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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Cowboy Bebop 24 - Hard Luck Woman

You know what’s odd? Doing a write-up of the 24th session of Cowboy Bebop unprovoked. The Blu-Ray release in North America is only a few months away. I could just wait for that, and maybe by then I’d have more to say about the series at large, but nevertheless, here I am: mulling over and writing about the story of the melancholy departure of the female crew of the Bebop.

This episode holds a certain personal magic for me. Back in 2002, Adult Swim began it’s life starring an eclectic mix of animated shows. One of them was Cowboy Bebop. I stayed up (without parental consent) on the night of the block’s premiere and absorbed Asteroid Blues into my young mind. The lanky bounty hunter, red eye, bell peppers and beef— it made very little sense, but that experience of something more profound, something I couldn’t quite grasp, was the perfect spice to capture me wholly. The show continued its run and I was only able to stay up and watch the odd episode now and again. One night, I decided to be proactive and set the VCR to record. It didn’t matter what episode it was, I just wanted to watch it. Sure enough, it landed on Hard Luck Woman; an episode that begs context with its finality in character arcs. I’d watch the VHS over and over but discern so little from it. The characters and their designs (And Faye’s design…) were enough to keep me captivated. Seeing the juxtaposition of wacky day time cartoons weighted against the complex emotional characters of the Bebop grew a palpable sense of curiosity in my formative brain. Having revisited the series many times, it’s amazing to see how well the show consistently lives up to the impossible standards of nostalgia. I still have that dumb VHS in my closet, and while I’m excited for the crystal clear transfer to high definition coming up in mere months, there’s a certain aesthetic parity between the rustic, nostalgic landscape of the Bebop universe and grainy VHS quality. Conveniently, that’s sort of what Hard Luck Woman is about: staring through memories populated by grainy nostalgia and attempting to discern whether it’s contents are as worthwhile as the effort to achieve them.

As with all the other episode titles, Hard Luck Woman is in reference to the song. You don’t have to dig deep to know that Shinichiro Watanabe loves the musical aspects of his series, and, by extension, uses them to his advantage in all of his works (when dealing with musical artists on Space Dandy, he would interview them personally and discuss their personal tastes to see if they would line up with the content they were providing music for). The song is about a tearful goodbye between a woman and an unknown party and the women's strong resolve despite hard times. For one whos seen the episode, the lyrics match the story in an uncanny fashion. Faye and Ed’s road to this point has only been a stepping stone. By the end of the episode, they don’t necessarily come into the belonging they seek. In that way, it’s a bit of a tragedy, but as hard luck women do, their perseverance pushes them forward to new places.
The episode has a bookend that you might not notice in one viewing. After we see Faye watching the time capsule VHS over and over in her room, we’re shown Spike brushing his teeth on board the Bebop with the morning sun illuminating him. Jet comes out of the Bebop wondering why they’re suddenly on Earth when their destination was elsewhere. Spike glibly replies that “The girls are gone”. Then, at the end of the episode, Jet and Spike are at sunset with quiet realization that the girls were again gone— this time for good. The sun, the moon, and the light they cast hold some special relevance in this episode, but more on that later.
Faye and Ed set out to find the location in the video tape with the Werelion (Which, given the architecture of the place they’re at and the abundance of water probably places them in Singapore) with a quick side-stop putting them back at an old orphanage Ed used to stay at. The caretaker there explains how she just showed up there one day and lived there like it had never been different. Then, without explanation, wandered away again, like a ‘cat’. For such little background Radical Edward has, it seems there’s not much to fill in. She’s wandered her whole life recklessly from one heap of twisted metal to the next (its worth remembering her introductory episode had her living by herself in a warehouse full of rubbish).

Back at the Bebop, it’s ironic seeing the annoyed nature of Spike and Jet. It’s almost cheerful in a way, and Jet even starts into a conversation about how the girls are probably acting strange because they’re hungry. Later, he briefly mentions (before being cut off) how that by scoring the bounty, the girls will be able to eat some sukiyaki with some meat. The paternal side of Jet has always been present, but it's especially noticeable and, as a result, heart rending here. The girls are about to go into the world on their own now.
Later, Faye runs into Sally Young, an old classmate she had before the accident. She fills in some of the blanks for Faye, but her memory is still hazy. Before leaving, she imparts some advice to Faye, “People must cherish whatever ties they have.” Later in the Bebop, Faye stands motionless under the shower in self-reflection. Then, like a flood, her memories come spilling back. We’ve seen glimpses of her flashbacks before, but none so beautiful. The sequence is set to a light piano tune, flashing back to Faye’s water soaked face in stunned realization. The blooming lights are worth noting in her memories. They fill up negative space leaving only the lovely images of her youth. Then, as the flashback continues, she sees the incident unfragmented. Light gently washes over the space ship showing it unperverted this time. A part of her commuter ship explodes, and the passenger-side window severs showing the moon as if it were suddenly separated. The sullen music, haunting visuals and the zero-g coming in has always been a striking scene to me.
The cracking of the moon in two is shown too many times to not take notice. The neatly severed dark and light side of the moon seem to depict something binary. If we consider that Faye’s memories have always had that blinding luster to them, perhaps the sides indicate a past and present. Or, even, the perception of past and present (a theme which is in no short way explored in all of Cowboy Bebop— Spike’s two eyes come to mind). The incident created the crack in Faye’s life which delivered her from her sunny nostalgic life with friends, family and place, to her current state of debt and longing. After this, Faye decides to return to the place she saw in her memories. The culmination of Faye’s characterization is in this sequence. As she’s running up the slope to the house she remembers, we see flashes of her at different ages going up the same slope. The flashing of her memories and the light in them comes to a climax as she reaches the top of the hill. At first, we see a blinding light that envelopes the whole screen. As the light fades, we’re back to reality again. Her house has long since been demolished. It’s dusk now, and everything around her has a distinct orange hue. The light is gone, and the sun setting is the curtain call for these two characters.
If Faye’s road is a severed moon with two halves, then a suitable symbol for Ed’s decision lies in the now craggy and destroyed Earth. Her father, the insanely named Appledelhi Siniz Hesap Lütfen, spends his days as a cartographer. Since the surface of the Earth is rapidly changing, to meet the demand he frantically runs to fallen meteors and re-charts the earth as they happen. An exercise in extreme futility. But, nonetheless, Appledelhi seems content in his pursuit to end chaos with order (an order that’s constantly chaotic in itself). Whether she decided to go to her father or simply travel aimlessly (She mentions to Ein she’s going somewhere far, far away) isn’t implicitly told, but her sense of belonging isn’t so material as Faye.

The last scene featuring this beautiful insert song (on an already beautiful soundtrack) is one that leaves me breathless and teary every time I see it. Jet goes to gather the crew for dinner, but only finds Spike standing alone. They look down together and see the large painting Ed left for them. They sit down and eat dinner together in silence. Poorly feigning indifference, they begin devouring all the eggs from Ed’s father. The rest of the scene speaks for itself in its strong visuals and bittersweet atmosphere.
Cowboy Bebop episodes all have a certain tempo to them. There pace can be meditative or erratic, but there's a certain harmony in their presentation; a bottomline essence that's unique from one episode to the next. There’s a very unique sense of empowerment and "start and stop" energy in this one. From the beginning of the episode they’re acting independently and, by the end, they’re maybe worse off than they started by no fault of their own— but that’s okay. Even with the somber tone of these two’s farewell, there’s a prevailing sense of progress. Being able to eloquently convey that in unity with the shows unique, personal vision is what I love most about it.


Light novels, graphic novels, visual novels— why can't they just adapt regular novels?
Like From the New World

To be fair Light novels are just novels if they were ever translated over here. The only thing that makes light novels different than regular novels is the fact that they are easier to read and digest then the average one in Japan. Using easier symbols and what not. If translated they would just be novels since we really don't have that problem with our language.

Graphic novels are complicated, but a lot of them are comic books and what not. Visual novels are the only ones that have their own media, and they tend to have more game elements that would be loss if they were flat out anime/books.


Is there actual amnesia, or is it just a case of characters not wanting to divulge certain information?

He doesn't remember her, and there's magic involved, so amnesia.

Nah I think Takemoto did everything. Ep1, OP, ED.


To be fair Light novels are just novels if they were ever translated over here. The only thing that makes light novels different than regular novels is the fact that they are easier to read and digest then the average one in Japan. Using easier symbols and what not. If translated they would just be novels since we really don't have that problem with our language.

Graphic novels are complicated, but a lot of them are comic books and what not. Visual novels are the only ones that have their own media, and they tend to have more game elements that would be loss if they were flat out anime/books.

We call them YA here.

They're mostly dreck.

Just like light novels.


Is there actual amnesia, or is it just a case of characters not wanting to divulge certain information?

It's heavily implied that not-Oreki and blonde Chitanda are
former childhood friends
or something and some kind of magical tragedy erased his memory of this and is probably related to him
quitting his job as a child actor


Steins;Gate 20

Holy sweet flying fuck, how did I not remember that the first D-Mail
was sent when Makise Kurisu died.

The mother of time travel as Amane said.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt.


If there is one thing I've figured out is that almost everything in every media is mostly dreck between Cartoons, TV dramas, animes and even books as well as movies.

That being said, if Light Novels weren't constantly written in first person and was just written like a god damn normal novel a lot of them wouldn't be half bad. Instead a lot of them are spent narrating from first person view and what not, and telling rather than showing. And I've read a couple of good light novels.


Steins;Gate - 19

I almost jumped out of my seat and cheered when
Moeka got punched in the face by Okabe. Sooo satisfying.

But it turns out the root of all the real evil that's been done in this show lies with FB.

Oh shit it was Facebook all along! It all makes sense now! No wonder the future's a dystopia! Facebook used the power of time machines and bought everything in the world to get control of it all!

Yeah that episode was CRAZY. Moeka straight up lost her shit. Really made me feel for her
even though shes basically working for evil

I can't help hitting the print screen button when watching Hidamari Sketch

Takes me too long to watch one episode because I gotta turn of subs and stuff lol

Here's a gallery from episode 8

Please continue! I can never get enough wideface screen caps. This show makes me so so incredibly happy. It is the singular reason why I worship Shaft. Only the greatest studio could bring us such marvelous perfection.

Madoka: Rebellion

I needed some time to let everything soak in after watching it.

But before anything, I gotta say the opening sequence was absolutely enchanting. It felt like some sort of disturbing disney musical. The singing and behaviors just felt very disney like. The whole sequence and the music was stuck in my head, and I rewatched it a few times. It was awesome.

Anyways, on to the movie. I can see why many fans would be upset at the ending. I thought it was solid. I'm unhappy with how
Homura reaches a new level of suffering
but I felt like this is the direction the series had to go anyways. It sucks though.
She suffered more than any of the girls, and now, the more she protects Madoka, the farther she will be from her and at odds. lts brutal. I think she had a mental breakdown at the ending.

She should have kept her mouth shut
about the witches
. I felt betrayed by
QB again, I thought these little bastards would stop being such bastards but I was wrong. They went ahead and started to perform cruel experiments trying to capture Madoka. I wish things were as happy go lucky as Homuras labyrinth. If only. Fucking QB.

Even though
Homura is now a "devil", I dont think its from an "evil" POV. Just something thats different from God Madoka. It seems shes a lot more powerful than God Madoka and seems to have some influence over the Incubators. You cant fool me again. The cute little bastards will find another way to torture the girls again.

Even so, I'm still lost and confused about a few things. It would be great if some of you can help me piece things together:

1) So Homura stripped Madokas power because she felt shes the only one able to protect her? That as long as Madoka exists in her new reality, no one will be able to mess with her and her peaceful lifestyle?

2) How did Sayaka and Bebe know what was going on? How did they become Madokas "heralds"? I thought they were dead. So when Madoka got pulled into the labyrinth trying to save Homura, these 2 were pulled in as well? If so, how come their memories werent erased?

3) Are these girls in the end real? Did Sayaka, Mami, Kyoko and Nagisa come back to life for real? They dont have magical girl memories but do they know they are friends?

4) What use does Homura have now for the Incubators? She mentioned that she will be keeping an eye on them or something.

5) So the ending for episode 12 was the beginning of Homuras witch transformation? I read somewhere the writer said that wasnt even in Japan.

All in all, I really enjoyed this ride. I havent spent so much time thinking about a series in a long time, its definitely one of my favorites now. SHAFT did an incredible job making really disturbing but very creative artwork as it was a pleasure to just look at. Cant say enough about the soundtrack. Hope theres more in the future.

I really love this movie for a lot of reasons but the amount of controversy and discussion going on about it is fascinating. I didnt actually get half that much out of it and I kind of wish I could but I just dont think that much into it. However reading you guys thoughts on it makes me kind of see where you are going and gives me a whole new appreciation for how much is actually there.

Steins;Gate 19

Welp, we know
where the IBN 5100. But we haven't undid the last D-Mail, whether that is important or not who knows.

Almost looked like there was foreshadowing
that Mayuri was FB with the flash back scene.
Shining Finger
is also insane, she went absolutely bonkers.

I love reading these impressions. The end game is coming up so it should be really fun!

Inou Battle 01

Even the original Gainax wasn't constantly pumping out hits. They did a few things with Shaft like Mahoromatic and He Is My Master, for example. Then there's the matter of my new goal. There's innovation going on even in the things that are dismissed before they begin.

The idea of school and superpowers has probably existed since schools did, but that nothing is going to happen actually feels like a unique twist on it. I'm not sure how them having real powers makes it more "legit" than something like Chu2Koi, it merely means the stories are working towards different ends. One about escapism, and this one about... well, I'm not sure yet, but I think there may be something beneath - or within - the comedy.

The Yuujis and Tigres of the world are cool and all, but I'm glad there are people like Jurai around. Someone who's a natural actor, a huge dork and a slight breaker of the fourth wall. Having someone outside the club who's aware of their situation does add an interesting wrinkle to the story. Not sure who's my favorite yet, I always prefer characters more in groups than individually - it's all about how they play off each other.

The OP and ED are both alright, and I like what I see so far. Mixing magical powers with something both mundane and modern hasn't really been done like this before, and little shoutouts like Tomo's boxing gloves looking like Life Fibers are appreciated. I'm curious where this is going to go.

AS someone who thoroughly enjoyed the Gainax/shaft collaborations you listed I may very well love this series.


Subete no aware
I'll give it a look. Not that I'm familiar with the actual theory rather than just the common understanding of it.
You might try reading the original Mulvey article, because it is a mess trying to teach it to people. lol


For Narag and duckroll and whoever else is a Marvel Zombie.

We're entering the age of deep cuts in the Marvel anime.


Amagi Brilliant Park 1

The tour of the park reminded me of when Arino went to Tokyo German Village over two episodes on GCCX.

An empty park with an odd theme and no visitors. It just seemed sad.

As for the show itself, this felt like an odd culmination of everything that KyoAni has done so far. A dash of Chuu2 with the "awkwardness", Kyoukai no Kanata with the magic realism, Tamako Market with the whole marketing thing, and Hyouka with its attempts to create a protagonist worthy of a character study.
At this point I wonder how much of it is coincidence and how much of it is just osmosis from their other work. I suppose there are no suplexing deers, swimmers or rock bands yet.

For a first episode, I'm not sure what to think of the show either. It was essentially a premise pilot, delaying any real development to the second episode, so all I can really think of are the superficial comparisons that immediately jumped out at me.

But maybe that says more about where KyoAni is at the moment. This just screams pedestrian and average, which is certainly not what I expect from the studio. It's how I felt when I found out that Shaft made Nisekoi, actually. But hey, maybe this will actually surprise me.


trigger chuuni thing - 1

Ugly and boring.

I forgot how bad last year was.

It was pretty good, both year and season wise - Fall had Yozakura, Kyousogiga, GBF, Log Horizon, etc.

2009 was probably the worst in the last five years, and that still had Trapeze, which is one of the best shows of the last decade.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Donten ni Warau - 01

This show has a really weak (had me struggling to get through it without dozing off) start but I'd like to see where it goes.


RIP in peace good KyoAni


K-on!!, Nichijou, and Chuunibyo. Yeah they were pretty good.

Love, Election and Chocolate 05

Figures, doujinshi, fanfic and cosplay. Seems more like a convention than an election...

At least this episode was amusing, unlike most of the other times they've tried to do some comedy.

Youre making me want to buy this show out of curiosity. Ive actually had it in my cart for ages.


what kind of wizardry is this

Just classic hammerspace technology

Waiting for KyoAni's answer to Unlimited Musket Works.

KyoAni will never outShaft Shaft.



trigger chuuni thing - 1

Ugly and boring.

It was pretty good, both year and season wise - Fall had Yozakura, Kyousogiga, GBF, Log Horizon, etc.

2009 was probably the worst in the last five years, and that still had Trapeze, which is one of the best shows of the last decade.

You have no idea how happy it makes me that someone here is even mentioning this show, let alone enjoying it. I remember absolutely loving this show when I watched it a few years back. Interesting content and very creative visuals. Think I liked the "rhino" episode the best.


Steins;Gate - 21

Im tired as shit, I don't think I have another 3 episodes left in me for the night.

I haven't been spoiled on the ending of this show or any plot details, I have no idea how this is going to end. I foresee sadness that outweighs happiness. Something entirely fucked up has to happen to conclude this show right?


Who does he choose?

Does he have to choose?

Gah, going to conclude this tomorrow night.
AmaBuri 01

I like the premise of an MC getting magical powers and then doing something mundane as running an amusement park. It fly's against your expectations in a sort of hilarious way. There is obviously some deeper things at play that will (hopefully) get addressed later. I like the character's so far, and the jokes are snappy and well delivered. I look forward to more.

Also Amagi Brilliant Park makes Action Park look like OSHA Land.


The problem with that is I'll purchase too frequently.

Right now I feel bad about not owning:
-Flowers of Evil
-From the New World
-Mysterious Girlfriend X
-The rest of Yamato 2199
-Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water BD
-Royal Space Force BD
-Blue Sub 6 BD

and on and on and on and on...
I don't even wanna think about my list too!
It definitely helps make it all and easier pill to swallow when you crack though.


Just watched Amagi Brilliant Park 01. That was a lot of fun! Really silly stuff. I really liked the music in the show, it set the tone pretty well. I was a bit surprised with the whole real magic angle, but it could lead to some interesting stuff later on. A good start, I'd say.
Amagi Brilliant Park 1

Fan service aside, I actually enjoyed myself. Main character is the only one I've liked so far. The girls haven't stood out. And I can't believe I'm saying this as a sci fi and fantasy lover, but the engineer in me would've preferred if this had been Roller Coaster Tycoon the anime. I mean I knew it wasn't going to be, but seems like any chance that will even have even a slight bit of focus got erased by
the whole magic aspect

I mean I still have Log Horizon for economics and strategy though. I just would've loved to watch a show where he is given this place and with knowledge of management skills he could maybe turn it around. You know, go to a bank for a loan, renovate facilities, publicity, hiring, all that schtick. Nothing is to say that there still won't be aspect of these, but if you're going to make a high schooler manage something when not even a bachelor's degree might fully prepare you for such a responsibility out of the door, I guess you gotta give it a bit of fantasy.


What show is that first webm from?

The first one is from Railgun, a spin-off of Index. You don't really need to have seen Index if you're thinking of watching Railgun. Frankly, Railgun's better than it anyway.

Neither are that great, but I did enjoy Railgun's second season. Had plenty of cool fight scenes.


Amagi Park Ep 01

Yeah I dunno.

Trying to go into this without any preconceived notions but I just mostly found it kinda average and hollow besides the obviously very competent production quality. Maybe the premise just isn't for me but I'm not finding any of the characters all that compelling right now and the comedy wasn't doing it for me. For all the banter of "KyoAni is dead!", "KyoAni found its way!", et all, I find it too middle of the road to warrant any of that at this point.

It left a better impression on me than the manga did so maybe that's something hopeful.

Nanatsu no Taizai Ep 01

Hmmm unfortunately a lot of the details in the artwork from the manga (a big selling point for the series in the first place) seems to have been lost in the jump to animation which was one of my biggest fears for this show. It's serviceable on its own but a lot of the quality just isn't there anymore. The adaption is very by-the-books with pretty average production values and a soundtrack that kinda works in context of the setting yet there's still those obnoxious moments where it's just like "yuuuup that's definitely a Sawano track alright...". Very basic adaption of a fun shounen fantasy manga.

Also Hawk sounds adorable.


AmiBuri 01


But seriously I thought it was okay. Will continue to watch.

Maybe I have a thing for those deadpan/monotonish girls or whatever. Reminded me of Senjyougahara.
trigger chuuni thing - 1

2009 was probably the worst in the last five years, and that still had Trapeze, which is one of the best shows of the last decade.

You have no idea how happy it makes me that someone here is even mentioning this show, let alone enjoying it. I remember absolutely loving this show when I watched it a few years back. Interesting content and very creative visuals. Think I liked the "rhino" episode the best.

Trapeze has been on my "to watch" list for a long time now.
And it'll probably remain there forever.


Whoa that trapeze show. I remember I watched the first episode and thought it was really weird. I found it lurking the anime thread way back I think...

I need to check it out. Forgot what it was called and never watched the other episodes.

Das Ace

Steins;Gate - Episode. 24 - Aight guys, this show was actually great. I regret being scared off by the otaku pandering last time I tried watching it. Great character development, coherent plot (at least as far as time travel plots go), and a good ending.

And ops I might have watched the whole thing in two days,
Amagi 1
I think its quite alright, its not excellent, but its pretty nice. The humour doesn't fall flat on its face, so i guess that is a good thing.

Oh yeah, 4chan a message from me:

Steins;Gate - Episode. 24

congrats mate, you have finally reach steins;gate itself.
Now lets just wait for the others.
Black Rock Shooter Impressions

Black Rock Shooter is an original art piece from the author Huke. The inspiration for the piece came from the collaboration with Ryu and the band Supercell to create new characters to represent the band. From this collaboration the song Black Rock Shooter appeared on Supercell's debut album featuring Hatsune Miku.

The Black Rock Shooter illustration was so inspiring it spawned an OVA, a manga, a game and the anime series titled Black Rock Shooter TV. An entire franchise spawned from a single piece of art. Surely this has to be something good to inspire such confidence to create so much media content around it?

Black Rock Shooter (OVA)

I watched the Black Rock Shooter OVA before I watched the series. This could have had potential. The animation was decent, the fight scenes were well choreographed and the environments range from dark medieval to bizarre checkerboard closed boxes. With some back story about the world and characters we could have an interesting premise right? Now then...

Who the fuck are these people and why are we following them around? Supposedly these random Japanese school girls are somehow tied to the girls fighting in the other world? How? Who knows. By the end of the OVA one of the girls gets jealous that the other has more than one friend so she disappears. Than the girl with one too many friends gets abducted by a bright light from the sky. Queue end. This OVA made absolutely no sense. My best guess is that they used this as test to see if they could generate enough interest in the series to make a full fledged anime series. With how horrible written the OVA was they must have cleaned up the series to be more intelligible, right?

Black Rock Shooter (TV) Series

EP 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

This is a deeply philosophical story that transcends the typical anime viewer's comprehension. To simplify it, colours can be used to represent are deep repressed emotional traumas. For example, pink represents the joy and happiness we find in life while red represents the anger and inherit hatred we all have buried deep within our psyche. The protagonists are high school girls on a quest to find the colours that will brighten their miserable high school lives.

While on this journey, the girls encounter the dark emotions of jealous, grief and despair. To represent this battle with anxieties and depression, we see black rock shooter battle others in a dark world where deserts are used as weapons, humans are grown from the ground with watering cans and Samus's arm cannon can transform into a sword. The protagonists are connected to the girls in this mysterious world. When one from the real world feels pain so does her counterpart.

With the amount of suffering these characters experience by persecuting themselves to their inner emotional torment their real world counterparts fly off the deep end. They can only face the despair in their very soul only when connecting with their other worldly counterpart. What is this other world? You could say it is a representation of the dark emotions hidden behind each girls physical being. From the character design, the bleak world they inhabit and their actions, these other worldly girls serve as the canvas to paint the inner repressed emotions found in these troubled youth.

But not all is lost. By finding the beautiful colours of the world the girls find each other, both in the real world and the supernatural, and work out their issues together. This is exemplified by the matching coloured wristbands of friendship they create to symbolize the hardships they've worked through and the friendships they have created.

Overall, this is fantastically dark anime of torment and despair that is turned around when the protagonists discover the beautiful colours of the world. The deep plot of working through deep-seated emotional trauma is engaging and thoughtful. The scenes of the other world that represent this battle are action packed and enjoyable to watch. Pink, Blue, Green, we can work through our problems together!


Now eat your happy coloured macaroons.


What is chuuni? Inou battle dudes were saying it alot like im supposed to know its meaning.

Chuuni is like when you pretend to be something else. there is nothing actually wrong with it really as long as its not used to commit crime or something. In this context it just means you are imaginative and fun.

Sailor Moon 43-44

So we have that episode that was redrawn by the fans, and the first episode where Kae Araki (who would later go on to be Chibiusa, as well as Hikari in Digimon) takes over Kotono Mitsuishi's role as the title character for a little bit due to maternity leave. The first episode was a fun reversal of the heroes playing a trick on the villains for once, and the second one was another burst of exposition and the start of the endgame. Though one element that was in the toku version (
Beryl was in love with Endymion
) doesn't seem to be present here. I'm pretty excited for the endgame. With this, and me set to wrap up CCS pretty soon, I feel like I'm really up to date on my magical girl history. And that's not even counting the more obscure series I have yet to watch.

If you ever need a list of some mahou shoujo to watch Im sure several of us can assist.

i blame choi

Choi was adorable. Dont hate.
Amagi Brilliant Park - 01

Haven't watched any KyoAni shows after Hyouka. So far the premise is kinda interesting. I wonder what happen in the past between the MC & the princess. He looked a bit pissed at something.

Kaitou Joker - 01

No, this isn't the Kaitou Kid by Gosho Aoyama
in case someone got confused
The sidekick ninja is a bit annoying though.
Best advice, so lets become a Phantom Thief instead.
It is a weird school setup and it continues the weirdness of anime where school student councils have crazy amounts of power. Makes me wonder if there any root in reality. Just what is the role of student councils in Japan?

I enjoyed this show overall. Partially because I like the art style. I also emjoyed seeing a show about elections - You dont see that much aside as sidelines.

Also the FRC is a great idea. I would have loved that. Well if I didn't live in Australia where theres nothing even as analog to clubs.

Seems they have crazy amounts of power in this one though. And no clubs here in Norway either.

Steins;Gate - 20

Oh....right. Doing all that stuff also means...that happens...


Steins;Gate 20

Holy sweet flying fuck, how did I not remember that the first D-Mail
was sent when Makise Kurisu died.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt.


Steins;gate impressions are fun. Who knew Mike watches good shows?

Oi! You're the one who wanted to watch shitty shows ;P

Amagi Brilliant Park 01

And a probably dumb question but why is that mascot thing from Full Metal Panic in here? Same author?

Yes. Same author.

Time to light up and get wiiiiiiiide.

Nanatsu no Taizai 1

As far as shounen adaptations this season go, this has a pretty strong edge over World Trigger.

That being said, it mostly survives on the strength of its source material. Barring a few brief scenes near the end, there's not much impressive animation and Nakaba's uniquely rough art style did not translate to the medium as well as I would have liked. Still, it's nice to see everything in motion and it should be good enough for both fans of and those unfamiliar with the manga.


People who believe in visions of grandeur made up in their head. Typically exhibited in younger people. Like playing pretend, but to an extreme.

As an example, you could say someone like Okabe in Steins;Gate exhibited chuubibyou tendencies.

I honestly wish I knew people like this.

Amagi Brilliant Park 1

This is the best TV thing they've done since Hyouka.

And no, it's not Hyouka. People may have wanted to believe because of the staff involved, but the plot synopses and everything we were getting should have been enough to tell you that. It's a silly thing about an egotistical guy having a theme park thrust on him by a beautiful girl. There are some potentially dangerous flashbacks hinting at some kind of past trauma, which seems to be some kind of KyoAni staple these days. It's very much a commercial product.

But it's really well-directed and beautiful in all respects, standing out even in this crowded and competitive season. Much of the episode is dedicated to giving the lead a whirlwind tour of the decrepit and bizarre titular theme park, and the comic timing of everything is right on point. The director knows how to use brief, quick cuts to establish an overarching feeling of place, creating little narratives that tell you volumes about the state the park is in. There are even little slices of internal monologue from the protagonist that bring some of a light novel's strengths across without compromising pacing.

It's really well-executed, and the tone is light enough and the writing solid enough to carry the otherwise-weak premise. Even that butt shot that bothers Defuser is held onscreen for just a small fraction of a second. If you want to take screenshots it's remarkably lewd, but in practice during an uninterrupted viewing, it perfectly captures the sense of someone walking in on someone unexpectedly in the bathroom and shutting the door before they can even register what they're seeing.

It's a more cynical show than what KyoAni was making during their peak a few years back, but it's a huge step up from garbage like KnK or Chuu2. If people take it on its own terms, I expect they'll really enjoy it.

Looks pretty good to me. Especially another moe princess. I like moe princesses.

From the New World Ep. 10

First episode I straight up didn't like. The change in visual style was extremely apparent but it wasn't until the melodrama kicked in that I started realizing that this was Shigeyasu Yamauchi's handiwork. His style is okay when the show is designed around it like Casshern Sins but it fell flat on its face in the context of this series.

Also why the hell did he keep focusing on Saki's crotch?

I liked this episode storywise because it started to reveal some dark truths and just how sinister this series could get. I was pretty entranced by this point.

Steins;Gate - 20



Oh....right. Doing all that stuff also means...that happens...


Oooh this is getting good

I wasn't joking about the crotch shots. These are all within the first five minutes of the episode. I don't think this was intended to be erotic but a bad combination of the character art and Yamauchi's cinematography. (I'll give the benefit of the doubt for once.)


Saki died for Casshern's sins. (Not a spoiler.)

In a post (that you will probably have already read by the time you read this one) I said my issue isn't with the visual style but his style of storytelling.

you know, I literally never noticed all the crotch shots until you pointed it out. They dont seem very prevalent. IVe seen the series several times too. Maybe I just wasnt looking for them.

Steins;Gate - 21

Man, I really haven't felt this level of crushing incoming sadness in an anime ever since Madoka. I really have no clue how this show could possibly pull off a happy ending at this point.

Okay...what was up with
Kurisu at the end there? Where was she? Was it the spot where she died in the original world line? Or was that the flash of the divergence number or something?

*pulls up a chair

The problem with that is I'll purchase too frequently.

Right now I feel bad about not owning:
-Flowers of Evil
-From the New World
-Mysterious Girlfriend X
-The rest of Yamato 2199
-Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water BD
-Royal Space Force BD
-Blue Sub 6 BD

and on and on and on and on...

Most definitely not. And we haven't even got to GBF yet!

I know that feel. Stupidly, I havent gotten the membership and I buy all the time. I guess I should get to that.
Inou Battle 01

So it's basically just Chuu2 but if all the delusions were real right? The few glimpses of actual action showed definite promise, and since this is Trigger I've already committed to watching it through until the end, but so far its kind of "ehh".
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