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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Amagi Brilliant Park 01:
I don't know how much you know about tea (I'm an expert), but if my tea looked like this, I'd probably throw up. It looks like some kind of sludge.

Alright so, first things first. This isn't quite as bad as it could be. For one, it's not chuuni. Nor does it take place in an MMO. That already puts it way ahead of the pack. On the other hand, it has a harem, and it's about a boring guy who meets a magical girl. Okay, that's bad. But, the girl can pull flintlocks out of her skirt, and we all know that's awesome.

(BTW, if you were wondering, the circles of LN hell go like this: Harem > Boring Guy/Magical Girl > Incest > Mary Sue Protag > Chuuni > MMO.)

Given the source material, Takemoto is doing a good job. Unfortunately, having come off from a Hyouka marathon, I can definitely say this is no Hyouka. And not just in terms of content, but also production values. Recycled animation, dull environments, people standing still while their mouth opens and closes. It's got it all. The only saving grace is that even when KyoAni cuts corners, their output it still miles ahead of most other studios.
I literally have nothing to add to Erigu's posts because he's mentioned everything I could think of (and more!) although it still kind of irks me that it's basically an 8 character universe.

I don't think Steins;Gate is a terrible show, or anything, I just think it has significant narrative, visual and direction problems.

The thing I would change from S:G would be to drop the otakuness. The meidos, the trap, Akihabara, and all that. I always thought it was put there as a mere otaku-baiting viewership, a trait that came from the LN origins, and didn't have anything to do with the rest.

(apart from obvious stuff that always can be better, like better budget for better visuals and animation, better direction, etc)


Wolf Girl 1
What started off as a lie about S&M turns into a flase relationship regarding S&M... That's really weird. "What goes around comes around," would be a bit much to say here since that's more or less what happened.

It sort of feels like an alternative version to Ao Haru Ride since Futaba lost her friends since she couldn't lie to herself any longer whereas Erika will lie all day long if she has to. And Kyouya might be a jerk, but that's due to his own twisted thinking whereas Kou has a reason to be one.


Code Geass 01

Interesting yet silly premise. Let's see where this goes.

Haha this gonna be good. I was surprised to hear this was on the list, I'm guessing it's mostly for the end of season 1 and all of season 2? I know it gets quite a bit crazy with it's writing and plottwists, but I actually enjoyed it for what it was. Really wish that second season was more like the first though... it got kinda ridiculous lol.
I don't think Steins;Gate is a terrible show, or anything, I just think it has significant narrative, visual and direction problems.

I'll admit from what I've seen so far, the show's definitely not perfect. If I thought really hard about it, I probably could point out many flaws with its time-travel shenanigans.

But even so, I think the concept in of itself is interesting and the conflict that happens later on with Okabe and the dilemma that most of the side characters go through is effective enough to carry the show.

It could tone down a bit on the otaku stuff though. Like, I know that's pretty much a big part of Daru's and Faris' entire characters, but still...

All in all, I think it's still a good ride.

Code Geass 01

Interesting yet silly premise. Let's see where this goes.

And so the ride begins...


The thing I would change from S:G would be to drop the otakuness. The meidos, the trap, Akihabara, and all that. I always thought it was put there as a mere otaku-baiting viewership, a trait that came from the LN origins, and didn't have anything to do with the rest.

(apart from obvious stuff that always can be better, like better budget for better visuals and animation, better direction, etc)

I mean, I agree with those points as well to an extent, but those aspects are inherent to the context the work is being created in. It's a work created by otaku, for otaku, featuring otaku. I understand that market reality dictates you have to put that stuff into your story, even if it inherently limits the audience.
Not trying to defend steins gate or excuse its plot holes/inconsistencies (I love SG for the record) but I generally use the rule of thumb that if time travel/dimension hopping is introduced as a plot element or is a major plot element not to think about it too much as there will always be plot holes in time travel/dimension hopping stories. This is true not just for anime but for manga, games, movies, books, etc.


Maturity, bitches.
Haru is pretty pathetic but hes a more bleievable character who has to overcome real problems that people can relate to instead of being all knowing all seen mr perfection. Thats what I liked about him. Plus he has a girl who likes him for who he is but doesnt hesitate to drag him up and make him stand up for himself either. The characters were jut more believable, the settings were more interesting, and it didnt feel as much like a wankfest and it was more cleverly written..
I found it quite easy to relate to Kirito.
Love, Election and Chocolate 08

Got the same feeling here.

Ojima finally turned one of the girls that are after him down? Weird. And then there's the full story about the Shinonome sisters. A bit bizarre, and they got some real classy relatives there.
Not trying to defend steins gate or excuse its plot holes/inconsistencies (I love SG for the record) but I generally use the rule of thumb that if time travel/dimension hopping is introduced as a plot element or is a major plot element not to think about it too much as there will always be plot holes in time travel/dimension hopping stories. This is true not just for anime but for manga, games, movies, books, etc.

i also cut it some slack because i tend to just roll with stuff when it's pretty much integral to the premise unless it's absurdly stupid.


Seven Deadly Sins - 1

Seems like a solid adaption, if it can keep the quality of the first episode throughout then it'll be a good alternative to reading the manga (which is fantastic btw) which I guess is all I can ask for.


If they don't save the theme park does it get demolished to become a farm, making it an opposite version of Harvest Moon 2?


Trinity Seven 01

Of the two shows this season with a "seven deadly sins" motif, I'm throwing my lot in with this one because it has more girls. I am consistent with my taste, at least. Though I'm still waiting for that other SD7 anime about the cute demon girls from Hobby Japan. Whatever happened to that one?

The color palette can say a lot about a show. And while it does have some perverted humor, the show's a lot bleaker than the last Tuesday show I was watching. When you begin with the world in ruins, things can only get more hopeful from there. In terms of tone, it's striking me as somewhere between Witchcraft Works and Magical Warfare, but there are numerous other comparisons I could make. And it has Ayaneru as a ninja girl, that's pretty rad.

ZAQ OP is alright, and the first of four EDs is pretty tech-y. The music is done by the same people behind Witchcraft Works, so that also explains the similarities. Arata's like a lesser Issei, and the way he reacted to the nude meeting - he was expecting the rebuttal and, in fact, welcoming it - is a good way to use something familiar while making it feel new. I like anime that feels like anime. Having the magic have an emotional component is also good. I swear I'll drop most of these bullet points after this week, but it's refreshing to see magic done in a way that treats it with a sense of wonder. Even F/SN with all its exposition, still maintains that ethereal sense of the unknown.

There's a lot of magical wars happening this season.


The one plot point I particularly didn't like in Steins;Gate is the following one (from a wiki synopsis of Episode 24):

It turns out to be a video from his 2025 self, explaining that the key to saving Kurisu without changing the events that led them to develop the time machine and fall in love is to fool his past self into believing Kurisu has died.

Like wait a minute. I thought a person's death is the thing that's pretty much set in stone in a particular timeline. Now what matters is what Okabe things is going on? Doesn't that contradict a lot of the previously established timeline mechanics? I mean time ravel explanations can only make so much sense anyways, but I actually liked the show's idea concerning timelines. But if suddenly it's not the actual death that matters but what Okabe thinks happens... meh.

Overall I have to say that while I did enjoy Steins;Gate quite thoroughly when I was watching it, the more I think about it in hindsight, the worse it gets. I don't really consider Daru, Meoka, Ruka and Faris well done characters and the VN origin shone through when each of the latter three got their own 1-2 dedicated episodes.

Kurisu being capable of actually dreaming/recalling events of the other timeline also made it a bit less interesting. Seeing Okabe burdened these horrific timeloops and reexplaining it to Kurisu multiple times was nice to see. But then all that is lessened because for fuck all reason she remembers it too to some degree!

There are inconsistencies and definitely that in particular I didnt like so much, but a story is a story. Sometimes you have to just suspend disbelief a little bit and enjoy the storytelling. If it all made logical complete sense it wouldnt be fantasy. We appreciate fiction because it does the unreal. The hero in real life often gets fucked over. Life isnt a fairytale. But in fantasy the hero can be anything. they can overcome odds, even seemingly impossible ones. Loopholes are there to make the impossible possible. Thats something people overlook when they poke holes in a work of fiction.

Amagi Park - 01

Well, time will tell if it's actually going to be any good. First episode was, well directed, setup. I damn well hope the childhood drama isn't going to be a bigger focus. I hate this shit so much by now. If they treat it as a bit of a mystery it damn better be well thought out and interesting.

Also, do Japanese households not have any locks on their bathroom doors? If so, I would like my anime characters to actually use them. Although if we get scenes like this I'm at least glad it had the right briefness.

It was so brief you have to literally pause it at that exact moment to see it. It wasnt male gaze at all. Just a quick glimpse and then nothing more. did it have to be there? Of course not, but taking a screenshot of the moment is putting more effort into seeing it than Kyoani wanted people to see anyway.
It almost seemed to be there to fill a fanservice quota and like Kyoani really didnt care about the scene otherwise.

Fuck you Kyoani for still making interesting anime while ignoring FMP. That's all that came to mind as I watched Amagi....

KyoAni didnt ignore FMP. Why are people so hung up on FMP? It was great and lasted a good while overall and its done. Let them move on to other things. For all you know, they would resurrect it, get yall hyped up, change something, enrage the fanbase, and make the whole thing pointless.

Look at what came:


Finally, some HD
Hidamari. Now where's my fourth season Sentai? WHERE IS IT!?

I finally preordered it. didnt realize it would come in over a month early. I should just preorder everything and be done with it. But since UPS lost one of my packages, Im a bit hesitant.

Code Geass 01

Interesting yet silly premise. Let's see where this goes.

Prepare for the ride :D
Amagi Brilliant Park 1

Takemoto really is trying his best to direct our thigh-high socks off. It's a shame he has to attempt it with fairly weak material. The foreshadowed KEY-esque magical drama promises to be dreadful at least.

I heard KEY. Added to queue. :3


[Amagai Brilliant Park] - 1

I wasn't actively offended by this, so I suppose that counts as a step up for KyoAni.

This first episode was, as expected, well directed and produced. It introduced a potentially interesting story but then unfortunately decided to layer it with a 'magic/amnesia' flavour that I didn't really care for.

I understand that you can't just make a show about restoring a delipidated theme park because that would be boring. If this was a Western TV show the 'hook', so to speak, would no doubt be the rich characters and the drama and conflict inherent in the process of restoring an amusement park. But, for anime, that just isn't enough so you have to make everyone a teenager and throw in some magic to keep the kids entertained. For all I know the magic stuff will be kept fairly low-key and I'll have no complaints; only time will tell.
It could be about building an incomplete rollercoaster to send patrons flying into neighboring parks to lower their scores.

It could also turn into a horror show about a roller coaster ride that never ends. And the ghosts of the guests (visitors are called guests when they visit theme parks by the by) are said to still haunt the park.

Some swear that in the dark of the night you can still hear their screams of pain. Hence why it's AOTY material, so many possibilities.
[Amagai Brilliant Park] - 1

I wasn't actively offended by this, so I suppose that counts as a step up for KyoAni.

This first episode was, as expected, well directed and produced. It introduced a potentially interesting story but then unfortunately decided to layer it with a 'magic/amnesia' flavour that I didn't really care for.

I understand that you can't just make a show about restoring a delipidated theme park because that would be boring. If this was a Western TV show the 'hook', so to speak, would no doubt be the rich characters and the drama and conflict inherent in the process of restoring an amusement park. But, for anime, that just isn't enough so you have to make everyone a teenager and throw in some magic to keep the kids entertained. For all I know the magic stuff will be kept fairly low-key and I'll have no complaints; only time will tell.

What I fear is that not only it won't focus on that, it's that by the third episode the park will be just a background place that it could have been any other location and the series will center in a... harem situation, or romance triangle or the magic thing or whatever else.


Amagi Brilliant Park 01:


Given the source material, Takemoto is doing a good job. Unfortunately, having come off from a Hyouka marathon, I can definitely say this is no Hyouka. And not just in terms of content, but also production values. Recycled animation, dull environments, people standing still while their mouth opens and closes. It's got it all. The only saving grace is that even when KyoAni cuts corners, their output it still miles ahead of most other studios.

I completely forgot to mention this in my post, but I agree entirely with this criticism. I understand that the park is supposed to be run-down but frankly, it doesn't even look convincingly distressed. It lacks the detail and character of truly well drawn decay, compare and contrast with the Flowers of Evil. It takes considerably more work to make something like old than new so I can understand why most shows take corners when portraying "run down" buildings but they should have put more effort in here. Everything was just too clean and bland and considering that the amusement park itself is the key location they needed to give it some character.
It was so brief you have to literally pause it at that exact moment to see it. It wasnt male gaze at all. Just a quick glimpse and then nothing more. did it have to be there? Of course not, but taking a screenshot of the moment is putting more effort into seeing it than Kyoani wanted people to see anyway.
It almost seemed to be there to fill a fanservice quota and like Kyoani really didnt care about the scene otherwise.

Oh yeah I didn't really mind that scene. It not having the lingering shot common with male gaze was actually quite appreciated. I really just wondered why she didn't just lock the door. Granted, she seemed to be entirely unfazed by that.

edit: Someone on reddit show the manga scene and it's rather toned down from that (certainly for the better I might say). http://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comme...i_brilliant_park_episode_1_discussion/cl2nk6x



Based CR.

1. Caesar is a garbage companion and Joseph is better in his Grandpa form.

2. The introduction of stands is literally the best thing to happen to the series and I'm glad Araki pushed Hamon aside once he had done all he could with it. There's about 2 or 3 uses of Hamon left in the entire 8 part series so say goodbye now.

1. No just no, Ceasar was great and his fight against Wamuu was better than anything in SC. Old Joseph, outside of his hilarious engrish and haggling, hasn't done anything of note as of yet.

2. Bbbbut I want my Hamon powered hand to hand action. ;_; 95 kilo muscled men cowering behind their summons just doesn't do much for me.

People kept saying Old Joseph > Young Joesph but so far that's been a HUGE LIE. Y'all a bunch of liars! I'm also not sure what makes Caesar shit but whatever. Finally, while I agree that Stands were clearly the right way to take the series, I don't think the transition has been handled as well as it could have been. There's no reason the two couldn't coexist. If Part III is to be the Hamon's last hurrah, at least make Old Joesph suck less!

Cosigned. Well except the Stand part. :p

Akatsuki no Yona 01

Well this wasn't very good. The comedic bits were unfunny and the characters were just bland. Not really liking the designs of anyone sans Yona. Will wait till they're on the run to decide if I want to continue.


I completely forgot to mention this in my post, but I agree entirely with this criticism. I understand that the park is supposed to be run-down but frankly, it doesn't even look convincingly distressed. It lacks the detail and character of truly well drawn decay, compare and contrast with the Flowers of Evil. It takes considerably more work to make something like old than new so I can understand why most shows take corners when portraying "run down" buildings but they should have put more effort in here. Everything was just too clean and bland and considering that the amusement park itself is the key location they needed to give it some character.

Well the park does still have janitors(even if they're slacking) and the place is still running, so it's not like there should be overgrowth everywhere. I think they did put a lot of effort into showing how bad the state of the park is, without overexaggerating it.


[On the nudity in Amagi Brilliant Park]
Oh yeah I didn't really mind that scene. It not having the lingering shot common with male gaze was actually quite appreciated. I really just wondered why she didn't just lock the door. Granted, she seemed to be entirely unfazed by that.
It was 'merely' the director showing us how otherworldly and different this 'magical' girl is. Baffle at her lack of emotions! Gasp at her inability to care about privacy! Etc etc.

It was essentially their version of that famous Evangelion scene featuring Rei and Shinji at Rei's apartment except that in Evangelion the scene in question actually had a real point to it. In here it just felt kind of throwaway.


The thing I would change from S:G would be to drop the otakuness. The meidos, the trap, Akihabara, and all that. I always thought it was put there as a mere otaku-baiting viewership, a trait that came from the LN origins, and didn't have anything to do with the rest.

(apart from obvious stuff that always can be better, like better budget for better visuals and animation, better direction, etc)

On one hand I think it would improve the show from a critical standpoint. On the other, fuck that because the otakuness made the show even more enjoyable to me. Seeing Faris in cat ears is the greatest thing. Mayuri's "tuturu" is so wonderful my friend uses it as his message tone. Kurisu is just hnnnnnnnngh period. Ruka is great. These are fun, memorable characters and I fully enjoyed my time watching their story unfold.

i also cut it some slack because i tend to just roll with stuff when it's pretty much integral to the premise unless it's absurdly stupid.

This. Its fiction. In particular, its time travel fiction. Certain tolerances should be given to time travel stories, mainly because nobody actually knows what would happen.


This series really was the beginning of the end for Sunrise when you look back.

I will stand behind Tiger and Bunny all day long. I definitely put it up there as one of Sunrise's best and actually legitimately good, unlike CG. It has a lot of problems, but the quality of character writing there is so good that those problems never bothered me.


Akatsuki no Yona 1
It felt slow and didn't really build up. It just "happebed." But, even when it did happened, I was too bored to care. Hopefully it gets better.
[On the nudity in Amagi Brilliant Park]

It was 'merely' the director showing us how otherworldly and different this 'magical' girl is. Baffle at her lack of emotions! Gasp at her inability to care about privacy! Etc etc.

It was essentially their version of that famous Evangelion scene featuring Rei and Shinji at Rei's apartment except that in Evangelion the scene in question actually had a real point to it. In here it just felt kind of throwaway.

Yeh I can't say I have high hopes for characterization, especially not when the source material is supposedly quite shitty. This wanna-be Senjougahara really didn't make a good first impression.


Trinity Seven 01

Of the two shows this season with a "seven deadly sins" motif, I'm throwing my lot in with this one because it has more girls. I am consistent with my taste, at least. Though I'm still waiting for that other SD7 anime about the cute demon girls from Hobby Japan. Whatever happened to that one?

That was gonna be an OVA or something right?
The color palette can say a lot about a show. And while it does have some perverted humor, the show's a lot bleaker than the last Tuesday show I was watching. When you begin with the world in ruins, things can only get more hopeful from there. In terms of tone, it's striking me as somewhere between Witchcraft Works and Magical Warfare, but there are numerous other comparisons I could make. And it has Ayaneru as a ninja girl, that's pretty rad.

ZAQ OP is alright, and the first of four EDs is pretty tech-y. The music is done by the same people behind Witchcraft Works, so that also explains the similarities. Arata's like a lesser Issei, and the way he reacted to the nude meeting - he was expecting the rebuttal and, in fact, welcoming it - is a good way to use something familiar while making it feel new. I like anime that feels like anime. Having the magic have an emotional component is also good. I swear I'll drop most of these bullet points after this week, but it's refreshing to see magic done in a way that treats it with a sense of wonder. Even F/SN with all its exposition, still maintains that ethereal sense of the unknown.

There's a lot of magical wars happening this season.

Gonna give this a watch later, I liked the manga enough to be kind of excited for this.


So, Eden of the East.

Can anyone explain to me why
Takizawa wiped his memory (twice)?
Wouldn't that make things really difficult if he were to
encounter some of the people who knew him and/or thought he was a terrorist in his newly-clueless state?

I don't think it makes any sense, and that kinda diminishes my opinion of the series.


So, Eden of the East.

Can anyone explain to me why
Takizawa wiped his memory (twice)?
Wouldn't that make things really difficult if he were to
encounter some of the people who knew him and/or thought he was a terrorist in his newly-clueless state?

I don't think it makes any sense, and that kinda diminishes my opinion of the series.
That kind of describes the whole show. Really kind of hated that series all together. The point you bring up is just one of the many kinds of plot inconstancies that show has, not to mention how problematic that show's political motivations are.


I think I may be subconsciously avoiding Eden of the East to uphold a positive opinion on Kamiyama. He's about due for something new soon. I wonder if he's working on anything?





That game. no, that SERIES. AHHHHH *squeezes it lovingly

[Amagai Brilliant Park] - 1

I wasn't actively offended by this, so I suppose that counts as a step up for KyoAni.

This first episode was, as expected, well directed and produced. It introduced a potentially interesting story but then unfortunately decided to layer it with a 'magic/amnesia' flavour that I didn't really care for.

I understand that you can't just make a show about restoring a delipidated theme park because that would be boring. If this was a Western TV show the 'hook', so to speak, would no doubt be the rich characters and the drama and conflict inherent in the process of restoring an amusement park. But, for anime, that just isn't enough so you have to make everyone a teenager and throw in some magic to keep the kids entertained. For all I know the magic stuff will be kept fairly low-key and I'll have no complaints; only time will tell.

I dont think a western take on it would be any more or less interesting. It does have a lot of cuties in it but thats ok. It can still bring about all the positives you mentioned no matter what the characters look like.

Because they haven't made a show as entertaining or as good since.

GBF was as close as they've gotten.

Well, thats true. I cant disagree. GBF is a high point for sunrise.

Yeh I can't say I have high hopes for characterization, especially not when the source material is supposedly quite shitty. This wanna-be Senjougahara really didn't make a good first impression.

You know, she kinda is youre right. I didnt think of herl ike that but I can see similiarities. but of course Senjou is a goddess that this girl cannot hope to be.


That kind of describes the whole show. Really kind of hated that series all together. The point you bring up is just one of the many kinds of plot inconstancies that show has, not to mention how problematic that show's political motivations are.
Oh yeah, the whole overarching
terrorists as 'saviors' of a Japan grown languid and stagnant thing
was pretty crapass as well.


The Seven Deadly Sins episode 1

Needs some
midriff. I hope they get to the best character
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