Hey guys, I've got a question that's probably been asked a million times. But what Fate do I watch first? I've heard to watch fate/stay night first but when I checked there's 2 different ones, Fate/stay night and Fate/ stay night Unlimited Blade Works. What order do I watch these in?
I'm just saying, what does the competition look like? Rin, from Fate/Night? Aida from G-Reco? Yuki from Aldnoah? Stephanie from NGNL? Lisa from Terror in Resonance? The Wizard Barristers from Wizard Barristers? The women from Parasyte?
I can't tell if that's a doll on his back or not.My view of cosplayers is now changed forever:
Hey guys, I've got a question that's probably been asked a million times. But what Fate do I watch first? I've heard to watch fate/stay night first but when I checked there's 2 different ones, Fate/stay night and Fate/ stay night Unlimited Blade Works. What order do I watch these in?
You should watch good anime like Yama no Susume or Hanayamata or Sabagebu!I'm just saying, what does the competition look like? Rin, from Fate/Night? Aida from G-Reco? Yuki from Aldnoah? Stephanie from NGNL? Lisa from Terror in Resonance? The Wizard Barristers from Wizard Barristers? The women from Parasyte?
I'm just saying, what does the competition look like? Rin, from Fate/Night? Aida from G-Reco? Yuki from Aldnoah? Stephanie from NGNL? Lisa from Terror in Resonance? The Wizard Barristers from Wizard Barristers? The women from Parasyte?
Ah, well, hm. Yeah, that's pretty much true.Obaba from Ping Pong is the best female character this year.
Hey guys, I've got a question that's probably been asked a million times. But what Fate do I watch first? I've heard to watch fate/stay night first but when I checked there's 2 different ones, Fate/stay night and Fate/ stay night Unlimited Blade Works. What order do I watch these in?
So, I usually don't hijack threads I'm normally not seen in for my purposes, but it's for my girlfriend... She is doing a little quiz and one task is to name several anime characters by their silhouette. We already got most of them, but just don't know the last two ones. Would be really grateful for any help for a fellow gaffer! It's not a competition for money or other noteworthy prices, so don't worry about that. Oh, and it's not cheating if nobody knows
So these are the two missing silhouettes. Please excuse us if it's terribly easy and should be known. Our knowledge of the genre is quite little.
Really, Tusk?, did you just asked Ange about the carpet matching the drapes?! lol
Finally an episode worth commenting about, if only it had been Shirou and Shinji, instead of Issei in that room
Imagine just how much it could have earned earned if it was SasuNaru being shown instead of some bad fanfic.
Ange reminds me of Lelouch. A prideful and vengeful former royal on a path of carnage and ruin. She will liberate the normas and destroy her corrupt world. All Hail Princess Angelise!!!
Err, erm, I mean uhmm, yeah.......
The old woman from Ping Pong? Yeah! She totally counts right? Please tell me she does.....
Obaba from Ping Pong is the best female character this year.
So when is Rightstuf's sale over?
Valvrave vs Cross Ange, who wins?
looks like the guy on the right was photoshopped in from a different anime.
So when is Rightstuf's sale over?
28th iirc? should be in the fine print somewhere
Oh snap, finally some news on Gangsta!
Broadcast: July 2015
Studio: manglobe
Director: Murase Shukou
Series Director: Hatsumi Kouichi
Series Composition: Inotsume Shinichi
Character Design: Ueda Youichi
Official website: http://gangsta-project.com/
Nicolas Brown: Tsuda Kenjirou
Worick Arcangelo: Suwabe Jun'ichi
Alex Benedetto: Noto Mamiko
Chad Adkins: Kaneo Tetsuo
Cody Balfour: Ishikawa Kaito
Theo: Mikami Satoshi
Nina: Yuuki Aoi
Daniel Monroe: Houki Katsuhisa
Miles Meyer: Koyama Tsuyoshi
Yang: Maeno Tomoaki
Delico: Hashizume Tomohisa
Ivan Glaziev: Kirimoto Takuya
Gina Paulklee: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Ginger: Komatsu Mikako
Doug: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Loretta Cristiano Amodio: Ueda Kana
Marco Adriano: Sakurai Takahiro
Galahad Woehor: Inada Tetsu
[Cross Ange] - 10
Ange is clearly one of this years' best women in anime.
I say this unironically.
I'm just saying, what does the competition look like? Rin, from Fate/Night? Aida from G-Reco? Yuki from Aldnoah? Stephanie from NGNL? Lisa from Terror in Resonance? The Wizard Barristers from Wizard Barristers? The women from Parasyte?
Hey guys, I've got a question that's probably been asked a million times. But what Fate do I watch first? I've heard to watch fate/stay night first but when I checked there's 2 different ones, Fate/stay night and Fate/ stay night Unlimited Blade Works. What order do I watch these in?
Akame ga kill 23
The giant robot was fairly stupid, especially since it standing in the same spot for most of the fight and firing lasers so he destroying the empire much more than any rebellion couldKind of surprised they killed off Tatsumi. Guess they won't make a second season of this for sure now. And then, having Akame and Esdeath fight off in the next episode just to make sure everyone is dead.
So when is Rightstuf's sale over?
How does it feels to be the vilain in a magical anime , Sdburton ? Satisfied ?Kampfer - 12-14 [END]
Finished watching this yesterday but can't remember if I posted about it. Anyway, love the series. I want to honor Kaede for her fierce effort in preserving the garden, we need more characters like that these days. Shizuku is best girl by a mile and was so happy when she was fondling female Natsuru and said she was fine being with girls too. Thank the heavens.
Akame Ga Kill Episode 23: Kill The Empoeror
Keeping with the show as a decent choice as Wave is finally getting time to shine, but this episode became baffling.Was the giant laser shooting emperor neededAlso if Tatsumi is TRULY dead...impossible
Akame ga kill 23
The giant robot was fairly stupid, especially since it standing in the same spot for most of the fight and firing lasers so he destroying the empire much more than any rebellion couldKind of surprised they killed off Tatsumi. Guess they won't make a second season of this for sure now. And then, having Akame and Esdeath fight off in the next episode just to make sure everyone is dead.
Akame ga Kill 23
This fucking show. The emperor's an idiot, Esdeath is nowhere to be seen, the Minister isn't even really threatened. The duel between Tatsumi and the Emperor is underwhelming and powered by.... Because why the fuck not?a goddamned giant robot with beam spam
Am shocked they. Now to see how they screw upkilled Tatsumi off. And how they hand wave the part whereAkame vs. Esdeaththe Emperor and Minister are still alive
Akame ga Kill - 23
I'm not a fan of the big emperor laser mech. Wave and Tatsumi co op was cool.
Since this is "the legendary" imperial arms I thought the only chance they had was to sweet talk the emperor, like.. reveal that his parents didn't die in an accident (as the minister told him) but was murdered by the minister to gain control or something
My only hope for a happy ending is for best girls Esdeath and Leone walking hand in hand down a sunset road and living happily ever afterInstead Incursio Digivolved into Megnamon and took care of business. I liked the whole bit where Tatsumi sacrificed himself to stop the Emperor from landing on everyone.
I can't tell if that's a doll on his back or not.
Archer/Gilgamesh for the first one.
The one on the left looks like Gilgamesh from the Fate series.
Well...considering we aren't comparing either character arc as a whole here, I believe that making the first leg of the journey seem more complex on paper doesn't mean it is being executed in a better way, in practice, especially when most of those stages you're talking about involve Ange being abused in ways that are often simultaneously offensive, ridiculous and uninteresting. It might probably be the best development in a lesbian prison exploitation anime, but that's like being the tallest dwarf.
You have a point in how that might well be what the show is going for. Still, I would find it very hard to care.
I'm reading those spoilers and i have no idea what happenned
Did they gave the emperor a giant robot bodyguard ?
If i want to get into the fate stay series, where do I start?
If i want to get into the fate stay series, where do I start?
Cross Ange is a weird show, I can't decide if it's improved or if it's just getting better at being entertaining shlock.
It is funny how some of the character interactions are better then those in Fate/Stay Night though!
Well I genuinely liked ValveRave, and even the reviews of episode 1 of Ange turned me off forever.
Start with the first ep of Fate/Zero. Stop at the last ep of Fate/Zero.
I'm surprised so many are watching Cross Ange. Is it the new 'so bad it's good?'
How long is it going to be? 2 cour? split-cour?
The blood is in your hand guys..I'm surprised so many are watching Cross Ange. Is it the new 'so bad it's good?'
How long is it going to be? 2 cour? split-cour?
If i want to get into the fate stay series, where do I start?
Watch Fate/Zero and pretend the rest of the franchise doesn't exist.
Ignore the people that tell you to play the VNs, they're bad.
as always, Fate Zero and then stop.