I agree that this happens less outside of Japan, but if there wasn't some sort of culture that loved 2D animation as an art and was inspired by it, it I don't know why shows like Gravity Falls or Steven Universe would be made.
Shows like Archer and Family Guy though...they don't need inspiration; They're basically using relatively cheap and easy means to get across their content. Japan's got some shows like that.
You misunderstand what I was saying. I'm not talking about passion for traditional animation, I'm talking about the culture of an existing animation industry that is willing to pay jack shit, and people ready and willing to work in it. This is why anime exists as an industry, and why traditional animation isn't an industry anywhere else anymore on the same level. In America for example, if you were an animator back in the era when Disney was still producing tons of works on a regular basis, it was a respectable profession. You're not living day to day off your passion alone.
In Japan, the reason why traditional animation still thrives with tons and animators working in dozens of studios producing tons of work every single day, is because it is dirt cheap. The industry itself has that culture where the people paying, the people buying, and the people working in it are all sort of okay with low ass wages which would be frowned upon or outright illegal in some countries. If this sort of culture is acceptable in the US, then there could still be a sustainable animation industry in it. It's not acceptable, so instead the only animation you'll see are limited to passion projects funded by creative means, and storyboarders and designers who create layouts and then outsource the animation to South Korea or Japan.