Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
In this cue, I must watch Hanamaru Kindergarten in hopes of restoring some cute.
In this cue, I must watch Hanamaru Kindergarten in hopes of restoring some cute.
Cute is dead. Only gore and trauma now.
Our blood for cajun's blood. We must choose a sacrifice to watch Apocalypse Zero to ensure our safe passage through this season of darkness.
Our blood for cajun's blood. We must choose a sacrifice to watch Apocalypse Zero to ensure our safe passage through this season of darkness.
Man, this thread has more drama than an episode of Golden Time.
The flip is this Apocalypse Zero.
Cute is dead. Only gore and trauma now.
You guys realize this was all part of Corvo's plan to finally claim the top poster spot for himself, right?
Our blood for cajun's blood. We must choose a sacrifice to watch Apocalypse Zero to ensure our safe passage through this season of darkness.
Non Non Biyori - 09
More episodes featuring perfection incarnate is always a good thing.
Feeling adventurous tonight? It's only two episodes.
You guys realize this was all part of Corvo's plan to finally claim the top poster spot for himself, right?
You guys realize this was all part of Corvo's plan to finally claim the top poster spot for himself, right?
Well now, I found out that Gainax has its name on Hanamaru Kindergarten thanks to the OP in episode 2.
Do I expect Gainaxing from this product?
You guys realize this was all part of Corvo's plan to finally claim the top poster spot for himself, right?
So KirbYayoi is next?
I nominate KirbYayoi because something so heinous should only be done to one with an avatar as defenseless as his.
I nominate KirbYayoi because something so heinous should only be done to one with an avatar as defenseless as his.
Gundam Build Fighters 12
So again, Ramba Ral dropping iconic lines from MSG proving he's the most amazing character ever. Also the plot seems to be getting more serious. Also that hilariously blatant cheating with a 1/48 Zaku. Also dem romantic developments.
Most important of all, though, is that the Wing Fenice has a goddamn BEAM CAPE. That MS just jumped up about 20 points of awesome in my eyes, folks.
I don't know how people can watch this show and not feel happy. Sure, it isn't as serious as regular Gundam shows, but then again that light hearted spirit and off-beat plot nature has made it really enjoyable for me. It's so much better than its immediate predecessors.
Man, this thread has more drama than an episode of Golden Time.
For Cajun
I will continue to preach the greatness of cute.
I can imagine some people are not happen that Gundam now resembles Yu-Gi-Oh! or Beyblade.
See, he's already started. The fiend!
I can imagine some people are not happen that Gundam now resembles Yu-Gi-Oh! or Beyblade.
Have you seen how Gainax reveal the show at Anime Expo?
*listens to Before My Body is Dry *
Well I guess that confirms my fears.
Listening to it right now, it's awful. Fucking Sawano.
The lyrics "I got to find out who killed my dad". The X soundtrack is going to be such a step down from Xenoblade.
Wait, Sawano is doing X's soundtrack?
So, what's up with anime guys?
So, what's up with anime guys?
Wait, Sawano is doing X's soundtrack?
=(The Cajunator says he will be back January 7.
The "dream railway paradise entertainment" story is set in a parallel world where Japan did not privatize its national railways. Naohito Takayama is an ordinary high school boy who dreams of a comfortable future working for the top-rated Japanese National Railways. He is assigned as a trainee in the Railways Security Force full of odd characters such as Sakurai, a troublemaker who hates men. On top of that, an extremist group called "RJ" plots to privatize the Japanese National Railways.
I wasn't aware of this either. Son of a bitch.
I'm surprised that Nintendo hasn't used Sawano before considering they're both masters at recycl*SHOT*
Well Arti, looks like a position has opened up for the prestigious AnimeGaf vito
holy shitRail Wars! Action Light Novels Get Anime
Since Train Hero is dead, I hope RAIL WARS can take that mantle of train-based heroism eventually.
We've begged. We've pleaded. We've done everything we could to get you to not take shit so seriously.That's conditional on if I ever even snap again. You really don't think I've learned my lesson by now?
That's conditional on if I ever even snap again. You really don't think I've learned my lesson by now?
Also, I've never actually seen Anchorman. Not really my style of humor.
That's conditional on if I ever even snap again. You really don't think I've learned my lesson by now?
Rail Wars! Action Light Novels Get Anime
Mending a reputation takes time, and you won't win everyone back at once.Well, nothing doing but proving through action, I suppose. Though I doubt some of you will ever be satisfied no matter how long I keep it cool.
rip vito