Poet Centuriate
Haha, I'm definitely enjoying it. It's raunchy, but it's also really, really funny.
Have you watched any other episodes yet? Because if you haven't, then YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA.
Haha, I'm definitely enjoying it. It's raunchy, but it's also really, really funny.
Have you watched any other episodes yet? Because if you haven't, then YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA.
Just think of this. You're at the best parts, it gets worse.Star Driver 7-12
I am determined to watch the whole of this series; I've been meaning to do so for years and I've never actually done so.
The writing continues to have flashes where it almost understands what made the Utena formula work, but for whatever reason none of it ever comes together to be particularly interesting. The Cybody battles, as dynamically animated as they generally are, never engage on an emotional level; it's not just that Takuto must always win, but it's never particularly clear why he must - too often it's a technical deus ex machina that saves his ass, rather than a weakness on the part of his opponent or some major advantage on his part other than Tauburn having an unused gizmo up its sleeve. Episode 12, for instance, gets the visual component right by continuing the "boxing" theme from earlier in the episode, but the fight itself doesn't reflect anything that's happened previously.
The other major flaws are the incomprehensible mytharc (Seals and Maidens and whatnot get a mention every other episode or so and I'm still no clearer what all these things and the Phases are supposed to be...) and the enormous yet forgettable cast of characters. For a show ostensibly built around three major characters, Wako has pretty much had no screentime in this stretch of episodes except for floating around in bubbles during Zero Time.
I don't find the series completely impossible to watch but it's background noise only - I like the pretty pictures and the nice music/songs, but it's totally failing to engage me on an emotional level which is a shame.
Agree 100%Pokemon Origin 3 and 4
3 and 4 was ultimately the best episodes in the whole thing. Green really made it an actually really special anime the whole way through and his JPN clearly enjoyed the role. Red too was quite excellent. The Giovanni stuff was intense and the visuals for the HP meter in the background along with the best arrangement for that song in Silph co was amazing..Red v Green was the best aspect to the anime but highly unrealistic and impossible how Red managed to win. It shouldnt even be possible to lose to Green.
I think the XY stuff was unnecessary and largely ruined the anime though.it at least did give a good post story moment with Green there injured and Red to come to tend to him. But still, the Mewtwo stuff as well as the stone part was actually really weak and boring. Additionally Mega Charizard is pretty boring.
Yes regina was selfishness , but she had a other side and you could understand why mana tried to win her over. Since regina came back , all she did was to make some generic vilain moments ...
Samurai Flamenco 10
Yeah I don't really want this at all. It wasn't fun and it was more disturbing than anything.I'll probably drop this after this season. It's not what I came to the show for and it's no longer enjoyable.I don't need to see purple's fucking finger getting crushed.
Spring Noitamina show from A-1 Pictures: http://www.nanana.tv/
Original Story: Kazuma Ootorino
Original Character Design: Akai Ringo?
Director: Kanta Kamei (Bunny Drop)
Script Composition: Hideyuki Kurata
Character Design: Tetsuya Kawakami
Music: Keigo Hoashi - MONACA
PR: http://moca-news.net/article/20131213/201312130139a/01/
The lisp and delivery combined with the content murders me.
I think a male foil for Araragi would be really useful to the plot, but that's just me. He doesn't even really have to be friendly, just a foil.
Production order it is, then.
On it.
And you know what they say! Making something sound bad only makes it more attractive for someone to watch!
Non Non Biyori: 10
Most adorable episode in the history of everything.
Kill la Kill 11
Oh god Cajun is going to die... again.
Outbreak Company 11
Well, I do believe...shit just went down.
I confess I wasn't quite expecting that to happen in this show, though I suppose it is all there in the title.
BlazBlue Alter Memory 10
A Makoto and Noel beatdown, while enjoying some genuine Terumi rapeface and mindrape.
Was fun.
Regina initially was basically getting character development all the time. Even the first brainwashing (with the red eyes) still kept a large part of her character around and was counter attacked by more development. And then there was also the evolution of her interactions with the other Cures, not only Mana.
This second brainwashing though basically turned her into a completely static character. She can't "develop" at all because the brainwashing gives her a headache and resets her character. She'll only really become an active character again when she breaks out, which likely only will happen in the final few episodes. I knew the moment that they brainwashed her for a second time that nothing good would come out of it narratively.
Also, she did use her spear in Sword's episode.
Regina initially was basically getting character development all the time. Even the first brainwashing (with the red eyes) still kept a large part of her character around and was counter attacked by more development. And then there was also the evolution of her interactions with the other Cures, not only Mana.
This second brainwashing though basically turned her into a completely static character. She can't "develop" at all because the brainwashing gives her a headache and resets her character. She'll only really become an active character again when she breaks out, which likely only will happen in the final few episodes. I knew the moment that they brainwashed her for a second time that nothing good would come out of it narratively.
Also, she did use her spear in Sword's episode.
Would rather have good Regina... she could've been a real Cure... who could've molested the other ones before going back to her precious Manapool.
Spring Noitamina show from A-1 Pictures: http://www.nanana.tv/
Original Story: Kazuma Ootorino
Original Character Design: Akai Ringo?
Director: Kanta Kamei (Bunny Drop)
Script Composition: Hideyuki Kurata
Character Design: Tetsuya Kawakami
Music: Keigo Hoashi - MONACA
PR: http://moca-news.net/article/20131213/201312130139a/01/
The lisp and delivery combined with the content murders me.
I think a male foil for Araragi would be really useful to the plot, but that's just me. He doesn't even really have to be friendly, just a foil.
Production order it is, then.
On it.
And you know what they say! Making something sound bad only makes it more attractive for someone to watch!
Non Non Biyori: 10
Most adorable episode in the history of everything.
Kill la Kill 11
Oh god Cajun is going to die... again.
Outbreak Company 11
Well, I do believe...shit just went down.
I confess I wasn't quite expecting that to happen in this show, though I suppose it is all there in the title.
[see post 12497]
[see post 12491]
Huh. I'm seeing double.
i had hoped at some point that she would be cure ace and it would have been a nice moment of redemption like the 2 characters that were "turned" before.
If this is the alternative, then give me back girls that are trying their best to live to correct their past mistakes.
The Wind Rises has been picking up steam on the Awards circuit, but my money is still on Frozen. Other than Spirited Away winning in 2002, the Academy has never missed out on a chance to go with the safe pick in this category.
Not yet
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 10
I think that this episode, and how it chose to conclude the insane arc, is a statement about what different people enjoy about a superhero story. There are those attracted by the heroes, there are those attracted by the villains, there are those who like the grandstanding, there are those who just want to be entertained, but at the heart of it all - superheroes are something meant to be enjoyed simply by children who are happy to see strange and unrealistic things happening. They are the most important audience, and that joy and wonder is lost as children grow up into adults who have responsibilities and reality to deal with.
One of the themes for the show when it was announced was something like "this is a show about adults who don't want to grow up". It's pretty clear that the show is about dysfunctional people who cling too much to their childhood fantasies, but even so, it is impossible to escape the fact that as adults there are real consequences for their actions and they have actual responsibilities. What Hazama says he is fighting for - to put a smile on people's faces, is ironically something that he himself will probably never have as Samurai Flamenco. The happiness and innocence of a child experiencing all these insane events and just enjoying them like he would any other TV show, it's something adults will never have no matter how hard they try to pretend.
Now that the lid of "reality" has been completely blown off though, I'm looking forward to what other sorts of stories they can tell in this new world. It's definitely going to get stranger, and the end of the road for the characters might not be a happy one for all of them, but I expect it to get much stranger. The "I am Samurai Flamenco." line is right out of the first Iron Man movie, so I hope we get to see real mechs at some point. Lol.
Naruko'sEveryone in Yowapedal is a bro, but Miki and Naruko are the broest of bros.
disgustingSpring Noitamina show from A-1 Pictures: http://www.nanana.tv/
Spirited Away was a pretty safe pick, too. It was certainly the desired pick by most people, and none of the other choices were really particularly inspiring. What were they going to give it to, Lilo & Stitch?
Spring Noitamina show from A-1 Pictures: http://www.nanana.tv/
Original Story: Kazuma Ootorino
Original Character Design: Akai Ringo?
Director: Kanta Kamei (Bunny Drop)
Script Composition: Hideyuki Kurata
Character Design: Tetsuya Kawakami
Music: Keigo Hoashi - MONACA
PR: http://moca-news.net/article/20131213/201312130139a/01/
The lisp and delivery combined with the content murders me.
I think a male foil for Araragi would be really useful to the plot, but that's just me. He doesn't even really have to be friendly, just a foil.
Production order it is, then.
On it.
And you know what they say! Making something sound bad only makes it more attractive for someone to watch!
Non Non Biyori: 10
Most adorable episode in the history of everything.
Kill la Kill 11
Oh god Cajun is going to die... again.
Outbreak Company 11
Well, I do believe...shit just went down.
I confess I wasn't quite expecting that to happen in this show, though I suppose it is all there in the title.
Golden Time 11
The part of Banri that can't get over Linda pisses me off. Koko is best girl, and psycho girlfriend in anime is super original so I really hope this doesn't end up with best friend. Considering the emphasis on Koko it won't I mean in Toradora the characters had, but the focus was always on them so I'm using that as my excuse to not worrying.feelings for someone else early on
Besides that, the 2spooky4koko ghost hasn't comeback, which is good. Episode was ok, not much went on besides the job hunting. I liked the costumes though. Nana knows some weird people. Biggest complaint? NOT ENOUGH 2D-KUN. In fact none at all.