Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.

looks just as dull as the source material
Site update: http://space-dandy.com/
lol, I like this guy
Wow these designs are really starting to look super dumb, even for Digimon! Lol.
Even for digimon this is too much
Galilei Donna - 10
Ban this sickfilth!incest-inducing
...also, good episode :|
Site update: http://space-dandy.com/
Plastic Little
Just when you thought you had finally gotten rid of me...
Hello again, anime gaf! It is good to see you all once more, but I just wish it was under more pleasant circumstances. I was in little Tokyo not long ago, and I happened upon this dvd in a clearance bin (of sorts) for a whopping three american dollars. The case promised light hearted, sci-fi action and fun with tons of ridiculous names for characters, ships, and technology. I thought, "what the heck?" and decided to give it a chance. I now know why it was it was three dollars.
A girl narrowly escapes the grips of an apparently evil force that is destroying a facility her father works at. The young lady winds up on the planet where the protagonist, Tita, and her Pet Shop Hunter crew live and work (don't let the name fool you, however! there is no sort of pet shopping or huntering taking place here!).
Tita rescues the girl from some no-good looking fellows and learns her name is Elysse. Turns out her daddy knew a thing or two about science and made some thing that was supposed to be used for good, but the bad guys wanted to do bad things with it.
When the bad guys show up on the planet and threaten Tita's life for the password to activate the science, Elysse relinquishes the knowledge that it is in fact the last twelve digits in her dna sequence. From that point on, it's a race between the bad guys and Tita's Pet Shop Hunting crew on the Cha Cha Maru to save the world!
Somehow, the tiny ship is able to slip past an entire military force shown to consist of dozens of vessels. This isn't some Star Wars thing, they just inexplicably get by. Next, Tita and Elysse infiltrate the bad guy's base, but they're too late! Things start going bad, and the big-bad seems like he will win. Thanks to contrivance, Tita manages to get the upper hand, they stop the world from destroying itself because of a hot gravity belt, and everyone is happy.
Mix in some paper thin characterization, subplots that last maybe an entire thirty seconds, fifty cups of closeup shots, a dash of non-sensical jargon, a handful of boob shots, simmer for forty minutes, and you have yourself one Plastic Little soup.
This OVA wanted to look good, but it just didn't. There wasn't anything inherently wrong with the quality of the art or animation, but you just never got to see any of it. The vast majority of the screen real estate was occupied by someone's bulbous head on either half of the screen (or, half of the time it was front and center). It was quite apparent that the people who storyboarded this had either never paid attention to other films, the higher-ups made demands to have an inexplicable number of closeups and extreme closeups, or the budget was so limited that only doing limited lip-flapping and head the occasional head-turn helped them save enough money on background painting and animation cels to get this thing finished.
The character designs were exhaustingly bland and well-worn. There was honestly next to nothing unique about anything visual in the show beyond the occasional glimpse of the ships, but even those were shot in closeup to the point that I didn't even know the protagonists' vessel until it was on made apparent through dialogue.
The only decent aspects of the animation were the parts you expected to have the most investment put into them. The shots that contained general gunfire and nipples tended to have some decent animation to them, but it just felt so amazingly pandering because of how narrowly focused the quality was to these extremely specific moments that it made the breaks from the mundane less than satisfying.
Overall, Plastic Little is nothing to boast about. The lack of any kind of a single artist's hand having a clear or sustainable influence in the direction of the look of the universe or any attempt to leave a lasting impression beyond presenting as many possible sequential shots with a pan up from someone's bare chest results in a tepid, forgettable visual experience that you will forget in a matter of a few hours (at most).
Final Thoughts
While I might sound rather scathing, it's only because the aspects that they mentioned once in a while about sky whales, diving into the cloud sea to look for animals, having a crew lead by a seventeen year old girl whose father mysteriously vanished, and so forth all sounded much more interesting than the story they decided to tell. I feel that with a better director, a better script, and a better storyboard artist/team, this world has some true potential for a fun OVA that would have been worth watching.
Perhaps I expect or want to much from a show that is clearly aiming to titillate viewers (as evidenced by the plethora of attention both the creators and the characters place upon the female figure and the "jiggle counter" extra on the dvd menu), but I like to think that a product that wants to produce those reactions can also still manage to do something besides flashing the audience once in a while to make sure they're still paying attention.
Plastic Little isn't something I'd recommend, but it's not the worst anime media I have ever watched. I just think I would enjoy a candy bar more for the price.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
Site update: http://space-dandy.com/
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
Looks like Shaft architecture.
Looks like Shaft architecture.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
Thought the girl on the bottom right was a red head.
Definitely not but she is adorable!
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
The protag (or at least I think the guy on the Upper left is him) looks cute. Not feeling the other character designs that much though.
What's it about?
Also I can finally start working on my rec list as soon as I finish off this paper, hooray!
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
It's accurate to the source material.This is really bland looking. Is it supposed to be like this?
It's accurate to the source material.
This post saddens me.Plastic Little
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
This is a classic OVA. Well it is to me. Infamous for the ten minute bath scene and the jiggle counter. DV had people talking about this one for a while. It holds a special place in my collection lol.
I can understand it holding some value for someone that watched it when it came out years ago, but as a piece of stand-alone content, I found it to be severely lacking. As I said, perhaps that falls more on me expecting something from it which it truly wasn't trying to be.This post saddens me.
I can understand it holding some value for someone that watched it when it came out years ago, but as a piece of stand-alone content, I found it to be severely lacking. As I said, perhaps that falls more on me expecting something from it which it truly wasn't trying to be.
This is a classic OVA. Well it is to me. Infamous for the ten minute bath scene and the jiggle counter. DV had people talking about this one for a while. It holds a special place in my collection lol.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
I only watched it less than 6 months ago for the first time! Not nostalgia.I can understand it holding some value for someone that watched it when it came out years ago, but as a piece of stand-alone content, I found it to be severely lacking. As I said, perhaps that falls more on me expecting something from it which it truly wasn't trying to be.
No headtilts yet, don't fail me now Shaft.
I hadn't heard of this before...now I will seek it out. Especially given that it has your endorsement.
No headtilts yet, don't fail me now Shaft.
Its a fun sci fi adventure. Boob fans will love it most assuredly but I enjoyed the action in it. Plus Elise is a cutie.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
They have a chance to do something special with this - turn it into the kingdom hearts spinoff it so desperately wanted to be.
No headtilts yet, don't fail me now Shaft.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
Soooo are you saying you want the two or however many guys to start making out while the girls get left in the sideline?
His friend was always the better waifu than all the girls combined, so yes.
If it's a straight adaptation, you won't be seeing any of that. Hopefully it won't be because Nisekoi is bland as fuck.
Oh.. the first screenshots of Nisekoi.
Hnnnnghdera. I can't believe Shaft answered my prayers for hnnngzawa to be Onedera.
Since when does Araragi need justification for perversion? It's not "okay" for him to "try to bone" anyone seeing as he totally has a girlfriend since the second arc. That just means he has to engage in totally non-sexual activities with them instead.
Eh, Kanbaru gets her time in the spotlight eventually (extra eventually in the anime since her arc was delayed), but it's true she is a little under-represented. She doesn't suffer as much as Nadeko though, who doesn't appear at all for...I think five books in a row? Of course then she becomes a major focus of two whole arcs, so it's difficult to say who's the most neglected at this point.
In a saga where you can mix everything with almost anything , i think the creator has kept a certain sense of sanity ..( at least this one , there are much worse )
not incest , just inspiration ... don't get why you guys are seeing incest everywhere.
EDIT: For the sake of it, here are the correct Nisekoi waifu rankings:
Onodera > Onodera imouto > Ruri > Paula > Marika > Chitoge > Tsugumi
Are you serious? How can someone actually like Onodera?