Too bad you didn't like it, it's possibly my favorite Gundam series. I'll say part of that is because I really liked the themes it pushed forth, and the way it did that, so I guess I'm biased.
Still, it's just odd to see you complaining about nothing being explained and lack of character development, almost seems like we're looking at two completely different series.
Kampfer - 01
Decided to check this out per Thoraxes' request. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.![]()
Kampfer - 01
tomorrow is
and AotY Psycho-Pass 2
Gundam X has two of the most bitchin OPs of any gundam ever and the X Gundam itself is cool
But yeah the show ain't that great in retrospect, though I wouldn't call it awful.
Missed opportunity to give a show title : G-Loco
Also a good name for the fanbase.
Kampfer's great fun! The only thing wrong with it is that it stops in the middle. S2 will never happen, will it...Kampfer - 01
Decided to check this out per Thoraxes' request. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.![]()
Don't know if this has been posted already but the AnoHana team's new film has had it's title revealed, Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterun Da (The Heart Wants to Shout):
I thought this episode was really poorly directed. Music was awful other than the final sequence. How so much of this was handled just seemed sloppy all around.
Good lord, for a guy who has super speed, Shinichi moved around at a snail's pace this episode.
Oh fucking god this episode of Chaika is stupid.
Show goes on the dungheap with Soul Eater and other LOLBONESWRITING garbage.
another.gifWe'll never forget the heart that shouted that day.
Chaika S2-9
Bravo BONES, this is the worst ending for one of your shows since Soul Eater. This might even be worse than Soul Eater. Congrats.
I have now seen childbirth in an anime. Well done.
I just convinced my unsuspecting friend to watch Cross Ange. I'm a terrible person.
Thank god it's over in a week.
Shame the show is so bad. I hope you still enjoy though.Kampfer - 01
Decided to check this out per Thoraxes' request. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.![]()
Kampfer - 01
Decided to check this out per Thoraxes' request. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.![]()
I have now seen childbirth in an anime. Well done.
But is that better or worse than seeing an infant in the womb while her pregnant mother gets it on and her 8 year old self screams and an emotionally abused teenager about how good it felt?
Parasyte 10
This hair pulling thing sounds like a really good way to get a lot of people killed. I'm not sure how this is supposed to keep it from becoming public knowledge either.
Parasyte 10
This hair pulling thing sounds like a really good way to get a lot of people killed. I'm not sure how this is supposed to keep their existence from becoming public knowledge either.
It works as a check on the Parasites in that the Parasites would have to limit their activities and it makes it harder for them to operate in the open.
At the risk of more being getting killed if they do discover anything. And that'd make it even harder to keep things quiet.
Don't know if this has been posted already but the AnoHana team's new film has had it's title revealed, Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterun Da (The Heart Wants to Shout):
I just convinced my unsuspecting friend to watch Cross Ange. I'm a terrible person.
Parasyte 10
Censored as hell as expected. For those wondering, the scene you probably know I'm talking about looked like this in the manga. Pretty obvious something like that wouldn't fly on TV, so it's whatever.
Very nice!Got some stuff from the RightStuf sale in the mail today:
It's pretty much the perfect gif haha.I just copied the GIF he posted earlier. Because you know, I disagree with Thoraxes, his avatar is a bear and mine is a dog. Plan to watch the show for sure though.
Kampfer - 01
Decided to check this out per Thoraxes' request. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.![]()
Eureka Seven is now on Netflix.
Parasyte 8-9
This like like a cavalcade of stupid:
- "Are you really Izumi?" - I get why Murano is asking this question but after the 43135135th time she asked it I too would be tempted to snap. It's such an obnoxious way to address somebody. Just come out and say she doesn't like how he's changed
- Shouldn't Shinichi in his defense, at least tell Murano his mom is dead? The death of a parent is a legit excuse for a character change, be it positive or negative.
- Why are ALL the girls in this show so thirsty? It's unnatural. Especially Kana. I get that due to her senses Shinchi gives off a weird vibe but I don't understand how that turned from confusion and curiosity to romantic interest.
- At this point, considering his dad is fully aware of what going on, Shinichi not telling his Dad about Migi feels really short-sighted. I feel that' info that could potentially save lives down the road and at the very least I'd trust my own father not to blab about it to the government. Is Shinhci still afraid Migi might axe his dad if he knew?
- Bullies in anime are insufferable. These fuckers really have nothing better to do than try to beat up people all day?
- You suspect someone is a man-eating alien and you confront them alone with a bottle of pain-thinner in a dark room after having told nobody about what you're doing even if there are people you know would believe you and help? Holy shit girl you dumb O_O
Parasyte 10
Much better though I have to say for the shit that was going down, Shinchi (or most other people) didn't seem to be in much of a hurry to move anywhere.
Parastye 10
So Parastye is now not only arguably the best shonen anime this year but the best sports anime as well
The non-explanation comes from the ending. There was no explanation at all for the whole "Newtypes are aren't all in your head maybe if you believe it."
And I stand by the lack of character development. I really can't name anybody who did in a big way. Tiffa got more talkative and Jamil got back in the saddle, but otherwise nothing.
And UGH those Frost Brothers. I might attempt to write things out in a more composed, clearer way, but I need to just let the series sit for a bit, as that ending rubbed me the wrong way.
I think he's referring to Shinichi's wild pitch.Wait, there's a sport that involves?slicing up dudes
I think he's referring to Shinichi's wild pitch.
Wild as in awesomeWild? It was perfectly aimed.