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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Are there any shows where a sister wants to fuck her sister?
that might be something.
This thread must scare the shit out of otherGAF.


Sucks at poetry
I never understood the idea of putting somebody on ignore. Doesn't seeing something that makes you rage, or recoil in disgust, just add to the experience? I'm trying to provide some of you people here a valuable service!


Sword Art Online - 18


Best part of the episode

Boring stuff all the way, the sister fanservice didn't to anything for me either, it just feels like the same stuff from the first arc is happening again. If I don't get some action soon I'm gonna flip out.


I'd make use of the Ignore function if it completely removed them instead of marking their posts with the tempting 'you have this guy ignored bro don't you want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' stuff.


Well I meant with a title/setup similar to the brotherfucker shows.
I know there have been examples but never a show dedicated to that idea in a harem setting....I dont think.


I never understood the idea of putting somebody on ignore. Doesn't seeing something that makes you rage, or recoil in disgust, just add to the experience? I'm trying to provide some of you people here a valuable service!

Your sacrifice has been noted.

*Dark Knight quote*

People arguing over a boring show followed by glorious bunnygirl discussion.
Basically nothing much.

I gleaned as much, although there were some interesting takes on Hyouka to be found. I found it compelling viewing personally, but it's perfectly understandable why some outright dislike it. After all, it's a show that practically dwells in the minutiae of everyday interactions, which can be exercise in frustration (for many)!

But that's maybe being a bit reductive about the scope of the whole thing, although I'm treading familiar ground at this point, so I'll stop.


Sucks at poetry

She makes a better March Hare.

You know, from that position you could totally see her ass from behind. Anime girls always do this, nobody would stick their ass out that far in a tiny skirt. They do this to me, and they don't even bother to show me the goods. UGGHggymq


I'd make use of the Ignore function if it completely removed them instead of marking their posts with the tempting 'you have this guy ignored bro don't you want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' stuff.

Surely, this is a sign that you should be living in a post-ignore world?


I never understood the idea of putting somebody on ignore. Doesn't seeing something that makes you rage, or recoil in disgust, just add to the experience? I'm trying to provide some of you people here a valuable service!

Ignore is no fun.
Its more interesting to simply annoy those people.
Within the scope of forum rules of course.

Your sacrifice has been noted.

*Dark Knight quote*

I gleaned as much, although there were some interesting takes on Hyouka to be found. I found it compelling viewing personally, but it's perfectly understandable why some outright dislike it. After all, it's a show that practically dwells in the minutiae of everyday interactions, which can be exercise in frustration (for many)!

But that's maybe being a bit reductive about the scope of the whole thing, although I'm treading familiar ground at this point, so I'll stop.

Im tsundere for Hyouka.
Its not bad really.
It was a bit boring but I got some enjoyment from it.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
You know, from that position you could totally see her ass from behind. Anime girls always do this, nobody would stick their ass out that far in a tiny skirt. They do this to me, and they don't even bother to show me the goods. UGGHggymq

Not like they have control of their assess.


I think the problem with Hyouka that I have is that it tried to drum up excitement with incredibly mundane situations.
Chitanda's curiosity was almost a vehicle to force the audience to care about mysteries that very few people would actually give a shit about.
A locked door? A wrong lesson plan?
Who gives a shit?


[From the New World] - 6
Luckily the writing itself hasn't declined in quality which should come as no surprise considering that it's (presumably) coming straight from the book which makes it a little bit harder to screw up.
Having read the first volume of the manga a few days ago
(... and SDBurton really should check it out, if you catch my drift)
, I'm not so sure anymore, actually... There are some pretty big differences.
Are both adaptations taking their own liberties, is one of them significantly closer to the novel... I have no idea. I'd try and check, but I'd rather avoid spoilers for the time being...

Not going to deal with the other criticisms right now, but if you finish the arc it actually answers those questions.
While it does tell us why Irisu didn't simply ask, I still wonder why the main cast didn't at least point that out in the first place...


Having read the first volume of the manga a few days ago
(... and SDBurton really should check it out, if you catch my drift)
, I'm not so sure anymore, actually... There are some pretty big differences.
Are both adaptations taking their own liberties, is one of them significantly closer to the novel... I have no idea. I'd try and check, but I'd rather avoid spoilers for the time being...
Well I assume that there has to be some differences from the original source material to allow it to work as episodes of a TV series considering how different both mediums are.


[Shin Sekai yori]
Well I assume that there has to be some differences from the original source material to allow it to work as episodes of a TV series considering how different both mediums are.
Pretty big ones, here, though. For example, the manga's version of the recent developments:
no info dump about the old world or genetic manipulations at all, no monk showing up, the kids don't lose their powers, they're attacked by the foreign bakenezumi but are not separated, they all reach Squealer's colony together...


Hunter x Hunter 2011 54

This episode was awesome. They handled everything from the reunion to
Hisoka's bastardry
and the predictions perfectly. The scene with
the text message
was simply sublime in its execution and even surpassed one of my all-time favourite moments in the original adaptation. Even the animation stood out as the most mundane things like the talking heads, eating food, and even handing pieces of paper to each other were animated incredibly lively throughout the entire episode. Great stuff.



I liked it. The art got a bit messy at time, but it was really stylish through and the acting and music were great.

Also, I never realized this movie had such an A-tier voice cast. Misato Fuuken, Miyuki Sawashiro, Fumihiko Tachiki, Keiji Fujiwara, and more? Damn.


Sometimes, there are moments when I sit and realize... I just jerked off to something that another guy made, for me to jerk off to...


I will say, it's far more awkward realizing someone jerked off to something you made than realizing who made what you jerked off to. Especially when it isn't intended to be porn.


I know a girl who fingered herself to a drawing I made.
She told me as such.
To be fair, it was an art request.
I suppose that is a bit awkward when I really think about it.


It was a zombie catgirl.
It came out particularly attractive.
She does lean that way.
I dont have that picture online though.
I gave it to her to keep.
But anyway she is a bit crazy and has no problem admitting such things.
I guess I have some interesting friends.


It was a zombie catgirl.
It came out particularly attractive.
She does lean that way.
I dont have that picture online though.
I gave it to her to keep.
But anyway she is a bit crazy and has no problem admitting such things.
I guess I have some interesting friends.
draw from memory and post it


Hyouka 7-8

So I picked up Hyouka again after dropping it awhile ago. I know that this part of the series isn't the strongest, but I just don't see myself ever really enjoying this show.

First off, I didn't find it boring or slow-paced. And neither of these things would be strikes against it for me. I consider myself a connoisseur of all things boring and slow-paced. In both these episodes, in fact, I found both these episodes too fast-paced, with too many cuts. They were telling low-stake, everyday-life stories at the pace of a serious drama, as if the actions shown were supposed to have the impact of a serious drama. This out of whack relationship between form and subject matter is really my main complaint against the show. The mysteries were another part where the tone taken just seemed off to me. I didn't mind that the mysteries chosen were banal. I can see how this is a show about those banal moments. But when you treat them like matters of great importance, and expect the audience to feel likewise, your efforts are bound to fail.

I don't agree with all of your criticism (in fact, with some of the critiques, I'm kind of curious what standard you're using for this show), but I think this is actually a pretty valuable insight.

In pretty much every episode of Hyouka (at least in the early going and the final run), a problem arises early on in the episode, and it's solved by the end. The structure isn't all that different from any sort of mystery serial. If you compare the pace at which Psycho-Pass resolves its cases, for example, it's basically the same as Hyouka.

The difference is that Psycho-Pass is a sci-fi show where there are criminals and murderers and there are future guns and stuff, while Hyouka is about a locked door or a teacher's mistake or a student film. These mundane mysteries are treated with as much urgency (and paced as quickly) as matters of life or death.

I think that most of the cases are handled as well as one could want. The presentation is absolutely top-notch. But if the viewer doesn't really care about the case itself, then it's boring to watch, no matter how well it's directed and animated. I think it's totally fair to argue that the writing doesn't give the viewer reason to invest their interest in the events onscreen. Maybe that's an impossible task.

I enjoyed Hyouka (I'm not as enthusiastic about it as some here seem to be), but the characters were always what came first. The mysteries drove events forward, but the most interesting thing about the show was how everyone reacted to the mystery itself, the process of solving it, and whatever the solution turned out to be. Part of what made the festival arc so strong is that those early episodes weren't about any mystery at all. Just watching the characters do their thing and deal with whatever personal problems they encountered was more fulfilling to me than seeing Oreki deal with whatever curiosity Chitanda had in her mind.

Now that I think about it, curly, would you say that you would have preferred it if the show were more slice-of-life (i.e. about nothing), with less focus on mysteries?


I suppose I could draw something similar but sure as hell not post it here.
Google would not approve.
But if I do redraw it I guess I could link to it in IRC. I owe you guys.


The Pet Girl of Sakura Hall 3-4

Episode 3 and 4 brought in some embarrassingly stupid moments and managed to get me to dislike Sorata somewhat. He acted like a cretin more than once, though at least in the end he redeemed himself.

Another aspect I've liked of the show so far is that there is only one girl that has feeling for the dumb guy, while the other only has an interest of sort (which will become something more, I'm sure).


The Pet Girl of Sakura Hall 3-4

Episode 3 and 4 brought in some embarrassingly stupid moments and managed to get me to dislike Sorata somewhat. He acted like a cretin more than once, though at least in the end he redeemed himself.

Another aspect I've liked of the show so far is that there is only one girl that has feeling for the dumb guy, while the other only has an interest of sort (which will become something more, I'm sure).

Genki anime designer makes the whole show worth it.
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