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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Spirited Away was a pretty safe pick, too. It was certainly the desired pick by most people, and none of the other choices were really particularly inspiring. What were they going to give it to, Lilo & Stitch?

Its all going to boil down to which horse Disney decides to back. I'm putting money on them going with the internationally acclaimed director's ultra liberal hippie final work.


Mobile Suit Gundam 16

So in this episode Sayla takes the Gundam out for a joyride, and I'm still not entirely sure why. She says it is to prove that a woman can fight as well as a man in a mech (which yeah, okay), but when she lands in solitary she makes it sound like it was to discover whether or not Char was her brother and whether or not he was alive. Which I don't know how she was going to do in a fight. In the meantime, Amuro suits up in the Gunman and proves he can kick ass regardless of the mech, although he has a hard time going suit to suit with Ral at this point. Ral, for his part, just kinda waltzes around the battle-field, kicking ass. At one point he becomes a trap-door spider, hides under the sand, the pops out of it and slices the Gundam's foot in two. It's freaking awesome. It's Ramba Ral.

Oh and I guess the boat needs some salt.
Super crazy theory i just thought up that might be a spoiler:

ghost banri is actually trapped in the "chin" of banri , he will come out when banri will remove the last bandage

OMg i hope i'm wrong...

FLCL. Or actually, FLKoko

Samurai Flamenco 10

This episode was great. Again it went full-retard the good way. I'm glad Flamenco Diamond got put in her place.
when they told her she's an asshole and a side character my tears of joy were too much i hate her so.
DAT ENDING. Looks like these guys know how to do game changers. We first had Kick-Ass, then Kick-Ass 2 and now we have Iron Man.


I find the obsession with sales an unusual facet of gaming fandom. How many people really care how much merch the Seahawks sold this year?

People want something they like to sell so they can get more of it. Not hard to figure out and, on topic, surely you can empathize if you've ever had a show you wish never ended.


People want something they like to sell so they can get more of it. Not hard to figure out and, on topic, surely you can empathize if you've ever had a show you wish never ended.

I didn't say I couldn't understand it. I just find it unusual. Which is my explanation for why I don't follow sales for video games.

The 08th MS Team 4

So let's get the good out of the way first, shall we? The team interactions in this episode were great. Karen socks Sanders, and Sanders tanks a kick to the balls. Shiro bails him out of a fight, and Elidor freaks out at being offered his job as MS pilot. It all comes together when Sanders himself decides to kick his curse to the curb and beat the shit out of the Apsalus.

And here's what's bad:

The Apsalus. The fucking Apsalus. I mean first of all it is a Mobile Armor, and those are the STUPIDEST THING IN GUNDAM HISTORY. There has NEVER. EVER. EVER been a Mobile Armor which wasn't shit. THIS INCLUDES CHALIA BULL AND LALAH SOONE. Mobile Armors are SHIT.

And here's why: The Zeon dump a hilarious amount of money into building the Apsalus, and Sahalin is laughing mad about how goddamn powerful this stupid thing that is literally a turd with an anus mouth and Zaku head slapped on, but in the end, its just a flying cannon. Because when it is faced by TWO mobile suits firing on it, the dude in the background points out "you can't handle that kind of fire at that range!" And Sanders jumps on the damn thing and splits it open with a single beam saber.

And that is Mobile Armors for you in a nutshell. Spacers waste a hilarious amount of money on them, the bad guys hype it up and laugh about how it is so undefeatable and this time they're gonna kill that Gundam for sure, then one or two mechs kill it in less than ten minutes.

Because it's a pod with a cannon. Or a wheel. Or something. It's just this dumpy blob of metal that sucks and is going to die. Every time. All the time.

If you are writing a Gundam show, do me a favor and don't include Mobile Armors. You know why G Gundam is the best Gundam show? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING MOBILE ARMORS.
Samumenco 10

Man this episode was awesome. Everything you want in a Toku finale. The thing I love about this show is I have no idea where its going to go next. After this arc pretty much anything is possible.


I kinda want a Wii U for Mario but: a) I don't have space for it; and b) The 3DS I bought to play Mario is just sitting there on the table mocking me, unplayed.
Yozakura Quartet - Hana no Uta 10


Dust particles... extreme close-ups... mmm...

In which Shingo Yamashita proves that he is not just a highly skilled animator, but also a talented and surprisingly thoughtful director. The cinematography and use of color was off the charts. The attention to detail and the low-key direction makes this episode stand out from the flash the show normally excels at. So much great character animation too. It really sold the feelings of Hime, struggling to balance being a high-school girl and the responsibilities of being a mayor, and of younger Juri, struggling between her hatred of adults and her desire to be one herself. Hime's grandmother came fully to life in the flashback. I continue to be amazed at how much I like and care about the characters in this series.
Because this ain't console wars shit. At least anime sales don't kill brain cells like console wars.

Well. Was just pointing out that gaming isn't the only fanbase where people look at sales. Mostly tech and entertainment where it happens though. But, yeah, gaming might be worse than any of the others on this point.

Don't tell Articalys, but I really never bother to care about those posts, either.

Fair enough.
Ghost Banri happened

Ghost Banri isn't that bad.

It's Banri's fault. His bullshit desire to follow in the way of his predecesors and yearn for childhood friend is what's ruining this show. He needs to be more cool and suave. Like me

edit: speaking of Yozakura Quartet, I think the best way to describe the guy directing it is like the George RR Martin interpretation of South Park.

"As the sun was setting, Hime and the gang were thoughtfully thinking about what the future might entail. Her pantsu glittering with hope. Akina arrived as well. And we all know this guy has best pantsu"
What happened. I was so excited for Golden Time before the season started and now I really don't care for it.

The circle of life.

Eventually you realize that your predictions of what shows you'll enjoy before they come out will never be entirely accurate, and you learn to accept it. Take things as they come.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
kill la kill whatever episode we are on
it was me, random character, all along. i killed your dad. (not another fake out at all)
. what an incredibly emotional climax.

also the fanservice was really bothering me this episode. i don't know why. the hyper jiggling boobs stuffed into every shot just seemed annoying.

for all its nudity this show doesn't even have the balls to kill off any of this useless cast.
I hope the second half of the show goes meta and concerns him fighting against cliches and his own creator.

Breaking the fourth wall that much would be fantastic. I can't recall that much in anime/manga besides for a joke here and there. Though recently I read a manga that was brilliant. This random pretty boy says something stupid and the friend just keeps smiling and says "don't try and become the focus, we're only background characters"

Kyoukai no Kanata 11


Well. Senpai did notice her.


VVV 22-

Some hard truths got laid out this episode. L-Elf showing why he's the best character on this show.

Also unless everybody dies, a 2nd season or movie is going to be announced at the end of this.
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