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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Parasyte the maxim 08-09

Shinichi gets to stomp everyone now but at the cost of being emotionless and such. Also first hints at some sort of greater parasite society. and CLIFFHANGERS!

Andrew J.

Shirobako 8

Between Aoi, Ema, and Aoi's sister, Japanese careers look so fulfilling and rewarding that it truly is a mystery that Japan has a hikikomori problem.

It's no wonder animators are willing to work long hours for low pay if that's how they view ordinary office jobs.


Your Lie in April 8

Seems like the Rivals only wanted to be friends with him. His mom really messed him up.
I think they spoiled that he is going to mess up during the preview for the next episode.


Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer


There's a Blu-ray of this film coming out apparently in February 2015 or something but I wanted to watch it now. For those that don't know, Urusei Yatsura was a manga originally made by Rumiko Takahashi. Personally my first experience with her work was the show Inuyasha and then I read a little bit of the manga Kyoukai no Rinne, which is planned to be getting a bit of an anime adaptation next spring I believe. While I haven't seen it yet, she's made other well known works such as Ranma 1/2.

The first half of the Urusei Yatsura anime, as well as the first two films to the show, were directed by Mamoru Oshii. My first experience to his work was the film Ghost in the Shell. While I haven't seen it yet, others may be familiar with him from the Patlabor series. Another maybe more obscure work that I myself, and at least a few AnimeGaf posters, are familiar with is the OVA Angel's Egg, which came out about a year after this film (1985).

I actually haven't really seen any of the anime or was familiar with the series. I saw it mentioned that you can pretty much watch the show standalone or maybe just take a look at the first part of the first episode to get introduced to the characters and set-up. I personally watched the first episode but do still agree it works fairly well as a standalone.

Getting a bit more into knowing some staff members and it was interesting watching the film knowing Mamoru Oshii was involved. You can tell based off some of the themes in the movie such as the meaning of dreams or what's real and what's not. There's even a bit of a time loop such that you see similar events but can pick out the changes. It feels like an Oshii movie but at the same time it doesn't feel as dense as some later works such as Ghost in the Shell.


Just one example of a classically effective yet seemingly unassuming shot. It looks simply like characters being reflected in pools of water on the ground as they head to school but is a nice visual way to emphasize the theme of dreams and reality. Which is real? How do you define that to be real or not real?

Having watched this film first and not being really aware of the characters I thought could be interesting as some fans saying that their actions or personalities come across as different in this particular movie compared to the main show. The little bit I did see of the first episode and some of the characters actually didn't seem that far off to me though.

Maybe not as familiar to foreign audiences as to the native Japanese audience but the film also deals with the fairy tale of Urashima Tarou. I won't go into it here but if people are still confused by some things they might want to look up the story to get a better idea of some of the references or symbology used.


The show can be a bit more serious and has some nice use of symbolism and deeper narrative themes but still finds enough time to counterbalance with a lighter, more playful side, with different gags to stay true to Urusei Yatsura in general.

Actually, after having watched the first episode of the main series I was surprised how much symbolism and word play the series proper carries anyway. Such as the double meanings on the title "Urusei Yatsura" itself or partially why certain characters look a certain way or have the name they have.

Anyway, it's a very well made film with some interesting themes and nice animation that I would recommend others take a look at if you haven't already. Personally it makes me want to watch the main series more than I already did so I can see more of these characters and their daily adventures.

-Thanks for taking the time to read this to those that do.
Yuki Yuna is a Hero/Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de aru 8

The beginning of the end.

The truth behind the hero system is explained.
The speculation turned out to be accurate. By using Mankai the Hero must pay the price by offering part of their body in exchange. I think it's clear that the girl on the bed is someone that Togo knows, but has forgotten due to her accident (she might even be the owner of that ribbon). I think it's also possible that Togo didn't lose the use of her legs in a car accident, but due to using Mankai previously, which she doesn't know about due to memory loss.

This show is definitely going down the road of portraying the powers granted to the main characters as being a curse masquerading as a boon. The girl in the bed didn't mention what happened to her friends that she fought with, since Heroes are immortal outside of dying in battle I think it's likely that she was one of the only survivors, which is why she regrets not spending more time with her friends (in addition to the whole losing limbs thing).

This is going to absolutely destroy
when she learns
she'll never get her voice back.


YuYuYu 08

This episode can also be retitled Hanazawa Kana Is In Everything. Drawing comparisons is interesting between shows that even on the surface appear similar. Wixoss was intentionally created to spread suffering. The Puella Magi system has underhanded means but is theoretically going towards a good cause. Repelling the Vertex is a purely good action that can only benefit humanity, but no good deed goes unpunished, so perhaps, Yuna and friends are suffering the worst of all.

I did a quick search mid-episode, and
Sonoko Nogi comes from Sumi Washio Is A Hero, the spinoff(?) running in Dengeki G's. It's not even done yet, it's only up to chapter 7. Which means that whatever may come, the future doesn't look bright for Sumi, and I don't even know them. Only Nogi survives, and only in that state.

While the fairies are cute and make me think of Otome Renshin Prister, Karin doesn't know how good she has it. Holding back on unlocking her full power is saving her in ways she can't comprehend. Is a bigass sword worth it if you end up losing everything?
Your Lie in April 8

Well not a lot to say for this. It's about the music rivals, secondary characters. They show how Arima was kind of important for them, how they pour their soul into the music, how good they are, etc.
The doubt in the previous episode was if the MC could cure himself of his trauma and play well, or not. The doubt is still up in the air. Next episode will be.
Your Lie in April 8

Man, Arima is sure popular. Little Arima was super cute though.

Loved this episode. Both performances were great. Still laugh at how much growth these characters had in just 2 years. Like they went from toddlers to high schoolers.

Watari doesnt give a shit about any girl does he lol
Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru - 08

Hero system is fucked yoooo.
So they gain immortality as heroes but every thing they Mankai they forever lose a bodily function. I'm not sure immortality at the cost of effectively becoming an invalid is the kind of life anyone wants to live. I also suspected they lost those functions of their bodies forever in the first place. This episode just seals the deal. Course now I'm suspect about Togo's past since it is clear that past hero girl knew her at some point. I suspect Togo was always a hero, note how much stronger she is than the other girls, used mankai a couple times and lost the ability to walk and lost her memory.
Shigatsu - 08

Yeh pretty much best episode so far thanks to the least amount of monologuing and two nice performances.

It's kinda interesting how strongly Emi and Takeshi were, and still are, influenced by Kousei, despite him never really paying them any attention until now. That in return may be a bit of an moral boost for himself.

@ jbug617
Thankfully I don't really care about this show much but...when you put the spoiler marks like this I'd imagine it pertains to the current episode and not the next one, even if it's just based on the preview.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 08

Well shiet. I started laughing at Kyubeys holes because it came so suddenly. But what's the reason Homura can't straight up say what Kyubey is up to, why is she being so subtle to the other girls. Maybe she could've prevented all this by just straight up saying why they shouldn't.
I do wonder what Kyubey is getting out of this endless circle. Does he feed off the souls he places in the containers or is there a higher cause to all of this. Or is he simply keeping the balance between good and evil. And what are familiars then?
He says Madoka has the chance of becoming an all powerful god, does he think in witch or magic girl terms. Somewhere between? Or is this another way to try to push her over the edge? It's starting to smell burnt so I'm going to stop thinking for now.


Yuki Yuna 8
They aren't getting their shit back fuuuuck. Poor Yuna and Itsuki, they have it the worst imo. Especially Itsuki D:


1. What happens should matter to the cast. By this I mean that in VOTOMS' little proxy war, everything mattered to everyone somehow. Chirico met up with Fyana and encountered Ypsilon. Fyana began to escape from her masters' grip. Ypsilon's intense jealousy of Chirico began. Vanilla and Coconna's romance began in the bar he opened. Gotho's role as a peacemaker between them and as group financier is challenged from time to time, and his loyalty to Chirico begins to overtake his love of money.

But it isn't just the main characters. The side characters matter, too. Whether it be His Excellency or the guys on Chirico's mercenary squad, all of the side characters introduced are firmly established, developed, and play pivotal roles in the plot. At times making them seem more important than the main cast. After all, it's really -their- war.

This isn't the case in Gundam X, though. By and large, much of what happens doesn't effect the cast in any major way. From time to time a moment is tossed on someone's plate, but for the most part Tiffa Adil, Garrod Ran, Jamil Neate and the Frost Brothers are exactly where they were when they began.

I really don't get how you can't see the development that characters have gotten. Garrod in the beginning of the show couldn't even handle working in groups, much less joining an army. Garrod also before Estardo just came from an arc where he decided he wouldn't use the Satellite Cannon as a weapon of destruction again, only to have his hoped dashed right in the beginning of the Estardo arc. Janmil in the beginning of the series couldn't pilot and had closed himself to others and Tiffa was similarly closed to herself, only the Frost Brothers stayed static, and even so what the viewer knows about them changed a lot. After all, in the beginning they were just mysterious vultures claiming to be looking for excitement, not agents of the New Federation.

That said, you're right about one point. Gundam X's story and character are mostly detached from each other. Tiffa is a rare Newtype and Janmil was an ace of the past war, but their plot relevancy pretty much stops there. Even Garrod, the protagonist, isn't the son of the Gundam's creator nor past ties to any of the enemies. Their relevancy and agency comes mostly from their own character and actions, not a contrived web of connections. I haven't watched Votoms, but, compared to other Gundams, that actually made X feel really fresh to me.

Side characters are introduced and slaughtered in a way that you'd normally see in Gundam AGE. Character actions aren't realistic, either. At one point Roybea shacks up with a girl he just met and stays in her home until she's shot in the chest for no discernible reason.

That ties into his original character in the beginning of the show, when he was shown to have various romances in various places and such. At that point, when the main cast joins the war efforts, he decides that war is too heavy for him and so considers leaving them and go back to his old life, but of course, it fails. It's not something random or out of nowhere just for shock value.

In the Gundam X version of events, though, that's not going to happen. Virtually everything I can think to complain about is centered on the fact that the show has been caught in a quagmire of Monsters of the Week for four episodes now, meaning that the bulk of this war has just been "New prototype mobile suit piloted by yet another cliched nutbag is sent by the Frost Brothers to fail to kill Garrod while they act as positively incestuous as they can in a kid's show." Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Each episode had a lot of plot happening though. The prototype mobile suits are there for action, but they aren't the plot of the episode. The first episode had their hesitation with joining the war effort and going back to war - especially just after Garrod had attempted to stop taking lives, only to be forced to go right back to it with the airport mission. It's also highlighted Janmil's hesitation to turn against the Federation. Meanwhile, Witz's and Roybea got their contrasting development, with Witz identifying with the soldiers while Roybea wanted nothing with it all and even left the Freeden due to that. Afterwards, you had the alliance between Estardo and its neighbor country breaking down and finally Estardo defeated and the Prince's attempt to run away. The prototype mobile suits dominated the action, but not the story of those episodes.

3.The writers took the time to explain things. The New Federation has been around for around ten episodes in Gundam X at this point, if not more, and its been made very, very clear that we're supposed to see it as the ultimate evil.

The Estardo arc ends with the prince deciding to go back to his nacion and protect it politically under the New Federation. The New Federation is cast in an obvious antagonist role due to the situation of the main cast at this point, and the lack of point of view characters on the Federation side, but they aren't an unredeemable evil force, even if they have evil elements within.

Look at SEED for a comparison - by the time Earth Alliance attacked Orb, they were portrayed as a completely evil force - to the point that the show presented as rightful Orb's leaders killing themselves or running away to submitting to the EA. Here, the Federation has evil elements within, like the Frost Brothers and certain institute that soon will appear, but they aren't necessarily an evil force by themselves.

The Frost Brother's motives were brought up exactly once and have since never been expounded upon or clarified by any of their actions.
The Frost Brothers are one of the weakest aspect of the show, but their reasons will be covered later. There's a reason they can't show it explicitly. Still, their seemingly self destructive actions as Federation personal do hint at their real goal.

I mean shit, just look at that face. No wonder this show got cancelled. It's like some kind of freak show, but lazier.

Come on, it's not like that's a standard character design for the series. Also, Turn-A had lower ratings than X in its original timeslot - although X ends up with lower ratings overall after the timeslot change.
What I don't know is why he didn't say his mother was killed and that was he went missing and came back changed. It's kind of true, and it avoid explaining the parasyte thing.

He doesn't want anyone to know and Murano would probably get even more worried/nosy about him which he does not need right now.

Right now Shinichi is an avenger.
Hunter x Hunter - 131

And there I was ~10-15 episodes ago thinking this arc would be done soon ;P Guess it encompasses the rest of the show.

well hot damn. That was one of the more unexpected and extreme 'rage' transformations I've seen. For the usually 'good of the heart, half-idiot" MC, that's quite a direction to go in, even if the episodes have been leading up to this somewhat

Battleship Hiei is added in Arpeggio of blue steel 1st movie
I'm ok with this , more ships for more arpeggio is always good.

300k dead
This one take some stupid skills to get .

Fuck Nina.
Oh yeah, it's like they made her unlikeable on purpose.


>Scripts by Kōtarō Uchikoshi, who is best-known for his scripts for the adventure visual novel Ever17.

I think i will watch
I'm already hyped for this I can't not be hyped when i know who is responsible for the story.

Psycho-Pass movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Baj4-fhA4Jk

Animation looks pretty good!
I'm more than ok with this.

Less than 2 weeks until Date A Live Encore 3 and the Kurumi OVA. I'm as ready as I'll ever be, i.e. not ready in the slightest and drooling like I've just been lobotomised.

The Encore 3 cover'll show her with both hair 'down' and left eye uncovered, which is a real rarity for Tsunako art:

I'm thankfull for you to remind me that this was coming . Can't wait to see what this OAV will be about. Kurumi DAT GODESS.


What I don't know is why he didn't say his mother was killed and that was he went missing and came back changed. It's kind of true, and it avoid explaining the parasyte thing.

He didn't change because his mother died, he changed because of the parasyte in his body. It is not caused by emotion, it is purely biological, most of the time he didn't even realize it.

I guess he also kept the death of his mother a secret either because he didn't want any pity, or his new way of thinking doesn't consider this to be necessary.


My BD of The Wind Rises came in today. I saw the dub in the theater, so I decided to watch a scene of the Japanese version.

I was not at all a fan of JGL in the dub. Listening to Anno in the same role... it's hard to say which one is worse. I guess Anno seems very... bland? He doesn't seem like he can emote very well, which is also the reason I didn't like JGL in the dub. JGL at least seems like he's acting, whereas it sounds like Anno is just reading his lines.

The foreigner sounds much more... foreign in Japanese, but he really lacks the charm that Werner Herzog brought to the role. Then again, I wasn't expecting that performance to be topped.

I'll have to rewatch the whole thing in Japanese once I'm less busy.
Full Metal Panic! - 10

First of all, let me just say that the
suspense and execution of that capture scene was perfect. I love the way the shot was framed when Chidori and Tessa were in the hall. They made it seem like someone or something could jump out at any moment, right when Chidori was telling a joke, only for nothing to happen.

Then it gets kinda relaxing when they're in the bathroom for a few minutes, and it seem they'll be fine AND THEN BOOM HAND COMES OUTTA NOWHERE AND GRABS HER.

That aside, Sousuke really buggered up on this one.


Katanagatari 1

Great start so far. I hope the rest is just as good! That finishing move was fantastic. A lot of cutting between static heads, but the dialogue is interesting enough and it saves animation where it actually counts, so it's cool.


Poet Centuriate
Code Geass R2 18-19

That sure went to shit fast. And fuck Nina for being surprised her WMD caused mass destruction. I don't understand why Lelouch is so intent on lying about his role and Euphy. Maybe no one would believe his reasons, but he just rolled with the lies. I really doubt Nunnaly is dead. No body no death, and she was never shown during the blast. Still I think Nunnaly being alive won't fix any of Lelouch's issues at this point. He's proper fucked.

I have zero (hehehe) clue on how this will end.
The only way I can see is through C.C. somehow, but there's still a lot of things that have been left unexplained.
Fuck Nina.

Fuck Nina.



IS Infinite Stratos 2 World Purge Hen

10/10 AOTY

I think this is as close as a return to season one as this show will ever get. And the story just *makes sense* if you just follow through with the idea that this is a text that is crapping on its very premise as it plays out its premise. Simply amazing.

I'd say so much more, but it really is something to be experienced on your own first!

Oh shit I need to watch this.


Poet Centuriate
So uhhhhhhhhhhhh

I haven't watched a single episode of japanimation in basically a month.




Attack on Titan 19

that's some cut rate horse CG

so fucking wordy

bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan

i'm so tired of these fucking monologues

oh so a long fucking flashback? goddamn it

lol you're all biting your damn thumbs that's your apology? what a bunch of morons.

no I don't want a shitty Evanescence-knock off soundtrack

okay that's fun ending I guess.

Mushi-shi Zoku Shou 11

Ahhh Mushi-shi I missed you.

yo adventures of young Ginko? Hell ya.

"Tat means you belong in this world, no matter where you might be." right in the feels, shit.

Shirobako 1

cute anime girls making cute anime

I can dig it

anime drift

WAS THAT DRINK CALLED SALTY DOG no i just got over that mess of a show no no no no no

anyways, this looks really really nice and could be really

Ping Pong 1

This artstyle is some funky shit

aww yeah that OP is fucking awesome punk as fuck

i wanna puch this Peco kid in the fucking face harder than a face has ever been punched

but yo this is entertaining as fuck

This Chinese seems pretty good, at least to my ears. Anyone know if actually it is? If so, how can they get good, fluent Chinese-Japanese bilingual VAs, but Engrish is still such a problem?

this show seem really fucking strong, goddamn. I missed a gem.

Parasyte 1

sounds like Attack Attack! recorded the OP, fucking lol.

jesus kid

actually i'm really enjoying this too but I can already see this taking some crazy twists down the line

the hand is adorable as fuck and creepy as fuck at the same time!

a dubstep OST :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

this actually looks really good though. I'm gonna enjoy this.

OST is pretty nice, if a bit strange genre-wise compared to everything else.

and of course...Felix's List Double Dose™

(these are both the dubbed versions cause...idk. subs better for these or does it not matter?)

Blood-C 1

vampires and psychology 101 cool

the fuck is up with this writing, so fucking awkward

of course the school uniform is black and red and has chains and shit. it's a show about fucking vampires why the fuck wouldn't it right?

SO BLUE AND CLEAR AND COFFEE AND SHIT SO NICE what the fuck is this shit :jnc seriously i'm laughing my fucking ass off

what the fuck is even going on

I do like these twins though, oh yeah.

how are you clumsy as fuck but good at sports

your dad can't cook what a fucking loser

ohhh dark and brooding love interest so original

creepy no one around i wonder wh- DOGGIE kbai


slay that shit

yeah fuck that sheath

hey that stone dude's just floating chilling leave him alone man

is that a sliver? is this like Magic: The Gathering: The Anime?

yoooo you got fucked up

you've got red on you

okay that was pretty good action sequence

gripping it too tight? the fuck

Arjuna 1

is that live action

holy shit get a load of the smooth criminal over here

emotional about archery lol


they like it

YOU'RE AT THE SEA right listen to smooth criminal

and then the giant archery pole on the back of their motorcycle caught an electrical wire and they died, then end.





wait no this more like an anime captain planet? jesus



Juna? More like Jesus amirite

yeah this bike killed my friend and almost me last time lets hop right back on that shit

ha I like this cindy girl


dang that rescue scene looked really really good

live action ED lol


I have zero faith, but it would be nice if that Psycho-Pass film ended up being an enjoyable one-off thing with good animation.
YUki Yuna is a hero - 08

So the cat is out of the bag ..and the result ain't pretty .
All the predictions were true , the hero system is deeply flawed. I guess more stuff is coming
and now our cast will have to make decisions , heavy decisions all around.

The last part of the show was a nice tie-in with the novels , but that stuff was also heavily forshadowed in the anime so i guess it's cool.

I must admit , i haven't laughed THIS hard in a long time.

"you're such a model citizen , you're boring !"
^^ and there are the thoughts of everyone who is watching PP2 ...

Glad to see that she was boring on purpose , can i hope that now that she is trapped , with limited moves and knowledge of the "secrets" of society , she will become a good character ? One can only hope.
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