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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Shirobako 5



See, anime CGI not only looks bad, it forces animators to starve!

Another really great episode about the difficulties of anime production, specifically the cooperative aspect, and the need to be able to communicate clearly and mediate disputes. Unfortunately the person in charge of that is Tarou, so as you would expect, everything ends up horrifically screwed up. The director's irresponsibility doesn't help the show either; I find it hard to believe he'd ever be allowed to direct again if he screws up the last episode.


So for episode 3 Tarou dicks around doing nothing knowing full well that the key animation can't be finished as assigned and only does anything at all when his coworkers find out and need to bail him out.

Now for episode 8 (latest Shirobako spoilers) Tarou does a mediation job between two departments that would make even Korra from LoK shake her head in disgust and unwittingly causes his animation director to quit. Fine, let's be fair and say that's not entirely his fault and Endou was being stupidly stubborn. Tarou then proceeds to NOT inform any of his supervisors about the fact that episode 8 no longer has an animation director and then tries to rope in Aoi to bail him out without having to say anything to his bosses. He even does a shit job of that since instead of quickly and clearly explaining what the hell is going on he decides to ramble on, go on weird tangents, and act like a horndog in front of his female coworker thus needlessly antagonizing her.

Oh right I forgot to mention that Tarou is the assigned P.A. for the final episode. Given Tarou's involvement and the absurdly late storyboarding on the director's part the final episode is going to be an unmitigated disaster.
Encouragement of Climb 11-12

And it ends with lots of cooking and having fun, but no more climbing.

And it's true. It really is nice. An enjoyable show, with some comedy and Aoi gaining friends and overcoming her fears. No drama, just pleasantness.

One of the nicest short shows I've watched, so it gets 4/5 Mt. Takao:


The thing about Shirobako is that I have dealt with a Tarou-type in my line of work. I feel the employees' pain. Such a good show.
It's almost Winter and no word has been spoken about the 3rd Nanoha movie that's supposed to be shown this year since like, February.

That announcement of Dog Days S3 and the reveal of a Vivid adaptation not too long ago was a such a big tease. They could have at least mentioned something about it. :(
Shirobako 5

Goddamn CG. I can't believe they actually try to make an argument for that piss poor nonsense which is destroying the visual quality of anime. No one can seriously look at the crap in Garo, Valvrave or Akito and tell me that looks as good as 2D. It bizzarly stands out against the rest of the scene and always seems to have a glossy look to it that just looks off.


It's almost Winter and no word has been spoken about the 3rd Nanoha movie that's supposed to be shown this year since like, February.

That announcement of Dog Days S3 and the reveal of a Vivid adaptation not too long ago was a such a big tease. They could have at least mentioned something about it. :(

What exactly is Vivid about, anyway? Is it in between A's and Strikers?


Shirobako 5

Goddamn CG. I can't believe they actually try to make an argument for that piss poor nonsense which is destroying the visual quality of anime. No one can seriously look at the crap in Garo, Valvrave or Akito and tell me that looks as good as 2D. It bizzarly stands out against the rest of the scene and always seems to have a glossy look to it that just looks off.

Lol. That's just your bias speaking honestly. This is the difference between being a fanboy and actually knowing how the world works. The reality is that if you look outside of that myopic view, you'll find that tons of people working in the anime industry definitely don't consider it "crap" and more importantly, even consumers don't consider it "crap". CG action sequences also allow for far more dynamic camera movement and direction which can be very hard or impossible to achieve with hand drawn animation, especially with the limitations of resources in the industry.

There are very few animators who can animate scenes which look as good or better than good CG sequences. They certainly exist, but since they're always in demand often the choice is between having a crappy 2D scene or a good looking CG scene. And guess what? In the end, most fans just want good looking stuff which moves well and looks exciting. They don't care if it's 2D or CG. The sales and the general positive reception from the audience are evidence of that.

Maybe you don't like what the reality is, but to say that "no one can seriously look at that crap and tell me that looks as good as 2D" shows that you want to believe that everyone holds the same viewpoint as you, when they clearly don't. Unless you really believe that your perspective is objectively true, and that all the experienced anime directors, animators, producers, and fans who represent a much larger segment of the entire industry and market.... are wrong. :)
What exactly is Vivid about, anyway? Is it in between A's and Strikers?

No, it's set after Strikers, and that's what bothers me.

There's too much of a time gap between A's and Strikers. I'd have preferred a series or movie that took place in between them, which we're getting! I hope, anyway.

I'd be all right with a poster, or a 30 second teaser, or even just a simple announcement that this movie is still in production at this point.
Inou Battle - 05

Andou is so dorky I love it, that guitar bit was funny. I'm not a fan of the the magic element in the show, so I appreciate they have kept it light and used only in these small scenarios used for comedy.
Uh oh I hope this doesn't turn into some romance drama
Working!! 13

Lots of things happen by mistake, nobody gets hit and Takanashi compares his date to a dog, so the date is a success then by anime standards.

So, it started out funny, but then it gets really bogged down with all the romantic stuff. Now, there's nothing wrong with romance, but in this one it's not really that interesting. The comedy isn't all that great either. A lot of it is just people getting punched.

I actually like a lot of the characters though, so it's a bit disappointing that the show itself doesn't have a better mix of comedy and romance.

It's decent, but not that good, so 3/5 Working!! logos:

Did you not give Brynhildr the same score?


Lol. That's just your bias speaking honestly. This is the difference between being a fanboy and actually knowing how the world works. The reality is that if you look outside of that myopic view, you'll find that tons of people working in the anime industry definitely don't consider it "crap" and more importantly, even consumers don't consider it "crap".

All the otaku who bought Arpeggio of Blue Steel can't be wrong.

Link Man

Encouragement of Climb 11-12

And it ends with lots of cooking and having fun, but no more climbing.

And it's true. It really is nice. An enjoyable show, with some comedy and Aoi gaining friends and overcoming her fears. No drama, just pleasantness.

One of the nicest short shows I've watched, so it gets 4/5 Mt. Takao:

And you've still got the second season to go!


If you are dissatisfied with Viz's releases (Sailor Moon appears to be the latest one), take their survey and let them know about their work.

Done and done!

It takes place after StrikerS, being more of a spinoff starring a character introduced during StrikerS. (And also becoming more magical girl-like again.)

No, it's set after Strikers, and that's what bothers me.

There's too much of a time gap between A's and Strikers. I'd have preferred a series or movie that took place in between them, which we're getting! I hope, anyway.

I'd be all right with a poster, or a 30 second teaser, or even just a simple announcement that this movie is still in production at this point.

Ah, I see. Still, it's nice that Vivid is more "magical girl-like" than Strikers. Was not a fan of that season at all. I wonder what's going on with the movie though? Hopefully we'll find out soon enough.


Twintail 05

Emipon. Gai Ikari. Nobuo Akagi. Arakawa and fanboy characters have a long history. Erina is rather Yumeria-like, in how she's an open fangirl of the story's events, but also has the best social life of the core three. I'd say Mikoto is our Kozkoz, but until she can dance like the Koz, I'm holding off my judgment. I think Tail Yellow might BE one of my favorite powers yet. It's bursting with potential.

Then we have Deboss and Robogog arguing about breast size (I'm siding with the chaos butterfly on this one. Robogog's not enough of a talking head to convince me) while Shitari mediates. The revelation of the leader of the villains being a mere human is something that's being done in Sentai right now. The Shadow Line in Toqger has been run by a guy named Z for a good majority of the series.

And Aika, heroes can't change colors. That requires a Line Change, and your suits aren't equipped for that possibility. What I'm saying is, now with the team complete, I need a roll call, and everything will be perfectly Sentai. This is the tokusatsu spirit, so strong that none can break i-s that a Zyuranger figure in the preview?


April 05

This is a very emotionally heavy series. Lots of soul-searching going on in this episode. They did fail, as expected, but the important thing is that Kaori is there to pick Kousei up and tell him to keep trying to play that piano. I can see the seeds of Tsubaki's plot starting to pick up, too. It's a bittersweet kind of story, a nice contrast compared to everything else on Thursday.


The year is almost over.

And yet I only just discovered that Silver Fang was my AOTY. Anything can happen in this run up to new years! More importantly, there's plenty of room for currently airing shows to go dramatically downhill (I'm looking at you, Parasyte).
And yet I only just discovered that Silver Fang was my AOTY. Anything can happen in this run up to new years! More importantly, there's plenty of room for currently airing shows to go dramatically downhill (I'm looking at you, Parasyte).

Provided they follow the manga and keep the production values at a serviceable level, Parasyte's not going downhill.


What exactly is Vivid about, anyway? Is it in between A's and Strikers?

Cute girls doing cute fighting and battle tournament things.

If you've seen Dog Days, it had a pretty similar feel to that. I have no idea if ViVid ever got darker, I haven't kept up with it for a while, but I don't think it ever did.


Lol. That's just your bias speaking honestly. This is the difference between being a fanboy and actually knowing how the world works. The reality is that if you look outside of that myopic view, you'll find that tons of people working in the anime industry definitely don't consider it "crap" and more importantly, even consumers don't consider it "crap". CG action sequences also allow for far more dynamic camera movement and direction which can be very hard or impossible to achieve with hand drawn animation, especially with the limitations of resources in the industry.

There are very few animators who can animate scenes which look as good or better than good CG sequences. They certainly exist, but since they're always in demand often the choice is between having a crappy 2D scene or a good looking CG scene. And guess what? In the end, most fans just want good looking stuff which moves well and looks exciting. They don't care if it's 2D or CG. The sales and the general positive reception from the audience are evidence of that.

Maybe you don't like what the reality is, but to say that "no one can seriously look at that crap and tell me that looks as good as 2D" shows that you want to believe that everyone holds the same viewpoint as you, when they clearly don't. Unless you really believe that your perspective is objectively true, and that all the experienced anime directors, animators, producers, and fans who represent a much larger segment of the entire industry and market.... are wrong. :)
Look at this poor soul, wrapped up so far into the third dimension that he can't even see the second. Tragic.
Moyashimon Returns 01

Another anime ruined by moe ;P

So, it continues from where the first series left off. Time to use the fermenting cellar, everybody gets to know about Kei and not everybody knows about Sawaki's special ability yet.


Working!! 13

Lots of things happen by mistake, nobody gets hit and Takanashi compares his date to a dog, so the date is a success then by anime standards.

So, it started out funny, but then it gets really bogged down with all the romantic stuff. Now, there's nothing wrong with romance, but in this one it's not really that interesting. The comedy isn't all that great either. A lot of it is just people getting punched.

I actually like a lot of the characters though, so it's a bit disappointing that the show itself doesn't have a better mix of comedy and romance.

It's decent, but not that good, so 3/5 Working!! logos:

Only 3/5? I'm sorry but our friendship is over :(


Working! is cool when it's focusing on pretty much anything other than Takanashi and Inami's relationship. When focusing on that, it can be pretty damn grating.


YuYuYu 05

That was a good finale.


Well. When you have the heroines unlocking XD Mode/Innocent Form at this point in the game, defeating a giant combined monster, and the real boss big bad that came from space, but you still have half the show to go...
I have no legitimate idea where the show is going to go from here. A bigger threat would be too expected, and the themes of friendship are likely to remain as strong as ever - love Karin's transformation,
even if she didn't get to go Innocent Form on everybody
- so I'm anticipating next week in a way I haven't for some time.

Flip the chessboard, the magical girl world just raised its profile.
Lol. That's just your bias speaking honestly. This is the difference between being a fanboy and actually knowing how the world works. The reality is that if you look outside of that myopic view, you'll find that tons of people working in the anime industry definitely don't consider it "crap" and more importantly, even consumers don't consider it "crap". CG action sequences also allow for far more dynamic camera movement and direction which can be very hard or impossible to achieve with hand drawn animation, especially with the limitations of resources in the industry.

There are very few animators who can animate scenes which look as good or better than good CG sequences. They certainly exist, but since they're always in demand often the choice is between having a crappy 2D scene or a good looking CG scene. And guess what? In the end, most fans just want good looking stuff which moves well and looks exciting. They don't care if it's 2D or CG. The sales and the general positive reception from the audience are evidence of that.

Maybe you don't like what the reality is, but to say that "no one can seriously look at that crap and tell me that looks as good as 2D" shows that you want to believe that everyone holds the same viewpoint as you, when they clearly don't. Unless you really believe that your perspective is objectively true, and that all the experienced anime directors, animators, producers, and fans who represent a much larger segment of the entire industry and market.... are wrong. :)

Well I wouldn't hold my view if I didn't think people who hold an opposing view were wrong lol. I don't think I need to preface my posts with "This post is a result of my personal biases and opinions and is not an absolute fact". (I think) Anime CG looks horrible and is a positive when an anime has minor or nonexistent use of it.

On the other hand your post makes me realise that it is possible that I am only recalling the bad uses of CG because they stand out. Which are the CG scenes you consider the best? I have seen Akito, Valvrave, 1 ep of Garo and 1 ep of Arpeggio Blue Steel, which all have extensive use of CG animation.
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