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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Code Geass R2 01


I think I've now realized the true nature of this undertaking.
Ai katsu - 31
This episode was about long relationships that remains after friend part ways , friends bonding up , Desserts being missed ..and overall fun.

as for our heroine , she has an ordeal , struggles with it , get advice and march onwards, because ....

Not final ??? o_O
You're reading it correctly , she hasn't reached her final form yet !! /s
That episode was fun to watch ( if that wasn't clear enough ) , ai katsu is rolling on their characters , for better or worse , but so far i'm still enojying it like crazy.

Our training character get another screentime here , she wouldn't need a mention if she hadn't said this :
Translation : "you girls suck so much i wanna leave right away"

That's ....one way to motivate your trainees i guess ....
You know how you were disappointed about certain people not watching certain movies on twitter earlier? Our collective disappointment is the anime version of that.

I'm sorry to have disappointed. Tell you what, I'll get back to it as soon as both of us finish Mushishi.


dresden, as your other friend, i'd like to remind you that envelope was unmasked as the trickster god Coyote during his Bebop the Cowboy days and summarily banished after he convinced people not to watch it. don't fall for his trick again.
dresden, as your long lost friend of a friend of your fathers cousins brother, i implore you to watch this aots asap
On the subject of Code Geass, am I the only one here who liked R1 but couldn't stand R2? It just got so stupid and infuriating to watch by the end.


bahamut 2-4


the visual kei lookin god/demon DEEP LORE bookends in ep 2 gave me the shits (well ok mostly the intro as i just wanted to FAVAROOOO) but looking past that this show pretty much owns. OWNS!!!!

fuck rita's small hat & mini backpack tho


I'm not sure if I should be thankful for putting Geass on hold.
I'll finish the first season. I'm already half way through, how bad could it get? (Don't answer that)

Based on your negative reactions so far, I can't imagine you'll enjoy it. If you think the show is already bad in your eyes, you'll just continue to think it's bad.

There's two main ways to watch Code Geass:

a) You enjoy it for the craziness, both good and bad.
b) You enjoy it for the interesting stuff as well as the craziness.

I'm definitely part of the second faction, which is less vocal around here, but from time to time we do get folks like Brazil and Ultimadrago (anyone else remember them?) who were able to appreciate both sides of the coin to an extent and in the end could list a number of genuinely positive aspects that other merely "crazy" series often tend to lack.

On the subject of Code Geass, am I the only one here who liked R1 but couldn't stand R2? It just got so stupid and infuriating to watch by the end.

R2 was more insane, on the surface, which some folks dislike while others find to be even more entertaining. I shared that appreciation for the fun of the experience, but also liked the interesting thematic stuff that actually makes a lot more sense than the superficial implausibility of the narrative. The ending was great in large part because of this.
Ace of the Diamond 55
The shortstop saved older brother from fertygo's prediction of doom.
He still should have come out of the game.
Detective Conan 339:
Aoyama! Bow!

Wow. I've been picking up on a lot of the hints as I went back through this arc in the anime, and I know where a lot of the stuff lined up, but this is so blatant a second time through that I don't know how I missed it when I read the manga. It really just goes to show how expertly plotted the Detective Conan series is.

Agasa calling up Araide and finding out that he had been there all day despite Conan's claims that he had tried to call Araide earlier is a huge 'oh shit' moment, and then you have Akai listening in to that conversation. Watching through this now having read the manga, the ''Araide' is Vermouth' angle is so obvious. Not to mention the previous episode is the one where Conan was talking about how 'Araide' would have to testify in court about the previous case soon, which is another one of those chekhov's guns that fires magnificently.

This is really one of those moments that cements Detective Conan as having the best ongoing plot of any shounen series for me. Aoyama is just a genius at intricately planning out all of these details and giving you just enough hints to get where things are going (just like the individual cases themselves), but still manage to pull off crazy twists that hold up completely perfectly because everything was seeded in the previous episodes. So many chekhov's guns seeded throughout the series, and often times just hiding there in plain sight.


[Hunter x Hunter] - Chimera Ant Arc
It had its ups and downs, overall I really enjoyed it. It had some of the best characters I seen in quite a while.
That ending got me choked up, Meruem's transformation at the end and Komugi staying with him was a very bittersweet moment.
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