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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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I hope we get a 2nd season if Mahouka. So much stuff I want to know
(back story of the family) and Onii-Sama returning to school after what happened at the end


Code Geass 18

Goddammit Suzaku is such a fucking pathetic coward. Sure dude, just put your fingers in your ears and keep going "LALALALALA I DON'T APPROVE OF YOUR METHODS LALALALALA!" Why the hell does Zero keep asking "You're going to die! Are you okay with that?!" when frankly him dying is probably the reason he is willing to do this. Because he wants to die in battle because that will atone for his sins. For some reason.

Kallen you dumbass.

Lelouch shouldn't feel bad about using his Geass on Suzaku. It was the only way, and Suzaku's a loser. Save your life and save yourself from having to put up with his bullshit.
Girl Und Panzer 8

I dunno what's better/worse, the completely out of nowhere scene of the Russian girls singing, or the laughable dub hack job that replaced it with tetris music. The Russian singing had me


The Tetris version however made me question my faith in humanity... or at least in Sentai, how the fuck could you not come up with a better solution then that?

Either way the fact that the original version decided to include an out of nowhere scene of girls singing in Russian further proves the theory that



From the New World 7

I can't say a ton happened this episode but I always appreciate this show's world building. It really feels like its from a New World (I said the name of the show :p) and that the writers thought through all the details of this weird society.

Girls und Panzer 8

I guess this show needed some "drama" to move the "plot" along or something. I liked the little Russian interlude though its a shame that it got lost in the Sentai release. Most of these characters continue to be annoying as fuck.

Well, very little western TV animation has ever been good in this respect to begin with; the best of the best in the tradition have always been theatrical shorts/features.

And I guess 'sakuga' can be equivalent to 'goddamn moments', but it's not the only way animation can be expressive. Good old 40s Warner Bros shorts had insanely expressive character animation that nevertheless felt very seamless; not the kind of thing that'll bowl you over or overwhelm you at face value the way some of these super action sequences in anime aim at.

I don't watch Steven Universe, but I think it's fair to call that gif pretty inspired by a certain kind of anime action. I think that's just the actual style, more than the show adhering to any sort of 'sakuga tradition' or whatever. It's best to regard 'sakuga' as just slang for 'good animation' honestly; it's not a particular way to approach the act of animating, or a particular style; there's a lot of variety even in Japan, and it all gets lumped up under the same term by fans.

I was mostly speaking in terms of the modern era and televised animation so obviously the Disney classics would be outside the realm of that conversation (though they are mostly fantastic for all the reasons you said from an animation standpoint).

As as been mentioned in the following discussion I guess i just boils down to the animation culture and the variable fruits produced. On one hand I appreciate all the quality material that culture on the other side of the Pacific has allowed to exist but I say that of course as one who only has to consume this media and not produce it. There's no question that overall they are under-compensated.

PK Gaming

Yuru Yuri ♪♪ - END

That was pretty enjoyable. Yuru Yuri's your standard slice of life/comedy moe anime, but it was very competent in that regard. The humor was pretty good (the running gag were hilarious), but what really kept me watching was how engaging it was. It does a pretty job of adapting the various little events from the manga, so episodes rarely dragged on. The characters were likeable and varied, and the show somehow finds the time to develop all of them. It's worth noting that while Yuri isn't the focus of the anime, but there's a sizeable amount to found. Just don't expect any involved yuri pairings.

All in all a solid, "easy-going" anime.

You were wrong R_Thanatos, Season 2/Episode 1 was still my favorite by a nautical mile!
Yuru Yuri ♪♪ - END

That was pretty enjoyable. Yuru Yuri's your standard slice of life/comedy moe anime, but it was very competent in that regard. The humor was pretty good (the running gag were hilarious), but what really kept me watching was how engaging it was. It does a pretty job of adapting the various little events from the manga, so episodes rarely dragged on. The characters were likeable and varied, and the show somehow finds the time to develop all of them. It's worth noting that while Yuri isn't the focus of the anime, but there's a sizeable amount to found. Just don't expect any involved yuri pairings.

All in all a solid, "easy-going" anime.

You were wrong R_Thanatos, Season 2/Episode 1 was still my favorite by a nautical mile!

But it's non-canon

I miss it too ;=;

I'm gonna take a wild guess that the lead two argue all the time but have a nice friendship under all of that. As the show goes they'll start to have some romantic sparks but over-all there's so much going on it never goes beyond a will they/won't they dynamic. They might date others, but there's always that point. Then at the end they get together.


psycho pass season 2 ep 2 dubbed
alright episode opening plenty of questions, hoping this season at least leads up to a decent setting for the movie.

Vanadis eps 5-7

fine episodes, nothing special, but not bad either. I am for the most part enjoying this by the numbers series. I think it helps that I don't mind the main characters.


Code Geass 19

I'm not exactly sure how all of that resulted in them on that deserted island. But now Kallen' identity as a member of the Black Knights is compromised (that's what happens when you run out of your fucking mech. And when you bathe in plain sight on a deserted island. Also turns out Euphemia knew Lelouch was Zero; they're old friends of sorts. She said she didn't reveal his identity because Cornelia never listens to her (pretty sure if you went to her and said "I know who Zero is", you'd have at least had her curiosity). But man, those scenes between those two were pretty cringeworthy. Everything was nostalgia from when they were kids. And then them gazing at the stars and she's all "Can't it ever go back to the way things were?" I'll field that one Lelouch (since you give a long-winded monologue like you typically do instead of just saying the obvious): no. This all said, Euphemia's role becomes a bit clearer here at least as she's a sort of member of the enemy but not an enemy herself for Lelouch.

That's the worst military force ever. They just let Zero and Kallen steal their experimental Knightmare and escape with as little resistance as possible! They just took it!

Well, hard to see where things are gonna go from here. Suzaku's down shit creek for treason in something it looks like Euphemia won't even be able to help him weasel out of. Kallen's identity is exposed (as long as they allow Suzaku to tell them that much). Euphemia knows Zero's identity. All this shit is going to have to come to a head at some point.


I'm gonna take a wild guess that the lead two argue all the time but have a nice friendship under all of that. As the show goes they'll start to have some romantic sparks but over-all there's so much going on it never goes beyond a will they/won't they dynamic. They might date others, but there's always that point. Then at the end they get together.
You know Inuyasha? It's that. It's exactly that.

Not sure I trust BONES anymore.
I'm optimistic. Espcially coming off of Dandy. Though all it takes is source material on caliber with something like Zetsuen no Tempest to make it entirely a waste.
Not sure I trust BONES anymore.

They've made at least 2 good shows this year for the first time in a long time, so if anything now is the time to trust BONES. The only worry I have is if the excellent staff lineup will be able to adapt what is by all accounts pedestrian source material in an entertaining fashion. But if anyone can do that, certainly Matsumoto can.


They've made at least 2 good shows this year for the first time in a long time, so if anything now is the time to trust BONES. The only worry I have is if the excellent staff lineup will be able to adapt what is by all accounts pedestrian source material in an entertaining fashion. But if anyone can do that, certainly Matsumoto can.

Even Ando can't save Zetsuen though.
You know Inuyasha? It's that. It's exactly that.

I'm optimistic. Espcially coming off of Dandy. Though all it takes is source material on caliber with something like Zetsuen no Tempest to make it entirely a waste.

They've made at least 2 good shows this year for the first time in a long time, so if anything now is the time to trust BONES. The only worry I have is if the excellent staff lineup will be able to adapt what is by all accounts pedestrian source material in an entertaining fashion. But if anyone can do that, certainly Matsumoto can.
They also did Soul Eater Not! and Captain Earth this year, which I think lowly of both of them, so that's why I'm still cautious.

I'll still give it a chance like I do most anime.


Every studio makes failures though.
What's more, they're much easier to see coming. I don't think anyone was betting the farm on Soul Eater Not, and Captain Earth is exactly what you would expect from that directing/writing duo.

Rie Matsumoto, Toshihiro Kawamoto, and Shinji Kimura is more than enough to get me hopeful for a show.


What's more, they're much easier to see coming. I don't think anyone was betting the farm on Soul Eater Not, and Captain Earth is exactly what you would expect from that directing/writing duo.

Captain Earth's staff ain't too bad, although the title does make me sour of their name.. Igarashi better broke his tie with Enokido.
Is there a studio that is extremely consistent? More so than other studios? I know it's technically a subjective answer, but is there such a thing as a studio that makes critically acclaimed shows regularly?
Cross Ange 07

So the purple haired captain girl likes to dress up as a sailor scout to relieve stress.
Ange sees her and then captain girl tries to kill Ange. Oh, Ange is in the bath too so she's fighting nude, of course. And the other girl falls into the water, making her now nude, of course. And they fight by grabbing each others breasts but Ange misses because captain girls are small, of course. What a stunning sequence of events.

But who cares about that because ANGE GETS A FUCKING COLD. This of course, being an anime, means she is on her death bed. But she comes to save the day anyway and helps everyone get a ton of money, and then people start liking her. So then they go back to the bath and have naked funtimes these people I swear

Gainax until about 2004 was extremely consistent.

The year they made This Ugly Yet Beautiful World and helped out on Melody of Oblivion? Not sure I'd call that consistent with their earlier titles. Up through FLCL in 2000 they were pretty consistent, but I can't really think of a single post-FLCL Gainax work that has any real merit.
DEATH™;139057042 said:
Do people hate Ghost Banri that much? I know he's a jerk or something but still...

I don't know, it just sounded like a single parent telling people to stay with their only child after 3 episodes of their life regardless of whatever smack problems they develop just so you can somehow manage to buy them some LEGOs.


The year they made This Ugly Yet Beautiful World and helped out on Melody of Oblivion? Not sure I'd call that consistent with their earlier titles. Up through FLCL in 2000 they were pretty consistent, but I can't really think of a single post-FLCL Gainax work that has any real merit.
I meant to suggest that their consistency ended in 2004 with the aforementioned shows.

I'm just trying to squeeze in RE: Cutie Honey.
Pani Poni Dash 13 and 14

There was some giant ass robots, and apparently Not-Yuuko not only BRINGS THE RICE, her bro can also cook. Why are you the boring girl. You know, she is around as part of the main cast a lot despite that. Maybe it's because being boring is her gimmick.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero 1-5

This show gives me a lot of Madoka vibes with the general concept kind of being similar. So far the transformations and fights are cool, the characters are fun to watch outside of combat and the latest episode was some real Final Episode Battle type material.

Apparently this show is only 12 episodes so I'm almost half way already. One thing I feel is noteworthy is how often death has been hinted (especially in
episodes 3 and 4
) at. Numerous times Itsuki has drawn the death tarot card whether it's for her
singing or when she knocked her laptop bag over at the end of episode 4
. There are likely a few other occurrences that I've missed out on too. They could either be poking fun at "death flags" or it could be actual foreshadowing. After episode 5 it could go either way.
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