Le Chevalier D'Eon 01
I just wanted a normal historical anime.
I just wanted a normal historical anime.
Koe no Katachi adaptation confirmed:
No Game No Life Episode 2
Well, the first half of the episode was garbage. The rock-paper-scissors was too obvious (I would've owned his ass), though I guess it set the stage for more of Steph's over-reactions, which are mildly funny. And there was too much pantsu crap, and that bit about him not being able to be apart from his sister was stupid (I have a bad feeling it'll come up later in the anime during an important plot point).
Second half was good, though. Sets the stage for the rest of the anime and provides us with a mid-boss of sorts story-wise. Seeing Sora become King (I assume that's what's gonna happen) and move humanity's ranking up through the 16 species from last place will be interesting.
Get used to it. Ruins a pretty good show imo.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
Koe no Katachi adaptation confirmed:
Get used to it. Ruins a pretty good show imo.
Fuck yes! This, Prison School, and Soma are going to make an awesome year!
Good and ugly!
If you liked S1 you will probably like S2. But the art drops in quality, not like it was a pretty show to begin with though.
Tagging big stuff is seen as a courtesy.
Get used to it. Ruins a pretty good show imo.
No Game No Life Episode 3
Holy crap! Areference?! With accompanying music, too? This episode is already gold. And actually, it was pretty good overall. As the last episode hinted, another nation is trying to take over humanity's land, and it's up to Sora to stop them. Seriously, the last king was an idiot using a gaming competition to decide the next human king, especially when you can cheat using magic and humans can't use magic. Anyways, we get more references to other media (which is nice if you know them) and we have a chess game to decide who's king, except it's not a chess game, lol. If only real chess could be played like this...Phoenix Wright
Alright, thanks!
Honestly, I actually don't mind it as long as the story isn't sidelined and they don't spend half an episode on it. Please tell me there's no beach episode.
No Game No Life Episode 3
Honestly, I actually don't mind it as long as the story isn't sidelined and they don't spend half an episode on it. Please tell me there's no beach episode.
There's a warning about "beautiful things" for later on in the show.
There are a few scenes here and there, but there isn't any complete waste episodes like a beach episode, the series in general stays quite focused on what is going on with great pacing.
Now that my Walmart adventures are done, time to catch up on my backlog.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
Cross Ange - 02
Cross Ange - 02
God, trying to VPN into Crunchy via Hola is so irritating. Maybe I should just fork up the monies for a proper VPN... god, why is going legit [okay, going grey market] so difficult
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
What's the consensus on the current season of Log Horizon? Good, bad, ugly? I just started watching some of Season 1 today and I'm wondering if the show is worth investing in.
Le Chevalier D'Eon 01
I just wanted a normal historical anime.
Probably massively LTTP, but I just saw on twitter that they are doing a 5-year anniversary box set for K-On!!
Only 30000 yen!
It's just crazy to think that was five years ago though. Damn.
An adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi's Rin-ne is airing this Spring, produced by studio Brain's Base and will be 25 episodes long:
Man, the next episode is one of my favorite episodes of anything, hope you like episode 16.Ergo Proxy 15
No seriously what the hell did I just watch.
And I thought Lain's exposition dumps were bizarre ...
The power of the childhood friend can cure all mental issues!!Grisaia no Kajitsu Episode 7
Seriously, has anyone in this show thought about like idk getting some real professional help for these children, like one of those psychiatrist people
she made real fucking bombs.