I am Samurai Flamenco." line is right out of the first Iron Man movie, so I hope we get to see real mechs at some point. Lol.


Nagi no Asu Kara 11

Oh, Mari Okada. You're so good at this. Love your crying scenes.

I was glad when Akari
called the land-people council guys out on the fact that they were only agreeing to cooperate now because they thought their own asses might actually be on the line. That was bothering me and I was worried the show wasn't going to acknowledge it.
But yeah, not the time to be petty. LET'S DO THIS THING.

Sea God dude, you'd better watch and take note.


kill la kill - 11

The Nonon fight wrapped up terribly. A part of it has to do with how it's structured - a week's distance from what came before leaves the conclusion feeling cold - but for a battle centered around sound and music, the way it's used, both within the context of the show and the BGM, was really, really lacking. Probably the low point of the series as far as sound direction goes.

second half was gravy tho, dat Harime, dem revelatons
lol poor monkey


sealed with a kiss
kill la kill - 11

The Nonon fight wrapped up terribly. A part of it has to do with how it's structured - a week's distance from what came before leaves the conclusion feeling cold - but for a battle centered around sound and music, the way it's used, both within the context of the show and the BGM, was really, really lacking. Probably the low point of the series as far as sound direction goes.

second half was gravy tho, dat Harime, dem revelatons
lol poor monkey
At least the nonon fight did have some very well animated cuts, it'll be awesome when trigger goes all out at some point
i hope ;___;

Yowamushi Pedal 4

The shows strength in their characters once again shines with Naruko debut. He's a genuinely nice guy (if a little hot blooded) and has some good interaction scenes with his new pal Onoda.

The only real gripe I have about in this show, made all to apparent in this episode, is the bad models and CG they use occasionally when they ride the bikes.


Golden Time 11

Damnit Ghost Banri, this is all your fault! Your. fault!!!

Tada Banri makes a terrible cute girl, that's for sure.


Samumenco 10

Oh God. Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha.

Goto-san surviving jumping out of the car into a big ass pit as it hit the rocket and the whole thing exploded into a fireball was just....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Samurai Flamenco #10

Man, the series went totally to shit, but at least it's fun too see where it will go every week, especially since it seems the writers are taking this very much seriously.

Looking forward the Super Sentai next week (???).


Yowamushi Pedal 4

The shows strength in their characters once again shines with Naruko debut. He's a genuinely nice guy (if a little hot blooded) and has some good interaction scenes with his new pal Onoda.

The only real gripe I have about in this show, made all to apparent in this episode, is the bad models and CG they use occasionally when they ride the bikes.

Yeah, the CG bothered me in the beginning, but I think I'm starting to get used to it.
And I do love how chummy Naruko is. It kind of warms my soul seeing Naruko help Onoda out so much.


You guys alternate from week to week making me feel like either dropping Samumenco was a good idea or a bad one.

Kill La Kill


Show just got damn amazing AGAIN. MORE. PLUS.

Anybody think Satsuki and Ryuko might actually be sisters? Satsuki's mom's hair kinda reminded me of Ryuko.


Galileidonna 10

Well, that
was a fun little diversion, but so far it doesn't seem to have helped to actually achieve anything much. Situation still sucks almost exactly as much as it already did. Good luck getting out of that one.


You guys alternate from week to week making me feel like either dropping Samumenco was a good idea or a bad one.

Kill La Kill


Show just got damn amazing AGAIN. MORE. PLUS.

Anybody think Satsuki and Ryuko might actually be sisters? Satsuki's mom's hair kinda reminded me of Ryuko.

Yes. I also don't really believe that
Nui killed her father. The hair is wrong, though obviously that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Spring Noitamina show from A-1 Pictures: http://www.nanana.tv/

Oh. How very newtaminA.

Well, maybe the story will be interesting.

Also, don't think anyone's posted this yet but The Wind Rises has been nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Foreign Language Film which is pretty good going for an animated film.

Speaking of Ghibli, I've never even heard of the book that their new Anglophile film is based on; at least Howl's and The Borrowers are well-known properties. I'm sure it will look and sound lovely but it's not the most imaginative of stories IMO.


Galileidonna 10

Well, that
was a fun little diversion, but so far it doesn't seem to have helped to actually achieve anything much. Situation still sucks almost exactly as much as it already did. Good luck getting out of that one.

And next week is the last episode, is this going to end with s2 announcement or something?!! lool


Miyazaki has both the "final film in his career" and the "mediocre Pixar offfering" cards on his side, he may take the Oscar this year.

Joe Molotov

Miyazaki has both the "final film in his career" and the "mediocre Pixar offfering" cards on his side, he may take the Oscar this year.

The Wind Rises has been picking up steam on the Awards circuit, but my money is still on Frozen. Other than Spirited Away winning in 2002, the Academy has never missed out on a chance to go with the safe pick in this category.


The Wind Rises has been picking up steam on the Awards circuit, but my money is still on Frozen. Other than Spirited Away winning in 2002, the Academy has never missed out on a chance to go with the safe pick in this category.

Nah, MIyazaki's last film is about as safe as it gets.


Poet Centuriate
Golden Boy Lesson 1

She slapped him so hard her tits jiggled for a full minute straight afterward. I think I laughed about three times that length when he stares down the Yakuza then turns the corner at the last possible second.



A keyboard of paper. Bwahaahaha. I don't know which makes me laugh more. C-Base, or that a woman dressed like that can somehow call someone else an unstable pervert.

VeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeery educational.

A BLACK! BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! God, the delivery of this line is comedic GENIUS. "Life is a mystery! I LOVE RESEARCH!" This show. Is a. HOOT.

I have never once had a learning experience which made me make those kinds of sounds. My life feels pretty damn empty right about now. OH GOD NO DON'T UNPLUG THA-

Her boobs. Never. Stop.


Oh, okay, so Kintaro is actually a super genius who quit school so he could actually study life and stuff. That's impressive. Not as impressive as the half assed way the announcer wonders whether or not he'll save the world, though,




Outbreak Company 11

Well, I do believe...shit just went down.

I confess I wasn't quite expecting that to happen in this show, though I suppose it is all there in the title.


Shin Mazinger Z 16

Are we not going to talk about this? Just gonna handwave that away? The fact that Juuzou Kabuto wasn't being poetic or metaphorical when he said that the Mazinger Z could become a God or a Devil? The fact that MAZINGER Z JUST BECAME A DEVIL AND ALMOST CAUSED THIRD FUCKING IMPACT RIGHT ON TOP OF YOUR CITY?

No? Just gonna brush that aside, huh?

Fine. So in this episode Kouji deals, sort of poorly, with the fact that
Nishkiori is his mother and also killed his father.
But I mean, what can you expect? Kouji isn't the kind of guy who rolls over and destroys the world when he finds out that his mother ripped her soul in half and his father has been abusing him for years for the sake of getting her back. No, Kouji is the kind of guy who gets REALLY PISSED OFF when you tell him that.

On the plus side, we finally get some romantic development between Kouji and Sayaka. It's brief, but I don't think developing a romantic relationship is really on this show's agenda. Showing us how deeply screwed up and miserable Baron Asura's existence is, sure.

At this point in the series, I think I can see why Zeus judged the Mycenaean people worthy of destruction. I mean they were turning human beings into demonic robot squids to pilot giant robots programmed to destroy any civilization they encountered that wasn't Mycenaean. And this culture preceded the Greeks. For context, this civilization existed some 1600 years before Christ. So other civilizations at the time were pretty damn weak militarily, it being the Bronze Age and all. And by weak I mean one giant robot would've been enough to dominate an entire coast. But these guys weren't out for conquest. They were programmed to DESTROY. Just one of those robots could've ended the entire human race at that point.

PLUS, Bardos Island is a scary evil place. Tsubasa offed Kenzo, Hell and Juuzou went mad, Asura and Brocken were made there, and it all just gets crazier from there.

So yeah I definitely see why Zeus tried to wipe them out. The stuff Juuzou learned on Bardos enabled him to build a robot which can BECOME A GOD OR DEMON. LITERALLY.


Non Non Biyori 4
Renge focus was good in letting us see her natural photo taking skills and actually showing emotions, instead of the usual deadpan face she's had all this time.

The fact that she has emotions WHILE having the deadpan face is hilarious to me. The foundation of 40% of her comedy
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