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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Fairy Fucker Online 17

God, this show is just the stupidest shit ever. So even though Kirito picks a dude that looks exactly like him and uses the same god damned name, the sister
doesn't recognize him at all and starts the process of joining his harem
. What the fuck.

Then, for good measure, the idiotic meta plot just continues to explain how incompetent the Japanese government seems to be. The only thing that would justify this stupid meta plot is if the government was actually in on it and wanted a way to
social engineer its subjects
, but even then, it doesn't absolve the fact that all the players are fucking idiots.

But since AW is a sequel series, I don't even what to know how stupid this world gets 50 years from this point. Why would your burden a franchise with this shitty nonsensical mythology? I can only imagine how stupid AW is after the utter incompetence on the part of all the characters in this show.

To excuse this as just some shitty story written by a dude in high school would be an insult to highschoolers. SAO is clearly the masturbatory fantasies of someone who read a slightly less shitty cyberpunk novel and decided to write a story about how being good at video games makes him the best person ever.

(So of course, just like Twilight, it makes perfect sense that this show is fucking popular. God damn)

Wait you mean this is popular like not just in animegaf but also outside? I still have no clue why this is the most watched anime in animegaf usually after a new season 13eps the number of posts/people talking about an anime from last season drops to almost non existent.


Fairy Fucker Online 17

God, this show is just the stupidest shit ever. So even though Kirito picks a dude that looks exactly like him and uses the same god damned name, the sister
doesn't recognize him at all and starts the process of joining his harem
. What the fuck.

Then, for good measure, the idiotic meta plot just continues to explain how incompetent the Japanese government seems to be. The only thing that would justify this stupid meta plot is if the government was actually in on it and wanted a way to
social engineer its subjects
, but even then, it doesn't absolve the fact that all the players are fucking idiots.

But since AW is a sequel series, I don't even what to know how stupid this world gets 50 years from this point. Why would your burden a franchise with this shitty nonsensical mythology? I can only imagine how stupid AW is after the utter incompetence on the part of all the characters in this show.

To excuse this as just some shitty story written by a dude in high school would be an insult to highschoolers. SAO is clearly the masturbatory fantasies of someone who read a slightly less shitty cyberpunk novel and decided to write a story about how being good at video games makes him the best person ever.

(So of course, just like Twilight, it makes perfect sense that this show is fucking popular. God damn)

This is what would happen in the gaming side if Call of Duty was a game that had weekly content updates.
Wait you mean this is popular like not just in animegaf but also outside? I still have no clue why this is the most watched anime in animegaf usually after a new season 13eps the number of posts/people talking about an anime from last season drops to almost non existent.
As Jexhius said:
Jexhius said:
This show is about as good as you could make it if you were closely following the material you had to hand.
And then there's the people who actually enjoy the content of the show. Its popularity shouldn't be too surprising.
Gintama 190


Cats are so popular these days, even the main character is one now!


JoJo 4

Dat mystic power, god damn. There were a number of scenes, more than usual anyway, that basically looked like moving manga panels this week which was pretty damn cool. Also Speedwagon being bro as fuck and not interrupting JoJo and his girl was the best part of the ep.


meh *shrug shoulders* the guy must be pushing all the right buttons with gaf, if his got two of the most watched animes on gaf in a single year.
Sure, just because planes crash doesn't mean people stop flying. But this is like if someone made airplanes just so he could crash them on cue and once everyone found out about this stupid evil plan, they continued to fly anyway.
Except that no one know about the stupid plan yet, so don't lose hope on us ( and humanity so fast ).. your position on the "continued to fly anyway" should be passed once people know about it , not just a princess in a cage ...

A little while ago someone asked in here if Tsundere was a real life personality. It's been right under our noses this whole time.

The answer was within us the whole time !!!


Subete no aware
There you go.
Ah, hawt. :p

This is what would happen in the gaming side if Call of Duty was a game that had weekly content updates.
The rage or the fact that CoD is poorly written!

Except that no one know about the stupid plan yet, so don't lose hope on us ( and humanity so fast ).. your position on the "continued to fly anyway" should be passed once people know about it , not just a princess in a cage ...
You'd think the fact that a psycho took over a game and forced thousands of people to live in a coma would be fair warning enough. lol


Space Bros 30

Holy shit, this episode was utterly fantastic and more than easily makes up for how meandering the last few have been. The
old retired man and his little talk with Mutta
was nice and helped make the build-up to the
all that more spine-shivering. :bow: A-1 :bow:

Oh and they fixed the english on the countdown:

and this crowd was pure quality:


meh *shrug shoulders* the guy must be pushing all the right buttons with gaf, if his got two of the most watched animes on gaf in a single year.

Hm, well Accel only gained a following due to Sunrise putting out some great action sequences and even then it was fairly minimal in terms of people watching. So on that one I wouldn't call it a "most watched" show. SAO certainly has a bigger following, the art and animation are certainly part of the draw but it seems like people at least have some interest in the video game related storylines and such.
Digimon Adventure 8 - 14

Wel theres some nice arts in the tag for at least Matt and Tai, but I wish the digimon adventure fanbase wasnt dead to have so little arts for him, and tai I guess. For this set up episodes, I liked their arguing and stuff which
led to a really heartfelt scene where he just wanted to find his little bro, TK, when they were all separated by the devimon in the illusion mansion
they really do work well as a team.

I did get my wish for TK and Patamon.
Epic defeat of Devimon for Angemon, but such a steep punishment for digivolving to Angemon, had to go back to an egg, ugh

I like the new crest thing and cant wait to see the animation for going Ultimate. However I hate when the digivolution sequences are in the short forms, I guess the shorts ones are so common that I almost thought the champion one was new when it did the whole sequence for it (usually they skip the part where the code is coming down the black whirlpool spiral, etc).

Six more discs to go.


Sword Art Online - 17

The little parts of this episode that are info dump about the game world and races aren't bad, things like that are why I'm still hopelessly watching SAO. ALO seems to be a much bigger world than SAO and with different races and magic there should be enough new game related things to cover, let's hope they spend enough time on that and not all the silly things that are rooted in the supposedly real world in SAO universe. Too bad everything else drags things down very badly.

I didn't have much issues with SAO despite it's obvious problems and horrible romance plot, it was still watchable. Now look here what we have with 3 episode into this new arc. How Kirito logs into this game, suddenly glitches out and drops right near yet another damsel in distress and saves the day and adding a new one to his ever growing harem; The funny part is that he jokes about it too!
just like any female being in SAO, she falls for her within seconds of their meeting so much that for no reason she decides to help him on this dangerous quest to world tree. And it does not end here, she is actually his sister and neither recognize each other. This incest pandering
Man, this is just way too convenient, it must be fate, right?

Right after, we face the creepy dude again and how he explains his evil plans, whoever decided to play any more of these virtual reality MMOs after SAO incident deserves whatever he's cooking up for them. Meanwhile, Asuna, even though she wasn't much of a character before, is now further reduced to a completely helpless object for Kirito to save.

SAO arc had a lot of problems, but it wasn't this bad as here; I think the main weakness of the author is everything that's related to real world; SAO was completely inside the game after the first episode, I could gloss over it's silliness and problems just because everything was in a game world and worked with the game logic somewhat.

Now in ALO arc, the story is heavily related to real world, and boy does it suck, it just doesn't work anymore when reasons for things happening are laughable more than ever. Funny thing is during SAO, I wanted to see more of the real world but right now I don't anymore, just stay in the game and set your plot inside the game entirely.

On top of all of these problems, they double down on the pandering and with continuous Yui on screen now, make the whole thing unwatchable. The nose dive in quality is astonishing and it's not like it was any good before all of these.
It's a anime based on online games, and this is a forum for discussing games. Seems pretty obvious.

Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door
I'm getting myself hyped for the new Paper Mario coming soon.

ooh, here's something fun you could try with photoshop. angle your avatar with some shadow in the back + a slight distortion to make it look like paper bending :p
From the New World 5

This was an excellently intense, emotionally complex episode that was unfortunately diminished by it’s flawed execution and incoherent storytelling. Due to the poor direction and editing, the pacing was a bit too scattered and inconsistent. On the other hand, in terms of the continuing narrative, this episode was as immensely satisfying as those that have preceded it.

The most intriguing development from the episode is that
two queerat colonies
, the
native Robber Fly Colony
and the
foreign Ground Spider Colony
, are
warring against one another
and that the Robber Fly Colony is losing
. Their imminent plight is a sympathetic one, since
indicated that their
, should they
, would be
punished with an unending slavery
; an existence of cruel suffering. It appears likely that a sizable portion of the furtherance of the developing narrative will directly involve this
Saki and Satoru
have unwittingly, yet irrevocably entangled themselves in; a
that will potentially influence their lives in a significant fashion. It was rather surprising, though not entirely unexpected, that a
queerat appeared who could be understood by Saki and Satoru
, since he
speaks their language
. It will be interesting to see if an explanation is given to provide a reason for his seemingly unique
. Though I could be forgetting some previously revealed information, this could potentially be a result of the temporary
removal of their Cantus

My favorite sequence involved the
affectionate interactions between Saki and Satoru
. There was a sort of awkward tranquility in these scenes that is entirely isolated from the rest of the episode. These complicated moments of
were portrayed excellently, subtly illustrating a struggle between logical restraint and an
awakened desire for sexual exploration
. There was a purposeful, but nuanced incoherence that essentially illuminated the plethora of divergent, chaotic emotions that
both Satoru and Saki felt
. Another terrific scene was
Saki and Satoru’s encounter with the queen at the bottom of the queerat nest
. This entire sequence was suffused with a visual disorientation that was rather effective in evoking a sense of suspenseful dread. The final scene, though rather difficult to fully understand, seemed to imply, following
Satoru’s piercing of a particularly flexible cave wall and the organic substance that subsequently emanated from the crack, that the cave partially collapsed

Saki's complex, intuitive characterization was evident throughout, particularly in
her intimate interactions with Satoru
, as, after she’s haunted by
their growing similarity to the bonobos, she refrains from attempting to oblige her temporary curiosity
. The interactions between Saki and Satoru were particularly great, and, as
they're effectively isolated from the others, this allows for a deeper level of development between them, since, rather than the playful hostility that typically occurred, their interactions are no longer devoid of sentiment and emotion
. There was also a significant amount of interesting character development, particularly in regards to Satoru, who’s shown to be considerably capable and useful, highlighted most notably throughout the latter half of the episode, in which
he killed the queerat who guarded their cage and created an explosion that partially destroyed the cave
. Aside from those two, I love the manner in which Shun is being gradually depicted as an
occasionally callous individual, constantly aware of inherent danger, yet fully willing to indulge his curiosity for risk, seemingly without much of an inclination for sympathy
, as, in these fleeting moments,
he can become unaware of the others
. Perhaps this minutia of
characterization foreshadows an eventual
descent into darkness

Yamauchi's surrealistic direction was definitely the weakest element of the episode. There was a noticeable lack of restraint, particularly when it came to the close-ups, which, by themselves, are rather excellent in their ability to effectively portray the complexity of various emotions, but they were considerably overused. His unique style would likely complement a brief sequence, such as the historical preludes that opened earlier episodes, wonderfully, but, as it is, stretching it over an entire episode was an obvious mistake, since it really doesn't lend itself to narrative coherency. There was also some rather poor editing and scene transitions were far too confusing much of the time, faltering into this unfortunate disconnect between shots during a plethora of important sequences. Although there was, perhaps, a heightened level of tension, the action was handled with a chaotic touch that, for the most part, missed the mark completely, due largely to the over-abundance of close-ups.

This episode was visually fantastic, establishing an atmosphere that perfectly complemented the unsettling, claustrophobic nature of the episode. The background art was beautifully varied and visually striking. It was a decidedly unique aesthetic, but I felt that it worked quite well. The animation, however, was disappointingly inconsistent and stiff. I also wasn’t particularly fond of the altered character designs, as, unlike the usual designs, they’re not nearly as well-suited for motion. Musically, the episode was rather satisfying, though there were several selections that weren’t as impressive as the others, but, thankfully, none that were especially jarring.

All in all, despite a temporary decline in execution, From the New World remains an exceptionally well-written tale of naïve children becoming lost in the unprotected edges of their strange, desolate society. I’m really looking forward to the next episode, since the preview suggests that, once again, the story will focus on
Saki and Satoru's experiences, as they try to escape, potentially assisting in the war against the foreign queerat colony
. I'm also hoping that
we‘ll find out what happened to the others
From the New World 4 & 5

I am really liking the show now, I am glad it is veering away from the characters and more towards the interesting world.

This is only show that is thoroughly entertaining this season.


Subete no aware
Humanity don't care. I bet a decent chunk of people were even hoping that it would happen again so that they could have an excuse to never leave the game.
Well, I made that argument when the show aired. lol

guy at the bottom left has no eyes D:
Lovely derp face returns!

humf ..nothing a good marketing campaign can't correct ...
I suppose people kept buying 360s even after they failed and Microsoft admitted that they were broken. :p

Then again, 360s didn't kill you when they red ringed!


Hakaba Kitarou 5-11

Well, that was a neat show with a good blend of horror & comedic elements. It sort of petered out towards the end though which was disappointing after that amazing start.


Well, I made that argument when the show aired. lol

Lovely derp face returns!

I suppose people kept buying 360s even after they failed and Microsoft admitted that they were broken. :p

Then again, 360s didn't kill you when they red ringed!

To some people, not being able to game is a fate worse than death.
This is as true irl as it is in SAO.


Edit: beater'd
This bothers me too, if you don't like the show then just drop it. Why be a masochist and continue watching it?
Merriam Webster said:
mas·och·ism noun \ˈma-sə-ˌki-zəm, ˈma-zə- also ˈmā-\: pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering
Because it is pleasing.


This bothers me too, if you don't like the show then just drop it. Why be a masochist and continue watching it?

For me, and I don't know about others, it'll vary from show to show. Morbid curiosity, a hope it turns around, or simply wanting to understand what makes it bad can lead me to watching some dreck.


Psycho Pass - 1

I've got a giant backlog of anime to watch from the past year but I felt compelled to watch this because it grabbed my attention. Also, it's fun watching anime weekly and discussing it, I guess.

First episode was a pretty typical setup. Info dump, newbie female lead struggling with internal conflict, etc. They didn't shove the world down our throats through narration which I appreciated.

It's refreshing to watch a cyberpunk themed anime so I really hope this turns out well.
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