Girl Friend BETA 1
Well, that was incredibly dragged out for no reason whatsoever. If anything, I appreciate them having Chloe's VA practically enunciate every syllable to deepen the fact that she's a foreigner. Just throwing in the random French wouldn't have cut it.
Kate shows up a few episodes in, but I like the rest of the show, too. It's a pretty good Junichi Sato work, and it has cats, a weird Greek chorus, and some early HanaKana.
My friends and I were dicking around on Crunchyroll and found this, it's pretty freaking awesome. Trying to resist reading the manga will be pretty hard though!
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 1:
That horsefight/chase between Favaro and Kaisar was great. A ton of fun, with strong music and lively visuals. The rest of the episode generally followed suit. There's a pretty interesting world here, and the inhabitants of it feel sensible to me. The plot set up by the end of this episode could be a good one. I'm waiting to see if they can maintain things, but this was a strong start, and it's nice to see a fantasy setting in a new anime.
I think it was because Alice was supposed to be better at speaking Japanese than Karen, whose language skills were a little more rough.
Those clips of Sketchbook were really cute, I'll watch it when I have some time. Which might be soon, since I have this week off of school. I'd like to get at least a bit of work done, though...
I see Newtype continues to be worse than most viral diseases, so I'm glad that hasn't changed. Speaking of the Newtype audience...
Cross Ange 02
This is pornography, but its pornography airing on public television so all the sex is censored, meaning we are forced to withstand the lovely storyline that takes everything popular with the genre in the past decade and cobbles it together to make a narrative whose sole purpose is the tide us by until the next supposed lesbian sex scene. In between all the otaku pandering yuriness and mecha dragon fights, we get the "first day for transfer student" story, complete with the pretty popular girls coming to bully her at lunch time and the one demure girl that acts nice to her. It all plays out exactly as you'd expect; with the nice demure girl getting blown in half by an inter dimensional dragon. This is an awful awful show, and I can't wait to watch more.
Wasn't as bad as some of the reactions suggested. I'm seeing a lot of Gundam Seed similarities in the mechs and the opening. I thought the ending shot was going to be horrifically graphic and bloody but it turns out
people mistook her mother's blood on her dress from the gunshot earlier on to her own blood. Not as disturbing as what I thought initially but it's still there.
It feels like this is the show that people are going to keep up with purely because of how much other people are blasting it. I won't lie, the impressions are entertaining to read.
The elusive MrJeff has been caught and in doing so I was entitled to one wish. That wish, you ask? I wished he would watch bet me in order to restore the sanctity of the watchbet. Between the general reneging on bets and Mike's slow murder of phoenix, something had to be done.
I really really don't understand why Keith exists. It's like having Shining Hearts: Rick's Bread in the middle of a Gundam show. All he cares about is baking and sharing his bread. I'm also disappointed by how psycho Sochie is. I thought she would be an endearing sidekick-type character but she's just a pitifully one dimensional racist. The fact that this is considered one of the better classic Gundams makes me think that the original, Z and ZZ were even worse than I thought. Finally, it's really hard to keep my excitement up when the robot fights are just so lame and silly. They're all just clowning around. How this show manages to be less serious than Gundam Build Fighters is beyond me.
I'm only watching because I know that the show is going to get interesting, or, at least, enjoyable near the end. But the road there is just so long and meandering.
Best Character (female)
1. Haruka Amami (THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE: Kagayaki no Mukōgawa e!)
2. Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
3. Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill) 4. Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 3: Rebellion)
5. Chihaya Kisaragi (THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE: Kagayaki no Mukōgawa e!)
6. Kaori Fujimiya (One Week Friends)
7. Takao (Arpeggio of Blue Steel)
8. Asuna (Sword Art Online II)
9. Hibiki Ganaha (THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE: Kagayaki no Mukōgawa e!)
10. Iori Minase (THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE: Kagayaki no Mukōgawa e!)
A new opening! Think I like it better than the first one, but I'll need a bit more time for a full impression.
Really nice calm before the storm episode. I think the series really needed that as it feels like this is the arc the show's been building toward since it started being a more serial show. Bikini trip stuff was dumb fan-service, but it wasn't offensively bad and they got some nice gags out of it, so it worked. Liked the way the show used this episode to build up the massive conflict incoming and a I can't wait to see it all play out. Even the hints at combat this episode did give were really good. I feel like the
"Hot Guy" Scarecrow
and the
Wave getting knocked into the stratosphere
moments played really well for me and were a bit funnier than the show usually is.
Overall, cannot wait to see where this is going, even if where I think it's going is going to make me pretty sad. I mean, clearly they're building
Bols up to get killed either in this conflict or very soon after
. Makes a lot of sense since
he's the member of the Jagers the show has really humanizing. The kiss of death
. I could also see
Su getting killed
, though I suspect that might be saved for an even bigger battle yet to come, perhaps the one with Esdeath herself. Overall, I really don't think I can predict what's going to come. The show has really done a good job of making me feel like no character is safe from death, so now that we're entering the biggest conflict it's presented, it'll be interesting to see how it capitalizes on that.