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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Garo - 06

More sidestory stuff while taking small steps towards the main one. I for one don't mind it since it fleshes out the world more. I liked the spooky village with the witch more though.
I have to a commend the monster design once again, I loved that the
horror had a mini forge as a shoulder pad!
[Parasyte] - 5


Oh, hey, in the OP his mum is like a parasyte. I guess she's totally going to get killed and become a parasyte.

Well, as the show explicitly showed us in the OP, his mother died and became a parasyte. This might have been slightly unexpected if they didn't spell it out clearly in the OP. Then again, the whole conversation before the parents left seemed to raise some pretty heavy death flags on it's own.

Hah! the music opening is terrible so I always skipped it and therefore it was a surprise to me! Funnily enough, given I've read the manga (but ages ago, so I forgot this twist).
Yeah, the mother death feels contrived, given that Migi hint sounded logic: there would be less danger in the country than in the city. So that even then a parasyte got to kill the mother's mc is really like being struck by a lightning, 1 in 1.000.000 chance. Oh well, from here the show will be interesting.


For the record, I'd also chose the Parasyte OP. The music in Bahamut just doesn't seem to fit the show at all.


Huge Nickleback Fan
And speaking of OP's this season with intelligible screaming, if you had to pick one of the two which one would it be?



Or Parasyte


And you must chose one!

Tough pick, but Bahamut.

Trashy metal anime OPs are great.

Amagi 6
This season truly has been educational. From 'Spanking the monkey' in parasyte to 'Scratching the ditch' in Amagi. The three stooges made me laugh. The interview is so damn bizarre especially that fucked up brother and sister. There's so many wrong thing iin that scene alone.

Um, also, didn't know that macaron have an ex wife and a daughter. That was unexpected. Also, your local mascot watch porn together... that is one way to break a young kid heart.


For the record, I'd also chose the Parasyte OP. The music in Bahamut just doesn't seem to fit the show at all.

Both seem very misplaced but band for Parasyte's OP is more well known with its track record and probably safe to say far more experienced than the other one.
Terra Formars - 07

Oh snap russian crab, I always google up the organisms they're based upon on and jesus christ how horrifying.
Shark guy is dethroned by this King Crab, even the cockroaches seem to fear him. Wonder what they kept muttering.. Joji? Is that their leader?
Garo - 06


I prefer older and curvy so I would have taken the older one on the left.

Not much to say here. Great episode. I hate that such a great Horror design was 'wasted' on a one off episode. I would like to see show up again.
DGray Man died when Linali Lenalee lost her hair.


I stopped right there.

and i didn't even like the character that much


You were experiencing a dull episode , and then suddenly a bunch of #gamechanger facts are on your desk , what do you do ?

Answer : you look forward to next week episode.

Spoilers for today episode:
so it's finally here, the first view of what happens when you die, the process will be better explained later , but for a first time view , it was alright... Crusty was bored , and now i think he won't ever be... All the bets are on! what happenned to crusty ? what was the flavor text in that weapon.. and so on

This episode dropped 5 #gamechangers facts, and those repercutions will change a lot of things.. but i'll leave you all to guess what will happen :)


[Parasyte] - 5


Oh, hey, in the OP his mum is like a parasyte. I guess she's totally going to get killed and become a parasyte.

Well, as the show explicitly showed us in the OP, his mother died and became a parasyte. This might have been slightly unexpected if they didn't spell it out clearly in the OP. Then again, the whole conversation before the parents left seemed to raise some pretty heavy death flags on it's own.
I think they build up the
mother's death
better in the manga version.
Sure we still see her death flags coming from miles away with those flashbacks and everything, but in the manga the parasyte who kills her after taking over the man's body was shown and implied to be dead from not being able to adapt to the man's body (whereas in the anime he's very much alive and well and with him being out near the sea needing a woman's body anybody can guess the mom is gonna be alien chow halfway through the episode). And the death scene I think is also done better in the manga, with the parasyte (who was implied to be dead) suddenly appearing on the cliff near Shinichi's parent's (the reader can preceed to repeat 'nope nope nope' throughout the rest of the scene) compared to the anime where he just appears behind her outta nowhere.
Just a small nitpick.

Also is it just me or the art looks considerably worse in this ep?
And I think the OP has grown on me too. Would very much like to see a cover version with proper vocals rather than this friggin' autotune though.


[Mushishi Zoku Shou 2] - 3

As much as I may consider Shriobako my favourite anime of the season this series seems to operate on a different level entirely. It's so dissimilar in tone, look and feel from the rest of it's compatriots this season that I often forget to group it with the other shows that are currently airing.

It's interesting that two episodes in a row have features stories that follow characters throughout their whole lives, something that you rarely see attempted in such short stories. This episode was unlike other Mushishi episodes in that it featured scenes of comically exaggerated animation which I really wasn't inspecting from such a sedate series. That this kind of content can exist almost side by side with a fairly dark story is a testament to the quality of the episode.

It's a real shame this series never attracts much attention elsewhere on GAF, or on the internet in general. I suppose this to be expected considering it's "non-anime" elements but you'd think that would lend the series greater appeal. Arguably, champions of the show such as myself should simply be doing a better job advertising it.


Log Horizon Season 2, Episode 6:

You know, pretty soon we are going to need the Game of Thrones map to keep tabs on what everyone is doing at any given time if this keeps up.
The world building, my god, the world building might just be what puts this title over the top on the AOTY list this year. Log Horizon understands something that once again Sword Art Online paid lip service to but never actually understood. The world of Elder Tale is not a static one and the time duration problem is indeed only going to get bigger the longer The Adventurers are trapped on this plane. Also, we get confirmation that other changes are taking place from the subtle, like right before Crusty got sucked up by a portal to hell was picking up on the fact that The Goblins are getting smarter. We get much more obvious detailing since The Adventurers are actively seeking answers about the world and I think they were pretty much confirming that Tetra is or was a guy. The transgendered characters of this universe are very intriguing idea now that the duration factor is being applied to them as well as possible future moral quandaries. I also liked we can see how powerful the so called world event magic really is, as I recall cooking is still one of the most radical discoveries ever ushered in by the Adventurers and we can see the extent of how much has changed as now even basic Adventurers can prepare basic good tasting meals without the Cooking skill. I makes me wonder if things like the world getting bigger or the flavor text becoming important are not also Adventurers mucking about with the world? Oh, yes, we see the land of the dead and we learn that the literal cost of revival is real world memory fragments and we do not know why yet. Also, shit seems to be going south everywhere and Akatsuki has learned to trust in the heart of the cards.


Vanadis 06

I like Sofy. She made a good first impression a week or two ago, and an equally good one this time. Bit disappointed the episode cut away just before she could work her mojo, but it looks like it's going to be pretty sweet. Lumilla is also on our heroes' side now. I find myself without a whole lot to say about it, but as a series, it's really picked up in recent episodes.


[Mushishi Zoku Shou 2] - 3

This episode was unlike other Mushishi episodes in that it featured scenes of comically exaggerated animation which I really wasn't inspecting from such a sedate series.
That wasn't quite the first time, but it certainly is rare.



This arc better tie into the main story in some good way as right now this is boring as fuck and seemingly unnecessary.



This arc better tie into the main story in some good way as right now this is boring as fuck and seemingly unnecessary.

This show is exhibit A of worst example of panel-by-panel adaptation, thanks god Madhouse not repeat it with Parasyte.


Garo - 06

Not much to say here. Great episode. I hate that such a great Horror design was 'wasted' on a one off episode. I would like to see show up again.

I love your avatar. Don't you dare change it to inferior versions of Saber. :)

Accurate picture of the journey for the past few episodes:

There hasn't been a meaningful episode since the one dealing with orphanage. :(

Ergo Proxy 4

That feverish dream was a lovely and creepy sequence. RIP
black proxy, we hardly knew ya. Well I suppose this episode confirms beyond any doubt that not only Vincent is a proxy (whatever that means) but he has some kind of split personality and the second one shows up even when he's in his human form.
We finally get to see the world beyond Romdeau where I suppose Vince is going to spend at least few episodes.

The creators of this sure love making use of rack focus.
Akatsuki no yona - 03
The path of suffering continues for our heroine as she still can't accept the harsh reality of what happenned. An episode made with various flashback fruther explaining the bond between the trio that was severed right at the start of episode 1.


Well , that wish ain't gonna become true

The heroine still doesn't manage to evolve beyond her starting character, if feel this was alright since , the show want to explain the tragedy rather than dealing with the after effects right now , and if soo-won is to be believed , it's time for that right now in the next episode.

I still have hope for this show , i hope that the main heroine will be able to grow past that loss to be worthy of the promises i've got in episode 1 & 2..after all , even 12th kingdom heroine , yoko , didn't become a better character after facing her inner demons in episode 5 ? This sh*t need time. I can only hope the time when she'll cut her hair and grow up is sooner than later.


Ryuusei Sentai Musumet 01-03

With Twintails on the air, I'm feeling pumped enough to explore another take on the all girl-Sentai/quasi magical girl kind of anime. Oddly, the vibe I'm getting from this is barely like a Sentai at all (mecha in the intro that never shows up in the series aside), but rather, it's coming off like an attempt to be a Japanese Powerpuff Girls. Before the actual Japanese Powerpuff Girls materialized. You have a team of three sisters color-coded red/blue/green, and superpowers that don't require a full body change. Met In just gives them a helmet and a new set of boots, at least for now. Mostly because this allows for heroines who fight in school swimsuits and bloomers, but I'll allow it.

Slightly disappointed that the first three episodes all involve a love interest of the week for one of the three sisters. It seems like a trend from this era is that female characters can't completely hold up a show on their own. It's not as bad as G-On Riders, and they're not as important as Souma, but it's still something I'm noticing.

The Saotome sisters are... interesting. Especially Shion, the eldest of the three and her crazy Engrish. I'm already aware of what's going to happen with them, so it's good they're established right off the bat. (That's not just a metaphor. Kurenai and Shion face each other in a baseball throwdown.)

The reason why the show feels like Japanese PPG also has to do with the surprising amount of Western influence the show's picked up. Episode 3 was a beach episode, but also an extended homage to Jaws. And the opening scene of the show is a riff on the old Superman radio serials.

My Japanese is good enough to understand the plots as-is, and from what I see so far... it's just the kind of show a person like me would, and is, enjoying. A little rough in spots, but it's got some good ideas.
Akatsuki no yona - 04

Yep the heroine is getting much better by the minute.
I guess she needed some rest to think a little more.

Good question

Yep , she wasn't dumb , just sheltered. Hopefully she continues toward this path until the end.
Wind clan was a normal clan , the new characters introduced are alright... this should be intresting to see how everything devellops


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 #6

I'm beyond the point where I can coherently put how I feel about this into words. The entire second half of that episode must've left me in a state of wanting to cheer as loud as possible.
Log Horizon 2 6
Episode about Akatsuki giving up on self reliance and starting to work together. Some interesting stuff about the world changing too.
And Crusty being destroyed
Ojamajo Doremi - 34

Holy crap, my emotions during this episode. ;_;

This episode did a good job at showing what a divorce is like from a child's point of view. The whole thing felt very realistic, with the reason for their divorce being the parent's two jobs conflicting with being able to keep an eye on their child. Segments involving Aiko's backstory are always really well done in this show.

I didn't like the way they handled the ending of this episode though.
I really wish she'd gotten some closure and actually met her mom and got it over with. Instead they turned it into a misunderstanding scenario, where she thinks her mom remarried. Just kind of felt like a cop out.

Next episode:


I dunno man, that scene where Johan is describing the forest is some pretty amazing stuff.

As usual, the show is concerned with ideas of family, what it means to live a good life and what the ultimate value of a human life is. That's kind of the focus throughout, anyway.

I have a few problems with the arc. The first is that the whole cast switch in that it's very sudden and none of the new characters other than Schuwald, and possibly the detective, are that interesting. Another issue is that the arc feels very roundabout. The way that they're trying to tie Johann into the arc feels sort of contrived at the point that I'm at and it feels so protracted in that anything getting done is seemingly taking a full episode. I can see what direction the show is heading towards but it's really being slow at getting to that point. I might have been fine if this was a three or four episode mini arc but this looks like it's going to run for six or seven.
Akatsuki no yona - 05
"before asking the gods, there are questions i should answer myself !"

I may be a sheltered princess ....


Now that's what i expected , that's what i wanted ... the real start , the fresh start of an heroine.. And i got it ..

Finally , the epic can start , the adventure can start , the political struggles can start , everything is ready. i expecting that idiot fire clan chief son to piss himself and that would be justice , because this idiot deserve it.


You can't say no to this , can you ?..

Episode 4 & 5 were very nice , a different look on things that properly put things into perspective. It can be argued that the fire clan idiot actually put things in motion and that yona would have stayed within the wind clan if she didn't witness all of this. Either way , i have faith that this show can deliver on the characters. and i'm pretty sure that the truth on everything that happenned that night WILL be answered one day.



Having Asuna as the lead heroine for an arc is something I can get behind. It reminds me of that one part of Accel World where Snow Black took the reins and met those kids on vacation. Getting back the honeymoon home wasn't of great interest to me, but everything that followed after that, with Asuna and the girls just hanging out, was actually pretty enjoyable.


I have a few problems with the arc. The first is that the whole cast switch in that it's very sudden and none of the new characters other than Schuwald, and possibly the detective, are that interesting. Another issue is that the arc feels very roundabout. The way that they're trying to tie Johann into the arc feels sort of contrived at the point that I'm at and it feels so protracted in that anything getting done is seemingly taking a full episode. I can see what direction the show is heading towards but it's really being slow at getting to that point. I might have been fine if this was a three or four episode mini arc but this looks like it's going to run for six or seven.

I don't know if Monster is really for you because it really spends a lot of time diverting attention from the main story, exploring one-off stories and characters, and generally just taking it's time. I understand these problems are lessened in the manga because you can go at your own pace, but really those things you label as issues are inherent to the writing of the story.

Now, I'd personally not read the manga because I enjoy the overall production of the show, even if it's fairly workmanlike.
Ojamajo Doremi - 34

Holy crap, my emotions during this episode. ;_;

This episode did a good job at showing what a divorce is like from a child's point of view. The whole thing felt very realistic, with the reason for their divorce being the parent's two jobs conflicting with being able to keep an eye on their child. Segments involving Aiko's backstory are always really well done in this show.

I didn't like the way they handled the ending of this episode though.
I really wish she'd gotten some closure and actually met her mom and got it over with. Instead they turned it into a misunderstanding scenario, where she thinks her mom remarried. Just kind of felt like a cop out.

Next episode:

Episodes to do with Aiko's family are always pretty emotional. It's generally handled well which you wouldn't expect for most kids shows.

As for the ending
You expected this all to wrap up that quickly didn't you! This story arc has plenty of life left in it!

Can't wait till you watch the next episode! She's what makes S1 that much better.


I don't know if Monster is really for you because it really spends a lot of time diverting attention from the main story, exploring one-off stories and characters, and generally just taking it's time. I understand these problems are lessened in the manga because you can go at your own pace, but really those things you label as issues are inherent to the writing of the story.

Now, I'd personally not read the manga because I enjoy the overall production of the show, even if it's fairly workmanlike.

I've actually liked the episodic stuff so far though. In the past many of the episodic material connected with the main leads in fairly interesting ways like the gun training episode.
Cross Ange - 01
Wait did what i think happenned at the end just happenned ?

OK i can probably think of 2 reason why they did that , but was showing this really necessary ?


Fate/Stay Night episode 5

I'm trying to watch the latest episode on crunchyroll but for some reason the subtitles are in spanish and the quality is ass. To the point that I can't make out the subs. Also the audio sucks balls as well.

Wtf is going on.



Gintama getting a OVA in 2015


I'm really happy for this, but damnit Sunrise stop airing shitty Mecha shows (I'm looking at you Cross Ange) and give us a new season of Gintama.

Please let there eventually be a new season, this is the series that will truly save anime.

What if I told you that making these bad mecha shows funded Gintama anime production? ;-)

This probably isn't true in the slightest.

I've actually liked the episodic stuff so far though. In the past many of the episodic material connected with the main leads in fairly interesting ways like the gun training episode.

Some of the episodic stuff is pretty important to the story. We *had* to see Tenma get trained in using a firearm. Man, I really want to rewatch Monster again.
Amaburi 6

Great episode. Interview was great, brother stabbing little sister about job was so fucked up lol Cant wait to see them together working.

I just love the 3 stooges. So funny to see such vulgar mascots. Sento needs to be honest with her feelings!

It was coined very early as anime of the season and appears to live up to those lofty expectations.

I never thought it would live up to the hype. Its just so amazing.
CRoss Ange - 03

After 3 episodes , all i can think of is disapointment..

Clearly Cross ange is not the show i was expecting it to be.
Sure the path the heroine took to accept herself was long , but goddamn it felt tedious.
I hope this is over now.
I very disapointed in the characters so far ( all of them ) i can live with various things , various themes ..but i'm not even seeing the potential for "intresting stuff" in the near future.

The battles so far weren't that great and even the great appearance of the main mecha could have been done better.

After 3 episodes , CA is a 5/10 anime , i'm almost about to drop it , but i'll wait to see how the team will change with the various deaths that happenned so far.

Ps: Big laugh for the mana country that got destroyed because the guy betryaed her sister to gain power , only to lose the country afterwards , the guy should have read " dictators for dummies" first , one doesn't take power , if you don't have military power , nor political power to keep things in check...


Waremete 06

Nagisa takes the spotlight this time. Cute episode, and the idea of the future that's been running through the series expresses itself a little more concretely with everyone wondering what they want to do after they graduate. I think the show's hit the point where we're going through the various routes and elements thereof, it's just not quite as overt with it as say, Grisaia.
Gintama getting a OVA in 2015


I'm really happy for this, but damnit Sunrise stop airing shitty Mecha shows (I'm looking at you Cross Ange) and give us a new season of Gintama.

Please let there eventually be a new season, this is the series that will truly save anime.

the manga looks like it's going to end ... but all them manga arcs not animated...

sunrise pls
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