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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Your Lie in April-5
Holy shit, this might have been the best directed episode this entire season. There are so many things that I could applaud were done well. First is the great usage of light throughout the episode to convey emotions. Yes it was somewhat heavy handed but I thought it was consistent enough and the actual emotions weren't melodramatic enough for it be negative. Instead we have the cloudy skies reflect the turmoil in all of the characters, not just Kousei and Kaori. Everybody is not sure what direction they should take their lives, and not just on a musical front. There's a sort of aimlessness that I thought the director did a fantastic job portraying. This makes the scenes at the beginning and ending all the more pointed in that Kousei and the world around him is filled with light. This emphasis on light really stands out too in the applause from the competition in that all he can see is light and Kaori. The show isn't just about the romance but rather a musician trying to find his footing again and I thought the applause scene portrayed that while Kaori is re-introducing color to him, his music is also making everything shine around him.
Another thing I liked about this episode is that everybody is seemingly aware of each other's feelings to an extent. Ryota's banner with Kousei felt very pointed in that manner and you can see the awareness in Tsubaki's eyes as she watches Kousei stare at Kaori on stage.
There were also minor scenes such as Kaori pointing out how piano is a part of Kousei like any other limb and the camera focuses specifically on his extremities such as his feet and hands(both things used to control the piano). Another great scene was Tsubaki with the ex-Captain. The show didn't have to
show her answer and it didn't bother
. It did a great job of portraying her emotions both then and now.
There were some really notable cuts throughout the episode and the motion in general seemed pretty fluid. Much more so than any of the other episodes. In fact on an animation front, this felt better than any of the other episodes even if there wasn't an actual performance. There was a lot of emphasis on body language and the animation portrayed a good amount of that, although there were some scenes that lingered a bit too long. The storyboarding too felt really strong this episode in how the shots were framed. The OST itself also was really great this episode but that's been a constant through all the episodes so far.
Fantastic fucking episode, really great stuff. It felt like everything came together into one really solid package with everything working on the same page. I have almost no complaints other than a bit too many still shots but when the rest of the episode is this damn good, it doesn't matter. Super impressed.


Well, it was a 'super staff' episode, with Masashi Ishihama coming in to direct and Takashi Kojima doing solo KA. Apparently it meets the hype :)

Had no clue who was working on it but I'm not surprised at all. This was a super polished episode, worthy of KyoAni in their high days. Just a really strong sense of atmosphere throughout the episode.


yuri bears
shaft food smut
im@s 2

kinda shit season tbh

It doesn't look spectacular, that's for sure. I'm hoping for something new to surprise me. This season for instance, I never would have guessed that Rage of Bahamut would be as fun to watch as it is. I'll wait and see.
Hey anime bros. Are they still releasing Yamato 2199 on BD, or have the releases stalled? I only see the first 4 on Rightstuf. I'd be pissed if I already invested in the first four and they stopped.
Parasyte 5
Going to guess that this isn't ballsy enough to have their protagonist be killed off.
Getting killed by something with your mom's face has to suck though.

Shirobako 5
Fuck Tarou


Ergo Proxy 01

Geee A city with a multitude of subservient, slave androids and a virus named "Cogito", what can possibly go wrong ? I'm not particularly into Blade Runner like themes and so far this appears to be going in that direction but it shouldn't impair my enjoyment or appreciation of the show.

This was a pretty great opening episode. There were a few bits of awkward exposition but that aside, the necessary introductions to this post-apocalyptic world did not break the flow of the events. Mainly of the investigation conducted by what appears to be Ergo's main character Re-L .(Rel?) She is an instantly likeable protagonist and she has a fun dynamic going on with Iggy. Being the granddaughter of what seems to be the main leader of the city, I'm sure she's in for quite a journey. Show is looking good so far. Character designs are great and there were plenty of good backgrounds in the rear. Animation did a fine job at underlining the creepiness and weirdness of the 3 non human characters that Re-L had to face off during the episode. Here's hoping the production values don't drop much in the subsequent outings.

The two fellas who crashed Re-L's shower at the end look like they dropped straight from some Death Metal concerts.


Hey anime bros. Are they still releasing Yamato 2199 on BD, or have the releases stalled? I only see the first 4 on Rightstuf. I'd be pissed if I already invested in the first four and they stopped.

The last two volumes have been delayed until further notice. No idea if Voyager is going to continue or not.


At the end, even if we love to complain of bad anime, we had a pretty good year this time.

Yeah it really was a fun year. most years are but particularly this one and last one.

How SAO works.

Are you Kirito --YES--> You win the game
     N O
You lose the game

Lol yes this is hilariously true.

No Madhouse this season? Sad times.

Anything worth hyping?

Yuri Bear Storm, Dog Days 3, alien moe princess 2


Ergo Proxy 01

Geee A city with a multitude of subservient, slave androids and a virus named "Cogito", what can possibly go wrong ? I'm not particularly into Blade Runner like themes and so far this appears to be going in that direction but it shouldn't impair my enjoyment or appreciation of the show.

This was a pretty great opening episode. There were a few bits of awkward exposition but that aside, the necessary introductions to this post-apocalyptic world did not break the flow of the events. Mainly of the investigation conducted by what appears to be Ergo's main character Re-L .(Rel?) She is an instantly likeable protagonist and she has a fun dynamic going on with Iggy. Being the granddaughter of what seems to be the main leader of the city, I'm sure she's in for quite a journey. Show is looking good so far. Character designs are great and there were plenty of good backgrounds in the rear. Animation did a fine job at underlining the creepiness and weirdness of the 3 non human characters that Re-L had to face off during the episode. Here's hoping the production values don't drop much in the subsequent outings.

The two fellas who crashed Re-L's shower at the end look like they dropped straight from some Death Metal concerts.

If you don't like philosophy, bail out now. Hit the eject button hard.


Ergo Proxy 01

Geee A city with a multitude of subservient, slave androids and a virus named "Cogito", what can possibly go wrong ? I'm not particularly into Blade Runner like themes and so far this appears to be going in that direction but it shouldn't impair my enjoyment or appreciation of the show.
It has Paranoid Android as the ED song so it can't be that bad.

Which reminds me, I should finish it some day. Again, I am jealous of Mike being able to watch anime all the time.
Well then... that is a bit different, isn't it? I guess I can wait for impressions before starting it, though that doesn't quite sound like my cup of tea.

The manga is very perverted, but I will say it's preverted in more of an adult way than the typical adolscent smut you get in anime/manga, which makes sense given its seinen audience.
Psycho Pass Episode 27

Dude excited for Hungry Chicken was hilarious. All this mindless killing is making this franchise into a comedy instead of some serious grimdark futuristic setting of incredible value. This is an example of how not to do a sequel.
Jojo's and Shounen Hollywood S2 are the only ones I'm excited for.

I hope for more Tomii songs, and more songs in general. The songs have all joined utapri songs as ones I listen to daily now.

Assassination Classroom makes this winter anime season vastly exciting, along with continuing episodes of Oreca DraColle Yugioh Buddyfight and CFvanguard.
Mushishi - 03

Yuck, so now we've had mushi that place itself in eyes and ears, I'm guessing mouth is next. Now the lava sound in the beginning makes sense, obviously I had to test by putting my hands over my ears.
Though I'm a bit confused as to why the Ah didn't pop when the horns were bulging, while he was having his hands over the ears? (Horn being a symptom of Ah, so he had to have it?) Maybe his vitality weren't strong enough back then?


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso episode 5
Man I loved this episode. Seeing the doubt in Kousei's eyes disappear like the rainy clouds, slowly moving forward. Although the animations were a bit off this episode, I would say the confession scene with Tsubaki and the bridge scene with Kousei and Kaori were particularly well done. Also loved the OST in the background. Can't wait for more!


Goro Taniguchi and Hideyuki Kurata on the same project means that the show could not possibly be dull. Though it could still end up pretty bad.

They've already worked together once before. Taniguchi and Kurata made GunxSword, which is the secret proto-Code Geass that only sufficiently cool people have watched, and that turned out to be a surprisingly good show in its own right. It's got a ton of comedy wrapped around a revenge story plus neat robot fights.

Maria the Virgin Witch could be somewhat similar in tone, despite the contents being so different, since the manga is full of wacky jokes but also seems to be trying to make a point about divine intervention or lack thereof. Either way, it seems Goro said he will be taking the Planetes approach and not doing just a slavish adaptation of the manga. As long as the result is enjoyable, I don't mind.


If you don't like philosophy, bail out now. Hit the eject button hard.

As long as it won't turn into 20 minutes long philosophical quotations. I should be alright.

I think.

I hope.

It has Paranoid Android as the ED song so it can't be that bad.

Which reminds me, I should finish it some day. Again, I am jealous of Mike being able to watch anime all the time.

Yeah Radiohead showing up in Japanese show surprised me. The only high profile western band appearance in anime that I can think of.


Your Lie in April 5

First of all this is a beautifully animated episode.
Interesting that the MC is going to enter a competition now. He probably going to break down again on stage.


Shirobako 5

Tarou you stupid stupid stupid asshole. Good on Aoi for only putting up with his shit as far as she could stomach it.

Aside from Tarou being an enourmous shithead that can't do his goddamn job, this was a pretty captivating episode. We have a sort of examination on 2D vs 3D animating techniques (it's interesting how seemingly recent this sort of debate has been for Japanese animation given how it's been a major source of contention in western animation for what seems like decades now) but at its core we have the basic worry of what happens when your career path, your life's work, the very skills you possess in order to be useful is suddenly not good enough to be worth anything to others. In particular, Segawa's (I think it was Segawa at least?) line about "we have to draw for the next 30 years in order to eat" was downright biting. Rarely can you get to the heart of a matter in so few words.

The director's scenes were good too. He's passionate about his work but the mistakes of his past make him tentative and lackadaisical. It's not original but it's a state of mind that almost everyone regardless of culture can relate to.

Aoi is super girl. Its the only explanation.

Dog Days 3 and Yuri Bear Storm in the same season? And Strike Witches 3 soon after (!!!)? Thank god for mofus.

Praise be to the mofu gods.

Encouragement of Climb 11-12

And it ends with lots of cooking and having fun, but no more climbing.

And it's true. It really is nice. An enjoyable show, with some comedy and Aoi gaining friends and overcoming her fears. No drama, just pleasantness.

One of the nicest short shows I've watched, so it gets 4/5 Mt. Takao:

This is the most adorable show that I havent watched yet. I feel bad.

If you are dissatisfied with Viz's releases (Sailor Moon appears to be the latest one), take their survey and let them know about their work.

Noted. I shall let them hear it!


Huge Nickleback Fan
As long as it won't turn into 20 minutes long philosophical quotations. I should be alright.

I think.

I hope.

Yeah Radiohead showing up in Japanese show surprised me. The only high profile western band appearance in anime that I can think of.
Other than the one already mentioned above,
there's Mr. Big 'Colorado bulldog' in Kamisama no Memochou for one episode
Yes 'Roundabout' and The Bangles 'Walk like an egyptian' in Jojo Bizarre adventure
Do the Japanese have a fascination with uncanny valley terrifying singing robots? Most videos I find of singing robots are from Japanese made robots. Why can't they just place Ace of Spades like those metal robots?


Ergo Proxy 01

Geee A city with a multitude of subservient, slave androids and a virus named "Cogito", what can possibly go wrong ? I'm not particularly into Blade Runner like themes and so far this appears to be going in that direction but it shouldn't impair my enjoyment or appreciation of the show.

This was a pretty great opening episode. There were a few bits of awkward exposition but that aside, the necessary introductions to this post-apocalyptic world did not break the flow of the events. Mainly of the investigation conducted by what appears to be Ergo's main character Re-L .(Rel?) She is an instantly likeable protagonist and she has a fun dynamic going on with Iggy. Being the granddaughter of what seems to be the main leader of the city, I'm sure she's in for quite a journey. Show is looking good so far. Character designs are great and there were plenty of good backgrounds in the rear. Animation did a fine job at underlining the creepiness and weirdness of the 3 non human characters that Re-L had to face off during the episode. Here's hoping the production values don't drop much in the subsequent outings.

The two fellas who crashed Re-L's shower at the end look like they dropped straight from some Death Metal concerts.

haha I really enjoyed this anime, it gets pretty wacky now and again though.

Yoooooooooooooooo I can't wait for this, so hyped right now. I really need to buy the first movie.
Based Makoto going all out yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Also gonna watch season 2 of Tokyo Ghoul for the winter season. Yeah I'm just in it because the Author Ishida Sui is the one handling the script, so I hope it goes well. I also pretty much want to see him go all out.



Shirobako 5

Man, Tarou done fucked this up. Goddamn, he has no sense of social awareness whatsoever. He's the only person in the office that manages to piss off Aoi since he's always saying the wrong thing in the wrong way at the wrong time. And to think this fiasco could have been quelled early on if he had just reported it to Honda.

Speaking of which, Honda's scenes with the director were great. Locking him up in a cage to force him to get his work done, yet at the same time managing to reignite his desire and will to get things done. The passion and love were always there, dude just needed a bit of a kick in the ass.


So animebros how'd Alnoah end up? I only watched like 4 episodes because the autistic-like main protagonist was getting in my nerves way too much and the story wasn't hooking me at all. Felt way too been there done that. Worth a watch in the end?

Not even the combined power of Urobuchi/Ei Aoki/
was enough to make me keep watching.
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