Akame ga Kill doesn't follow the manga?
Is Chihayafuru good? I just finished Haikyuu and Ping Pong and I want to watch another good sports anime.
Selector spread Wixoss - 10
Can i slap Mayu ?
She deserves it
I mean goddamn , this episode did moves things a lot in various directions , but it's now clearer than ever that Mayu is just a petty child that throw a tantrum when someone is doing something unexpected.
As for our heroine , WTF .?? "'ill go talk to her" is not a plan, especially since your plan is to undo the whole selector system without any power in the negociations
Talk about a bad plan.
Anyone know a full list of anime currently on Netflix?
Absolutely despise trying to find anything on the app via browsing.
F/Z things
I disagree with Kariya wasn't underused. He had a similar issue Saber does, in that he's bound by both his honor and love, and in the end he drowns because of them. He also wasn't a real mage and as shown by his battle with Tohsaka, the only reason he lasted as long as he did was due to Berserker. He had a proper climax for his character development and everything after that was additional suffering.
I might have suggestions but you were gone so long i don't even know what are the last anime you've watched before your return. What are the last animes you saw ?
Noragami - 02
Another solid episode. Hiyori keeps adapting to her new 'situation' while trying to push Yato to help her. Meanwhile Yato is prioritizing scrubbing bathrooms for 5 yen a pop.
It keeps on having it's fun moments, like Hiyori looking for a divine instrument or all the unintentional gut punches. There are many 'quality' moments on the characters themselves , but most of the backgrounds and environments overall look gorgeous.
A third character was introduced in the end which I believe will make a good fit in this group, judged by the small introduction we got.
Truly a wonderful birthday present.
Precure Max Heart 33
Nagisa wants Fujipi to ravish her for her birthday, but for the 15th time, she fails to ask him out. Instead she celebrates her birthday at home with her family and a lumpy birthday cake.
I need to find another ecchi show to watch. Any suggestions? Bonus points if it has yuri (however little it may be).
Oh Jesus this is the first time I'm seeing that CG part in motion. And I was about to sleep too.
Im so confused. What is this?
Lupin the Third: Daisuke Jigen's Gravestone
Having not seen the recent (and supposedly tepid) The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, my hopes were that this would exist as a cool, stand-alone carry over of that show's aesthetic without an Okada screenplay. What I got was a double-down on the stylish, with some fucking rad set pieces around a tight screenplay. It had a different feel than typical Lupin; the crazy antics were there in part, but not in the same 'visual gag' manner. Normally I think I'd be apprehensive to it being steered in such a grim direction, but Jigen's gritty, noir-esq story felt like it was tailored for Koike's darker designs. The excellently realized aesthetic made every shot and location have something to gape at. Altogether, it felt like a very well realized package.
Between the possibility of more of these specials directed at different characters and the new 2015 series directed by some Lupin alumni, the series shows that it's still got some legs. Do it right, TMS!
Yeah, was watching it with a couple friends and I kept thinking "I swear, this better not be a weird rape scene."I enjoyed this too. Loved the way everything came together at the end. At first I was a bit iffy on how they were portraying Fujiko, but my worries were dispelled soon afterward. Still,that whole thing with the robot was just weird and uncomfortable. I guess that's supposed to be the point, but I felt a little disoriented when they kept crosscutting between that and the car chase.
Anohana - 05
By now it feels unfortunately very mediocre. Characterization seems somewhat inconsistent, the relationship between the characters isn't actually that interesting and the plot so far hardly there. The Yukiatsu cross dressing was just kinda stupid and that won't change just because you make the character cry his heart out.
Earlier I mentioned that Menma's manifestation is able to interact physically with the world in some ways. At least as far as we the audience and Jitan know currently. For example she's able to cook, eat food and touch others which they feel in some reduced form. So it would be easy to proof that she actually exists but nah, let's not tackle that aspect whatsoever.
AnoHana has its heart in the right place but is maddeningly inconsistent.
It evens out though.
This is on a whole other level. Holy shit.
People really should just skip the series and watch the movie. Okada is forced to reign herself in and the result is a better product.
So they only did that part in CG to save time? I'm not really surprised. To be honest, at its time of airing I really thought they just decided to change the style for no reason.
I don't see how adding a CG sequence would save time. Seems more like a really misguided attempt at being "different."
Start with the first episode and end at episode 23 of Fate/Zero.
Oh oh oh speaking of which! Let's do this so I don't have to talk about this anymore.
Cuz I am fucking done with this series.
Fate/Zero Series Final Thoughts
Alright, let's just get her out of the way so we can talk about other things, okay? Yes, I hated Saber and yes she was a show ruining piece of shit that the author favored and yes I despised her for daring to prance about like she was King Arthur when she was the furthest thing from it conceivable.
I will dispense with that last argument, however, after saying this: Although I believe considerable leeway is granted to an author who chooses to use a popular character from myth, legend, or history, when they choose to do so, I do believe that a burden is incurred as well. That burden being the justification to the viewer for the use of this character. A part of that burden must, inevitably, be a preservation of this character in one way or another.
The animation and models are so basic it's like the footage you see of CG films in development.I don't see how adding a CG sequence would save time. Seems more like a really misguided attempt at being "different."
You'll always be cool in my book now.idolmaster 12
miki da best
lets see a full concert, jesus