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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Fairy Fucker Online 17

God, this show is just the stupidest shit ever. So even though Kirito picks a dude that looks exactly like him and uses the same god damned name, the sister
doesn't recognize him at all and starts the process of joining his harem
. What the fuck.

Then, for good measure, the idiotic meta plot just continues to explain how incompetent the Japanese government seems to be. The only thing that would justify this stupid meta plot is if the government was actually in on it and wanted a way to
social engineer its subjects
, but even then, it doesn't absolve the fact that all the players are fucking idiots.

But since AW is a sequel series, I don't even what to know how stupid this world gets 50 years from this point. Why would your burden a franchise with this shitty nonsensical mythology? I can only imagine how stupid AW is after the utter incompetence on the part of all the characters in this show.

To excuse this as just some shitty story written by a dude in high school would be an insult to highschoolers. SAO is clearly the masturbatory fantasies of someone who read a slightly less shitty cyberpunk novel and decided to write a story about how being good at video games makes him the best person ever.

(So of course, just like Twilight, it makes perfect sense that this show is fucking popular. God damn)
Comin' back next week?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Yeah, from the new world is a really atmospheric and mysterious show but it presents a really strange story in a sensical way.
I did enjoy the batshit craziness of Penguin Drum though.
What a unique show that was!

I had fun watching it the first time around because it was beautiful, had a great OST, two fun main characters, and two or three awesome episodes. But looking back, I get annoyed just thinking about how deliberately obtuse it was.
Fairy Fucker Online 17

Then, for good measure, the idiotic meta plot just continues to explain how incompetent the Japanese government seems to be. The only thing that would justify this stupid meta plot is if the government was actually in on it and wanted a way to
social engineer its subjects
, but even then, it doesn't absolve the fact that all the players are fucking idiots.

Also Accel world is kinda different in tone and setting even if they share the same world.
You should NOT think of AW as a sequel to sao


Subete no aware
You hate the show but you're up to date with it? why?
The pain of #hatewatch. lol

Well when you have cool lead characters like Edward and Jacob, who are also on Kiritos level, then they are definitely deserving of the popularity. (movies/graphic novel).
Oh come on DTL. Come on.

It's not shoujo, but josei, and it's probably not realistic, but I just want to take this moment and recommend the awesome crazy Helter Skelter manga.
Hrm, I remember looking it up because a movie adaptation just came out. A model breaking down because she has had too much plastic surgery is kind of interesting.

You should just watch AW already.
I actually want to know if it is as incompetently written as SAO, but I don't think I hate myself that much to find out. I'll just assume it's a piece of shit (like, say Ryan Murphy's new show) and move on.

Comin' back next week?
Every week. :( #ocdhatewatch


Every week. :( #ocdhatewatch




Every week. :( #ocdhatewatch
If you want I can just write them in advance for you.

Fairy Fucker Online 18 -

This is worse than the time when Pol Pot took over Cambodia.

Fairy Fucker Online 19 -

It's like hearing about that haunted house where the visitors were forced to suck on the used tampons of the employees, but worse, because you're the tampon.

Fairy Fucker Online 20 -

Worse than George Bush's second term.
I actually want to know if it is as incompetently written as SAO, but I don't think I hate myself that much to find out. I'll just assume it's a piece of shit (like, say Ryan Murphy's new show) and move on.

Beyond toilets, there's a lot less to nitpick about. I'd say it's better written, which is understandable since it came later.


I didn't watch all these episodes back to back, I'm just commenting on them back to back.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 22

Despite the fact the show isn't really known for more elaborate battles, I was hoping it would break the norm. and show something a little more involved as far as the fight. It was nice to see the show returning to use new monster design outfits though.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 23

I actually really liked this episode. I liked the Rei and Minako pairing in the anime, especially in Stars but it's kind of interesting how they have a more rival like relationship in this adaptation and seeing Minako setting up Rei was amusing to see.

The beginning part with Mamoru was kind of strange though. He just suggested going out for coffee to which she had no problem with after what just happened. After hearing a strange sound and thinking it was a possible burglar he just brushes it off so casually. It just kind of made me laugh how that scene came across.

Keiko Kitagawa certainly overacted the part with the speakers blaring. I could see being startled and falling back initially but not over and over like she's trying to overcome some kind of force field haha.

I actually really liked the song she sang though. Sakura Fubuki I think is my favorite song used in this series so far. Apparently it's also one of her cover songs for the PGSM soundtrack.

Speaking of music, around when Rei showed up at the battle near the end, there was this really weird sound like a helicopter or something that I wasn't sure if it was a sound effect or part of the background music. It didn't really make any sense in context to the situation and as the scene went on it seemed like it was part of the background track. It was just really strange and out of place.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 24

This was definitely one of Usagi's really stupid moments. She gets depressed at seeing Mamoru and walks out onto the crosswalk while the sign is still red.

"What are you stupid!? The sign was red!"
"Who are you calling stupid?"

Anyway, the fights in this one were actually not bad. They seem better when Kunzite is involved plus just better in general when the opposing character is using a weapon of some sort rather than just jumping around and having to rely on CG special effects.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 25

I don't have anything interesting to comment on this episode except
how did Tuxedo Mask's mask get cut in half when he was stuck across the back? I don't think his cape ripped either. TV magic! haha

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 26

The scenes showing the
back story with the moon kingdom looked pretty nice. The Earth Kingdom palace reminded me of Naboo from Star Wars honestly.

At this point too I'm just kind of feeling sorry for Nephrite now. Even most of the characters within the show itself don't seem to want to have anything to do with him.

I wonder who that is present at the ending? I don't think anyone could have seen that coming.

I can't remember which episode it happened in again but that background track with the helicopter noise played again and it just sounds so jarring and out of place.
Fairy Fucker Online 17

God, this show is just the stupidest shit ever. So even though Kirito picks a dude that looks exactly like him and uses the same god damned name, the sister
doesn't recognize him at all and starts the process of joining his harem
. What the fuck.

Then, for good measure, the idiotic meta plot just continues to explain how incompetent the Japanese government seems to be. The only thing that would justify this stupid meta plot is if the government was actually in on it and wanted a way to
social engineer its subjects
, but even then, it doesn't absolve the fact that all the players are fucking idiots.

But since AW is a sequel series, I don't even what to know how stupid this world gets 50 years from this point. Why would your burden a franchise with this shitty nonsensical mythology? I can only imagine how stupid AW is after the utter incompetence on the part of all the characters in this show.

To excuse this as just some shitty story written by a dude in high school would be an insult to highschoolers. SAO is clearly the masturbatory fantasies of someone who read a slightly less shitty cyberpunk novel and decided to write a story about how being good at video games makes him the best person ever.

(So of course, just like Twilight, it makes perfect sense that this show is fucking popular. God damn)

I read genuine hatred in your posts, like more raw emotion than SAO can ever hope for.
So good, worth staying up for.


If you want I can just write them in advance for you.

Fairy Fucker Online 18 -

This is worse than the time when Pol Pot took over Cambodia.

Fairy Fucker Online 19 -

It's like hearing about that haunted house where the visitors were forced to suck on the used tampons of the employees, but worse, because you're the tampon.

Fairy Fucker Online 20 -

Worse than George Bush's second term.



Subete no aware

Also Accel world is kinda different in tone and setting even if they share the same world.
You should NOT think of AW as a sequel to sao

Even if it's just set in the same world, I can't take it seriously after not one, but TWO
evil "genius" (and I use that fucking term more for the colloquialism than to imply intelligence) plots to use video games to take over the world have failed and
people still feel the need to plug shit into their brains.

I mean, come on!


If you want I can just write them in advance for you.

Fairy Fucker Online 18 -

This is worse than the time when Pol Pot took over Cambodia.

Fairy Fucker Online 19 -

It's like hearing about that haunted house where the visitors were forced to suck on the used tampons of the employees, but worse, because you're the tampon.

Fairy Fucker Online 20 -

Worse than George Bush's second term.

The thing is, I'm genuinely shocked at how each subsequent episode is worse than the last. There doesn't seem to be any end to the pure shit that came out of the guy's brain when he wrote this thing. This show is so bad it makes me wonder if I was wrong all along about Lost and Battlestar Galactica.

(And I say this as someone who both ironically and un-ironically bought a BD copy of Infinite Stratos for fuck's sake)



Blackout haunted house I believe.

hhh the infamous "Care Bear"/"Rainbow" room. The room has been called that as there was a bit of color and it had the most light from the previous rooms. I'm told to sit in a chair as a woman in a hospital gown creeps closer, whispering somebody is out to get her. She slowly approaches me and then stands to my left. She grabs my head and tells me to "Pull the string" which is dangling from her you know what...fuck it. Her fuckin pussy. I grab and pull it and she makes the most wonderful moaning noises. Now fully out, I can see it's a tampon. Yes you again reader have read that right, a fuckin BLOODY TAMPON. Now she tells me to put in my mouth and suck it. No use with arguing with her and I do, just barely. She suddenly jolts to the door and tells me to get out. At this point, I have the bloody tampon in my hand and figure I have a souvenir.
The thing is, I'm genuinely shocked at how each subsequent episode is worse than the last. There doesn't seem to be any end to the pure shit that came out of the guy's brain when he wrote this thing. This show is so bad it makes me wonder if I was wrong all along about Lost and Battlestar Galactica.

(And I say this as someone who both ironically and un-ironically bought a BD copy of Infinite Stratos for fuck's sake)

I thought most had come to accept what SAO was and are just enjoying the ride, though apart from peoples issues with Imouto being an love interest there werent any major ones this arc. Though you and P.Prose seem to consistently say quality is dropping week after week, what would you like sao to do?


The Light of El Cantare
I actually want to know if it is as incompetently written as SAO, but I don't think I hate myself that much to find out. I'll just assume it's a piece of shit (like, say Ryan Murphy's new show) and move on.

From my experience after nine episodes, it's pretty much the same beast overall, but with the otaku wish fulfillment in a far purer and more potent form in exchange for being less riddled with dumbfounding character stupidity and much less wooden protagonists. It's openly and comfortably resigned to being what it is and never trying to be more, and yet it's as oddly-endearing as it is sad and repulsive.

Also, it has Brain Burst and SAO doesn't, making it several orders of magnitude better by default.


The pain of #hatewatch. lol

Oh come on DTL. Come on.

Hrm, I remember looking it up because a movie adaptation just came out. A model breaking down because she has had too much plastic surgery is kind of interesting.

I actually want to know if it is as incompetently written as SAO, but I don't think I hate myself that much to find out. I'll just assume it's a piece of shit (like, say Ryan Murphy's new show) and move on.

Every week. :( #ocdhatewatch

Accel World actually makes much more sense than SAO and is way less infuriating.
It does have its own faults though.


Kyousogiga II 2

I still have absolutely no idea what the hell's going on but that sure isn't stopping me from enjoying the hell outta this. The entire sequence with the goons chasing the bird was sakuga as fuck!


Every week I think about starting SAO just because you guys have set the expectations so low that I can't possibly be disappointed right?

I mean, it'll go one of two ways:

1) "This isn't that bad, AnimeGAF is crazy!"
2) "This is the worst thing ever created, I'l never doubt you again AnimeGAF"
Sword Adachi Online 17

The game stuff is nice like AW. How the imouto didn't notice it was Kirito?
And I would totally make my private pixie call me daddy...or not.

Shin Sekai Yori 05

I? hmm? what?

Jooooooooojooooooo 04

This gets me so pumped. I'm gonna do some push-ups...so to balance my fabulous and manliness intake...

Sukitte Ii na yo 04

...I watch this, brings me back to normal, so no push-ups for me.
Standard shoujo, I wonder what will happen next.

It's Saoturday and he's no where in sight, time to call the search party off.


Accel world just has an asshole who wants to make everybody his ingame bitch.
No mention is really made about who currently runs the game or their intentions.
Its just a safe virtual reality game and dying in it just gets you booted permanently.


Subete no aware
I don't think I've ever seen someone so virulently hate anything like this before.
There was a stretch of episodes after BATMAN where it just flatlined, but then the daughter thing happened and it has been downhill since.

Every week I watch SAO, I feel like my standards for shittiness are being lowered. Even when I watched The Newsroom, with its insulting plotting and horrible characters, I never felt like I had to re-evaluate what I thought was "bad".

The only thing worse than SAO's writing is actual video game writing. But even then, it's awfully fucking close. (Asuna coma-rape or Lara Croft rape. Which is skeevier? I do not know).

I thought most had come to accept what SAO was and are just enjoying the ride, though apart from peoples issues with Imouto being an love interest there werent any major ones this arc. Though you and PorcyThrill seem to consistently say quality is dropping week after week, what would you like sao to do?
I agree with PoeticProse22 that CreepyRaperDude is the most idiotic fucking antagonist I have ever seen. Both in terms of his motivations and in terms of his actual plan. He makes every single James Bond (and Austin Powers) villain look like Rommel (to invoke the other weird anime this season :p).

He is both literally AND figuratively a cartoon villain. But somehow, I have much more Skeletor or the incompetent villains on Korra no Densetsu than I have for him. And he's only been in two god damned episodes.

Oh you're back on #hatewatch? :p
I never left!

From my experience after nine episodes, it's pretty much the same beast overall, but with the otaku wish fulfillment in a far purer and more potent form in exchange for being less riddled with dumbfounding character stupidity and much less wooden protagonists. It's openly and comfortably resigned to being what it is and never trying to be more, and yet it's as oddly-endearing as it is sad and repulsive.

Also, it has Brain Burst and SAO doesn't, making it several orders of magnitude better by default.
Accel World actually makes much more sense than SAO and is way less infuriating.
It does have its own faults though.
So by the time the author moved on to AW, his writing leveled up to shitty harem level and "not godawful shit that is worse than the worst fanfiction ever written" level? Well great!

my guess is for it to stop taking up a timeslot
Haha, damn son!


Accel world just has an asshole who wants to make everybody his ingame bitch.
No mention is really made about who currently runs the game or their intentions.
Its just a safe virtual reality game and dying in it just gets you booted permanently.

Permadeath? Really?


Subete no aware
Permadeath? Really?
I don't know if that's better or worse than instant death or the idiotic plot of this current arc. Probably not I suppose.

Shinseika Yori 5

Out of curiosity, how many times did Satoru have to push Saki out of the way in this episode? I think it was four times? :p

And of course, the lack of a
random history lesson intro
just makes me conscious of the fact they were there in the first place. But I suppose we're just past that phase of the show now.


I just want to say: I'm watching the English dub of Gunslinger Girl, so I'm probably doing it wrong, but the opening song is so good that I just don't give a fuck.


I don't know if that's better or worse than instant death or the idiotic plot of this current arc. Probably not I suppose.

It's a little more relatable than the death game. Imagine if Kirito lost two years of progress, had to reroll, and was forced to relevel everything! Then again, he'd probably be so efficient at that point it'd be doable in months if not weeks.


Subete no aware
I read genuine hatred in your posts, like more raw emotion than SAO can ever hope for.
So good, worth staying up for.
My pain = your pleasure.

But yes, I genuinely hate this show in a very fierce way. I mean, I intellectually hate shows like I Want to Fuck My Brother or To Love Ru: Darkness, but I accept them for what they are. SAO is an insult to the integrity of those two shows.

Same. Though the last three episodes and how exceptionally bad they've been have made me heavily consider dropping it...
I want to, but at this point, I figure I'm (we're?) already all in.

Beyond toilets, there's a lot less to nitpick about. I'd say it's better written, which is understandable since it came later.
Yep. It sounds like it's just average harem-hijinks and wishfullfillment junk than anything that is objectively bad.

It's a little more relatable than the death game. Imagine if Kirito lost two years of progress and had to relevel everything. Then again, he'd probably be so efficient at that point it'd be doable in months if not weeks.
I took it to mean that you are banned from playing the game altogether... which I guess is an improvement of sorts. lol


The Light of El Cantare
SAO 17:

Sugou's teeth must be made of mithril because he's chewing the fuck out of the scenery in the most obnoxious way possible. In terms of subtlety he's just below getting smacked in the face with a folding chair. I'm so happy that there's ~8 more episodes of this :lol

Permadeath? Really?

It ultimately boils down to that but it's a little more complicated.
You start the game with a certain number of points. You gain points for winning matches and lose points for losing matches, and it's only when you lose all of your points that your cyberbrain gets permabanned from the game. Normally it takes several losses to be eliminated but there are high-stakes situations in the show where the protag goes into fights really underleveled with the knowledge that he'll lose almost all of his points if he loses to a way stronger enemy etc etc.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Once again, I can't comprehend why this community actively encourages "hatewatches".

Sometimes watching a bad show just to laugh at it is just as enjoyable as watching a show that's legitimately good.

It's not something you can explain. If you aren't into that kind of stuff, then you just aren't.


Sometimes watching something bad just to laugh at it is just as enjoyable as watching something legitimately good.

It's not something you can explain. If you aren't into that kind of stuff, then you just aren't.
Then I guess I'm just not into this thread.


Once again, I can't comprehend why this community actively encourages "hatewatches".

Probably because it's a community activity at this point. This is justt more noticeable given the larger exposure of SAO and the fact it's ongoing. If SAO was a backlog title, it'd be like other shows that are criticized in that the conversation briefly turns towards it before moving on rather than persisting as this is.
Yep. It sounds like it's just average harem-hijinks and wishfullfillment junk than anything that is objectively bad.

The real-life stuff in Accel World gets pretty bad too. The main difference between it and SAO is that the main character isn't a perfect superman and has a character arc, and more importantly, the action is way way better than anything in SAO.
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