Well, nothing doing but proving through action, I suppose. Though I doubt some of you will ever be satisfied no matter how long I keep it cool.
See, you're already taking it too seriously.
Well, nothing doing but proving through action, I suppose. Though I doubt some of you will ever be satisfied no matter how long I keep it cool.
Well, nothing doing but proving through action, I suppose. Though I doubt some of you will ever be satisfied no matter how long I keep it cool.
Rail Wars! Action Light Novels Get Anime
Well, nothing doing but proving through action, I suppose. Though I doubt some of you will ever be satisfied no matter how long I keep it cool.
Hey, does anyone actually like clip shows or are they just a thing which anime makers make to piss off all humanity?
Hey, does anyone actually like clip shows or are they just a thing which anime makers make to piss off all humanity?
Hey, does anyone actually like clip shows or are they just a thing which anime makers make to piss off all humanity?
Anime was made without the expectation of DVR or having it all on disc already.Hey, does anyone actually like clip shows or are they just a thing which anime makers make to piss off all humanity?
holy shit
No, just a month.
Rail Wars! Action Light Novels Get Anime
Just a few days short of a year. Thank me later brehs.
This isn't ecchi right? emm could be good I guess
There's a week left in the year and I have to watch like 10 shows before the AOTY vote. I have a feeling there are some movies I've missed too.
Rail Wars! Action Light Novels Get Anime
I'd like to get excited about the premise of Rail Wars, but I can't tell if it's just going to be LN haremshit.I'll still watch it if it is.
You could start by dropping this.
No, just a month.
Well, if his twitter attitude is anything to go by, it's only a matter of time.
But enough about AnimeGAF drama. There's a week left in the year and I have to watch like 10 shows before the AOTY vote. I have a feeling there are some movies I've missed too.
Honestly, I don't know.Are you going to stick around?
ecchi? it's just trains.
I have to tackle part of Aku no Hana and Yamato 2199 but I already feel pretty settled in my placement other than those.
There are maybe three movies this year tops that are AotY list contenders. Is there really anything of note other than Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist and Garden of Words?
the only possible outcome is train ntr.I'd like to get excited about the premise of Rail Wars, but I can't tell if it's just going to be LN haremshit.I'll still watch it if it is.
I'd rail her caboose all down the track before arriving at the station.Insert jokes using the words "rail," "train," "caboose," "smokestack," etc. here.
KLK Soundtrack leaked.
Great. Happy Christmas Eve.
I have to tackle part of Aku no Hana and Yamato 2199 but I already feel pretty settled in my placement other than those.
There are maybe three movies this year tops that are AotY list contenders. Is there really anything of note other than Wolf Children, Blue Exorcist and Garden of Words? It was a dry year for anime movies.
e: has anyone seen Hal yet? There's finally a translation so I plan to watch it over the holiday.
What the fuck did I get myself into?
Madoka? Gintama? I mean, I wouldn't vote for them but I'm sure someone will.
And Before My Body Is Dry turned out to be shit. Glad I re-adjusted my expectations after rewatching the PV.
Nice train.ecchi? it's just trains.
Come on. Gravity!Madoka? Gintama? I mean, I wouldn't vote for them but I'm sure someone will.
Blumenkraz is easily the best song on the OST.
Dokes won't be eligible because it won't have a retail release by voting time.
erm, unless you're talking about the recap movies.
Madoka? Gintama? I mean, I wouldn't vote for them but I'm sure someone will.
Wait, Sawano is doing X's soundtrack?
I'm trying to think of recent ones and there's Golden Time and SNAFU. Romance themed seems to be where to look.Now that I think about it, LN-to-anime adaptations that don't have any supernatural/fantasy elements seem to be in the vast minority these days.
Haven't you ever played Xenoblade and thought, "This needs more German"?
i'll remember to put it right behind death billiards.Let's not forget to vote for Little Witch Academia either.
I didnt know you actually watched the clip shows, in monogatari's case you wont be missing any like things that starts the arc or anything, so you can completely skip them and forget that they exist.Hey, does anyone actually like clip shows or are they just a thing which anime makers make to piss off all humanity?
ecchi? it's just trains.
I gotta find out who killed my dad