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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Kill la Kill 11

Tsumugu appears!

Show just got better by his presence alone.

Peanut gallery continues to deliver with Ira, Mako, and Inu commentary.

Disappointing to see how Nonon's fight ended after starting out strong. Only time I remember a beam spam ending being good was Gohan vs Cell.

Motherofgod.jpg for the ending. That certainly pumps up the excitement for next week.


Samurai Flamenco 10

First half was hard to watch. I like how
King Torture really dealt that dose of reality that Mari needed like all hell, and how he praised Moe for being an actual hero, willing to risk her life and die for Mari, rather than just doing everything she's doing for fun. Still, with that mini torture scene...yeah. I was starting to prepare myself for way, way worse though.

Loved Goto in this episode, being all
"What the fuck am I supposed to do to stop a rocket?!" I'm a fucking cop!" And then being all "Fuck it, drive the car into it".

Hazama can never be the same now that
he's shown himself.
Wonder how the show will handle this if it intends to go on for two cours, which I'm pretty sure it is.
Ending was hard as hell too. Mari singing that song on stage and just sounding horrendous as she sang through the pain and exhaustion. In her tattered, beat-up Cure Diamond costume, no less. Wonder how she'll be going forward. Right now in this situation I'd say she's going to hang up the superhero thing
, but I doubt that'll actually happen.


Gingitsune 10


Definitely one of the strongest episodes in this entire show. The focus on Satoru getting dragged around town by an upperclassmen in his Kendo club felt incredibly earnest and really reminded me of some of the better episodes of Natsume Yuujinchou. It helps there was next to no Haru in it to be an annoying little shit.
Samurai Flamenco 10

First half was hard to watch. I like how
King Torture really dealt that dose of reality that Mari needed like all hell, and how he praised Moe for being an actual hero, willing to risk her life and die for Mari, rather than just doing everything she's doing for fun. Still, with that mini torture scene...yeah. I was starting to prepare myself for way, way worse though.

Loved Goto in this episode, being all
"What the fuck am I supposed to do to stop a rocket?!" I'm a fucking cop!" And then being all "Fuck it, drive the car into it".

Hazama can never be the same now that
he's shown himself.
Wonder how the show will handle this if it intends to go on for two cours, which I'm pretty sure it is.
Ending was hard as hell too. Mari singing that song on stage and just sounding horrendous as she sang through the pain and exhaustion. In her tattered, beat-up Cure Diamond costume, no less. Wonder how she'll be going forward. Right now in this situation I'd say she's going to hang up the superhero thing
, but I doubt that'll actually happen.

I hope that Mari gets hit by a bus after depression turns her into a drug addict. She just starts stumbling into the street in her high state, seeing a man feeding some pidgeons. As she crosses the street to try and mercilessly beat him for more fame BOOM. The other two idols can live though, they cool with me yo. Just Mari.

Gingitsune 10

Definitely one of the strongest episodes in this entire show. The focus on Satoru getting dragged around town by an upperclassmen in his Kendo club felt incredibly earnest and really reminded me of some of the better episodes of Natsume Yuujinchou. It helps there was next to no Haru in it to be an annoying little shit.

Tokyo Ravens Episode 10 GIRL RETURN -Prodigy-

Everytime Suzuka said senpai, I laughed, thats like her VA's best line. Touji playing along at the start was hilarious, just to see Bakatora get flustered continuously. Fun start to this new arc.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Character development X Character development 104
character development and character interaction, 2 of my absolute favorite elements of storytelling, the story doesnt even have to progress at all if I get these elements out of it, good thing both is happening putting HxH on another level, I'm loving the king knowing what losing is but also having the excitement of having hope that he could possibly beat her, its all a very interesting subplot and I love it. But the best thing about it? the actual game didnt need to be explained at all inorder for this to work, this is brilliant.


Nisemonogatari 2

Bwahaha, Kanbaru may only be in 3rd place, but she deserves every bit of it. Her freak out at Araragi telling her she wasn't a pervert after she'd stripped naked when on the phone with him was hilarious, especially the Hachikuji comparisons. We'll see if Araragi's learned his lesson on that or not. LONG HAIRED KANBARU = UNF UNF UNF. Senjougahara has some tough competition ahead if she's going to hold on to her 2nd Best Girl slot. Of course neither of them can really compete with Hanekawa, but hey, what're you gonna do.

REALLY not comfortable with Araragi describing his sisters to me by showing them totally naked. "This is my sister who is a decade younger than you. She just hit puberty. INSPECT HER NAKED BODY SO YOU CAN SEE! Here is my EVEN YOUNGER SISTER. SHE IS NUDE, TOO." Also the camera shoved basically into Karen's crotch was awkward.

Not, however, as awkward as Sengoku. Girl, you're so young that Araragi barely even realizes you're a girl. Like, dirty thoughts aside, he failed to notice all of your advances. Twister indeed.

Kanbaru, though. UNF UNF UNF.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Nisemonogatari 2

Bwahaha, Kanbaru may only be in 3rd place, but she deserves every bit of it. Her freak out at Araragi telling her she wasn't a pervert after she'd stripped naked when on the phone with him was hilarious, especially the Hachikuji comparisons. We'll see if Araragi's learned his lesson on that or not. LONG HAIRED KANBARU = UNF UNF UNF. Senjougahara has some tough competition ahead if she's going to hold on to her 2nd Best Girl slot. Of course neither of them can really compete with Hanekawa, but hey, what're you gonna do.

REALLY not comfortable with Araragi describing his sisters to me by showing them totally naked. "This is my sister who is a decade younger than you. She just hit puberty. INSPECT HER NAKED BODY SO YOU CAN SEE! Here is my EVEN YOUNGER SISTER. SHE IS NUDE, TOO." Also the camera shoved basically into Karen's crotch was awkward.

Not, however, as awkward as Sengoku. Girl, you're so young that Araragi barely even realizes you're a girl. Like, dirty thoughts aside, he failed to notice all of your advances. Twister indeed.

Kanbaru, though. UNF UNF UNF.

you are not prepared for that episode
Valvrave - 22

Yeah Shoko. You feel that pain? That's truth hitting you in the gut.

Man, that bro moment between Haruto and L-Elf. banderassogood.gif

Finally, after being shoved aside for so long, Saki is back in action.

So help me if A-Drei dies.


you are not prepared for that episode

They're going to reveal that Araragi's sisters are actually his cousins so it is okay for them to try to bone him, aren't they? I will fucking rage quit this show before ever even seeing Best Girl Hanekawa Season if that is the case.

Soak in as much [best girl]Kanbaru[/best girl] as you can next episode because she appears like two more times and very briefly for the rest of the show (including SS).

Hanamono when?!?!??

What the hell why would they just drop Kanbaru like that? She's a way more entertaining character than Sengoku, Hachikuji, or Araragi's sisters.


What the hell why would they just drop Kanbaru like that? She's a way more entertaining character than Sengoku, Hachikuji, or Araragi's sisters.

I don't have a clue. Dropped Monogatari S2 about six or seven episodes in partially because of this. Maybe it's changed since then?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
They're going to reveal that Araragi's sisters are actually his cousins so it is okay for them to try to bone him, aren't they? I will fucking rage quit this show before ever even seeing Best Girl Hanekawa Season if that is the case.

What the hell why would they just drop Kanbaru like that? She's a way more entertaining character than Sengoku, Hachikuji, or Araragi's sisters.

Tell you what, if you can make through that episode, then your basically good for forever


I'm looking forward to seeing a Corvo Classic from that.


You don't have the courage to appreciate Snail.

I appreciate Snail. I just don't have the courage to appreciate Snail as much as Monkey.

I don't have a clue. Dropped Monogatari S2 about six or seven episodes in partially because of this. Maybe it's changed since then?

Couldn't say.

Tell you what, if you can make through that episode, then your basically good for forever

I don't have a clue. Dropped Monogatari S2 about six or seven episodes in partially because of this. Maybe it's changed since then?

Hanekawa arc is easily the worst arc in the franchise if that motivates you at all.

EDIT: Or wait am I reading this wrong or did you mean Nise and not Monogatari Second Season?


Hanekawa arc is easily the worst arc in the franchise if that motivates you at all.

I think that might be part of it, and then it was watching it soon after watching Nekomonogatari and it was too much Hanekawa at once. She's a pretty good character, but not one that I feel can carry this whole show by herself, by any means, unlike Senjougahara.

Then it went to the Mayoi arc and I just lost patience.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I think that might be part of it, and then it was watching it soon after watching Nekomonogatari and it was too much Hanekawa at once. She's a pretty good character, but not one that I feel can carry this whole show by herself, by any means, unlike Senjougahara.

Then it went to the Mayoi arc and I just lost patience.

How can you lose interest in a arc in which
they go into the past?


Current Arararararagi(oops mistyped) ranking:


Secret Ranking:


Only women or lolis with significant screentime count.


How can you lose interest in a arc in which
they go into the past?

Because I was bored.

Odd though that I quit after it turned out that Araragi and Shinobu
blew up the world.
You'd think I'd keep going after that, but alas, I have little interest.


Golden Boy, Lesson 2

"Oh wow, I-I really do have a cute butt." /dead.

Voters sell their campaign for liquor or money, what-do-they-care about the electoral process? (Probably a lot, considering they keep voting into power the guy who keeps paying them off.)

"I'm not suffering from poverty and I'm not a single mother!"
"Fear not, simple maid! We shall soon forge a bond of unwavering trussssst!"
"OOoooh, that sounds nice."

Oh God the toilet cleaning again.


realtalk: all the heralds are shit and the show would be way better off without them

Hmmm. I won't disagree that the heralds are kind of a fantastical element that is unneeded. I'd love a whole show of just Satoru opening up to people. Most of the shows I've seen with characters opening up to others tend to be dragged down by doubling with comedy (and comedy is in the forefront), so to have a whole episode of this sweetness was refreshing.


I have now heard the American voice actress for Misato Katsuragi sneer "Aww, look at that boner, boyoyoyoyoing!"


"Oh angel, what a tight piece of heaven you have, keep those pearly gates closed or St. Peter'll give you a blessing." This phrase is so horribly cheesy and lewd that I want to hate it, but the delivery is so fucking perfect. /dead.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Hunter X Hunter episode 105
What a tense and thrilling episode, so much is happening and I am legit worried for knov, idk what will happen, togashi is not afraid to kill off characters including strong ones so who knows, I feel like he raised a death flag when he was cocky talking about pitou's aura was nothing. But palm, goddamn, is one of nen powers to ability to kinda transform what she looks like? I knew I really liked her character, still not as good as best character, aka biscuit.


I don't have a clue. Dropped Monogatari S2 about six or seven episodes in partially because of this. Maybe it's changed since then?

Because of what? lack of Kanbaru? She does go a bit missing...though I doubt its through any fault of the anime folks unless they've been altering/skipping stories where she is prominent.

My issue with Monogatari S2 was the delays and recap episodes. It slowed progress to a crawl to the point I stopped watching for a while.
Because of what? lack of Kanbaru? She does go a bit missing...though I doubt its through any fault of the anime folks unless they've been altering/skipping stories where she is prominent.

Well, they did decide to animate Hanamonogatari separate from its place in Monogatari SS.


VVV 22
Pretty poor episode. Really drawn out and predictable, and that was probably the worst implemented 'introspection' sequence I've seen in a long time. They're nearing the end already and the episodes have been slow, but this one was too much. Breakneck pace really fits VVV better too. The CG suits were actually terrible, and the character art was all over the place.
I still chuckled when they did the title drop. And the ending seems to promise things, hopefully.


Valvrave 22

I would have loved it if Shoko,
once found out the truth, killed herself, but one can't have everything. Seeing her suffer was pleasurable enough.
Valvrave 22

I would have loved it if Shoko,
once found out the truth, killed herself, but one can't have everything. Seeing her suffer was pleasurable enough.

She's gonna feel even more guilty when she sees Haruto end up with Saki (that is, before they die anyway), since they're both non-human.

I really hated how
shoved to the sidelines Saki was in this season. I mean, everybody just forgets about her. Haruto included, and this was the girl he asked to marry! Well, they certainly paid for that mistake in the end.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The Rose of Versailles 26-40
What a starkly different show this is in contrast to the earlier episodes of the series. Under a new director Versailles undergoes a transformation, pulling itself away from the minutia, political backstabbing, and love stories to embrace its historical side in an appropriately fictitious manner. Still, accurate dates of the French Revolution are thrown around and act in a formative manner to bring the series to its close. As France's monarchy finds itself facing its mortality so to do Oscar and Andre. Even with the story under a more intense structural adherence to a romanticized portrayal of history the personal elements are still the piece that shines through. While this last arc of Versailles that focuses on retelling the Revolution is something that stirs up interest in the event, its presentation lacks personality as the show likely bites off a bigger chunk than it can really chew. The side of the Revolutionists is personalized through the army unit that Oscar takes control of, but without the leaders getting much screen time the continued higher level focus on historical events feels more like a faux-educational video, with drab and abstracted narration controlling the spot light.

Worse off than the radicals the noble inhabitants of Versailles itself lose pretty much all representation in the story. There is nobody to really carry their plight as even Antoinette is pushed away almost entirely. With neither faction particularly humanized the show loses its true core: that of rivalries. Almost the entire show is underlined by characters sparring against one another, be it for romantic interests (Fersen is too dreamy), wealth, positions of power, control, cooperation, people are constantly set at competitive ends with one another. Past the surface level existence of this theme with dueling identical Black Knights, Oscar's inner self is split between feminine and masculine desires. As the camera pulls out in its last act to capture the upheaval of a nation's social structure it loses sight of many of these rivalries. The conclusion of Oscar's love life doesn't particularly help, with little romantic build up, and an attempted rape seemingly swept under the rug to never be acknowledged again.

In spite of some of these shortcomings Versailles is still a show of tremendous worth. Stirring historical interest with webbed plots and fascinating characters I found myself engaged with the show the entire way through. While Dezaki was able to bring the show to its highest highs immediately after he took over as the director, I can't help but wonder if some of the more abstract cuts and perspectives that Nagahama brought would have better captured the larger scenes depicting the crowds of the French Revolution.
Spice and Wolf - 2

So our wolf lady can hear lies. Phoenix Wright eat your heart out.

The day I would hear a wolf god say "Stupid Potato!" is the day Half-Life 3 was supposed to come out. Clearly new standards need to be set at this point.

Ok I can definitely see what they're foreshadowing near the end of this episode.


Valvrave 22

I would have loved it if Shoko,
once found out the truth, killed herself, but one can't have everything. Seeing her suffer was pleasurable enough.

I really dont get the Shoko hate for the most part. Well up until last episode or so. I liked her up until the last episode or so, but everyone else here seems to have hated her from episode 1.
I really dont get the Shoko hate for the most part. Well up until last episode or so. I liked her up until the last episode or so, but everyone else here seems to have hated her from episode 1.

I don't get the hate from episode 1, but I would get the hate if it came from episode 10.

Who the hell would vote her for prime minister, when her inspirational words of hope and wisdom are "Let's be greedy!"


I really dont get the Shoko hate for the most part. Well up until last episode or so. I liked her up until the last episode or so, but everyone else here seems to have hated her from episode 1.

I liked her until last episode. Then I jumped that ship because fuck her for that nonsense.


I really dont get the Shoko hate for the most part. Well up until last episode or so. I liked her up until the last episode or so, but everyone else here seems to have hated her from episode 1.

My hate stems from episode 21 mainly
(I don't really like betrayals)
Prior to that, I was just slightly annoyed that Haruto's motivation stemming
from her death in the first episode
was cheapened by her
turning out alive
, but I didn't hate her.
After 21, she's dead to me.
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