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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Your Lie in April #6

Yes. YES. Let the shipping flow through you! Osananajimis can't catch a break, can they? Finally, it's starting to move along nicely instead of pretending it's anything more than sappy melodrama. With the introduction of the two rivals, maybe, just maybe it can mimic the fist pumping, shounen levels of Nodame Cantabile. I'm not holding my breath.



Subete no aware


Fairy Tail 208

I stand corrected. The arc is going to be extended by quite a bit with these 11 mini-boss fights that every member of Fairy Tail is going to have to face. Elfman and Taurus was over quickly enough. Every major character gets something to do and the show uses its time on something that can at least be interesting. It's not all pure brawling, either. Scorpio is a card game, Aquarius is a theme park, etc.


Code Geass 14

This Mao guy seems pretty off the hinges. I like him.

So how is Shirley forgetting Lelouch going to work? Is she going to leave the school? Or will everybody be real confused when she doesn't recognize him or doesn't remember things?


Agree or Disagree: Steven Universe is the only American cartoon on the air besides Korra that ascribes to the "sakuga" tradition (am I misusing the term? Like I kind of know what it means but I'm not sure if I can express it well).

I may be watching the wrong shows (and I'm talking about TV series not specials or mini-series like Over the Garden Wall) but it feels like the vast majority of American animation right now is very competent but not particularly "expressive". Very little "yo GODDAMN!" moments that talented key animators are allowed to let rip occasionally even in lower budget anime. Some of the cuts in the most recent Steven Universe episode really stood out to me and its not the first time that show has impressed me in that regard.

By Jeff Liu
Well, very little western TV animation has ever been good in this respect to begin with; the best of the best in the tradition have always been theatrical shorts/features.

And I guess 'sakuga' can be equivalent to 'goddamn moments', but it's not the only way animation can be expressive. Good old 40s Warner Bros shorts had insanely expressive character animation that nevertheless felt very seamless; not the kind of thing that'll bowl you over or overwhelm you at face value the way some of these super action sequences in anime aim at.

I don't watch Steven Universe, but I think it's fair to call that gif pretty inspired by a certain kind of anime action. I think that's just the actual style, more than the show adhering to any sort of 'sakuga tradition' or whatever. It's best to regard 'sakuga' as just slang for 'good animation' honestly; it's not a particular way to approach the act of animating, or a particular style; there's a lot of variety even in Japan, and it all gets lumped up under the same term by fans.
My friend is watching Tokyo Ghoul...

If I remember correctly, I think most of you all said it doesn't do the manga justice.

How do I convince him to drop it and pick up the manga?
If he likes it, he'll probably pick up the manga from where the anime stops. That's what I usually do anyway.
Code Geass R2 06

Is this just an ecchi show now?
My political intrigue, mechs and rebellions have been replaced with pantsu shots, lingerie and fat asses.



Code Geass 15

Ahahahaha Yes! THIS FUCKING GUY! Oh what the hell, don't bail out on me now, goddammit! Mao'd better not be dead. I want him back!
My friend is watching Tokyo Ghoul...

If I remember correctly, I think most of you all said it doesn't do the manga justice.

How do I convince him to drop it and pick up the manga?

Just let him watch the anime first because season 2 will apparently not follow Tokyo Ghoul's manga and Ishida Sui the Author will have a hand on the script. So he can pick up the manga for the original content and watch the anime for new material. And the anime is good as a standalone but as a manga adaption it's bad.

So yeah why not both.


Subete no aware
No one watched it because it's CG? ;/
For the anime crowd, at least the people here, CG animation is kind of a death knell for a show.

But there are just all those other factors, like not being licensed, being an adaptation of a book no one has read, no clear moe/otaku hook, and so on.


[Denki-gai] - 7
That was a pretty decent onsen episode.
I really like Kantoku x Hio-tan however I kind of feel bad for Tsumori.
Kameko needs more screentime! She's just darn adorable and her character needs to be expanded upon.


For the anime crowd, at least the people here, CG animation is kind of a death knell for a show.

But there are just all those other factors, like not being licensed, being an adaptation of a book no one has read, no clear moe/otaku hook, and so on.

And its directed by Goro.


PriPara 20

I can lay off the theorizing this week. Everything took place outside the world of idols, coming down to a battle of food and marketing. The parallel of the very Japanese Manaka family having an Italian-themed restaurant and the half-Canadian West family having a super-Japanese one is not lost on me. Dorothy and Leona's parents aren't as amusing as Mirei's, but their dad's broken Japanese and their mom's hidden stubborn streak when it comes to food are fun to watch. Dorothy's still a bit on the protective side, but I can see why pixiv latched onto Leona something fierce after the reveal a weak or two ago.

Nobody really cares that Leona's a guy, and he's treated with as much reverence as Sophie when it comes to drawing crowds to the store. Seeing Mirei get involved so heavily with store management brings up memories of a year ago, when that was the last thing she (or her voice, rather) wanted to be doing. I just now noticed the name of the district this is taking place in - Parajuku. I get it, writers.

Cute episode. Next week looks like a real surprise. Episode titles have lied before, but if it's not and the show follows through with it, that'll be a big leap forward for everybody. Will one of the guilds that have kept our fair city-state at peace for so long go their separate ways, now that the princess has become capable of ruling without her advisers? Does Megane the Ever-Watching have a backup plan if it doesn't? And when's Faruru coming back, seriously?


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm caught up on Ronja the Robber's Daughter but I don't post here, funny how that works out. It's a really pleasant show. First 2 eps are Ronja growing up; They're slow but establish how everyone in this show is a family, and they're really charming characters. It reminds me of Disney Pixar's Brave, and Wolf Children. She learns things about the world on her own, which is how the kid's show moral-teaching happens. Later she has to come to terms with questionable things her family does. Very little action or conflict until recently. Lots of child-like fun running/swimming/exploring in the forest although now there is some internal castle drama. Art-wise I like the backgrounds and also think the CG is well done. First PV made it look horrible but watch even 8 minutes of the first ep and find it's quite expressive and looks good in motion and with voices. One of the most relaxing anime lately and more people here should watch it if they like what I've described.

Thanks for the impressions! Is it more geared towards children then or is there an edge to it? (lol?)

For the anime crowd, at least the people here, CG animation is kind of a death knell for a show.

How dumb :/

But there are just all those other factors, like not being licensed, being an adaptation of a book no one has read, no clear moe/otaku hook, and so on.

Ojamajo Doremi - 35

New magical girl arrives, and it turns out she's an idol too.

After seeing the way she uses magic, it wouldn't surprise me if her rise to stardom was all because of her magic as well. Hmmm....

And wouldn't you know it,
Majo Ruka ended up getting found out and is the new girl's master.


Thanks for the impressions! Is it more geared towards children then or is there an edge to it? (lol?)

Children without a doubt. Even in the PVs there was this quote from Goro that I think can be translated as, "I want the children to see this." As for edge there's some perilous situations, and fantasy creatures like harpies and rumpnissar (grey dwarves). But it's not scary. The hardest-hitting stuff will be the family drama later on (past where the anime's story currently is). I'm alright with a "slow burn" show but some people might not be.And you're welcome!

So, this guy turns blue and fights somebody who'd probably be played by Billy Drago in a live action movie, Terminator and T. Hawk from Street Fighter. There's a girl who has psychic powers, gets bitch slapped and called.. well... a bitch and gets rescued by the blue guy when he bleeds on her. It also got a dog fighting a tiger, melting heads and lots of lasers.

Oh, and there's a story, but who cares about that? It's violent 80s action with a really bad dub.

Worth a watch. I give it 2.5/5 useless escape pods:

This on the other hand is a bad anime I can totally get behind, especially with such memorable lines such as "BAOH HAZ A LASERZ CANNON!"


Agree or Disagree: Steven Universe is the only American cartoon on the air besides Korra that ascribes to the "sakuga" tradition (am I misusing the term? Like I kind of know what it means but I'm not sure if I can express it well).

I may be watching the wrong shows (and I'm talking about TV series not specials or mini-series like Over the Garden Wall) but it feels like the vast majority of American animation right now is very competent but not particularly "expressive".

I have no idea either. but then all I watch is SW: Rebels. Well that and the DC Animated stuff.


Subete no aware
Children without a doubt. Even in the PVs there was this quote from Goro that I think can be translated as, "I want the children to see this." As for edge there's some perilous situations, and fantasy creatures like harpies and rumpnissar (grey dwarves). But it's not scary. The hardest-hitting stuff will be the family drama later on (past where the anime's story currently is). I'm alright with a "slow burn" show but some people might not be.And you're welcome!
I'm going to assume that this is a followup of sorts to World Masterpiece Theater, so I'm not surprised that they picked what I assume is a literary classic that kids get can into.

How dumb :/
The problem is that very often, anime CG looks worse than Star Wars Rebels. And even then, it's a medium where 90% of the shows that come out are done in 2d or at least try to use CG to emulate the 2d style.


Hoshi no Torekkingu: Za Douga

The story of a
space probe
that becomes a cute girl and desires to become one with its creator; I can't think of a more anime plotline than this. Also featuring detailed mechanical designs which are (excessively) displayed throughout the film.


The problem is that very often, anime CG looks worse than Star Wars Rebels. And even then, it's a medium where 90% of the shows that come out are done in 2d or at least try to use CG to emulate the 2d style.

I wonder if they ever gonna realize its one of their misstep in making the CG looks better, dialog in Shirobako mostly sound like this for the subject "I want to make anime too, but can't draw"


shirobako 4

This is a very optimistic and idealistic show. Its troubles are depicted in a very nostalgic manner, I find, its tone that of a veteran rather than a survivor. I guess it's why it's so appealing - there's no bitterness there, no lingering enmity towards the industry as a whole. It's like a football documentary that skips over the prevalence of brain trauma and the ruthlessness of it as a business, focusing instead on the human competition of it, because losses there are palatable in a way that failure pitted against something inhuman is not. So the things that trips up production are all human factors, as figures we can hold in contempt or hate (FAVAROOOOOOO).

But yeah, I totally dig the show. Didn't mind the bar conversation either. I wish there had been a more natural way to introduce the college girl and the 3d girl, but ganbatte and all that.


Agree or Disagree: Steven Universe is the only American cartoon on the air besides Korra that ascribes to the "sakuga" tradition (am I misusing the term? Like I kind of know what it means but I'm not sure if I can express it well).

I may be watching the wrong shows (and I'm talking about TV series not specials or mini-series like Over the Garden Wall) but it feels like the vast majority of American animation right now is very competent but not particularly "expressive". Very little "yo GODDAMN!" moments that talented key animators are allowed to let rip occasionally even in lower budget anime. Some of the cuts in the most recent Steven Universe episode really stood out to me and its not the first time that show has impressed me in that regard.


By Jeff Liu
To be fair, that whole episode was a semi-riff on anime with it's limited character animation that was interspersed with moments of "sakuga". Though I will say Steven Universe does like to throw in big moments of flourish occasionally, so I guess if we take it in that sense, then yeah.


Personally I am glad that anime usually uses CGI sparingly.

I hate how every American anination has to be CGI these days. Its goddamn lazy.
Valkyria Chronicles 09

I don't think you can control recoil if you hold your gun like that...

An anime original that explores the other side of the conflict. Selveria is really attached to Maximillian for some reason. There is some internal conflict within the empire I guess. Overall, I don't think this side story is needed. Just focus on Squad 7.


Personally I am glad that anime usually uses CGI sparingly.

I hate how every American anination has to be CGI these days. Its goddamn lazy.

Writing if off as "lazy" seems to misunderstand the crux of the problem with traditional animation though. It's also extremely unfair to the hard work put into computer animation by very talented modelers, animators, lighting artists, etc. I don't think they'll appreciate their art form being reduced to a definition like "lazy", especially when they put in tons of hours too.

I feel the fundamental problem with traditional animation in America comes down to factors like the lack of demand for actual traditional animation to begin with, and a lack of resources willing to work for cheap. When Disney decided to give traditional animation a final shot, they found that the audience for CG features was still much larger, Children have grown up with a different expectation and animation and don't have the nostalgia for hand drawn stuff like some of us do, so that can't be helped.

Furthermore, there are less and less traditional animators in the west when it comes to students coming out of art schools and programs, because there's less work. If you're thinking about your future, it makes more sense to have skills which is readily in demand, so if you like art and animation, going into CG makes more sense financially.

Anime in Japan exists because there is a culture of passionate people inspiring younger people to take up the art form even though you are likely going to start out working 7 days a week nonstop on physically demanding but trivial work like in-betweening, and getting possibly less than a thousand dollars a month. That culture doesn't exist outside of Japan for animation for various reasons, and honestly I don't think it's healthy to encourage that sort of thing. It is what it is though.
Valkyria Chronicles 10

How can you say no to that face!

Another complete rewrite. I have to say the way they handled this scenario in the game was somewhat silly but it's way too over the top in this. There is some character development between Alicia and Welkin but I felt there was more in the short 3 minute cutscene in the game.


Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 10:

So yea, we have reached the point where people who are only familiar with the 1990s anime series are in for a legitimate shaking as we learn the true origins of everything and the original anime series was oftentimes at best a loose interpretation of the manga that did its own thing time and again. One thing I am enjoying in the new series is just how much more dynamic the fighting is. I think even the more ardent defender of the original series would admit that most of the battles were pedestrian at best and rather subject to the bad habits of the age. Anyway, it was an alright episode but personally I have always found the origins of the Silver Millennium to be kind of drab as when you get down to it a pretty simple tale.


I just thought of another point. A good way to see the real world effect of how undervalued traditional animation is, is to go look at comments in the Skullgirls DLC Indiegogo campaign, or honestly any Kickstarter Campaign for animation which is asking for more than $100k. You'll see tons of shocked reactions that traditional animation doesn't cost 10 dollars to make. And all these campaigns aren't even expensive. They're mostly being animated for as cheap as they can be, while having good quality.

It reminds me a lot of the manufacturing debate, while not an ideal comparison, I think some important elements overlap. People like to bitch about how American manufacturing is dead, and that everything is outsourced to China factories and so on. But the reality is that consumers and the industry will not support the sort of pricing for products made in an environment where people doing the work are actually well compensated. Lots of people decry the death of traditional animation in America too, but is there a business model that can support animation at non-slave wages?


I feel like most of the problems with CGI in anime results from it being cheap/fast CGI. The gulf between CGI in Hollywood movies and CGI in anime feels much, much vaster than the differences in traditional animation. The nature of CGI makes increases in budget and time much more noticeable, and there hasn't been decades of low-budget CGI culture to develop effective tricks comparable to the limited animation that Tezuka and others pioneered. And I mean, if you're any good at CGI, why work in anime? You'll have so many better job opportunities in other fields. The traditional animators have nowhere else to go.

I just thought of another point. A good way to see the real world effect of how undervalued traditional animation is, is to go look at comments in the Skullgirls DLC Indiegogo campaign, or honestly any Kickstarter Campaign for animation which is asking for more than $100k. You'll see tons of shocked reactions that traditional animation doesn't cost 10 dollars to make. And all these campaigns aren't even expensive. They're mostly being animated for as cheap as they can be, while having good quality.

It reminds me a lot of the manufacturing debate, while not an ideal comparison, I think some important elements overlap. People like to bitch about how American manufacturing is dead, and that everything is outsourced to China factories and so on. But the reality is that consumers and the industry will not support the sort of pricing for products made in an environment where people doing the work are actually well compensated. Lots of people decry the death of traditional animation in America too, but is there a business model that can support animation at non-slave wages?

Given the state of the global economy, probably not. Luxury goods depend on people being able to afford them. Certainly no way for anime to solve that problem, LOL.


And I mean, if you're any good at CGI, why work in anime? You'll have so many better job opportunities in other fields. The traditional animators have nowhere else to go.

That's like asking Satoshi Kon or Hayao Miyazaki why they would want to direct anime when they can draw manga instead and make a lot more money for less work. Sort of a weird perspective. In a creative industry, people go where their passion is. If they like a certain field and want to work in that, they'll find opportunities which fit their skill set.

In the end, animators are also artists, so it's totally not true that they have nowhere else to go. They can totally make more money in other industries as illustrators, designers, and many famous animators have indeed left the anime field to work in videogames as layout and storyboard artists. Why do animators work on anime? Because they love anime. Why do CG animators work on anime? Because they love anime.

It's not a hard concept to grasp. The idea that CG animators are coming into the industry to take jobs away from traditional animators isn't true either. The reality is that they are needed because the industry evolves to consumer needs as well. Why do tons of anime use CG for vehicles and complex camera scenes? Because there are more people in the industry who can pull that off decently in CG. The number of traditional animators capable of drawing technically challenging things by hand are shrinking. They're not taking jobs away, they're simply available to do the job needed.


Its far more "healthier" if everything moved for 3DCG if we being honest..

If just made the workforce that made animated show far more smaller, even if budget still around the same.. the spread became more healthier for everyone.
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