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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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The next Casanova


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
No, no, no, no. Bad, Bad Badhouse. You cannot reprobate
while hand-waving
looking at a girl's panties
just because the latter is done by your protagonist. What the fuck is wrong with you? Shit like this is why anime is in the state it is.

I wanna vomit all my dinner now.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but most of my art club squad seems to love Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari.

One of my girls got really excited when I mentioned enjoying Toradora!. Warm fuzzies were had.

Also, why am I still watching K-On!! ? OTL

The youth of Japan has been corrupted by SHAFT :(


Magi 6

Mor owning the shit outta everything = best episode ever. It's nice that they finally introduced the two merchants but it also reminded me of just how perfect the first chapter would've been for an opening episode. ;_; Oh well, they did change some things like how the shackles were broken but this actually helped the ebb and flow of the overall scene, I just wish I could say the same for most of the changes in this show. :(

Yoshino's writing the next one right? If he is then he better not fuck up Sinbad's intro.
i'm sure he will :(

Probably highlights the difference between exciting ways to portray things in sequential art vs animation.
I don't see why they couldn't just do an up-close slow-mo cut of the slap coming outta nowhere pulling back to reveal that scene. It'd perfectly capture both the tonal shift of the panel and just how memorable it was which would've been far better than what we got.

No, no, no, no. Bad, Bad Badhouse. You cannot reprobate
while hand-waving
looking at a girl's panties
just because the latter is done by your protagonist. What the fuck is wrong with you? Shit like this is why anime is in the state it is.

I wanna vomit all my dinner now.

Blame the manga for that, not Madhouse. This is a totally straight adaptation with a bit of event shuffling.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't like this tag elitism here. Think about the rest of us chumps.
The member tag is still a tag. Just a smelly one.
Blame the manga for that, not Madhouse. This is a totally straight adaptation with a bit of event shuffling.
They could have chosen not to adapt this. It's not like they didn't have a choice!
Bad Mangaka doesn't have the same ring as Badhouse.


So apparently the Star Driver movie will be 150 minutes?

too much fabulous in one sitting?

Perhaps they just don't have any good idea how to chop up the content of a 25 episode show into one movie? Considering the repetition you wouldn't think that it would be that difficult.
Infinite Ryvius 24

As the show draws towards its conclusion, I'm driven to reflect on just how well it has handled a fairly expansive cast. Of course there have been a few characters who have slipped through the cracks, but a good number have well-developed motivations and multi-faceted personalities, consistently developed throughout the series. The various circumstances they've gone through on board the Ryvius have brought out the best and worst in many of them. The case of Cliff, who
started out as a thug who used her sex appeal to bewitch others but now is stepping up and using her training to save someone else's life
, or Lucson, who
lost his head when leader of Zwei due to extreme prime and short-sightedness but now is able to keep it after being abandoned by most of the other students
: when put under pressure the human spirit can easily go either way. What a strange and curious thing we humans are.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Code:Breaker 05

You know what's the quickest way to create some shock value and and break someone's morality compass? Why,
kill some children
, of course!

To be fair, the fight sequence was awesome.


Persona 4:The Animation

The gang's all here
While I'll technically be talking about the whole series here, I had watched the majority when it was still on the air. Golden's imminent release made me remember that I forgot to watch the last 5 episodes. Particularly nuts as I have a deep personal attachment to the game.

Overall, I think the adaptation was as good as it could be, given the circumstances. The task laid in front of them seemed almost insurmountable. To tackle a deep, dense 80+hour JRPG in only 26 episodes is a fool's errand, but I'm glad what we got on screen was surprisingly faithful. Sure, a lot of my favorite plot points got condensed or cut and that lessened their impact, but it's to be expected of any adaptation.

To list out my complaints first, I feel the series starts way slower than it needs to. The pace of those first few episodes can be agonizingly slow. They don't seem to grant Yu any sort of personality until you get 8 or so episodes in. He's a blank slate, like in the game, but since you aren't the player projecting on to him, he just feels empty. The animation ranges from pretty good to awful. Battles feel truncated. It's amazing that I feel some of the turn based battles from the game feel more dynamic and interesting than their animated counterparts.

A small nitpick more than anything, I don't like the choices of Yu's personas. I get why they pick the ones they do, but I feel like they're some of the most boring designs the game has to offer. Not to mention that none of them gets their time to shine. You never really experience what makes each one different or original. They just appear to get the team out of a jam.

I also don't feel certain moments are given time to sink in and land. Part of what makes the game so good is how each character grows and develops. Sadly, most of that has to be truncated here and you certainly feel it. It's not a deal breaker, but as a fan of the game it can make the show feel a bit off.

One thing I really want to give the show credit for is how it handled the last 1/3 or so. I think it's BS to restrict the "true" ending to a home media release, but from a story and pacing perspective the back part of the series is top notch. The manage to get in all the important bits and give them time to land. They even added optional stuff I did not expect, like the battle with
. They didn't need to do that, but it was a really neat touch. The way they handle the story of the true end in general was very well done. Also, the way they gave the main cast their Ultimate Personas was good, seeing as they didn't have time to deliver them the way the game did.

Overall, it's a fantastic show. Sure, most of that is due to the amazing cast, which remains the greatest video game cast of all time in my opinion. Even if it loses some intangible things in translation, the core is still there and still super poignant and amazing. If the rumor of the P3 adaptation being a film is true, I'm really worried about that. P3 is even denser than P4 and I feel they barely held on with P4A as a full show. I see no way P3 gets a satisfying adaptation as a single film, but we'll see.


If the rumor of the P3 adaptation being a film is true, I'm really worried about that. P3 is even denser than P4 and I feel they barely held on with P4A as a full show. I see no way P3 gets a satisfying adaptation as a single film, but we'll see.

Well that part is definitely true as far as I'm aware. The main rumor is that there could be more than one film for P3.

It's been like over 2 months since the last update from the twitter account. :(


Canaan - Episode 1-13

I decided to make a sacrifice and revisit the first TV series directed by Masahiro Ando. I knew it was kinda hurt, but it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting. That's not to say it's a good show, but I think there are a few points worth talking about.

Let's get all the bad stuff out of the way. This is a rather poor action thriller, with really ugly character designs, sloppy production values, and mostly cheap and unfulfilling. There's a constant flat visual tone, similar to most PA Works productions. The color design is also consistently poor, with most scenes looking washed out and rather monotonous.

The writing and scenario work is also pretty weak. This is a show about bio-terrorism, politics, mercenaries, and a number of other really interesting subjects, and there's a rather large cast of characters all with their own personalities, pasts, and secrets. Yet the show fails to really make any of these themes or characters feel meaningful or exciting. It's really quite a wasted opportunity.

So with all that negativity dragging this show down, what exactly is interesting about it? Well for starters, Ando is still a damn good director. He knows how to create impressive action set pieces, he can create layouts which are interesting to watch - at the very least for a moment - even if the content is sub-par, and he knows how to keep a brisk pace going throughout the series such that it never feels too draggy or static.

Yeah well, that's about it. The show has some really nice flashes of action, and interesting locations throughout the series, but it is a pity that it never does anything worthwhile with it. If the themes of wanting to belong, needed human companionship, and the horrors of war and human experimentation were explored in a way which felt more meaningful, this had the potential for something much better. Unfortunately much of it is shallow and simply an excuse in the premise for things to happen.

My favorite moments of the show are probably the quick and sudden action cuts which occur during key scenes throughout the show. It's a hallmark of the sort of action I expect from Ando these days, judging from Sword of the Stranger, Canaan, and Zetsuen no Tempest. The way he directs close-ups is extremely impressive and effective, because it remains so clear and concise even when the movements are complex sudden movements taking place over 3-4 quick camera cuts. People getting disarmed in this manner is especially satisfying to watch because of how visceral it feels.

Overall it's really hard to recommend this show to anyone except those looking for any sort of action anime, after having watched all the better ones out there. It's not a complete waste of time at all, but it's just not good. It's not something you can get much from watching clips from it either, since the animation isn't that great either, but the scenes work well when taken as a whole with the pace of entire episode in mind.


tl;dr: This is a bad show by a good director, thank the Lord it was produced by a scrub studio like PA Works instead of wasting the time and talent of better animators on such weak material.


I think the only people in the entire world who hate the Persona 4 adaptation are AnimeGAF regulars.

As one of the biggest Persona 4 fans around, I was all set to hate it, but I didn't. It's not perfect, it just can't be. It's as close as possible to it in anime form. The only way I could personally see them doing better would be by adding 5-8 episodes to give them some breathing room. Even with that, a perfect adaptation of the game is impossible.

Well that part is definitely true as far as I'm aware. The main rumor is that there could be more than one film for P3.

It's been like over 2 months since the last update from the twitter account. :(

That's sad. Even as multiple films, I see no way that works. We'll see. Maybe if they cut all the extra stuff out and stick to the main story. It would lose a lot, but it may work out. I won't judge it until I get a chance to watch it myself.

Ive seen people in my city looking through the anime sections and suddenly squee out loud and grab the Persona anime dvds.
This has happened twice.

This will make me sound like a hipster asshole, but whatever. I don't know how to feel about P4's huge spike in popularity. I guess I liked it before it was "cool". For the first year or so, when I mentioned it no one even knew what it was. Now it's a massive sensation among quite a large group. It's still niche, but that niche is massive.


It's really ugly and shoddily produced, though.

I would totally have watched the rest of it if it had shipped harder. No shame.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
As one of the biggest Persona 4 fans around, I was all set to hate it, but I didn't It's not perfect, it just can't be. It's as close as possible to it in anime form. The only way I could personally see them doing better would be by adding 5-8 episodes to give them some breathing room. Even with that, a perfect adaptation of the game is impossible.
It's about as close as you are ever gonna get to a faithful adaptation of a sixty-hour JRPG. I commend it for that.
It's really ugly and shoddily produced, though.


It's really ugly and shoddily produced, though.

I would totally have watched the rest of it if it had shipped harder. No shame.

It has it's moments. Most of the time, it looks alright. The battles just look so boring. That's the biggest offense of all from a visual standpoint.

Honestly, I'm glad they avoided any of the relationship stuff. The nerd fights any "canon" ships would cause would be unbearable. Heck, just giving the MC a name has made the P4 community really annoying.

I forgot to mention the music, it's still fantastic. P4's soundtrack is one of the only game soundtracks I listen to on a regular basis. The slight tweaks and new additions all fit right in. Love it all.


Yeah I definitely give the Persona 4 anime credit for being a really faithful adaption and I certainly did like the personality they gave the MC.

Just pleaaaaaaaase let the P3 movie get better treatment because damn the show was ugly.


Yeah I definitely give the Persona 4 anime credit for being a really faithful adaption and I certainly did like the personality they gave the MC.

Just pleaaaaaaaase let the P3 movie get better treatment because damn the show was ugly.

To be fair, that's all from the true ending which looked way worse than the rest of the series. That's not saying it looked good, but I found it at least bearable most of the time.
see what I did there?

The episode where Charlie maxes out a fuckton of social links is the best thing ever!
I meant the girlfriend relationships. The S.Link stuff, especially the episode you mentioned, was magical given the time they had to do it.


It has it's moments. Most of the time, it looks alright. The battles just look so boring. That's the biggest offense of all from a visual standpoint.

Honestly, I'm glad they avoided any of the relationship stuff. The nerd fights any "canon" ships would cause would be unbearable. Heck, just giving the MC a name has made the P4 community really annoying.

I forgot to mention the music, it's still fantastic. P4's soundtrack is one of the only game soundtracks I listen to on a regular basis. The slight tweaks and new additions all fit right in. Love it all.

The P4 community is like that already! lol.

Honestly playing through the story stuff in P4A made me realize that I don't care for the property anymore. Funny how a game I played for extended fanservice made me care less about it in the end.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I meant the girlfriend relationships. The S.Link stuff, especially the episode you mentioned, was magical given the time they had to do it.
Mysterious Fox > Nurse > Milf > Chie > Rise > Ai > Naoto > Drama girl > Gilf > Music girl > Yosuke > Yukikikiko
The P4 community is like that already! lol.

Honestly playing through the story stuff in P4A made me realize that I don't care for the property anymore. Funny how a game I played for extended fanservice made me care less about it in the end.
Was it that bad?


The P4 community is like that already! lol.

Honestly playing through the story stuff in P4A made me realize that I don't care for the property anymore. Funny how a game I played for extended fanservice made me care less about it in the end.

I'd rather they not have more ammo, haha. The girlfriend stuff is such a small piece of that game. The fact it gets such a large focus is super sad.

Honestly, I loved P4A. Some of the fan service stuff was awful. They removed a lot of personality from some of the characters like Kanji and Chie just to fit in some jokes. Still, I love that world and Labrys is a great addition. That being said, I cannot wait for P5 with a all new setting and cast. I've gotten my mileage out of this cast. I wouldn't mind seeing another fighting game, but no more long JRPG please.

Mysterious Fox > Nurse > Milf > Chie > Rise > Ai > Naoto > Drama girl > Gilf > Music girl > Yosuke > Yukikikiko

But.......but......but I love Yukikio. She's adorable.
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