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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Rumiko Takahashi's manga Rin-Ne is getting anime Spring 2015


I was wondering when this would get an adaptation, looking forward to it.


The main problem with the altered Girls und Panzer scene is that with the singing removed, the scene no longer has a reason to exist. It would be better to cut it entirely rather than have a bizarre sequence of tanks driving to "Tetris music."
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 6:
They should have called it 'Unlimited Harem Works'. Sakura's scenes, even if there aren't many of them, drag so much. Honestly, almost any scene which doesn't involve Rin or Archer drags quite a bit. I had hoped this show would give them more time, instead of wasting so much time on kitchen antics, Sakura, Fujimura and other time sinks. Shirou also continues to be pretty frustrating as a character.

PK Gaming

Ok then , your opinion , you can agree that the rest of the episode were good ? You're telling me that the time travelling episode did nothing ?

Oh, the rest of the episodes were pretty solid.

"The Akari who leapt through time" was a great episode, but it didn't grab me as much as the season opener.


Celestial Method 07

The A-plot with Nonoka and her mom ended on a really touching note, and I like how it tied into the B-plot of Noel working on fixing up the Kirigon display outside the store. Noel is a name that intentionally calls to mind angels, and now that it's begun snowing in the show and stars are being followed, I can tell what sort of tone things are heading towards. A tone of passing, of the end of things, but also for the possibility of a new year, of rebirth. For Nonoka, that means rekindling her relationships, and nobody, not Shione or anybody else, is really a bad person. Wires may become crossed, but I think Noel's purpose is there to uncross them. I'm not sure if Nonoka's mom and Noel are directly related in any way, but it's clear they're serving similar roles at different times in her life.


Is Log Horizon kinda like MMORPG the anime? I really liked the MMORPG aspects of SAO but the super serious storyline was kinda lame. But the recent Caliber arc which was basically just a raid was rather fun to watch. Would I enjoy Log Horizon?
My issue is if they're gonna pull the rug, they really burned a lot of time doing so. I mean you're over half-way through your broadcasting run and finally shit starts getting realy.

I think 6 episodes is enough to get that done. You could say that Madoka did it much earlier but I think they're really trying to draw that constrast between trying to live a normal life versus fighting the Vertex and the aftereffects that will have on the former. I think this will become more pronounced as we get closer to the end and they're forced to
use Mankai again or someone dies.
I'm actually glad I decided to pick this show up since out of the bunch I'm watching this season Yuuki Yuuna is the one I'm most curious about in regards to how it's going to end.


Is Log Horizon kinda like MMORPG the anime? I really liked the MMORPG aspects of SAO but the super serious storyline was kinda lame. But the recent Caliber arc which was basically just a raid was rather fun to watch. Would I enjoy Log Horizon?

Any MMO anime is already better than SAO by default. Log Horizon shines through heavy world building, lore and scheming, action is not too much.



Is Log Horizon kinda like MMORPG the anime? I really liked the MMORPG aspects of SAO but the super serious storyline was kinda lame. But the recent Caliber arc which was basically just a raid was rather fun to watch. Would I enjoy Log Horizon?

It sticks to its MMORPG ruleset pretty heavily. It stays away from shonen-esque asspulls and the drama/conflict is often mental rather than physical. The main character isn't a fighter but a schemer. Its a series that focuses more on the social,economic, and political aspects of what people would deal with if something like this actually happened while staying within the bounds of its MMO's rules. For example the NPC's (People of the Land) are now real people with their own will, history, and political structure rather than automatons that just give out quests. One of the arcs in the first season is whether the characters should work with them or stay on their own with the implication that ignoring them might lead to war between the two. It deals with complicated subjects without getting too serious either and isn't afraid to be kind of silly and fun at times. You would probably like it. Its not perfect but its the best job an anime has done with this genre and its very sincere.


I just thought of another point. A good way to see the real world effect of how undervalued traditional animation is, is to go look at comments in the Skullgirls DLC Indiegogo campaign, or honestly any Kickstarter Campaign for animation which is asking for more than $100k. You'll see tons of shocked reactions that traditional animation doesn't cost 10 dollars to make. And all these campaigns aren't even expensive. They're mostly being animated for as cheap as they can be, while having good quality.

It reminds me a lot of the manufacturing debate, while not an ideal comparison, I think some important elements overlap. People like to bitch about how American manufacturing is dead, and that everything is outsourced to China factories and so on. But the reality is that consumers and the industry will not support the sort of pricing for products made in an environment where people doing the work are actually well compensated. Lots of people decry the death of traditional animation in America too, but is there a business model that can support animation at non-slave wages?

Young people really have no appreciation for the value and cost of making something. Its just a consumable that appears one day for their enjoyment and the price isnt even considered, because most of them steal it anyway. In this age of free flowing information, some things are simply taken for granted, especially animation. People just sped years of their lives creating this stuff out of the kindness of the hearts I suppose.

I feel like most of the problems with CGI in anime results from it being cheap/fast CGI. The gulf between CGI in Hollywood movies and CGI in anime feels much, much vaster than the differences in traditional animation. The nature of CGI makes increases in budget and time much more noticeable, and there hasn't been decades of low-budget CGI culture to develop effective tricks comparable to the limited animation that Tezuka and others pioneered. And I mean, if you're any good at CGI, why work in anime? You'll have so many better job opportunities in other fields. The traditional animators have nowhere else to go.

Given the state of the global economy, probably not. Luxury goods depend on people being able to afford them. Certainly no way for anime to solve that problem, LOL.

Thats a good point. Only the passion of creating anime must keep those people working in the industry. Theres few other perks to it. Certainly it isnt the key to a prosperous future.

That's what I've been saying for a while. For kids who grew up in the late 90s and beyond, I notice that very often they don't really see traditional animation in the same way. The appeal isn't ingrained at a young age, and there's no nostalgia at all for older works. Stuff like videogame FMVs and Pixar movies have a much deeper impact on them in terms of what "animation" is.

Unfortunately thats very true. I see so many young people today looking at older cel drawn anime and saying "the animation is ugly and bad". It might not be highly polished CG smooth looking, but that stuff took ridiculous amount of skill, most of which has been lost in time and circumstances. The whole situation of anime just makes me so sad.

Has anyone posted anything about Yuri Kuma Arashi's website update other than about the trailer?

Big story synopsis up now:

(note: Arashi ga Oka is the Japanese name of Wuthering Heights)

There seems to be something key to this "Barrier" concept (danshaku). I've probably not translated it properly. It seems that Life Sexy, Life Cool and Life Beauty are all members of the "Danshaku Court" referred to in the trailer, but I haven't read through any more information on them yet.

This sounds completely glorious and I cant wait for it. Ikuhara will deliver.


Wolf Girl 07

I'm glad that this was overall a positive experience for Kusakabe and Erika. The former doesn't have to sacrifice the good person within, and Erika's confidence goes up and gets Kyouya to stop being such a jackass. Reluctantly so, but it's progress. Love is an irrational thing, I suppose.


I can't wait for SAO to disappear.

Normally I'd say yes but it did have the courtesy of introducing us to Shinon and her cat eared badass glory.
Ill grant it reprieve for now.

They only dress up like that for a bit though.

It's the funniest thing I've watched this week.

You should put YamiBou in your backlog ;P

Well I guess if it wasnt damaging to your soul its ok.
I just worry about you watching this terrible stuff.

Most importantly, expect something approaching PABLO POWER:

I'm a bit confused as to whether it's ACTUALLY Studio Pablo or not, though. Chieko Nakamura is doing art direction, as she did on Penguindrum and Utena previously (that's immediately obvious from the architecture), but the show doesn't fit on Studio Pablo's schedule according to their website - after Wixoss finishes, they're not supposed to have a new show airing until April.

Art still looks lovely, though.

Pablo is a pretty great background art studio but I always had a soft spot for Deen's background work too.


Is Shirou supposed to be some sort of self-insert blank slate character?
Dude is boring as sin and yet all the girls inexplicably love him...

Shirou is as typical harem protagonist as you can possibly get. He might actually be even dumber than that.

Purely speaking about the language conveyed by uniform, it's pretty interesting that Saber looks so domesticated and vulnerable in her F/SN attired when compared to the suit she generally wore in Fate/Zero. Such a disappointing regression.

I do like her suit form a lot but her truly best form is this:
Elegant, graceful, and mind boggling gorgeous.

Came in today

Ive always wondered how good that show is. I think MadP likes it.

Wonder when someone will make the western equivalent of all those harem Oda Nobanaga shows.

"I Got Sent Back In Time to the American Revolution and All the Founding Fathers are Cute Girls!"

I would watch the shit out of this!

Hey firehawk good timing. Not too far off from finishing the Wire. How's Treme comparatively?

Treme is interesting. Pretty accurate I would say.

There's always the light novels. lol

I think Treme is a tighter show in that Simon and Co are more comfortable representing a slice of life and handling multiple storylines, but it's also not as... explicitly preachy as The Wire. Like, the first season is very "This is the real New Orleans you stupid American fucks", but it just calms down and becomes a look at how life never really settled down after Katrina.

But also like The Wire though, it's also tremendously underrated and under appreciated, because people have already forgotten about New Orleans and because it's not about dragons or people in 1920s outfits being gangsters. lol


New Orleans is doing quite well since Katrina. It has invested much into the economic sectors and finally gaining some stability. The 9th ward and east New Orleans are still disaster areas though. The city is down about 100,000 people. Treme is a really cool glimpse into what it might be like for folks without going overboard with artistic license.


Akame ga Kill 20

Again, I find myself without much to say. New villains are introduced so quickly and disposed of just as quickly as this series, and while I'm still focusing on and caring for the characters, there's also that curiosity of how much longer this is going to go. That's not really a question for the anime, but the cycle of revenge is going to need to be broken by somebody at some point.


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - 01

Hmm, this was alright I suppose. Had some funny bits but they all relied on the same thing - lewdness. I hope the comedy evolves into more than just that.
Misaki reminded me of
worst girl
Minorin from Toradora, I'm too grumpy for their.. positively eccentric personalities, so she's already a no go in my book. Didn't see much of Aoyama but I'm already rooting for her.

I'll give it the three episode rule.

Misaki is best girl imo but Im a sucker for genki girls.

she is kind of exhausting though I can understand your reasons.

Millennium actress

Wow, what a fantastic movie. I could see myself putting this in my top 5-10 all time favorite anime movies. Everything about it was well done, from the characters and cinematography to the transitions between the past and films. I cannot find the words to express how much I loved the movie. I want to go back an hour and half ago to view it again. What do/did you guys think of this movie?

Indeed it is my favorite anime movie of all time and one of my favorite movies in any medium.
I basically worship Millennium Actress.
i cant tell you how many times Ive watched it.

You should listen to your pessimistic self.

do you actually enjoy anything?

Full studio version of Your Lie in April OP by Goose House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNdf7wHNgoA

Oh lord, we aren't worthy

Good song
Apparently MONACA, a music production studio established by Keiichi Okabe of Nier/Drakengard 3 fame is responsible for the music in Yuuki Yuuna.

No wonder it sounds so good.

Also found a OP comparison on Reddit.

This is something I noticed during one of the battles but you can see that the colour of the petals on their flower emblems is changing over time.

After some more sleuthing I found (spoilers for episode 6) this, which is something interesting to put in promotion material even if it's just a coincidence.


Grisaia 07

Perhaps I may check out the VN someday, but I'm really liking this anime. The drama parts of it are captivating me as much as anything else. The way the anime frames things with the even wider, cinematic aspect ratio and the way the art resembles game CGs, really feels like a VN given life and not an anime using a VN as its base. There are merits to both approaches, but it really works here. Sachi's story reminded me of Yumiko's in a few ways, and looks to be a recurring theme in every arc here. Someone who questions their very identity and reason for being. It all gets resolved in a very VN-esque way, but that's as it should be.

Next episode has a "I" in the title, so we should be getting a multi-episode storyline as opposed to the one episode cram the past two were. Yet even with the breakneck pace, they're still really captivating. If this makes a big enough impact, I hope VN anime can see a resurgence. There's so many out there I want to have animated.


Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works 6:
They should have called it 'Unlimited Harem Works'. Sakura's scenes, even if there aren't many of them, drag so much. Honestly, almost any scene which doesn't involve Rin or Archer drags quite a bit. I had hoped this show would give them more time, instead of wasting so much time on kitchen antics, Sakura, Fujimura and other time sinks. Shirou also continues to be pretty frustrating as a character.

Shirou's job is to challenge every Servant to a one on one duel. That's what heroes do.


Girlfriend Beta 06

An understanding of voice actor culture is not just key to understanding GFB, it's the primary appeal. Like how this episode starred the YuiKaori duo. Lots of fun girls were around too, including Nozomi Miyauchi, the toku fangirl. I like Cinderella Girls' Hikari Nanjou for the same reason. They understand what I'm going for. The potato story was a simple one, and once again, made for a charming, relaxing way to end the day. I wonder if this is what KanColle and Cinderella Girls will be like next season - short stories focusing on different groups of girls. They have bigger brand name recognition, but the future of anime may lie here, and in some ways, it has advantages that manga/VN/LN adaptations don't. It's character-first storytelling with all the freedom of an original series. This is why Sengoku Collection is one of the best.
Grisaia no Kajitsu - 07

I believe this is what we spend 5+ minutes telling you to do.
I guess this was as good as they could have made those arcs given the time available.

I guess it's safe to say to continue to watch the anime but if you're intrested, do check the Vn
One Piece 670

Lao G swatting away the dwarf is just as funny as in the manga.

lol Senor giving Dellinger the warning about not underestimating a pervert like him.

Best part is that he didn't even try and deny it.
So I'm watching Railgun S - 03 and well, I guess that little sister of Mikoto was already your generic, somewhat pathetic Yuri provider but damn, I feel as violated as the bear after this scene @.@

A screenshot must do, otherwise I'd get banned I'm afraid. e: The fucking noises she makes...the fuck.
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