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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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The one plot point I particularly didn't like in Steins;Gate is the following one (from a wiki synopsis of Episode 24):

It turns out to be a video from his 2025 self, explaining that the key to saving Kurisu without changing the events that led them to develop the time machine and fall in love is to fool his past self into believing Kurisu has died.

Like wait a minute. I thought a person's death is the thing that's pretty much set in stone in a particular timeline. Now what matters is what Okabe things is going on? Doesn't that contradict a lot of the previously established timeline mechanics? I mean time ravel explanations can only make so much sense anyways, but I actually liked the show's idea concerning timelines. But if suddenly it's not the actual death that matters but what Okabe thinks happens... meh.

Overall I have to say that while I did enjoy Steins;Gate quite thoroughly when I was watching it, the more I think about it in hindsight, the worse it gets. I don't really consider Daru, Meoka, Ruka and Faris well done characters and the VN origin shone through when each of the latter three got their own 1-2 dedicated episodes.

Kurisu being capable of actually dreaming/recalling events of the other timeline also made it a bit less interesting. Seeing Okabe burdened these horrific timeloops and reexplaining it to Kurisu multiple times was nice to see. But then all that is lessened because for fuck all reason she remembers it too to some degree!


Inou Battle aka Thanks for the LWA2 Money Suckers - Episode 1


Bad premise. Bad characters. Dumb humor. Average direction. I watched this just so I can say I caught Yoshinari drawing an explosion in the OP instead of working on LWA2. RIP. Dropped so hard.


Amagi Not-so-brilliant Park - Episode 1

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. It's pretty strange. The direction is good. The production values are good. The premise is just interesting enough to keep me interested but not enough to convince me that it might not be a total waste of time. The characters are pretty annoying and exhibit dangerous signs of being typical bad Light Novel characters. I have to say, the idea of a show exploring a theme park on its last legs far from its glory years is a unique concept and one which I can actually relate to having a mild interest in abandoned attractions. I just wish it could have been explored in a way that didn't involve angsty teenagers, magical beings who might or might not just be insane people, and naked butts being shoved in my face. Will watch more, keeping expectations low.



Since I'm watching the Saint Seiya movie later this week, I decided to check out Keiichi Sato's previous CG film which had positive impressions from hosannainexcelsis and wonzo. The subject matter here is fairly disturbing, and I found some of it pretty hard to watch. Cannibalism in particular seems like a pretty universal taboo, so it's surprising that it forms such a central theme in the story. Even as an adaptation of an old manga, it must not have been an easy film to make. I can't say I really enjoyed the story while it was being told, but somehow by the very end, I felt the conclusion validated the entire story and I really appreciated the message it wanted to say. I guess that was the point though, so it must have worked.

In terms of visuals, the hybrid CG animation technique doesn't entirely work all the time. The character animation tends to feel a bit stiff, which is normal when CG attempts to ape 2D animation styles, but the stylized effect they use for the designs and environments helps cover it up a lot. The digital composite effects are done really well, and the lighting looks throughout - especially in the scenes where there is heavy rainfall. It's a pretty well directed movie too, with great framing, tight editing, and excellent use of music and sound.

I wouldn't really recommend this to just anyone though. Those who don't enjoy bleak tales of human survival or have a distaste for gore and grotesque stuff should probably avoid it. But as a heavily stylized but grim historical tale with a bittersweet message about human nature, it's pretty neat.


Of course it's pure arbitrary, but that what happens in lots of fiction.
-The MC happens to witness a murder he shouldn't have seen. Arbitrary.
-The evil guy happens to fall in love and kidnap the mc's girlfriend. Not any of the other thousands girls available, but hers. Arbitrary.
-An alien crash in MC's backyard, fun hijinks ensue. Or maybe body horror happens. Arbitrary.
-The serial killer was your best friend all along. Arbitrary.
That's not the kind of arbitrary I'm talking about at all. "Billions of people in the world, and the one guy we're following in the movie just happens to be the one who stops the murderous alien in the end? What are the odds?!" Er... Yeah, maybe that's why the story focuses on him? Rather than on some other guy who was soundly asleep on the other side of the world? Perhaps?

No, I'm talking about a plot that doesn't even bother to establish a logical connection between
Mayuri dying
SERN taking over.
As explained above, they even go out of their way to show that it's only
Mayuri's death in itself
that's fated to happen in those
timelines. Causes and consequences of
that death
, even immediate and obvious ones? Nope, those don't matter (*). It's just
Mayuri's death
in a bubble... but still mysteriously (and conveniently) connected to that
SERN-controlled future
. Somehow, just don't question it.
Imagine a Seven-like movie where the cops get all depressed over all the violence they witness in their job... and ultimately solve the matter by becoming hairdressers. Turns out it was their going to the police station that caused crime. How, you ask? It just did. That's the kind of "arbitrary" I'm talking about, and I'm pretty sure it's not considered common place in fiction.

(*) Note that
the time of death
appears to matter and be "fated"... until it isn't really anymore, as it turns out that
cancelling d-mails magically postpones it a tiny bit
. Again, let's not look for any kind of logic there, it's apparently just to let Okabe/the player/the audience know that progress is being made. Thanks for that, Destiny/God/writing staff!


You gotta make money, man. They have bills to pay.

Didn't Gainax pretty much die from making these "fill in shows to make money"? Well, I know the situation wasn't quite like that, but if the show isn't selling, doesn't it end up hurting the company's image overall and makes funds for a new original productions less likely too?
Amagi Park - 01

Well, time will tell if it's actually going to be any good. First episode was, well directed, setup. I damn well hope the childhood drama isn't going to be a bigger focus. I hate this shit so much by now. If they treat it as a bit of a mystery it damn better be well thought out and interesting.

Also, do Japanese households not have any locks on their bathroom doors? If so, I would like my anime characters to actually use them. Although if we get scenes like this I'm at least glad it had the right briefness.
Kurisu being capable of
actually dreaming/recalling events of the other timeline also made it a bit less interesting. Seeing Okabe burdened these horrific timeloops and reexplaining it to Kurisu multiple times was nice to see. But then all that is lessened because for fuck all reason she remembers it too to some degree!

Other characters also did that though.
Other characters also did that though.

Oh wasn't quite sure anymore, has been a while. Still though, then that applies for all of them. It just makes things so much easier for Okabe and the timetravel mechanics feel less strict.

cg cars that drive themselves. spooky.

you wake up and the car drove itself to the foot of your bed, headlights flashing on to blind you as you try to open your eyes.


Left-hand traffic and you can 'clearly' see the shades of a head in some of the frames.

Just noticed this after taking another look at the supposedly great OP.


1. Caesar is a garbage companion and Joseph is better in his Grandpa form.

2. The introduction of stands is literally the best thing to happen to the series and I'm glad Araki pushed Hamon aside once he had done all he could with it. There's about 2 or 3 uses of Hamon left in the entire 8 part series so say goodbye now.

People kept saying Old Joseph > Young Joesph but so far that's been a HUGE LIE. Y'all a bunch of liars! I'm also not sure what makes Caesar shit but whatever. Finally, while I agree that Stands were clearly the right way to take the series, I don't think the transition has been handled as well as it could have been. There's no reason the two couldn't coexist. If Part III is to be the Hamon's last hurrah, at least make Old Joesph suck less!
Fuck that. Give me something good like Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer.


Seriously, I would love to see both Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and Medaka Box S3 by the hands of Trigger.

But I won't lie, Mizukami Satoshi deserves more attention. The guy has some amazing works, and his current one (Spirit Circle) is probably one of my favorite titles right now.


Look at what came:


Finally, some HD
Hidamari. Now where's my fourth season Sentai? WHERE IS IT!?


Amagi Brilliant Park 1
"Moffle" is way too close to "Muffu" for my liking. It's almost a painful reminder.

The show itself seems pretty fun. Could go without the obvious upcoming melodrama, but eh.
No, I'm talking about a plot that doesn't even bother to establish a logical connection between
Mayuri dying
SERN taking over.
As explained above, they even go out of their way to show that it's only
Mayuri's death in itself
that's fated to happen in those
timelines. Causes and consequences of
that death
, even immediate and obvious ones? Nope, those don't matter (*). It's just
Mayuri's death
in a bubble... but still mysteriously (and conveniently) connected to that
SERN-controlled future
. Somehow, just don't question it.

who said Mayuri's death is connected to SERN-controlled future? I don't see why you can't have another timeline where SERN controls the future but Mayuri is alive. Or one where SERN doesn't exist but Mayuri is dead.
Majin Bone Episode 28

Lieberto-samas face at the english from her friends was hilarious.

Great fight
with the time space things going on and outsparting Wyvern. This is going to be pretty intense fight if Shougo has to ever face them
Love, Election and Chocolate 06

The primary election is down to the wire.

Ojima reads a love letter from Mifuyu, but doesn't believe his eyes, lots of election speeches and then there's only a few candidates left to beat for the general election. The current student council president seems to have some plans of his own as well.

Link Man

Akatsuki no Yona 1

Well, this was a bit of a mess. I only hope that this shoujou-like opening is meant to serve as a springboard for her character development. Also, the music selection for the action scene sucked all the excitement from it. Three episode rule, I guess, to see if it develops into something better.


Ushinawareta 1
I don't necessarily understand what happened. From I got, it was a buildup between two characters and then
she died only for it to be retconned moments later?
Everything about this just feels extremely rough.


Amagi Not-so-brilliant Park - Episode 1

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. It's pretty strange. The direction is good. The production values are good. The premise is just interesting enough to keep me interested but not enough to convince me that it might not be a total waste of time. The characters are pretty annoying and exhibit dangerous signs of being typical bad Light Novel characters. I have to say, the idea of a show exploring a theme park on its last legs far from its glory years is a unique concept and one which I can actually relate to having a mild interest in abandoned attractions. I just wish it could have been explored in a way that didn't involve angsty teenagers, magical beings who might or might not just be insane people, and naked butts being shoved in my face. Will watch more, keeping expectations low.

I would be far more on-board with the premise if it involved saving a theme park without any magical crap.

The next time someone complains about Hyouka being too mundane, I'm going to strap them to a chair and force them to marathon post-Hyouka KyoAni.
Love, Election and Chocolate 06

The primary election is down to the wire.

Ojima reads a love letter from Mifuyu, but doesn't believe his eyes, lots of election speeches and then there's only a few candidates left to beat for the general election. The current student council president seems to have some plans of his own as well.

I missed that anime much. Still bitter they didnt dub it here. Oh and the unforgettable yaoi sticks.
Gundam Wing 18

Zechs loses the will to fight for the Romafeller Foundation so Treize requests he 'die' for OZ in heroic fashion.

Needless to say, the episodes title "Tallgesse Destroyed," is a lie.


There is an "explanation" (in quotes!) used by the series in why there are both predestination and the possibility of changing stuff.There were certain concrete timelines, parallel universes, Okabe could change things and jump between timelines if the changes were big enough, but inside a timeline there was a predestination for the things happening a a certain way.
A way to explain it: they weren't infinite in variety, they were integer universes: 1,2,3,4, etc (for example). You couldn't fall in universe 3.5. Or in universe 3.141525. The predestination is a way to understand why you returned you back to the same universe you started if the jump was small one, or would snap you to the closest possible universe. Why there was a certain resistance to jump between universes, but with a jump big enough it could be done.

Hell, all that is the central plot, him searching the way to make enough big of a jump to the universe if he wants, and usually falling short.

Of course this explanation it's kind of hokey and weird, but what you are gonna do, all the explanations for time paradoxes and different universes in time traveling fiction are hokey by nature! It isn't like you can have a realistic version.
The important thing is that the plot is entertaining, the discovery of the time travel, the plot twists in the middle, the time shenanigans in between, etc.

I literally have nothing to add to Erigu's posts because he's mentioned everything I could think of (and more!) although it still kind of irks me that it's basically an 8 character universe.

I don't think Steins;Gate is a terrible show, or anything, I just think it has significant narrative, visual and direction problems.
Akatsuki no Yona 1

Well, this was a bit of a mess. I only hope that this shoujou-like opening is meant to serve as a springboard for her character development. Also, the music selection for the action scene sucked all the excitement from it. Three episode rule, I guess, to see if it develops into something better.
The OP makes me think it's going to become a harem. I expect the bratty princess to be traveling around picking up new bishounens for her collection.


Inou Battle aka Thanks for the LWA2 Money Suckers - Episode 1

Bad premise. Bad characters. Dumb humor. Average direction. I watched this just so I can say I caught Yoshinari drawing an explosion in the OP instead of working on LWA2. RIP. Dropped so hard.
You might want to check ANN before you talk that kind of smack about Trigger's latest masterpiece, asshole.



Today’s new streaming anime announcements at Crunchyroll begin as Parasyte -the maxim-, based on the unusual alien invasion manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki, joins the fall lineup. Parasyte -the maxim- is set to broadcast starting on October 8th, at 10:29 AM Pacific Time, and free members able to watch one week later. More information can be found on www.crunchyroll.com/parasyte-the-maxim.


Akatsuki no Yona Episode 1:

Boy, did this pick a bad season to exist in, although I do like the Dynastic China setting, everything else was just duller then dishwater. I think I shall pass on this title.
Love, Election and Chocolate 07

The episode where just about everybody wants Ojima.

We also get to know what happened to Chisato's brother and probably why she hates chocolate and more about the relationship between the Shinonome sisters.


IS anyone truly caught up on this thread given how quickly it moves during the busy times?

Yes. It only moved one page since I went to sleep this morning. I finally went to bed after catching up and writing a comment on ABP.

Sampled a few more #1s.

Amagi Brilliant Park - dropped. Not that I'm surprised given I thought the manga version was terrible. I think this is it for me with Kyoani material based on their own books. After this and KnK, I'm done. Oh how far they have slipped since FMP and Hyouka.

Wait a minute. So you dontl ike the premise itself? Do you think there was a better way to adapt the material? The story is what it is. A gy brought into a magical world element and he has to help save the day. Its been done before but this show has some clever and fun elements to the formula. Its well executed, has good characters, and starts off strong. what more can KyoAni do? Its better than a lot of anime current or recent.
I say KyoAni is back pretty strongly with this. Its better than Hyouka.

Because once he wrote the perfect protagonist in the form of Kirito there wasn't really the option of writing another one, so he went in the complete opposite direction and made his new hero a self pitying pathetic lump of fat.

Haru is pretty pathetic but hes a more bleievable character who has to overcome real problems that people can relate to instead of being all knowing all seen mr perfection. Thats what I liked about him. Plus he has a girl who likes him for who he is but doesnt hesitate to drag him up and make him stand up for himself either. The characters were jut more believable, the settings were more interesting, and it didnt feel as much like a wankfest and it was more cleverly written.


Sorry, I realize that was long to write, but... that makes no sense to me. It all boils down to "sure, you can try a lot of different things, and thus change a lot of stuff, but that one thing? nope, the writers decided that one was fate, somehow (i.e. arbitrarily super harder to prevent)".

Sure you can. Picking either predestination or multiple timelines would be a good start, too.

While it is a bit contrived in that way, have you seen The butterfly Effect? Same idea.
Similarly, no matter what someone did in that movie there was always one predetermined outcome on that set of timelines that had to happen no matter what the person did to try to change it. Maybe thats fate. I know it seemed qeird that this would happen over and over and in different ways even, but sometimes with time travel stories you just have to accept certain things to fit the narrative. Fiction is called that for a reason.


Well, at least someone from DAL won. And at least Kurumi beat her in their last match. And at least she ended the tournament on a high. And at least she's better than Kotori. And at least I don't care about IntSaimoe. And at least I'm not mad.

*hugs AHB
She is always #1. Imagine her lovingly ripping our your heart and hugging it to her bosom and youll feel better in no time.


Amagi Brilliant Park ep 1
Still disappointed Kyoani didn't cast their favourite male seiyuu Yuichi Nakamura to voiced Kanie. Kyoani continues their trend of having terrible OP songs.

Overall it's ok, they shouldn't have spent more than half the episode doing tour around Amagi but I'm surprised they going through quick.
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