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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou 1

So with Crunchyroll finally getting the drama version of Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou, I finally gave it a try. Been wanting this as I liked the handful of manga chapters I read ages ago.

Watched episode one last night. I have to say I really liked it. I tend to have a lot of trouble with live action versions of manga/anime (though this started as novels) but I liked this. Certainly enough to to watch the rest of it I think. Liked the chemistry between the main two.

Good series, always liked how random trivia about novels and authors get used as clues and solutions for the mysteries. Only issue I had with the show is that each episode ends up being longer than they should be and just end up running out of steam during the resolution portion of them.

This is the kind of fucking insanity that makes me glad Animator Expo exists.

ME!ME!ME! is an animated music video, a horror story, an indictment of otaku culture. A young man lies, sullen and empty on his bed, drowning his lost love in an oversexed haze of bishoujo figurines, impossibly sexy idols, breasts, fluids, video games, and violence, a cycle of alienation and loathing from which he can't escape.

It's aggressive, uncomfortable, transfixing, and horribly unsafe for work. It must be seen to be believed.


That was.... something.

I'm assuming Animator Expo is a yearly thing?
Gundam: Reconguista in G 9:
Genius Klim Nick leaving at the start had me down, but then we get the absolute hilarious that is the mimicking of Noredo sticking her tongue out, first from Raraiya and then from the Haro. Truly an iconic moment in the history of anime.

The early parts of this episode had some nice and really lighthearted moments. Watching the characters going around getting supplies was pretty fun. Then everything gets tense towards the end, and things are a lot realer than they've been at any point in this show. A lot of new information is coming to light, and true allegiances are beginning to shake out. I'm sure that Cumpa Rusita has quite a lot hidden up his sleeves.



This is the kind of fucking insanity that makes me glad Animator Expo exists.

ME!ME!ME! is an animated music video, a horror story, an indictment of otaku culture. A young man lies, sullen and empty on his bed, drowning his lost love in an oversexed haze of bishoujo figurines, impossibly sexy idols, breasts, fluids, video games, and violence, a cycle of alienation and loathing from which he can't escape.

It's aggressive, uncomfortable, transfixing, and horribly unsafe for work. It must be seen to be believed.

Great short, if it wasn't so NSFW I would show it to more people.



Gonna show it to my friends and tell them it's NSFW in all the right ways.



Well that was something.

Escapism is a hell of a drug, you don't even need a vivid metaphor like this one to understand how that's the case. But it does help!


Code Geass R2 5

Well shit.
They made Nunnally a fucking viceroy.

Well either way Lelouch gave himself away there at the end. Now Suzaku knows he has his memories back. Smooth move by Suzaku springing that on him, I must say.

Also, happy birthday? What? I didn't quite catch that whole thing. I get that he's putting the pressure on Villetta to join the Black Knights but that whole scene was just pretty weird.


[Detective Conan] - 82 (Two-Mix Special)
Two-Mix and Wakamoto-voiced villain, pretty good episode overall.
Is this the one where two mix invites the detective boys on stage to sing at the end? That might be the most Scooby-Doo moment of the series.


actually bothered to watch the studio khara animator expo stuff and

The Dragon Dentist

pretty morbid but it was brimming with the kind of creativity we dont get nowaydays

Hill Climb Girl

a far uglier and less inspired version of yowapeda


makes me want the peeps behind this to adapt ressentiment


Code Geass R2 6

lmao how did that guy become a general?

So Rolo bailed out Lelouch and they're still unsure about whether or not he's regained his memories. Pretty disappointing, though I suppose not very surprising. If any show knows what happens when it blows its load too soon and backs itself into a corner, it's this one.

I guess at the end Nunnally figures it out for herself? She's being pretty naive about this whole thing though. Nobody's going to go for that independent Tokyo settlement thing again after what happened the first time.


Yowapeda GR 1-2

I am so glad they didn't fuck around with the production staff and kept things (afaik) pretty much the same. Even the CG's improved quite a bit from the already much improved stuff at the end of S1!

also midousuji's p. much a god hand on a bike

Khara hasn't made one bad thing yet though.


Shirobako 7

To review, Ema makes half a pittance, has a high stress as fuck job, and gets absolutely no slack. Yeesh. I wouldn't want any part of that, that's for sure. I do like how they don't overplay these aspects though; just sort of showing how it is for her while also trying to give her her own character and personality. Same deal with Aoi.



Man, pissed me off so much this show clearly had budget and talent behind it but the action scene just not exciting because shody-ass directing..


You know how these things work. Dude is going to choke bad and then win in the Chopin finals or whatever.

Welp, it IS a shounen after all, but I think Arima making progress in his life is more important than winning any competitions at this point. I'm looking forward to those performances. Expect them to be fully animated, since they are quite important childhood rivals, instead of the no-name first couple on contestants.
[Parasyte] - 7

I'm going to have to say I basically disliked this episode for the reasons that most people liked it. Everything was certainly well staged and executed but the general direction things are heading in just isn't that interesting. It feels like we've transitioned away from the interesting tone and feel of the show into your usual superhero-type story. You know, there's always the point in these kinds of stories where things get dark, the protagonist loses his glasses, starts to act tough, speak differently and all the girls are in love with him? The ending to this episode literally featured three girls are pining over the protagonist. The story may well move in an interesting development shortly, but this section of the characters arc just feels so predictable.

The adapation process is... "interesting". While all the story and character developments are the same as the manga, the execution is changing things up.
For example the girls also were there in the manga, but the anime made it slightly more harem-ish.
The change between Shinichi at the start of the series and now, while it's there, it isn't so steep in the manga so it's more believable. In the anime literally his face changed (glasses removed, hair style changed).
And this maybe from my vague memories but I have the impression the change in personality was in the manga more related to going through the harrowing process of losing his mother, so it was more psychological, while in the anime it's a bit more focused on gaining alien powers.


Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4:Episode 8:

Yea, it is a clip show so it is going to pretty much suck like a clip show does. I fast forwarded through most of the Mako stuff because you could not pay me to relive one of the worst romances I have ever witnessed.
I did catch the end and holy shit it seems like Mako is genuinely over those relationships of the past and I will give credit where it is due, congratulations on growing as a person. Now let ancient history be ancient history.
They just can't help themselves with Korra and Asami at this point, they may not be lovers yet, but it is clear that Asami is Korra's confidant at the very least.
but that being said her tale was pretty dull and I am not sure why she needed to explain this to Asami since she was there for most of it. Verrick and Bolin actually made this entertaining
by basically turning the whole shebang into Sealab 2021 and bonus cookies if you understand how that reference works.
Also, fuck you LoK, I don't believe you when it comes to the Equalists.



finally Rightstuf shipped everything!

Log Horizon
Hidamari SP

I dunno why so long after everyone else but it looks like Nisekoi was the culprit.


Animator Expo 3 - ME!ME!ME!

I find this music video short totally fascinating. On one hand it's pretty disgusting. It's everything that I think is wrong with the image otaku anime projects to the outside world. This is literally a bunch of very talented young guys in the anime industry given the freedom to do what they want and they draw all the stuff which represents their anime culture - the past decade or so of otaku influence. It's trashy, some of it is down-right offensive, there are parts with really cool effects or action, there's random robot stuff, more effects, more action, all tied up in a theme which seems to suggest a guy's irrational phobia of girls actually wanting him. It's just so... "anime".

If people who know nothing at all about anime wanted to know what is popular these days in Japan animation subculture, I could totally just show them this video and it would be fairly accurate. It totally captures the visual style of stuff which have been really successful and influential for the current generation of both fans and staff in the anime world. I don't think it's a good thing, but it's certainly a thing we can't ignore or pretend isn't there! :p



Not into this animay stuff, but I gave this a shot and it was good. All this threatening femininity, man. The boobs shot bullets!


Yowapeda GR 6-7


i've seen well over 40 episodes of this entire series i've never once have gotten tired of how it meshes the absurd with the raw and the comedic to create such an evocative tour de force of pure humanity

if theres only one shonen "long form" series you're gonna bother with (other than gintama) then this is it


Yowapeda GR 6-7


i've seen well over 40 episodes of this entire series i've never once have gotten tired of how it meshes the absurd with the raw and the comedic to create such an evocative tour de force of pure humanity

if theres only one shonen "long form" series you're gonna bother with (other than gintama) then this is it

Representing a large pack of cyclists as a giant snake eating other cyclists is the greatest visual metaphor known to man.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Tag: FPS, WTF did i just watch!?, lot of fluid, NSFW, Boobs, Mecha, Nightmare fuel, Gore, Explosion, Space, Otaku, Techno, Tokusatsu, S&M, Dominatrix, Loop.
Your Lie in April 7
I lost it when he collapsed after seeing the cat. It's impossible to take this drama seriously. Even the monologuing and naval gazing have become comedic.



Main takeaway here is that Hatsune Miku should be banned.

This could be a good plot for a Persona game too, a Persona FPS even.

The figures were NOT from 3.33, movie is disowned confirmed.


Animator Expo 3 - ME!ME!ME!

I find this music video short totally fascinating. On one hand it's pretty disgusting. It's everything that I think is wrong with the image otaku anime projects to the outside world. This is literally a bunch of very talented young guys in the anime industry given the freedom to do what they want and they draw all the stuff which represents their anime culture - the past decade or so of otaku influence. It's trashy, some of it is down-right offensive, there are parts with really cool effects or action, there's random robot stuff, more effects, more action, all tied up in a theme which seems to suggest a guy's irrational phobia of girls actually wanting him. It's just so... "anime".

If people who know nothing at all about anime wanted to know what is popular these days in Japan animation subculture, I could totally just show them this video and it would be fairly accurate. It totally captures the visual style of stuff which have been really successful and influential for the current generation of both fans and staff in the anime world. I don't think it's a good thing, but it's certainly a thing we can't ignore or pretend isn't there! :p

I don't think this was so much a celebration of anime, but some sort of cautionary tale of this is the hellhole the the anime industry has/will fall into if it continues down its current path. Souless, empty, otaku pandering, massively over sexualised, crap.

Or at least that's what I took form it, lol.

Note I am not saying it was a bad animation. It was certainly well done, for what it was.


Death Parade update: http://www.ntv.co.jp/deathparade/

Decim - Tomoaki Maeno
Woman - Asami Seto
Nona - Rumi Okubo
Ginty - Yoshimasa Hosoya

Concept: Yuzuru Tachikawa/Madhouse
Director/Series Composition: Yuzuru Tachikawa
Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Shinichi Kurita
Art director: Satoru Hirayanagi
Composite Director: Yuuki Kawashita
Color Design: Yoshinori Horikawa
CG Director: Shigenori Hirozumi
Editing: Naoki Kawanishi
Music: Yuki Hayashi
Sound Director: Satoshi Motoyama
Production: Madhouse

Some new story details too. Tomoaki Maeno and Asami Seto reprise their roles as the barkeep and the female assistant from the Anime Mirai Death Billiards short, but they're joined by more employees in this afterlife judgement system. Decim's bar is on floor 15 of the "building", while Ginty has one on floor 20. Supervising all the various floors from the top is Nona on floor 90, who appears to be the big boss of the operation. So it seems we might be seeing more than just different people being judged at Decim's bar in the series.


I don't think this was so much a celebration of anime, but some sort of cautionary tale of this is the hellhole the the anime industry has/will fall into if it continues down its current path. Souless, empty, otaku pandering, massively over sexualised, crap.

Or at least that's what I took form it, lol.

Note I am not saying it was a bad animation. It was certainly well done, for what it was.

But the people who made it actually like this sort of stuff, so I think they're having a good time! It's open to interpretation I guess, but it's also pretty clear that it's filled with all the icky stuff about otaku pandering anime. So we can read it the way we want. Lol. >_<


Death Parade update: http://www.ntv.co.jp/deathparade/

Decim - Tomoaki Maeno
Woman - Asami Seto
Nona - Rumi Okubo
Ginty - Yoshimasa Hosoya

Concept: Yuzuru Tachikawa/Madhouse
Director/Series Composition: Yuzuru Tachikawa
Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Shinichi Kurita
Art director: Satoru Hirayanagi
Composite Director: Yuuki Kawashita
Color Design: Yoshinori Horikawa
CG Director: Shigenori Hirozumi
Editing: Naoki Kawanishi
Music: Yuki Hayashi
Sound Director: Satoshi Motoyama
Production: Madhouse

Some new story details too. Tomoaki Maeno and Asami Seto reprise their roles as the barkeep and the female assistant from the Anime Mirai Death Billiards short, but they're joined by more employees in this afterlife judgement system. Decim's bar is on floor 15 of the "building", while Ginty has one on floor 20. Supervising all the various floors from the top is Nona on floor 90, who appears to be the big boss of the operation. So it seems we might be seeing more than just different people being judged at Decim's bar in the series.





Maturity, bitches.
Wake Up, Girls Zoo 1 - 3

Not as good as Puchimas though it was quite bold of them to permanently kill off two members in the second episode.


But the people who made it actually like this sort of stuff, so I think they're having a good time! It's open to interpretation I guess, but it's also pretty clear that it's filled with all the icky stuff about otaku pandering anime. So we can read it the way we want. Lol. >_<

I don't know. The guy in the animation didn't seem to be having a good time.
In the fantasy world or reality.

I believe in Madhouse.

Madhouse are the best animation studio in Japan.
Nuff said.

Damn, that was a full can of Anno.

After this short every Otaku will take a long look at himself and become a better person.



What's this noise I hear? A faint...*fap fap fap* in the distance.
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