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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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For. Watanabe agreed and I listed other compositions by Kousaki for the Disappearance movie.


If we're talking about favorite tracks, then many of mine are not by Kousaki too like OceanBlue :lol

Ok because way that convo went it was difficult to tell.
I like the music in Disappearance a lot so I was hoping you meant you liked it lol.


True, but you can also use other episodes, like 5, and the film arc, as examples. Heck I'd even say episode 7 had more thematic depth than much of Chuunibyou.
Then why didn't you use either of those instead? It would have been a more fairer comparison as the main issue was the 1st half of Hyouka.


Subete no aware
I would almost argue that Hyouka doesn't really start till then.
Ehhh, I don't know if I can agree with that. I thought Hyouka was fun and interesting the entire way through, and everyone as characters were being developed even in the beginning.

I'd say that the film arc is the climax of the first part of Oreki's development, but that the previous episodes were integral to that as well.


I'd say that the film arc is the climax of the first part of Oreki's development, but that the previous episodes were integral to that as well.

I agree. In my view, the Sekitani Jun arc is important because it creates Oreki into a character that allows the film arc to happen. Before that, Oreki was basically a clean slate. The film arc is definitely the climax of the first half of Hyouka, but I think it's important not to overlook the introduction.


Subete no aware
I agree. In my view, the Sekitani Jun arc is important because it creates Oreki into a character that allows the film arc to happen. Before that, Oreki was basically a clean slate. The film arc is definitely the climax of the first half of Hyouka, but I think it's important not to overlook the introduction.
Yeah, as it stands, 11.5 could work as a "season 1" finale for a pretty decent arc of television.

I consider Disappearance one of the best musical works for anime in the past decade. I thought this was known.
Whooooooa. lol

I do like that theme when dude runs off to try to find Haruhi though.


Umm, just so no one misunderstands, I'm not trying to stifle discussion or anything like that. If I come off that way, I'm sorry. I really enjoy the discussions that go on here. I just think that the climax and the resolution are important to the themes of a work, because that's where the message of the story really comes through. I think everyone can agree that a story having "growing up" as a theme is less important than what it says about growing up.

I suppose its difficult for me to take anime very seriously due to its appearance and the tendencies it has to exaggerate or simplify certain things, so I dont really look for deeper meanings or understanding in it.
Its more like junk food in my eyes although I know that some directors do place emphasis on the more symbolic and thematic aspects of a work.
I typically dont even enjoy movies or books on that level though so anime really has no chance.


I suppose its difficult for me to take anime very seriously due to its appearance and the tendencies it has to exaggerate or simplify certain things, so I dont really look for deeper meanings or understanding in it.
Its more like junk food in my eyes although I know that some directors do place emphasis on the more symbolic and thematic aspects of a work.
I typically dont even enjoy movies or books on that level though so anime really has no chance.

I just feel like I've said things like, "It's not really fair," and, "I don't think you've should," a lot in my last few posts (especially to Branduil. I'm sorry Branduil! .__.). I feel bad because I don't want to stop people from discussing things, but that's pretty much what I'm doing.


I just feel like I've said things like, "It's not really fair," and, "I don't think you've should," a lot in my last few posts (especially to Branduil. I'm sorry Branduil! .__.). I feel bad because I don't want to stop people from discussing things, but that's pretty much what I'm doing.

Some of my character flaws are not being serious, not appreciating depth of discussion, and an inability to communicate what Im thinking.
In a forum environment it can make me difficult to understand or converse with.
Im actually borderline autistic so thats probably a factor.
I definitely dont see things on the same level as a lot of people so it makes things a tad difficult.
It also means its very difficult to even understand the acceptable way to debate an argument or rebuttal without simplifying my answer.
Frankly I have no idea how to do it.
I do try though.
Psycho-Pass 4


This was a pretty good episode, and a slight improvement over the last, but, due to the lack of narrative momentum and character exploration, it hasn’t evoked considerable intrigue and enjoyment over the past two episodes. Thankfully, it seems that the strictly episodic nature that appeared to be it’s inevitable format will, at the very least, be temporarily discarded, since this seems to be a two-parter and, in the final moments of this episode,
Shoga appeared; an antagonist that, more then likely, will be a recurring, significant threat as the story progresses

This episode’s case was far more intriguing and engaging than the last. The bizarre opening, in which
Akane, through a virtual world, seeks advice from Talisman
, was excellently utilized as a means to establish the atmosphere for the remainder of the episode. I really liked Akane's brief, but insightful conversation with
, in which they discuss the
darkness of Kogami's true self, ominously noted by Masaoka’s inference that if Akane attempts to truly understand him, her psycho-pass, as a result, would become just as high as his
. The ending was definitely my favorite scene, as
Sugawara, the classmate of Akane‘s that was also Spookie Boogie, was morbidly strangled and Shoga, a seemingly integral antagonist appears
. The combination of these developments allowed for a suitably intriguing cliffhanger of sorts, since it concluded the episode on an especially
unsettling note
, as the sound and visualization of
the blender slicing tomatoes leads brilliantly into the credits

So far, there's been an unfortunate absence of considerable character development. I mean, the broader characterization is clearly evident and quite satisfying, but without proper development, several of these characters could definitely begin to feel a bit hollow and rather insignificant. Kogami easily remains the best character, as highlighted by the moment he casually explained
the specifics involved in Hayama's murder
. The momentary glimpses into
his past
, whether through a fleeting image or a brief conversation, are thoroughly interesting, so I'm really looking forward to the continued
unraveling of the memories that perpetually haunt him
. Even though I quite like Akane's character, the show is typically at it's best when it temporarily shifts to Kogami's perspective.

The production values were excellent throughout, particularly the background art, which was fantastic in it’s imaginative variety, as it illustrated the futuristic creativity found in the aesthetically contrasting
CommuFields of the virtual world
really well. The direction was also terrific, displayed most notably during the highly atmospheric final scene.

All in all, despite several flaws, Psycho-Pass continues to impress. I’m really looking forward to the progression of the narrative, and I'm particularly interested in the potential for further exploration into the inherent flaws within the Sibyl system. Hopefully, now that
the primary antagonist
has entered the story, a certain unease and unpredictably will filter through, since the show, as a whole, increasingly feels too restrained and the execution of the narrative occasionally falters due to this hindrance.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Suite Precure - 29


I'm really loving this shot.

The gang arrives in
Major Land only to be sent back out to find the mother of all Fairy Tones.
Cue fight with weird tiki stone golem and awesome fight speech by Hibiki. :D

That DBZ powering up scene was a little much though.. :lol
Robotics;Notes 04

We have a girl in a box who talks in memes and our favorite hero asking the hard questions.

Not a bad episode, plot everywhere which is cool. Slowly learning about the characters and whatever happened to them is interesting enough to keep watching.


I'd say that the film arc is the climax of the first part of Oreki's development, but that the previous episodes were integral to that as well.

I agree. In my view, the Sekitani Jun arc is important because it creates Oreki into a character that allows the film arc to happen. Before that, Oreki was basically a clean slate. The film arc is definitely the climax of the first half of Hyouka, but I think it's important not to overlook the introduction.

I guess my problem is just straight up the pacing of material of the first half. They had very little to actually establish, but took a long time for them to do it, when I think there were probably better methods of doing so. I understand what they eventually did establish was important, but more than half of the accompanying material just felt like filler to me. I think the way they tried to handle establishing character dynamic and character personality was redundant in the first half, only because nobody really changed till the last 5 minutes of episode 11, and then the second half.

I almost think a weird number of episodes (like 17-18) would've benefit the series by keeping it much tighter.


Subete no aware
I guess my problem is just straight up the pacing of material of the first half. They had very little to actually establish, but took a long time for them to do it, when I think there were probably better methods of doing so. I understand what they eventually did establish was important, but more than half of the accompanying material just felt like filler to me. I think the way they tried to handle establishing character dynamic and character personality was redundant in the first half, only because nobody really changed till the last 5 minutes of episode 11, and then the second half.

I almost think a weird number of episodes (like 17-18) would've benefit the series by keeping it much tighter.

I felt like they had to give time for both Oreki to think of himself as a genius and for the audience to, well, essentially get tired of him being right all the time.


I felt like they had to give time for both Oreki to think of himself as a genius and for the audience to, well, essentially get tired of him being right all the time.

There wasnt a lot to suggest that he's a genius just by solving mundane mysteries, but it certainly established him as a smart cookie.


I felt like they had to give time for both Oreki to think of himself as a genius and for the audience to, well, essentially get tired of him being right all the time.

Maybe they should've replaced how they did it with more subversion by:



I mean, we all wanted more of her, right?


Macross Plus 1-4 [End]

What an absolutely incredible production.

From beginning to end, Macross Plus is consistently engaging and beautiful, both in it's ideas and execution. This isn't the first time I've seen Macross Plus. Like some of the other entries in the Macross franchise, Macross Plus belongs to a blurry menage that helped capitalize my love for Japanese Animation during my formative years. I think it's a true testament to a product's worth when not only does revisiting it not leave you begrudging your rose tinted glasses, but also allows you to gain more respect from it's delivery. This came primarily to me from Plus' story of love and envy. It seemed like a pretty cut and dry idea in my head, but seeing the delivery again and how subtle, but endearing and painful Isamu and Guld's story is actually touched me a bit.

Seeing that Shoji Kawamori was the director of both this and Macross Zero actually made me realize the way that human emotion is expressed in this and Zero are pretty similar. Both had a song tied to this on-screen emotion: Voices being the obvious one for Plus and Arkan being the song for Zero. Both works also used a quick flashing of images from a person's life when things were beginning to overflow. A specifically effective use of this is when
we're brought to Guld's realization that he's been suppressing memories of raping Myung-- the one whom he and Isamu swore their lives to protect.
I guess I was a bit blindsided by how well the story was told.

The art and animation in Plus is superb. I had to keep pausing just because I wanted to get screen grabs of some of the finer backgrounds and cityscapes. Here's some notable ones:
It's really easy to recommend Macross Plus to just about anyone. To me, it really embodies some golden age quality. Go watch it if you haven't already.

Macross Zero, SDF Macross, Macross II and now Macross Plus. Guess It's time to try out Macross 7? I really have no idea about the rest.



finally, my very own piece of the mountain and cheap revisionist megucas

Ginga e Kickoff!! 25

Awesome, now the teams finally together! The animation quality for the football stuff in this episode was pretty well animated sans a few fairly lacklustre moments. The new ED is fantastic and I'm definitely looking forward to the next episode.


well not really...yet
Wasn't Watanabe the actual director of Macross Plus while Kawamori more of an overall supervisor?


I think I like Robotics;Notes the most so far this season.

I can see why some people like it, but something about its presentation really bothers me

I'll probably give it a try eventually...

You know how macross tends to have nice soundtracks, nice art and interesting adult characters?
thats all gone in favor of cg overload and moe
just sayin


So it seems, according to Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki, that Kamiyama had originally written the 009 Re:Cyborg script for Oshii to direct, but Oshii was fired by its producer due to his lack of motivation.

Everything about that story rings true. Kamiyama trying to get his idol Oshii to direct one of his scripts but Oshii not giving a fuck due to the lack of basset hounds. I just cant picture Oshii actually making something that doesn't come from the fairly limited set of ideas and stories he likes to explore.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I can see why some people like it, but something about its presentation really bothers me

There's something relaxing about watching it. It's one of those shows where I sit there and watch it, and even though I'm not blown away by it, I'm completely satisfied with it (so far).


Robotics;Notes 04

I can't defend Kai on this episode :( Wow calling someone homo for trivial stuff.. dude..
Now we got crazy fujoshi on the group, hope her antic just as amusing as Daru.

Thing became interesting.. Not looking forward to see the cyber loli though.


Going from macross plus and zero to frontier is more disappointing than Eureka 7 AO from the original
and people say moe is harmless


Some choice extracts from ANN's October reviews:

And it doesn't help that Tokoro is clearly a less natural fit for the material than the gonzo Umanosuke Iida, whose original Hellsing TV series did things with Gonzo's animation and the very language of film that would make Walt Disney and D.W. Griffith bleed from their brains.


Ultimately the only side story which feels completely disposable is the one from episode 4 which focused on the beast tamer Silica....

The battle against Skull Reaper, which straddles the end of episode 13 and the beginning of 14, is contrarily more an example of MMO boss battle teamwork, and while its full impact is restrained by it being split across two episodes, it makes up for it with an intimidating design impressively-rendered in CG.
In all fairness, the rest of their SAO review goes on to point out how bad the writing in the show is.


Subete no aware
There wasnt a lot to suggest that he's a genius just by solving mundane mysteries, but it certainly established him as a smart cookie.
Well, that was my whole thing about the fact that the show was set in high school. I'm sure high school = more sales, but it also limits them to what they can do if they want to be remotely realistic.

Maybe they should've replaced how they did it with more subversion by:



I mean, we all wanted more of her, right?
Yes, definitely! Although she was around since the very beginning at least! lol

Macross Plus 1-4 [End]
What an absolutely incredible production.
Oh yes, I remember the pseudo-jet porn in this. lol

Nothing wrong with a little bit of cousin.
It's legal in Japan.

Oooh perfect.

Now for which flavor... this is a very important decision.
Is there a a flavour for
bitter tears


Moe IS harmless.
Bad writing can kill your brain.

its only harmless if it doesn't dictate the rest of the production, which is unlikely when the target audience is mostly interested in the moe element alone.
Really, what it represents is bad/lazy writing.


Macross Plus 1-4 [End]

What an absolutely incredible production.

From beginning to end, Macross Plus is consistently engaging and beautiful, both in it's ideas and execution. This isn't the first time I've seen Macross Plus. Like some of the other entries in the Macross franchise, Macross Plus belongs to a blurry menage that helped capitalize my love for Japanese Animation during my formative years. I think it's a true testament to a product's worth when not only does revisiting it not leave you begrudging your rose tinted glasses, but also allows you to gain more respect from it's delivery. This came primarily to me from Plus' story of love and envy. It seemed like a pretty cut and dry idea in my head, but seeing the delivery again and how subtle, but endearing and painful Isamu and Guld's story is actually touched me a bit.

Seeing that Shoji Kawamori was the director of both this and Macross Zero actually made me realize the way that human emotion is expressed in this and Zero are pretty similar. Both had a song tied to this on-screen emotion: Voices being the obvious one for Plus and Arkan being the song for Zero. Both works also used a quick flashing of images from a person's life when things were beginning to overflow. A specifically effective use of this is when
we're brought to Guld's realization that he's been suppressing memories of raping Myung-- the one whom he and Isamu swore their lives to protect.
I guess I was a bit blindsided by how well the story was told.

The art and animation in Plus is superb. I had to keep pausing just because I wanted to get screen grabs of some of the finer backgrounds and cityscapes. Here's some notable ones:

It's really easy to recommend Macross Plus to just about anyone. To me, it really embodies some golden age quality. Go watch it if you haven't already.

Macross Zero, SDF Macross, Macross II and now Macross Plus. Guess It's time to try out Macross 7? I really have no idea about the rest.

Watch Do You Remember Love?!


Junior Member
I am watching this animu called Hagure Yuusha no Estetica and it's bad but damn if the MC isn't such a troll.

Gonna stick with it just for his master trolling.


HidaSketch x SP 1

Talk about long distance ownage! This episode felt far more energetic than usual, perhaps that's due to a higher budget as there was only two episodes for this OVA series. Still, it's pretty much the same ol' Hidamari Sketch! The new OP is one of the best out of all of em and the ED was also fairly charming (the first shortly followed by the second are my absolute favourites).
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