Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Parasyte 8
Mai husbando
Mai husbando

Parasyte 08-09
For all the complaint about female character, I rather liked the girlfriend character development. surely got dizzy over girl that mentioning her dick radar and friend that choose to confront confirmed fucking alien tho.
Turin, help me breh..
The hell?
With Hunter x Hunter, Parasyte, Chihayauru, Hajima no Ippo: Rising and the upcoming Death Parade Anime project, Madhouse is as competent if not more so since their work is focused and their team actually care about whatever series they take on.
Zac said:Unfortunately, the bluray falls down in a number of other ways; on the original Miramax DVD, there was an included "literal Japanese translation" subtitle track that fans forced on Disney back in the day. The plan then was to include a transcription of Neil Gaiman's adapted script as the only English subtitle track, but thanks to a petition (imagine that!) we had both Gaiman's script and a subtitle track that was more faithful to the original language, but that option is completely absent from this release. It's a shame, considering Gaiman's script is adequate at getting the story across and bringing the characters to life, but it's missing the strange, old-time language the film uses to evoke the period and mood. It's a different experience with the literal translation, and that it isn't on this disc (the included DVD in this combo pack uses the exact same menus as the old Miramax disc, with the 'literal translation' option ripped out) is a big mark against it. It isn't quite dubtitled - the subtitles do change when you switch to the Japanese language track, and they've removed lines added for the dub and changed a few other sentences (the "are you selling soup or donkey piss?" line appears no matter what you do) but largely it's just the dub script.
Brah Kana is better than Murano.
Chaika AB -08-
I starting to tell that there were two episodes cut because the whole Gillete mind control amounted to a 1 minute fight where he gets injured then suddenly remembers his past life? Must be some weak mind control if pain breaks it. I kinda like Red Chaika just giving up when she realized that she could never beat them. Looking forward to the next two episodes. Toru better become a Dragoon Rider.
She got dick radar, cool.. don't mention it again please.
So inferior versions of Boogiepop Phantom, NANA, Tenjho Tenge and Death Note.
So inferior versions of Boogiepop Phantom, NANA, Tenjho Tenge and Death Note.
Look, I can make lists too and inject my personal spin on it!What does hunter x hunter have to do with boogie phatom? or even parasyte if you mean that.
Judau looses it
Glemy has some not creepy stalker/peophile character building
Glemy looses his character development
Roux turns into a massive bitch 2 hours after the main character looses his purpose in life
Writers point out Japan's own stereotype
Driessen's were badass even in the 80s
Speaking of well-directed shows, this is an actual shot in UBW? :lol
Parasyte 8
I do like they used the piano track in the middle of the episode.
Kana is going to get bodied because of her power. She is going to make a mistake once again thinking it was Izumi right?
It'll be intresting to see how this "finale" will turn out considering the new "powerfull guys" that arenot gathered.![]()
This picture alone explains it, really.![]()
4. There was presentation. This isn't related to the writing, but as a final kick to Gundam X's nads, it's a damn shame that an anime as much older than it as VOTOMS looks so much better. Nothing in Gundam X looks good. It may well be the shittiest and ugliest looking Gundam series I've ever watched. And yes, I am including Hirai faces in that. Somehow, Gundam X has uglier fucking faces than either SEED or Destiny.
I mean shit, just look at that face. No wonder this show got cancelled. It's like some kind of freak show, but lazier.
Me watching this show
Code Geass R2 18-19
That sure went to shit fast. And fuck Nina for being surprised her WMD caused mass destruction. I don't understand why Lelouch is so intent on lying about his role and Euphy. Maybe no one would believe his reasons, but he just rolled with the lies. I really doubt Nunnaly is dead. No body no death, and she was never shown during the blast. Still I think Nunnaly being alive won't fix any of Lelouch's issues at this point. He's proper fucked.
I have zero (hehehe) clue on how this will end.The only way I can see is through C.C. somehow, but there's still a lot of things that have been left unexplained.
Fuck Nina.
Fuck Nina.
Battleship Hiei is added in Arpeggio of blue steel 1st movie
Code Geass R2 18-19
That sure went to shit fast. And fuck Nina for being surprised her WMD caused mass destruction. I don't understand why Lelouch is so intent on lying about his role and Euphy. Maybe no one would believe his reasons, but he just rolled with the lies. I really doubt Nunnaly is dead. No body no death, and she was never shown during the blast. Still I think Nunnaly being alive won't fix any of Lelouch's issues at this point. He's proper fucked.
I have zero (hehehe) clue on how this will end.The only way I can see is through C.C. somehow, but there's still a lot of things that have been left unexplained.
Fuck Nina.
Suzaku, Nina and Ohgi; The 3 Code Geass characters that can go fuck themselves.
psychopassathon zzzzzzzz15 minutes until the noitaminA 2015 conference begins.... will probably be lolz...
Battleship Hiei is added in Arpeggio of blue steel 1st movie
During his Reddit AMA he said they are looking into it but it has to be profitable for them to do it.
During the ANN podcast with them, they said that they are looking in Blu-Ray for certain titles for 2015. They also mentioned in the same podcast that Utena has been very successful for them. I think it's somewhat likely to happen.
Humanity Has Declined 06
Yeah, that's no human... she's... what? Whaaaat?
And the nautilus beats the giant kitty with the help of microwaves. Of course.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 07
Redhead's backstory was pretty harsh, but you're okay in my book now missy. I like her eating stuff all the time, hnnng shaft food show so close.
I'm not a fan of cutting witch hunting time for the purpose of showing a lengthy part of Violin boy coming back to school and love confessions.
Though it does add some extra anchors to Sayaka descend into madness? Because she was enjoying that kill a little too much. But yeah, more witch hunting pleeaase.
psychopassathon zzzzzzzz
Parasyte 8-9
As someone that usually catches on to terribly written females in fiction, I actually didn't really notice it until you guys pointed it out.